* documentElement may be overwritten right after iframe was initialized with contentDocument.write() and due to this change being external it's not reported in our existing rewrite observer so we enqueue an additional check using setTimeout(0). * match_about_blank in manifest.json is back * iframes with src = about: or javascript: don't have a proper URL when our content script runs so we get the real URL from the parent window * minor refactoring
384 lines
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384 lines
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/* global getDatabase, getStyles, saveStyle, reportError, invalidateCache */
'use strict';
chrome.webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate.addListener(data => {
webNavigationListener(null, data);
chrome.webNavigation.onCommitted.addListener(data => {
webNavigationListener('styleApply', data);
chrome.webNavigation.onHistoryStateUpdated.addListener(data => {
webNavigationListener('styleReplaceAll', data);
chrome.webNavigation.onReferenceFragmentUpdated.addListener(data => {
webNavigationListener('styleReplaceAll', data);
function webNavigationListener(method, data) {
getStyles({matchUrl: data.url, enabled: true, asHash: true}, styles => {
// we can't inject chrome:// and chrome-extension:// pages
// so we'll only inform our page of the change
// and it'll retrieve the styles directly
if (method && !data.url.startsWith('chrome:') && data.tabId >= 0) {
const isOwnPage = data.url.startsWith(URLS.ownOrigin);
{method, styles: isOwnPage ? 'DIY' : styles},
{frameId: data.frameId});
// main page frame id is 0
if (data.frameId == 0) {
updateIcon({id: data.tabId, url: data.url}, styles);
// messaging
function onRuntimeMessage(request, sender, sendResponse) {
switch (request.method) {
case 'getStyles':
getStyles(request, styles => {
// check if this is a main content frame style enumeration
if (request.matchUrl && !request.id
&& sender && sender.tab && sender.frameId == 0
&& sender.tab.url == request.matchUrl) {
updateIcon(sender.tab, styles);
case 'saveStyle':
case 'invalidateCache':
invalidateCache(false, request);
case 'healthCheck':
() => sendResponse(true),
() => sendResponse(false));
case 'prefChanged':
for (var prefName in request.prefs) { // eslint-disable-line no-var
if (prefName in contextMenus) { // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define
chrome.contextMenus.update(prefName, {
checked: request.prefs[prefName],
}, ignoreChromeError);
// commands (global hotkeys)
const browserCommands = {
openManage() {
openURL({url: '/manage.html'});
styleDisableAll(state) {
typeof state == 'boolean' ? state : !prefs.get('disableAll'));
// Not available in Firefox - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1240350
if ('commands' in chrome) {
chrome.commands.onCommand.addListener(command => browserCommands[command]());
// context menus
// eslint-disable-next-line no-var
var contextMenus = {
'show-badge': {
title: 'menuShowBadge',
click: info => prefs.set(info.menuItemId, info.checked),
'disableAll': {
title: 'disableAllStyles',
click: browserCommands.styleDisableAll,
'open-manager': {
title: 'openStylesManager',
click: browserCommands.openManage,
// detect browsers without Delete by looking at the end of UA string
// Google Chrome: Safari/#
// but skip CentBrowser: Safari/# plus Shockwave Flash in plugins
// Vivaldi: Vivaldi/#
if (/Vivaldi\/[\d.]+$/.test(navigator.userAgent)
|| /Safari\/[\d.]+$/.test(navigator.userAgent)
&& !Array.from(navigator.plugins).some(p => p.name == 'Shockwave Flash')) {
contextMenus.editDeleteText = {
title: 'editDeleteText',
contexts: ['editable'],
documentUrlPatterns: [URLS.ownOrigin + 'edit*'],
click: (info, tab) => {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tab.id, {method: 'editDeleteText'});
chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener((info, tab) =>
contextMenus[info.menuItemId].click(info, tab));
Object.keys(contextMenus).forEach(id => {
const item = Object.assign({id}, contextMenus[id]);
const prefValue = prefs.readOnlyValues[id];
const isBoolean = typeof prefValue == 'boolean';
item.title = chrome.i18n.getMessage(item.title);
if (isBoolean) {
item.type = 'checkbox';
item.checked = prefValue;
if (!item.contexts) {
item.contexts = ['browser_action'];
delete item.click;
chrome.contextMenus.create(item, ignoreChromeError);
// Get the DB so that any first run actions will be performed immediately
// when the background page loads.
getDatabase(function() {}, reportError);
// When an edit page gets attached or detached, remember its state
// so we can do the same to the next one to open.
const editFullUrl = URLS.ownOrigin + 'edit.html';
chrome.tabs.onAttached.addListener((tabId, data) => {
chrome.tabs.get(tabId, tabData => {
if (tabData.url.startsWith(editFullUrl)) {
chrome.windows.get(tabData.windowId, {populate: true}, win => {
// If there's only one tab in this window, it's been dragged to new window
prefs.set('openEditInWindow', win.tabs.length == 1);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-var
var codeMirrorThemes;
getCodeMirrorThemes().then(themes => {
codeMirrorThemes = themes;
// do not use prefs.get('version', null) as it might not yet be available
chrome.storage.local.get('version', prefs => {
// Open FAQs page once after installation to guide new users,
// https://github.com/schomery/stylish-chrome/issues/22#issuecomment-279936160
if (!prefs.version) {
// do not display the FAQs page in development mode
if ('update_url' in chrome.runtime.getManifest()) {
const version = chrome.runtime.getManifest().version;
chrome.storage.local.set({version}, () => {
window.setTimeout(() => {
url: `http://add0n.com/stylus.html?version=${version}&type=install`
}, 3000);
function injectContentScripts() {
// expand * as .*?
const wildcardAsRegExp = (s, flags) =>
new RegExp(s.replace(/[{}()[\]/\\.+?^$:=!|]/g, '\\$&').replace(/\*/g, '.*?'), flags);
const contentScripts = chrome.runtime.getManifest().content_scripts;
for (const cs of contentScripts) {
cs.matches = cs.matches.map(m => (
m == '<all_urls>' ? m : wildcardAsRegExp(m)
chrome.tabs.query({}, tabs => {
for (const tab of tabs) {
for (const cs of contentScripts) {
for (const m of cs.matches) {
if ((m == '<all_urls>' || tab.url.match(m))
&& (!tab.url.startsWith('chrome') || tab.url == 'chrome://newtab/')) {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tab.id, {method: 'ping'}, pong => {
if (!pong) {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tab.id, {
file: cs.js[0],
runAt: cs.run_at,
allFrames: cs.all_frames,
matchAboutBlank: cs.match_about_blank,
}, ignoreChromeError);
// inject the content script just once
function refreshAllTabs() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
// list all tabs including chrome-extension:// which can be ours
chrome.tabs.query({}, tabs => {
const lastTab = tabs[tabs.length - 1];
for (const tab of tabs) {
getStyles({matchUrl: tab.url, enabled: true, asHash: true}, styles => {
const message = {method: 'styleReplaceAll', styles};
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tab.id, message);
updateIcon(tab, styles);
if (tab == lastTab) {
function updateIcon(tab, styles) {
// while NTP is still loading only process the request for its main frame with a real url
// (but when it's loaded we should process style toggle requests from popups, for example)
const isNTP = tab.url == 'chrome://newtab/';
if (isNTP && tab.status != 'complete' || tab.id < 0) {
if (styles) {
// check for not-yet-existing tabs e.g. omnibox instant search
chrome.tabs.get(tab.id, () => {
if (!chrome.runtime.lastError) {
if (isNTP) {
getTabRealURL(tab).then(url =>
getStyles({matchUrl: url, enabled: true, asHash: true}, stylesReceived));
} else {
getStyles({matchUrl: tab.url, enabled: true, asHash: true}, stylesReceived);
function stylesReceived(styles) {
let numStyles = styles.length;
if (numStyles === undefined) {
// for 'styles' asHash:true fake the length by counting numeric ids manually
numStyles = 0;
for (const id of Object.keys(styles)) {
numStyles += id.match(/^\d+$/) ? 1 : 0;
const disableAll = 'disableAll' in styles ? styles.disableAll : prefs.get('disableAll');
const postfix = disableAll ? 'x' : numStyles == 0 ? 'w' : '';
const color = prefs.get(disableAll ? 'badgeDisabled' : 'badgeNormal');
const text = prefs.get('show-badge') && numStyles ? String(numStyles) : '';
tabId: tab.id,
path: {
// Material Design 2016 new size is 16px
16: `images/icon/16${postfix}.png`,
32: `images/icon/32${postfix}.png`,
// Chromium forks or non-chromium browsers may still use the traditional 19px
19: `images/icon/19${postfix}.png`,
38: `images/icon/38${postfix}.png`,
// TODO: add Edge preferred sizes: 20, 25, 30, 40
}, () => {
if (!chrome.runtime.lastError) {
// Vivaldi bug workaround: setBadgeText must follow setBadgeBackgroundColor
chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text, tabId: tab.id});
function getCodeMirrorThemes() {
if (!chrome.runtime.getPackageDirectoryEntry) {
return Promise.resolve([
return new Promise(resolve => {
chrome.runtime.getPackageDirectoryEntry(rootDir => {
rootDir.getDirectory('codemirror/theme', {create: false}, themeDir => {
themeDir.createReader().readEntries(entries => {
entries.filter(entry => entry.isFile)
.sort((a, b) => (a.name < b.name ? -1 : 1))
.map(entry => entry.name.replace(/\.css$/, ''))