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49 lines
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"name": "Stylus",
"version": "1.5.28",
"description": "Redesign the web with Stylus, a user styles manager",
"license": "GPL-3.0-only",
"repository": "openstyles/stylus",
"author": "Stylus Team",
"dependenciesNotes": {
"codemirror": "WARNING! Always use an exact version and test it for a while before releasing"
"dependencies": {
"@eight04/draggable-list": "^0.3.0",
"codemirror": "5.65.8",
"db-to-cloud": "^0.7.0",
"jsonlint": "^1.6.3",
"less-bundle": "github:openstyles/less-bundle#v0.1.0",
"lz-string-unsafe": "^1.4.4-fork-1",
"stylelint-bundle": "^14.9.1-fixup",
"stylus-lang-bundle": "^0.58.1",
"usercss-meta": "^0.12.0",
"webext-launch-web-auth-flow": "^0.1.1"
"devDependencies": {
"archiver": "^5.3.1",
"eslint": "^8.21.0",
"fs-extra": "^10.1.0",
"glob": "^8.0.3",
"node-fetch": "^2.6.7",
"sync-version": "^1.0.1",
"web-ext": "^7.2.0"
"scripts": {
"lint": "eslint \"**/*.js\" --cache",
"test": "node tools/test.js && npm run lint",
"update-locales": "tx pull --all && node tools/fix-transifex.js",
"update-transifex": "tx push -s",
"build-vendor": "node tools/build-vendor",
"zip": "npm test && node tools/zip.js",
"start": "web-ext run",
"start-chrome": "web-ext run -t chromium",
"preversion": "npm test",
"version": "sync-version manifest.json && git add .",
"postversion": "npm run zip && git push --follow-tags"
"engines": {
"node": ">=10.0.0"