* Advanced options toggle
Whole div is clickable. Arrows to indicate functions. I went with carets and centered collapsed text, but we can use different arrow and/or keep the text to the left.
* advanced options toggle
* advanced options toggle
* Only apply to Chrome
* Delete options.css
* Delete options.js
* Only apply to Chrome
* Only apply to Chrome
* Fix label
* Fix label again
* Chrome has a hardcoded limit for the options dialog height at 640px
and it's better to avoid the vertical scrollbar on smaller displays
* Chrome users are less likely to change the weird stuff we have there
* saveStyle: retain only known properties in sections[] and normalize their order
* remove styleDigest on import
* shorten detailed status names in updater
* don't autohide update status message
* localStorage cache is faster than chrome.i18n.get
* TreeWalker is faster than tHTML for removing extraneous whitespace
* simple for() is faster than for-of with [...iterable]
To prevent cross-page leaks we need to create/copy prefs and cachedStyles inside the background page context.
* storage.js is now used only in the background page
* messaging.js now contains less bg-specific methods and more common methods. Added saveStyleSafe, deleteStyleSafe which automatically invoke onRuntimeMessage of the current page or just handleUpdate/handleDelete when notify:false
* prefs.js with 'prefs' for background and UI pages: separate objects because a UI page may load before the background page and it can read prefs from localStorage/sync/defaults
* [x] show badge with active styles count
* [x] styles on top in the popup
* Simplify since we use a persistent background page so it's always there for us
* Enforce 200-800px range for the popup width option
* faster search via cachedStyles.byId
* faster restoration of search results on history nav
* style name is clickable and opens the editor
* animated highlight of style element on update/add/save
* expandable extra applies-to targets
* remember scroll position on normal history navigation
* boz-sizing in #header, also in editor
* applies-to targets use structured markup
* get*Tab*, enableStyle and deleteStyle are promisified