* localStorage cache is faster than chrome.i18n.get
* TreeWalker is faster than tHTML for removing extraneous whitespace
* simple for() is faster than for-of with [...iterable]
* Now filtering is done in js
* Visible entries are always at the beginning of #installed
* Hidden entries are always at the end of #installed
* The code tries to minimize DOM reordering operations:
* First pass only moves one hidden entry in hidden groups with odd number of items.
* Second [full] pass runs after repaint.
+ 1.5x speedup thanks to checkedInB memoization
+ more strict type comparison
+ two-way array comparison (more correct, even if there's no practical difference)
We already have full access to all sites via our content script so this permission doesn't add anything new but we need it to be able to establish page connection via tabs.executeScript when the extension is installed, reloaded, re-enabled.
<all_urls> also allows file:// URLs unlike *://*/* used previously. Of course it requires the corresponding checkbox being enabled on chrome://extensions page.
chrome://favicon doesn't indicate an icon is missing in any way, it simply shows a placeholder instead. It also doesn't extrapolate from sub-pages so `example.com` won't have a favicon even if `example.com/subpage` has one.
apply/popup/manage use only meta for these two methods,
editor may need the full code but can fetch it directly,
so we send just the meta to avoid spamming lots of tabs with huge styles
We don't mention the G+ iframe on CWS stylable only when "Out of process iframes" feature is enabled which can be set manually via chrome://flags/#enable-site-per-process. It's still in development and is known to break some sites, which is why it's not enabled by default.
Chrome can't executeScript on file:// URLs even though we have <all_urls> in manifest.json so on such pages we'll display a warning in the popup. This should only happen when Stylus is [re]enabled/reloaded.