* full rewrite of colorview.js to make it 10-100 times faster (render on demand via extendMode)
* full rewrite of colorpicker.js to simplify CSS
* automatic light/dark theme based on current color of the editor
* fixes, tweaks, speedups
* color spot will always be on the left of its text i.e. no line break on wrapping
* support #RRGGBBAA and #RGBA hex colors
* support "transparent" as rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
* HEX/hex toggle
* fix HSLA regexp
* Esc/Enter key to close
* innerHTML -> textContent
* toggle the feature correctly
* fade out before autohiding
* always show alpha 1 like devtools does
* set cursor:pointer only on the clickable part of the sliders
* bigger color format switcher with a tooltip
* autofocus input on open, disable spellcheck
* try not to obscure the source color spot & text
* restore focus without scrolling
* all lint-related js files are prefixed by lint-
* config-related stuff is grouped in linterConfig
* CM helper is rewritten and moved in /edit now that CSSLint supports these features
* chromeSync methods that apply LZString got LZ in their names
* empty string is used for 'disabled' in linter selector