update locales

This commit is contained in:
tophf 2018-01-06 10:42:12 +03:00
parent 385dda9923
commit eb426f6ee3
19 changed files with 90 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -936,6 +936,10 @@
"message": "Füge den importierten Style an den aktuellen", "message": "Füge den importierten Style an den aktuellen",
"description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections" "description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections"
}, },
"liveReloadInstallHint": {
"message": "Echtzeitaktualisierung ist aktiviert, sodass die Darstellung des jeweiligen Styles automatisch aktualisiert wird, wenn externe Änderungen erfolgen.",
"description": "The label of live-reload feature"
"editorStylesButton": { "editorStylesButton": {
"message": "Editor Styles finden", "message": "Editor Styles finden",
"description": "Find styles for the editor" "description": "Find styles for the editor"

View File

@ -19,14 +19,26 @@
"message": "Ekspordi stiilid", "message": "Ekspordi stiilid",
"description": "" "description": ""
}, },
"sortStylesHelpTitle": {
"message": "Järjesta sisu",
"description": "Label for the sort info popup on the Manage styles page"
"manageOnlyUsercss": { "manageOnlyUsercss": {
"message": "Ainult Usercss stiilid", "message": "Ainult Usercss stiilid",
"description": "Checkbox to show only Usercss styles" "description": "Checkbox to show only Usercss styles"
}, },
"sortLabelTitleAsc": {
"message": "Pealkiri tõusvas järjestuses",
"description": "Text added to option group to indicate a block of options that apply a title ascending (A to Z) sort"
"optionsUpdateInterval": { "optionsUpdateInterval": {
"message": "Kasutajastiilide automaatse uuendamise ajavahe (keelamiseks pane 0)", "message": "Kasutajastiilide automaatse uuendamise ajavahe (keelamiseks pane 0)",
"description": "" "description": ""
}, },
"sortDateOldestFirst": {
"message": "vanemad eespool",
"description": "Text added to indicate that sorting a date would add the oldest entries at the top"
"styleEnabledToggleHint": { "styleEnabledToggleHint": {
"message": "Vajuta Alt-Enter, et lülitada ümber lubatud/keelatud olek ja salvestada stiil", "message": "Vajuta Alt-Enter, et lülitada ümber lubatud/keelatud olek ja salvestada stiil",
"description": "Help text for the '[x] enable' checkbox in the editor" "description": "Help text for the '[x] enable' checkbox in the editor"
@ -281,6 +293,10 @@
} }
} }
}, },
"searchNumberOfResults2": {
"message": "Vasteid koodis ja rakendub-üksuste väärtustes",
"description": "Tooltip for the number of found search results in the editor shown on Ctrl-F"
"linterIssuesHelp": { "linterIssuesHelp": {
"message": "$link$ leidis need vead:", "message": "$link$ leidis need vead:",
"description": "Help popup message for the selected CSS linter issues block on the style edit page", "description": "Help popup message for the selected CSS linter issues block on the style edit page",
@ -322,6 +338,10 @@
"message": "Stylus saab ligi pääseda file:// URLidele ainult siis, kui märgistad vastava kasti Stylus laiendusel chrome://extensions lehel", "message": "Stylus saab ligi pääseda file:// URLidele ainult siis, kui märgistad vastava kasti Stylus laiendusel chrome://extensions lehel",
"description": "Note in the toolbar popup for file:// URLs" "description": "Note in the toolbar popup for file:// URLs"
}, },
"sortLabel": {
"message": "Vali, milline järjestus installitud stiilidele rakendada",
"description": "Title on the sort select to indicate it is used for sorting entries"
"disableStyleLabel": { "disableStyleLabel": {
"message": "Keela", "message": "Keela",
"description": "Label for the button to disable a style" "description": "Label for the button to disable a style"
@ -485,6 +505,10 @@
"message": "Luba/keela stiil", "message": "Luba/keela stiil",
"description": "Label for the checkbox to enable/disable a style" "description": "Label for the checkbox to enable/disable a style"
}, },
"searchNumberOfResults": {
"message": "Vastete arv",
"description": "Tooltip for the number of found search results in the editor shown on Ctrl-F"
"importReplaceTooltip": { "importReplaceTooltip": {
"message": "Tühista praeguse stiili sisu ja kirjuta see üle imporditud stiiliga", "message": "Tühista praeguse stiili sisu ja kirjuta see üle imporditud stiiliga",
"description": "Label for the button to import and overwrite current style" "description": "Label for the button to import and overwrite current style"
@ -553,6 +577,10 @@
"message": "Rakendub saitidele", "message": "Rakendub saitidele",
"description": "Label for 'applies to' fields on the edit/add screen" "description": "Label for 'applies to' fields on the edit/add screen"
}, },
"sortLabelTitleDesc": {
"message": "Pealkiri laskuvas järjestuses",
"description": "Text added to option group to indicate a block of options that apply a title descending (Z to A) sort"
"openOptionsPopup": { "openOptionsPopup": {
"message": "Valikud", "message": "Valikud",
"description": "Go to Options UI" "description": "Go to Options UI"
@ -662,6 +690,10 @@
"message": "Tööriistaribaikoon", "message": "Tööriistaribaikoon",
"description": "" "description": ""
}, },
"genericTitle": {
"message": "Pealkiri",
"description": "Used in various parts of the UI to indicate the title of something"
"updateCompleted": { "updateCompleted": {
"message": "Uuendus teostatud.", "message": "Uuendus teostatud.",
"description": "Text that displays when an update completed" "description": "Text that displays when an update completed"
@ -737,6 +769,10 @@
"message": "Järgmine leht", "message": "Järgmine leht",
"description": "Tooltip for the '->' (next page) button in search results" "description": "Tooltip for the '->' (next page) button in search results"
}, },
"searchResultInstallCount": {
"message": "Installimisi kokku",
"description": "Text for label that shows the number of times a search result was installed"
"sectionCode": { "sectionCode": {
"message": "Kood", "message": "Kood",
"description": "Label for the code for a section" "description": "Label for the code for a section"
@ -798,6 +834,10 @@
"message": "Automaattäide kirjutamisel", "message": "Automaattäide kirjutamisel",
"description": "Label for the checkbox in the style editor." "description": "Label for the checkbox in the style editor."
}, },
"unreachableAMO": {
"message": "Firefox keelab ligipääsu sellele saidile.",
"description": "Note in the popup displayed when opened on addons.mozilla.org"
"linterCSSLintIncompatible": { "linterCSSLintIncompatible": {
"message": "CSSLint ei toeta eeltöötlejat $preprocessorname$", "message": "CSSLint ei toeta eeltöötlejat $preprocessorname$",
"description": "The label to display when the preprocessor isn't compatible with CSSLint", "description": "The label to display when the preprocessor isn't compatible with CSSLint",
@ -900,6 +940,10 @@
"message": "Lisa imporditud stiil praegusele stiilile", "message": "Lisa imporditud stiil praegusele stiilile",
"description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections" "description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections"
}, },
"liveReloadInstallHint": {
"message": "Reaalajas uuestilaadimine on lubatud, seega installitud stiili uuendatakse väliste muudatuste korral automaatselt, kuniks see kaart ja lähtefaili kaart mõlemad lahti on.",
"description": "The label of live-reload feature"
"editorStylesButton": { "editorStylesButton": {
"message": "Leia redaktori stiile", "message": "Leia redaktori stiile",
"description": "Find styles for the editor" "description": "Find styles for the editor"
@ -924,6 +968,10 @@
"message": "Ainult välised stiilid", "message": "Ainult välised stiilid",
"description": "Checkbox to show only externally installed styles i.e. updatable" "description": "Checkbox to show only externally installed styles i.e. updatable"
}, },
"searchResultWeeklyCount": {
"message": "Installimisi nädalas",
"description": "Text for label that shows the number of times a search result was installed during last week"
"replaceAll": { "replaceAll": {
"message": "Asenda kõik", "message": "Asenda kõik",
"description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on 'replaceAll' hotkey" "description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on 'replaceAll' hotkey"
@ -972,6 +1020,10 @@
"message": "Number tööriistaribaikoonil", "message": "Number tööriistaribaikoonil",
"description": "" "description": ""
}, },
"sortDateNewestFirst": {
"message": "uuemad eespool",
"description": "Text added to indicate that sorting a date would add the newest entries at the top"
"paginationPrevious": { "paginationPrevious": {
"message": "Eelmine leht", "message": "Eelmine leht",
"description": "Tooltip for the '<-' button in search results" "description": "Tooltip for the '<-' button in search results"
@ -1030,6 +1082,10 @@
"message": "Ei tööta minimeeritud CSS-iga", "message": "Ei tööta minimeeritud CSS-iga",
"description": "A warning that applies-to information won't show properly with minified CSS" "description": "A warning that applies-to information won't show properly with minified CSS"
}, },
"configureStyleOnHomepage": {
"message": "Seadista kodulehel",
"description": "Label for the button to configure userstyles.org userstyle"
"undo": { "undo": {
"message": "Võta tagasi", "message": "Võta tagasi",
"description": "Button label" "description": "Button label"

View File

@ -960,6 +960,10 @@
"message": "インポートされたスタイルを現在のスタイルに追加する", "message": "インポートされたスタイルを現在のスタイルに追加する",
"description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections" "description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections"
}, },
"liveReloadInstallHint": {
"message": "自動リロードが有効になっているため、このタブとソースファイルのタブの両方が開いている間に、外部変更によってインストール済みスタイルが自動更新されることがあります。",
"description": "The label of live-reload feature"
"editorStylesButton": { "editorStylesButton": {
"message": "エディタのスタイルを見つける", "message": "エディタのスタイルを見つける",
"description": "Find styles for the editor" "description": "Find styles for the editor"

View File

@ -968,6 +968,10 @@
"message": "Dołącz importowany styl do bieżącego stylu", "message": "Dołącz importowany styl do bieżącego stylu",
"description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections" "description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections"
}, },
"liveReloadInstallHint": {
"message": "Przeładowanie na żywo jest włączone, więc zainstalowany styl zostanie automatycznie zaktualizowany w przypadku zmian zewnętrznych, gdy ta karta i karta pliku źródłowego są otwarte.",
"description": "The label of live-reload feature"
"editorStylesButton": { "editorStylesButton": {
"message": "Znajdź style edytora", "message": "Znajdź style edytora",
"description": "Find styles for the editor" "description": "Find styles for the editor"

View File

@ -968,6 +968,10 @@
"message": "Добавить импортируемый стиль к редактируемому", "message": "Добавить импортируемый стиль к редактируемому",
"description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections" "description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections"
}, },
"liveReloadInstallHint": {
"message": "Включена автозагрузка изменений установленный стиль будет обновляться автоматически пока открыта эта вкладка и вкладка исходного файла.",
"description": "The label of live-reload feature"
"editorStylesButton": { "editorStylesButton": {
"message": "Сменить тему Стилус", "message": "Сменить тему Стилус",
"description": "Find styles for the editor" "description": "Find styles for the editor"

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"description": "Checkbox to show only Usercss styles" "description": "Checkbox to show only Usercss styles"
}, },
"sortStylesHelp": { "sortStylesHelp": {
"message": "从下拉菜单中选择要应用于所有已安装项目的排序类型,默认使用标题升序排序 A - Z·「标题降序」则会应用降序排序 Z - A。\n还有很多其他排序方式可以通过多个条件对已安装项目进行排序。你也可以想象在对一个多列的表格进行排序并且选择可能带有+)号的一组条件或单个条件进行排序。\n例如若设置为 \"启用(优先)+ 标题\",将会把所有已启用的项目都排列在顶部,然后再以标题升序排列 A - Z的顺序应用到以启用和未启用的项目。", "message": "从下拉菜单中选择要应用于所有已安装项目的排序类型,默认使用标题升序排序 A - Z「标题降序」则会应用降序排序 Z - A。\n还有很多其他排序方式可以通过多个条件对已安装项目进行排序。你也可以想象在对一个多列的表格进行排序并且选择可能带有+)号的一组条件或单个条件进行排序。\n例如若设置为 \"启用(优先)+ 标题\",将会把所有已启用的项目都排列在顶部,然后再以标题升序排列 A - Z的顺序应用到以启用和未启用的项目。",
"description": "Text in the minihelp displayed when clicking (i) icon to the right of the sort input field on the Manage styles page" "description": "Text in the minihelp displayed when clicking (i) icon to the right of the sort input field on the Manage styles page"
}, },
"sortLabelTitleAsc": { "sortLabelTitleAsc": {
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
"description": "Label before the search input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-F" "description": "Label before the search input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-F"
}, },
"genericEnabledLabel": { "genericEnabledLabel": {
"message": "启用", "message": "启用",
"description": "Used in various lists/options to indicate that something is enabled" "description": "Used in various lists/options to indicate that something is enabled"
}, },
"manageFaviconsGray": { "manageFaviconsGray": {

View File

@ -972,6 +972,10 @@
"message": "追加導入的樣式到當前樣式", "message": "追加導入的樣式到當前樣式",
"description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections" "description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections"
}, },
"liveReloadInstallHint": {
"message": "即時重新整理已啟用,以便在這個分頁與來源檔案分頁都開啟時自動於有外部變更時自動更新已安裝樣式。",
"description": "The label of live-reload feature"
"editorStylesButton": { "editorStylesButton": {
"message": "找到編輯器樣式", "message": "找到編輯器樣式",
"description": "Find styles for the editor" "description": "Find styles for the editor"