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/* global CodeMirror */
/* global cmFactory */
/* global debounce */// toolbox.js
/* global editor */
/* global linterMan */
/* global prefs */
'use strict';
/* Registers 'hint' helper and 'autocompleteOnTyping' option in CodeMirror */
(() => {
const USO_VAR = 'uso-variable';
const USO_VALID_VAR = 'variable-3 ' + USO_VAR;
const USO_INVALID_VAR = 'error ' + USO_VAR;
const rxPROP = /^(prop(erty)?|variable-2)\b/;
const rxVAR = /(^|[^-.\w\u0080-\uFFFF])var\(/iyu;
const rxCONSUME = /([-\w]*\s*:\s?)?/yu;
const cssMime = CodeMirror.mimeModes['text/css'];
const cssGlobalValues = [
const docFuncs = addSuffix(cssMime.documentTypes, '(');
const {tokenHooks} = cssMime;
const originalCommentHook = tokenHooks['/'];
const originalHelper = CodeMirror.hint.css || (() => {});
let cssMedia, cssProps, cssPropsValues;
const AOT_ID = 'autocompleteOnTyping';
const AOT_PREF_ID = 'editor.' + AOT_ID;
const aot = prefs.get(AOT_PREF_ID);
CodeMirror.defineOption(AOT_ID, aot, (cm, value) => {
cm[value ? 'on' : 'off']('changes', autocompleteOnTyping);
cm[value ? 'on' : 'off']('pick', autocompletePicked);
prefs.subscribe(AOT_PREF_ID, (key, val) => cmFactory.globalSetOption(AOT_ID, val), {runNow: aot});
CodeMirror.registerHelper('hint', 'css', helper);
CodeMirror.registerHelper('hint', 'stylus', helper);
tokenHooks['/'] = tokenizeUsoVariables;
async function helper(cm) {
const pos = cm.getCursor();
const {line, ch} = pos;
const {styles, text} = cm.getLineHandle(line);
const {style, index} = cm.getStyleAtPos({styles, pos: ch}) || {};
const isStylusLang = === 'stylus';
const type = style && style.split(' ', 1)[0] || 'prop?';
if (!type || type === 'comment' || type === 'string') {
return originalHelper(cm);
// not using getTokenAt until the need is unavoidable because it reparses text
// and runs a whole lot of complex calc inside which is slow on long lines
// especially if autocomplete is auto-shown on each keystroke
let prev, end, state;
let i = index;
while (
(prev == null || `${styles[i - 1]}`.startsWith(type)) &&
(prev = i > 2 ? styles[i - 2] : 0) &&
isSameToken(text, style, prev)
) i -= 2;
i = index;
while (
(end == null || `${styles[i + 1]}`.startsWith(type)) &&
(end = styles[i]) &&
isSameToken(text, style, end)
) i += 2;
const getTokenState = () => state || (state = cm.getTokenAt(pos, true).state.state);
const str = text.slice(prev, end);
const left = text.slice(prev, ch).trim();
let leftLC = left.toLowerCase();
let list;
switch (leftLC[0]) {
case '!':
list = '!important'.startsWith(leftLC) ? ['!important'] : [];
case '@':
list = [
case '#': // prevents autocomplete for #hex colors
case '-': // --variable
case '(': // var(
list = str.startsWith('--') || testAt(rxVAR, ch - 5, text)
? findAllCssVars(cm, left)
: [];
if (str.startsWith('(')) {
leftLC = left.slice(1);
} else {
leftLC = left;
case '/': // USO vars
if (str.startsWith('/*[[') && str.endsWith(']]*/')) {
prev += 4;
end -= 4;
end -= text.slice(end - 4, end) === '-rgb' ? 4 : 0;
list = Object.keys(( || {}).vars || {}).sort();
leftLC = left.slice(4);
case 'u': // url(), url-prefix()
case 'd': // domain()
case 'r': // regexp()
if (/^(variable|tag|error)/.test(type) &&
docFuncs.some(s => s.startsWith(leftLC)) &&
/^(top|documentTypes|atBlock)/.test(getTokenState())) {
list = docFuncs;
// fallthrough to `default`
// property values
if (isStylusLang || getTokenState() === 'prop') {
while (i > 0 && !rxPROP.test(styles[i + 1])) i -= 2;
const propEnd = styles[i];
let prop;
if (propEnd > text.lastIndexOf(';', ch - 1)) {
while (i > 0 && rxPROP.test(styles[i + 1])) i -= 2;
prop = text.slice(styles[i] || 0, propEnd).match(/([-\w]+)?$/u)[1];
if (prop) {
if (/[^-\w]/.test(leftLC)) {
prev += execAt(/[\s:()]*/y, prev, text)[0].length;
leftLC = leftLC.replace(/^[^\w\s]\s*/, '');
if (prop.startsWith('--')) prop = 'color'; // assuming 90% of variables are colors
if (!cssPropsValues) cssPropsValues = await linterMan.worker.getCssPropsValues();
list = [ Set([...cssPropsValues[prop] || [], ...cssGlobalValues])];
end = prev + execAt(/(\s*[-a-z(]+)?/y, prev, text)[0].length;
// properties and media features
if (!list &&
/^(prop(erty|\?)|atom|error)/.test(type) &&
/^(block|atBlock_parens|maybeprop)/.test(getTokenState())) {
if (!cssProps) initCssProps();
if (type === 'prop?') {
prev += leftLC.length;
leftLC = '';
list = state === 'atBlock_parens' ? cssMedia : cssProps;
end -= /\W$/u.test(str); // e.g. don't consume ) when inside ()
end += execAt(rxCONSUME, end, text)[0].length;
if (!list) {
return isStylusLang
? CodeMirror.hint.fromList(cm, {words: CodeMirror.hintWords.stylus})
: originalHelper(cm);
return {
list: (list || []).filter(s => s.startsWith(leftLC)),
from: {line, ch: prev + str.match(/^\s*/)[0].length},
to: {line, ch: end},
function initCssProps() {
2021-02-14 18:48:44 +00:00
cssProps = addSuffix(cssMime.propertyKeywords);
cssMedia = [].concat(...Object.entries(cssMime).map(getMediaKeys).filter(Boolean)).sort();
function addSuffix(obj, suffix = ': ') {
2021-02-14 18:48:44 +00:00
// Sorting first, otherwise "foo-bar:" would precede "foo:"
return Object.keys(obj).sort().map(k => k + suffix);
function getMediaKeys([k, v]) {
return k === 'mediaFeatures' && addSuffix(v) ||
k.startsWith('media') && Object.keys(v);
/** makes sure we don't process a different adjacent comment */
function isSameToken(text, style, i) {
return !style || text[i] !== '/' && text[i + 1] !== '*' ||
!style.startsWith(USO_VALID_VAR) && !style.startsWith(USO_INVALID_VAR);
function findAllCssVars(cm, leftPart) {
// simplified regex without CSS escapes
const rx = new RegExp(
'(?:^|[\\s/;{])(' +
(leftPart.startsWith('--') ? leftPart : '--') +
(leftPart.length <= 2 ? '[a-zA-Z_\u0080-\uFFFF]' : '') +
const list = new Set();
cm.eachLine(({text}) => {
for (let m; (m = rx.exec(text));) {
return [...list].sort();
function tokenizeUsoVariables(stream) {
const token = originalCommentHook.apply(this, arguments);
if (token[1] === 'comment') {
const {string, start, pos} = stream;
if (testAt(/\/\*\[\[/y, start, string) &&
testAt(/]]\*\//y, pos - 4, string)) {
const vars = ( || {}).vars;
token[0] =
vars && vars.hasOwnProperty(string.slice(start + 4, pos - 4).replace(/-rgb$/, ''))
return token;
function execAt(rx, index, text) {
rx.lastIndex = index;
return rx.exec(text);
function testAt(rx, index, text) {
rx.lastIndex = Math.max(0, index);
return rx.test(text);
function autocompleteOnTyping(cm, [info], debounced) {
const lastLine = info.text[info.text.length - 1];
if (cm.state.completionActive ||
info.origin && !info.origin.includes('input') ||
!lastLine) {
if (cm.state.autocompletePicked) {
cm.state.autocompletePicked = false;
if (!debounced) {
debounce(autocompleteOnTyping, 100, cm, [info], true);
if (lastLine.match(/[-a-z!]+$/i)) {
cm.state.autocompletePicked = false;
cm.options.hintOptions.completeSingle = false;
setTimeout(() => {
cm.options.hintOptions.completeSingle = true;
function autocompletePicked(cm) {
cm.state.autocompletePicked = true;