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/* global chromeLocal promisify FIREFOX */
Add: sync database to a cloud drive (#787) * Add key * Add: a second index uuid, push changes to sync controller * Add: sync.js * Add: tokenManager * Change: log entire body for http error * Add: token flow * Fix: minor * Fix: move cleanup to stop function * Add: syncNow * Update dependencies * Fix: handle 401 error * Add: handle 401 error * Fix: then -> catch * Add: sync options to options page * Update db-to-cloud * Change: make prefs.set return a promise * Add: disble selector if connected * Add: update selector state * Fix: return promise in prefs.set * Fix: manage complex state * Fix: handle prefs change * Change: manage sync status in background * Add: show current status in the UI * Add: schedule a faster sync when db changed * Update dependencies * Add: include progress in sync status * Add: more detail status * Show status text only * Bump dependencies * Change: show loaded and total * Fix: syncTarget is undefined * Add: google and onedrive * Fix: token is not reused * Bump dependencies * Don't use minified version since it is hard to debug * Fix: expire time is incorrect * Change: switch google to code flow * Bump dependencies * Change: only modify pref if the initialization success? * Don't stop the sync if the first sync is not triggered by the user * Add: implement refresh token * Change: switch microsoft to code flow * Add: subtract expire with a latency * Add: microsoft client secret * Add: display error message * Fix: fromPref is not used * Change: try to revoke the token when log out * Add: revoke dropbox token * Fix: Google only generates one refresh token for one user by default * Bump dependencies, fix onedrive list issue * Fix: arguments sent to sync.put is wrong * Fix: don't schedule a sync on db changed if not connected * Bump dependencies. Fix issue of switching drives * Bump db-to-cloud, fix switching drive issue * Fix: only auth user on 401 error, don't display login window without user interaction * Fix: don't call revoke() if token is undefined * Add: login button to generate the access token interactively * Fix: make addMissingProperties a local * Fix: store missing props in an object * Fix: sync.getStatus should be sync * LATENCY -> NETWORK_LATENCY * Fix: cache the token forever if there is no expire time e.g. dropbox * Add some comments * Fix: i18n * Fix: i18n sync status * fixup! Fix: i18n sync status * Fix: 'sync to cloud' is displayed twice
2019-11-05 19:30:45 +00:00
/* exported tokenManager */
'use strict';
const tokenManager = (() => {
const launchWebAuthFlow = promisify(chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow.bind(chrome.identity));
const AUTH = {
dropbox: {
flow: 'token',
clientId: 'zg52vphuapvpng9',
authURL: '',
tokenURL: '',
revoke: token =>
fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`
google: {
flow: 'code',
clientId: '',
clientSecret: 'J0nc5TlR_0V_ex9-sZk-5faf',
authURL: '',
authQuery: {
// NOTE: Google needs 'prompt' parameter to deliver multiple refresh
// tokens for multiple machines.
access_type: 'offline',
prompt: 'consent'
tokenURL: '',
scopes: [''],
revoke: token => {
const params = {token};
return postQuery(`${stringifyQuery(params)}`);
onedrive: {
flow: 'code',
clientId: '3864ce03-867c-4ad8-9856-371a097d47b1',
clientSecret: '9Pj=TpsrStq8K@1BiwB9PIWLppM:@s=w',
authURL: '',
tokenURL: '',
redirect_uri: FIREFOX ?
'' :
'https://' + location.hostname + '',
Add: sync database to a cloud drive (#787) * Add key * Add: a second index uuid, push changes to sync controller * Add: sync.js * Add: tokenManager * Change: log entire body for http error * Add: token flow * Fix: minor * Fix: move cleanup to stop function * Add: syncNow * Update dependencies * Fix: handle 401 error * Add: handle 401 error * Fix: then -> catch * Add: sync options to options page * Update db-to-cloud * Change: make prefs.set return a promise * Add: disble selector if connected * Add: update selector state * Fix: return promise in prefs.set * Fix: manage complex state * Fix: handle prefs change * Change: manage sync status in background * Add: show current status in the UI * Add: schedule a faster sync when db changed * Update dependencies * Add: include progress in sync status * Add: more detail status * Show status text only * Bump dependencies * Change: show loaded and total * Fix: syncTarget is undefined * Add: google and onedrive * Fix: token is not reused * Bump dependencies * Don't use minified version since it is hard to debug * Fix: expire time is incorrect * Change: switch google to code flow * Bump dependencies * Change: only modify pref if the initialization success? * Don't stop the sync if the first sync is not triggered by the user * Add: implement refresh token * Change: switch microsoft to code flow * Add: subtract expire with a latency * Add: microsoft client secret * Add: display error message * Fix: fromPref is not used * Change: try to revoke the token when log out * Add: revoke dropbox token * Fix: Google only generates one refresh token for one user by default * Bump dependencies, fix onedrive list issue * Fix: arguments sent to sync.put is wrong * Fix: don't schedule a sync on db changed if not connected * Bump dependencies. Fix issue of switching drives * Bump db-to-cloud, fix switching drive issue * Fix: only auth user on 401 error, don't display login window without user interaction * Fix: don't call revoke() if token is undefined * Add: login button to generate the access token interactively * Fix: make addMissingProperties a local * Fix: store missing props in an object * Fix: sync.getStatus should be sync * LATENCY -> NETWORK_LATENCY * Fix: cache the token forever if there is no expire time e.g. dropbox * Add some comments * Fix: i18n * Fix: i18n sync status * fixup! Fix: i18n sync status * Fix: 'sync to cloud' is displayed twice
2019-11-05 19:30:45 +00:00
scopes: ['Files.ReadWrite.AppFolder', 'offline_access']
const NETWORK_LATENCY = 30; // seconds
return {getToken, revokeToken, getClientId, buildKeys};
function getClientId(name) {
return AUTH[name].clientId;
function buildKeys(name) {
const k = {
TOKEN: `secure/token/${name}/token`,
EXPIRE: `secure/token/${name}/expire`,
REFRESH: `secure/token/${name}/refresh`,
k.LIST = Object.values(k);
return k;
function getToken(name, interactive) {
const k = buildKeys(name);
return chromeLocal.get(k.LIST)
.then(obj => {
if (!obj[k.TOKEN]) {
return authUser(name, k, interactive);
if (!obj[k.EXPIRE] || < obj[k.EXPIRE]) {
return obj[k.TOKEN];
if (obj[k.REFRESH]) {
return refreshToken(name, k, obj)
.catch(err => {
if (err.code === 401) {
return authUser(name, k, interactive);
throw err;
return authUser(name, k, interactive);
function revokeToken(name) {
const provider = AUTH[name];
const k = buildKeys(name);
return revoke()
.then(() => chromeLocal.remove(k.LIST));
function revoke() {
if (!provider.revoke) {
return Promise.resolve();
return chromeLocal.get(k.TOKEN)
.then(obj => {
if (obj[k.TOKEN]) {
return provider.revoke(obj[k.TOKEN]);
function refreshToken(name, k, obj) {
if (!obj[k.REFRESH]) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('no refresh token'));
const provider = AUTH[name];
const body = {
client_id: provider.clientId,
refresh_token: obj[k.REFRESH],
grant_type: 'refresh_token',
scope: provider.scopes.join(' ')
if (provider.clientSecret) {
body.client_secret = provider.clientSecret;
return postQuery(provider.tokenURL, body)
.then(result => {
if (!result.refresh_token) {
// reuse old refresh token
result.refresh_token = obj[k.REFRESH];
return handleTokenResult(result, k);
function stringifyQuery(obj) {
const search = new URLSearchParams();
for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) {
search.set(key, obj[key]);
return search.toString();
function authUser(name, k, interactive = false) {
const provider = AUTH[name];
const state = Math.random().toFixed(8).slice(2);
const query = {
response_type: provider.flow,
client_id: provider.clientId,
redirect_uri: provider.redirect_uri || chrome.identity.getRedirectURL(),
if (provider.scopes) {
query.scope = provider.scopes.join(' ');
if (provider.authQuery) {
Object.assign(query, provider.authQuery);
const url = `${provider.authURL}?${stringifyQuery(query)}`;
return launchWebAuthFlow({
.then(url => {
const params = new URLSearchParams(
provider.flow === 'token' ?
new URL(url).hash.slice(1) :
new URL(url).search.slice(1)
if (params.get('state') !== state) {
throw new Error(`unexpected state: ${params.get('state')}, expected: ${state}`);
if (provider.flow === 'token') {
const obj = {};
for (const [key, value] of params.entries()) {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
const code = params.get('code');
const body = {
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
client_id: provider.clientId,
redirect_uri: provider.redirect_uri || chrome.identity.getRedirectURL()
if (provider.clientSecret) {
body.client_secret = provider.clientSecret;
return postQuery(provider.tokenURL, body);
.then(result => handleTokenResult(result, k));
function handleTokenResult(result, k) {
return chromeLocal.set({
[k.TOKEN]: result.access_token,
[k.EXPIRE]: result.expires_in ? + (Number(result.expires_in) - NETWORK_LATENCY) * 1000 : undefined,
[k.REFRESH]: result.refresh_token
.then(() => result.access_token);
function postQuery(url, body) {
const options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
if (body) {
options.body = stringifyQuery(body);
return fetch(url, options)
.then(r => {
if (r.ok) {
return r.json();
return r.text()
.then(body => {
const err = new Error(`failed to fetch (${r.status}): ${body}`);
err.code = r.status;
throw err;