124 lines
3.6 KiB
124 lines
3.6 KiB
global messageBox
global exclusions
'use strict';
const popupExclusions = (() => {
const popupWidth = '400px';
// return matches on url ending to prevent duplicates in the exclusion list
// e.g. http://test.com and http://test.com/* are equivalent
// this function would return ['', '/*']
function exclusionExists(array, value) {
const match = [];
['', '*', '/', '/*'].forEach(ending => {
if (array.includes(value + ending)) {
return match;
/* Modal in Popup.html */
function createPopupContent(url) {
const results = [];
const protocol = url.match(/\w+:\/\//);
const parts = url.replace(/(\w+:\/\/|[#?].*$)/g, '').split('/');
const domain = parts[0].split('.');
Domain: a.b.com
Domain: b.com
Prefix: https://a.b.com
Prefix: https://a.b.com/current
Prefix: https://a.b.com/current/page
while (parts.length > 1) {
results.push([t('excludedPrefix'), protocol + parts.join('/')]);
while (domain.length > 1) {
results.push([t('excludedDomain'), domain.join('.')]);
return [
$create('h2', {textContent: t('exclusionsEditTitle')}),
$create('select', {
id: 'popup-exclusions',
size: results.length,
multiple: 'true',
value: ''
}, [
...results.reverse().map(link => $create('option', {
value: link[1],
title: link[1],
textContent: `${link[0]}: ${link[1]}`
function openPopupDialog(style, tabURL) {
const msgBox = messageBox({
title: style.name,
className: 'center content-left',
contents: createPopupContent(tabURL),
buttons: [t('confirmOK'), t('confirmCancel')],
onshow: box => {
const contents = box.firstElementChild;
contents.style = `max-width: calc(${popupWidth} - 20px); max-height: none;`;
document.body.style.minWidth = popupWidth;
document.body.style.minHeight = popupWidth;
const select = $('select', messageBox.element);
const exclusions = Object.keys(style.exclusions || {});
[...select.children].forEach(option => {
if (exclusionExists(exclusions, option.value).length) {
option.selected = true;
}, []);
$('#message-box-buttons button', messageBox.element).onclick = function () {
handlePopupSave(style, this);
.then(() => {
document.body.style.minWidth = '';
document.body.style.minHeight = '';
return msgBox;
function handlePopupSave(style, button) {
const current = Object.keys(style.exclusions);
const select = $('#popup-exclusions', messageBox.element);
const all = exclusions.getMultiOptions({select});
const selected = exclusions.getMultiOptions({select, selectedOnly: true});
// Add exclusions
selected.forEach(value => {
let exists = exclusionExists(current, value);
if (!exists.length) {
style.exclusions[value] = exclusions.createRegExp(value);
exists = [''];
exists.forEach(ending => {
const index = all.indexOf(value + ending);
if (index > -1) {
all.splice(index, 1);
// Remove exclusions (unselected in popup modal)
all.forEach(value => {
exclusionExists(current, value).forEach(ending => {
delete style.exclusions[value + ending];
return {openPopupDialog};