"description":"Help text for 'applies to' section"
"description":"Label for 'applies to' fields on the edit/add screen"
"description":"Label for the checkbox to display applies-to information in the single editor"
"message":"对经过压缩的 CSS 无效",
"description":"A warning that applies-to information won't show properly with minified CSS"
"description":"Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a regular expression"
"description":"Label for the button to remove an 'applies' entry"
"description":"Error displayed when the last 'applies' is going to be removed"
"description":"Label for the button to make a style apply only to specific sites"
"description":"Text displayed for styles that apply to all sites"
"message":"URL ",
"description":"Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a URL"
"description":"Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a URL prefix"
"description":"Label for the button to apply all detected updates"
"description":"Label for the style author"
"description":"Heading for backup"
"description":"Message for backup"
"description":"Label for the button to check all styles for updates"
"description":"Label for the button to apply all detected updates"
"description":"Label for the button to check a single style for an update"
"description":"Text to display when checking a style for an update"
"description":"Label for the overlay on a style thumbnail when installed via inline search in the popup"
"description":"Label for the checkbox in the style editor."
"message":"在键入 () [] {} '' \"\" 时自动完成另一半配对",
"description":"Label for the checkbox in the style editor."
"description":"Label for the checkbox in the style editor."
"description":"Label for the checkbox controlling colorpicker option for the style editor."
"description":"Label for the checkbox controlling tabs with smart indentation option for the style editor."
"description":"Label for the drop-down list controlling the keymap for the style editor."
"description":"Label for the checkbox controlling word wrap option for the style editor."
"description":"Select the linter to check for CSS issues"
"description":"Label for the drop-down list controlling the automatic highlighting of current word/selection occurrences in the style editor."
"description":"Style editor's 'highglight' drop-down list option: highlight the occurrences of currently selected text"
"description":"Style editor's 'highglight' drop-down list option: highlight the occurrences of the word/token under cursor even if nothing is selected"
"description":"Tooltip for the resize grip in style editor"
"description":"Label for the checkbox in the editor."
"description":"Tooltip for the switch button in the color picker popup in the style editor."
"description":"Tooltip for the colored squares shown before CSS colors in the style editor."
"description":"VERY SHORT label for the checkbox in style config dialog after the save button - when enabled the changes in the dialog are saved and applied automatically without the need to press the Save button"
"description":"Label for the button to configure usercss userstyle"
"description":"Label for the button to configure userstyles.org userstyle"
"description":"'Close' button in a confirm dialog"
"description":"'Set to default' button in a confirm dialog"
"description":"Generic label or title displayed when trying to close something (not a style) with unsaved changes"
"description":"'No' button in a confirm dialog"
"description":"'Save' button in a confirm dialog"
"description":"'Stop' button in a confirm dialog"
"description":"'Yes' button in a confirm dialog"
"description":"Message shown when content has been copied to the clipboard"
"description":"Tooltip for elements which can be copied"
"description":"Tooltip of 'x' button shown in editor when changing the name input of a) styles updated from a URL i.e. not locally created, b) UserCSS styles"
"description":"Day suffix in a short relative date, for example: 8d"
"description":"Hour suffix in a short relative date, for example: 8h"
"description":"Month suffix in a short relative date, for example: 8m"
"description":"Year suffix in a short relative date, for example: 8y"
"description":"Option text for the user to sort the style by install date"
"description":"Option text for the user to sort the style by last update date"
"description":"Label for the button to import and overwrite current style"
"description":"Label for the button to import and overwrite current style"
"description":"Text after the number of styles added in the report shown after importing styles"
"description":"Text after the number of styles skipped due to being identical to the already installed ones in the report shown after importing styles"
"description":"Text after the number of styles skipped due to being invalid (not a Stylus/Stylish backup file probably) in the report shown after importing styles"
"description":"Text after the number of styles updated entirely in the report shown after importing styles"
"description":"Text after the number of styles with updated code (meta info is unchanged) in the report shown after importing styles"
"description":"Text after the number of styles with updated meta info like name/url in the report shown after importing styles"
"description":"Title of the report shown after importing styles"
"description":"Message in the report shown after importing styles"
"description":"Text after the number of styles reverted in the message box shown after undoing the import of styles"
"description":"Title of the message box shown after undoing the import of styles"
"description":"Label for install button"
"description":"Text displayed when the style is successfully installed"
"description":"Label for reinstall button"
"description":"Label for update button"
"description":"Label for the button to install an update for a single style"
"message":"当前样式更新自 $url$",
"description":"Label to describe where the style gets update"
"description":"Label for the checkbox to save current URL for update check"
"description":"Label for the license"
"description":"Homepage link text on the manage page e.g. https://add0n.com/stylus.html#features with chat/FAQ/intro/info"
"description":"Help link text on the manage page e.g. https://userstyles.org"
"description":"Wiki link text on the manage page e.g. https://github.com/openstyles/stylus/wiki"
"description":"Transifex link text on the manage page"
"message":"CSSLint 不支持 $preprocessorname$ 预处理器",
"description":"The label to display when the preprocessor isn't compatible with CSSLint"
"message":"(设置规则为:0 = 禁用; 1 = 警告; 2 = 错误)",
"description":"CSSLint rule config values"
"message":"设置 $linter$ 规则",
"description":"Stylelint or CSSLint popup header"
"description":"Icon tooltip to indicate that it opens a popup with the selected linter configuration"
"description":"Invalid linter config will show a message followed by a list of invalid entries"
"description":"Label for the CSS linter issues block on the style edit page"
"message":"$link$ 找到了这些问题:",
"description":"Help popup message for the selected CSS linter issues block on the style edit page"
"message":"无效的 JSON 格式",
"description":"Setting linter config with invalid JSON"
"message":"想要恢复意外的重置,在文本框中按下 Ctrl-Z (或 Cmd-Z)",
"description":"Reset button tooltip to inform user on how to undo an accidental reset"
"description":"Stylelint or CSSLint rules label added immediately before a link"
"description":"The label of live-reload error"
"description":"The label of live-reload feature"
"description":"The extra hint of live-reload feature shown only for file:// URLs in Firefox"
"description":"The label of live-reload feature"
"message":"显示 \"应用于\" 的favicon图标",
"description":"Label for the checkbox that toggles applies-to favicons in the new UI on manage page"
"description":"Label for the checkbox that toggles grayed out mode of applies-to favicons in the new UI on manage page"
"description":"NOTE1: preserve < and > symbols so that <hotkey> is styled as a key.\nNOTE2: the last line is displayed as a text of the link to the wiki page.\nNOTE3: this is the list of hotkeys displayed after clicking the right edge of the extension popup."
"description":"Tooltip displayed when hovering the right edge of the extension popup"
"description":"Tooltip shown for the text input in the popup's inline style finder"
"message":"/regex/ 用 / 包裹语法来正则搜索",
"description":"Label after the search input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-F"
"description":"Text for label that shows the number of times a search result was installed"
"description":"Error text in the popup when inline search didn't find any site-specific styles"
"message":"The style is installed but it doesn't apply to the current site URL.",
"message":"Try asking the author of this userstyle to add the URL.\n\nYou can also open the style in the manager and edit it yourself,\nbut be aware it disables automatic updates for this style.",
"description":"Text for label that shows the search result's rating"
"description":"Text for label that shows the search result's last update date"
"description":"Text for label that shows the number of times a search result was installed during last week"
"description":"Option for `find styles` scope selector in the manager."
"description":"Option for `find styles` scope selector in the manager."