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<title>Springy - A force directed graph layout algorithm in JavaScript.</title>
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<script src="springy.js"></script>
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<p class="subtitle">A force directed graph layout algorithm for JavaScript.</p>
<div class="divider"><img src="branch.png" align="top" /></div>
<p><a href="https://github.com/dhotson/springy/">GitHub</a> | <a href="demo.html">Demo</a> | <a href="mailto:dennis.hotson@gmail.com">Contact</a></p>
<div id="what" class="section">
<h2>What is Springy?</h2>
<p>Springy is a force directed graph layout algorithm.</p>
<p>So what does this “force directed” stuff mean anyway? Excellent question!</p>
<p>It basically means that it uses some real world physics to try and figure out how to show a network graph in a nice way.</p>
<p>Here's an example:</p>
<canvas id="adv" class="example" width="650" height="300"></canvas>
<p>You can imagine it as a bunch of springs connected to each other.</p>
(function() {
// make a new graph
var graph = new Graph();
// make some nodes
var node1 = graph.newNode({label: 'Norway Spruce'});
var node2 = graph.newNode({label: 'Sicilian Fir'});
var node3 = graph.newNode({label: 'Sumatran Pine'});
var node4 = graph.newNode({label: 'Japanese Larch'});
// connect them with an edge
graph.newEdge(node1, node2);
graph.newEdge(node2, node3);
graph.newEdge(node2, node4);
graph.newEdge(node1, node4);
var layout = new Layout.ForceDirected(
200.0, // Spring stiffness
400.0, // Node repulsion
0.5 // Damping
var canvas = document.getElementById('adv');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var renderer = new Renderer(10, layout,
function clear() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 650, 300);
function drawEdge(edge, p1, p2) {
ctx.translate(325, 150);
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';
ctx.lineWidth = 3.0;
ctx.moveTo(p1.x * 50, p1.y * 40);
ctx.lineTo(p2.x * 50, p2.y * 40);
function drawNode(node, p) {
ctx.translate(325, 150);
ctx.font = "18px 'IM Fell English', serif";
var width = ctx.measureText(node.data.label).width;
var x = p.x * 50;
var y = p.y * 40;
ctx.clearRect(x - width / 2.0 - 5, y - 12, width + 10, 24);
ctx.fillStyle = '#000000';
ctx.fillText(node.data.label, x - width / 2.0, y + 5);
<div class="divider"><img src="pine.png" /></div>
<div id="usage" class="section">
<h2>Basic usage</h2>
<p>springy.js by itself is quite plain and doesn't include any code to do rendering or drag and drop etc. It's just for calculating the layout.</p>
<p>The drawing and interaction stuff is mostly up to you.</p>
<p>However, I've written a little helper jQuery plugin called springyui.js to help get you started. It's got a semi-decent default renderer and some half assed drag and drop.</p>
<p>Take a look at <a href="#">demo.html</a> and <a href="#">springyui.js</a> for an example of usage.</p>
<div class="divider"><img src="nut.png" /></div>
<div id="usage" class="section">
<h2>Advanced usage</h2>
<p>If you're keen to do your own custom drawing, you'll need to know a few things before you get started.</p>
<p>This is the basic graph API, you can create nodes and edges etc.</p>
<span class="Comment">// make a new graph</span>
<span class="Identifier">var</span> graph = <span class="Normal">new</span> Graph();
<span class="Comment">// make some nodes</span>
<span class="Identifier">var</span> node1 = graph.newNode(<span class="Function">{</span>label: <span class="String">'Norway Spruce'</span><span class="Function">}</span>);
<span class="Identifier">var</span> node2 = graph.newNode(<span class="Function">{</span>label: <span class="String">'Sicilian Fir'</span><span class="Function">}</span>);
<span class="Comment">// connect them with an edge</span>
graph.newEdge(node1, node2);
<p>So now to draw this graph, lets make a layout object:</p>
<span class="Identifier">var</span> layout = <span class="Normal">new</span> Layout.ForceDirected(
<span class="Constant">400</span>.<span class="Constant">0</span>, <span class="Comment">// Spring stiffness</span>
<span class="Constant">400</span>.<span class="Constant">0</span>, <span class="Comment">// Node repulsion</span>
<span class="Constant">0</span>.<span class="Constant">5</span> <span class="Comment">// Damping</span>
<p>I've written a Renderer class, which will handle the rendering loop. You just need to provide some callbacks to do the actual drawing.</p>
<span class="Identifier">var</span> renderer = <span class="Normal">new</span> Renderer(<span class="Constant">10</span>, layout,
<span class="Function">function</span> clear() <span class="Function">{</span>
<span class="Comment">// code to clear screen</span>
<span class="Function">}</span>,
<span class="Function">function</span> drawEdge(edge, p1, p2) <span class="Function">{</span>
<span class="Comment">// draw an edge</span>
<span class="Function">}</span>,
<span class="Function">function</span> drawNode(node, p) <span class="Function">{</span>
<span class="Comment">// draw a node</span>
<span class="Function">}</span>
<p>Now, just start the rendering loop:</p>
<div class="divider"><img src="cone.png" /></div>
<div id="usage" class="section">
<div class="divider"><img src="dome.png" /></div>
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