* Add stats updating cloud function * Read stats from database on client instead of computing them * Improve logging for stats updater * Tidying up
317 lines
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317 lines
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import * as functions from 'firebase-functions'
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin'
import { concat, countBy, sortBy, range, zip, uniq, sum, sumBy } from 'lodash'
import { getValues, log, logMemory } from './utils'
import { Bet } from '../../common/bet'
import { Contract } from '../../common/contract'
import { Comment } from '../../common/comment'
import { User } from '../../common/user'
import { DAY_MS } from '../../common/util/time'
import { average } from '../../common/util/math'
const firestore = admin.firestore()
const numberOfDays = 90
const getBetsQuery = (startTime: number, endTime: number) =>
.where('createdTime', '>=', startTime)
.where('createdTime', '<', endTime)
.orderBy('createdTime', 'asc')
export async function getDailyBets(startTime: number, numberOfDays: number) {
const query = getBetsQuery(startTime, startTime + DAY_MS * numberOfDays)
const bets = await getValues<Bet>(query)
const betsByDay = range(0, numberOfDays).map(() => [] as Bet[])
for (const bet of bets) {
const dayIndex = Math.floor((bet.createdTime - startTime) / DAY_MS)
return betsByDay
const getCommentsQuery = (startTime: number, endTime: number) =>
.where('createdTime', '>=', startTime)
.where('createdTime', '<', endTime)
.orderBy('createdTime', 'asc')
export async function getDailyComments(
startTime: number,
numberOfDays: number
) {
const query = getCommentsQuery(startTime, startTime + DAY_MS * numberOfDays)
const comments = await getValues<Comment>(query)
const commentsByDay = range(0, numberOfDays).map(() => [] as Comment[])
for (const comment of comments) {
const dayIndex = Math.floor((comment.createdTime - startTime) / DAY_MS)
return commentsByDay
const getContractsQuery = (startTime: number, endTime: number) =>
.where('createdTime', '>=', startTime)
.where('createdTime', '<', endTime)
.orderBy('createdTime', 'asc')
export async function getDailyContracts(
startTime: number,
numberOfDays: number
) {
const query = getContractsQuery(startTime, startTime + DAY_MS * numberOfDays)
const contracts = await getValues<Contract>(query)
const contractsByDay = range(0, numberOfDays).map(() => [] as Contract[])
for (const contract of contracts) {
const dayIndex = Math.floor((contract.createdTime - startTime) / DAY_MS)
return contractsByDay
const getUsersQuery = (startTime: number, endTime: number) =>
.where('createdTime', '>=', startTime)
.where('createdTime', '<', endTime)
.orderBy('createdTime', 'asc')
export async function getDailyNewUsers(
startTime: number,
numberOfDays: number
) {
const query = getUsersQuery(startTime, startTime + DAY_MS * numberOfDays)
const users = await getValues<User>(query)
const usersByDay = range(0, numberOfDays).map(() => [] as User[])
for (const user of users) {
const dayIndex = Math.floor((user.createdTime - startTime) / DAY_MS)
return usersByDay
export const updateStatsCore = async () => {
const today = Date.now()
const startDate = today - numberOfDays * DAY_MS
log('Fetching data for stats update...')
const [dailyBets, dailyContracts, dailyComments, dailyNewUsers] =
await Promise.all([
getDailyBets(startDate.valueOf(), numberOfDays),
getDailyContracts(startDate.valueOf(), numberOfDays),
getDailyComments(startDate.valueOf(), numberOfDays),
getDailyNewUsers(startDate.valueOf(), numberOfDays),
const dailyBetCounts = dailyBets.map((bets) => bets.length)
const dailyContractCounts = dailyContracts.map(
(contracts) => contracts.length
const dailyCommentCounts = dailyComments.map((comments) => comments.length)
const dailyUserIds = zip(dailyContracts, dailyBets, dailyComments).map(
([contracts, bets, comments]) => {
const creatorIds = (contracts ?? []).map((c) => c.creatorId)
const betUserIds = (bets ?? []).map((bet) => bet.userId)
const commentUserIds = (comments ?? []).map((comment) => comment.userId)
return uniq([...creatorIds, ...betUserIds, ...commentUserIds])
`Fetched ${sum(dailyBetCounts)} bets, ${sum(
)} contracts, ${sum(dailyComments)} comments, from ${sum(
)} unique users.`
const dailyActiveUsers = dailyUserIds.map((userIds) => userIds.length)
const weeklyActiveUsers = dailyUserIds.map((_, i) => {
const start = Math.max(0, i - 6)
const end = i
const uniques = new Set<string>()
for (let j = start; j <= end; j++)
dailyUserIds[j].forEach((userId) => uniques.add(userId))
return uniques.size
const monthlyActiveUsers = dailyUserIds.map((_, i) => {
const start = Math.max(0, i - 29)
const end = i
const uniques = new Set<string>()
for (let j = start; j <= end; j++)
dailyUserIds[j].forEach((userId) => uniques.add(userId))
return uniques.size
const weekOnWeekRetention = dailyUserIds.map((_userId, i) => {
const twoWeeksAgo = {
start: Math.max(0, i - 13),
end: Math.max(0, i - 7),
const lastWeek = {
start: Math.max(0, i - 6),
end: i,
const activeTwoWeeksAgo = new Set<string>()
for (let j = twoWeeksAgo.start; j <= twoWeeksAgo.end; j++) {
dailyUserIds[j].forEach((userId) => activeTwoWeeksAgo.add(userId))
const activeLastWeek = new Set<string>()
for (let j = lastWeek.start; j <= lastWeek.end; j++) {
dailyUserIds[j].forEach((userId) => activeLastWeek.add(userId))
const retainedCount = sumBy(Array.from(activeTwoWeeksAgo), (userId) =>
activeLastWeek.has(userId) ? 1 : 0
const retainedFrac = retainedCount / activeTwoWeeksAgo.size
return Math.round(retainedFrac * 100 * 100) / 100
const monthlyRetention = dailyUserIds.map((_userId, i) => {
const twoMonthsAgo = {
start: Math.max(0, i - 60),
end: Math.max(0, i - 30),
const lastMonth = {
start: Math.max(0, i - 30),
end: i,
const activeTwoMonthsAgo = new Set<string>()
for (let j = twoMonthsAgo.start; j <= twoMonthsAgo.end; j++) {
dailyUserIds[j].forEach((userId) => activeTwoMonthsAgo.add(userId))
const activeLastMonth = new Set<string>()
for (let j = lastMonth.start; j <= lastMonth.end; j++) {
dailyUserIds[j].forEach((userId) => activeLastMonth.add(userId))
const retainedCount = sumBy(Array.from(activeTwoMonthsAgo), (userId) =>
activeLastMonth.has(userId) ? 1 : 0
const retainedFrac = retainedCount / activeTwoMonthsAgo.size
return Math.round(retainedFrac * 100 * 100) / 100
const firstBetDict: { [userId: string]: number } = {}
for (let i = 0; i < dailyBets.length; i++) {
const bets = dailyBets[i]
for (const bet of bets) {
if (bet.userId in firstBetDict) continue
firstBetDict[bet.userId] = i
const weeklyActivationRate = dailyNewUsers.map((_, i) => {
const start = Math.max(0, i - 6)
const end = i
let activatedCount = 0
let newUsers = 0
for (let j = start; j <= end; j++) {
const userIds = dailyNewUsers[j].map((user) => user.id)
newUsers += userIds.length
for (const userId of userIds) {
const dayIndex = firstBetDict[userId]
if (dayIndex !== undefined && dayIndex <= end) {
const frac = activatedCount / (newUsers || 1)
return Math.round(frac * 100 * 100) / 100
const dailySignups = dailyNewUsers.map((users) => users.length)
const dailyTopTenthActions = zip(
).map(([contracts, bets, comments]) => {
const userIds = concat(
contracts?.map((c) => c.creatorId) ?? [],
bets?.map((b) => b.userId) ?? [],
comments?.map((c) => c.userId) ?? []
const counts = Object.values(countBy(userIds))
const sortedCounts = sortBy(counts, (count) => count).reverse()
if (sortedCounts.length === 0) return 0
const tenthPercentile = sortedCounts[Math.floor(sortedCounts.length * 0.1)]
return tenthPercentile
const weeklyTopTenthActions = dailyTopTenthActions.map((_, i) => {
const start = Math.max(0, i - 6)
const end = i
return average(dailyTopTenthActions.slice(start, end))
const monthlyTopTenthActions = dailyTopTenthActions.map((_, i) => {
const start = Math.max(0, i - 29)
const end = i
return average(dailyTopTenthActions.slice(start, end))
// Total mana divided by 100.
const dailyManaBet = dailyBets.map((bets) => {
return Math.round(sumBy(bets, (bet) => bet.amount) / 100)
const weeklyManaBet = dailyManaBet.map((_, i) => {
const start = Math.max(0, i - 6)
const end = i
const total = sum(dailyManaBet.slice(start, end))
if (end - start < 7) return (total * 7) / (end - start)
return total
const monthlyManaBet = dailyManaBet.map((_, i) => {
const start = Math.max(0, i - 29)
const end = i
const total = sum(dailyManaBet.slice(start, end))
const range = end - start + 1
if (range < 30) return (total * 30) / range
return total
const statsData = {
startDate: startDate.valueOf(),
topTenthActions: {
daily: dailyTopTenthActions,
weekly: weeklyTopTenthActions,
monthly: monthlyTopTenthActions,
manaBet: {
daily: dailyManaBet,
weekly: weeklyManaBet,
monthly: monthlyManaBet,
log('Computed stats: ', statsData)
await firestore.doc('stats/stats').set(statsData)
export const updateStats = functions
.runWith({ memory: '1GB', timeoutSeconds: 540 })
.pubsub.schedule('every 60 minutes')