* Revert "Revert "Switch comments/chat to rich text editor (#703)""
This reverts commit 33906adfe4
* Fix typing after being weird on Android
Issue: character from mention gets deleted. Most weird on Swiftkey:
mention gets duplicated instead of deleting.
See https://github.com/ProseMirror/prosemirror/issues/565
The keyboard still closes unexpectedly when you delete :(
* On reply, put space instead of \n after mention
* Remove image upload from placeholder text
- Redundant with image upload button
- Too long on mobile
* fix dependency
507 lines
16 KiB
507 lines
16 KiB
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin'
import {
} from '../../common/notification'
import { User } from '../../common/user'
import { Contract } from '../../common/contract'
import { getValues } from './utils'
import { Comment } from '../../common/comment'
import { uniq } from 'lodash'
import { Bet, LimitBet } from '../../common/bet'
import { Answer } from '../../common/answer'
import { getContractBetMetrics } from '../../common/calculate'
import { removeUndefinedProps } from '../../common/util/object'
import { TipTxn } from '../../common/txn'
import { Group, GROUP_CHAT_SLUG } from '../../common/group'
import { Challenge } from '../../common/challenge'
import { richTextToString } from '../../common/util/parse'
const firestore = admin.firestore()
type user_to_reason_texts = {
[userId: string]: { reason: notification_reason_types }
export const createNotification = async (
sourceId: string,
sourceType: notification_source_types,
sourceUpdateType: notification_source_update_types,
sourceUser: User,
idempotencyKey: string,
sourceText: string,
miscData?: {
contract?: Contract
relatedSourceType?: notification_source_types
recipients?: string[]
slug?: string
title?: string
) => {
const {
contract: sourceContract,
} = miscData ?? {}
const shouldGetNotification = (
userId: string,
userToReasonTexts: user_to_reason_texts
) => {
return (
sourceUser.id != userId &&
const createUsersNotifications = async (
userToReasonTexts: user_to_reason_texts
) => {
await Promise.all(
Object.keys(userToReasonTexts).map(async (userId) => {
const notificationRef = firestore
const notification: Notification = {
id: idempotencyKey,
reason: userToReasonTexts[userId].reason,
createdTime: Date.now(),
isSeen: false,
sourceContractId: sourceContract?.id,
sourceUserName: sourceUser.name,
sourceUserUsername: sourceUser.username,
sourceUserAvatarUrl: sourceUser.avatarUrl,
sourceContractCreatorUsername: sourceContract?.creatorUsername,
sourceContractTitle: sourceContract?.question,
sourceContractSlug: sourceContract?.slug,
sourceSlug: slug ? slug : sourceContract?.slug,
sourceTitle: title ? title : sourceContract?.question,
await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification))
const notifyLiquidityProviders = async (
userToReasonTexts: user_to_reason_texts,
contract: Contract
) => {
const liquidityProviders = await firestore
const liquidityProvidersIds = uniq(
liquidityProviders.docs.map((doc) => doc.data().userId)
liquidityProvidersIds.forEach((userId) => {
if (!shouldGetNotification(userId, userToReasonTexts)) return
userToReasonTexts[userId] = {
reason: 'on_contract_with_users_shares_in',
const notifyUsersFollowers = async (
userToReasonTexts: user_to_reason_texts
) => {
const followers = await firestore
.where('userId', '==', sourceUser.id)
followers.docs.forEach((doc) => {
const followerUserId = doc.ref.parent.parent?.id
if (
followerUserId &&
shouldGetNotification(followerUserId, userToReasonTexts)
) {
userToReasonTexts[followerUserId] = {
reason: 'you_follow_user',
const notifyRepliedUser = (
userToReasonTexts: user_to_reason_texts,
relatedUserId: string,
relatedSourceType: notification_source_types
) => {
if (!shouldGetNotification(relatedUserId, userToReasonTexts)) return
if (relatedSourceType === 'comment') {
userToReasonTexts[relatedUserId] = {
reason: 'reply_to_users_comment',
} else if (relatedSourceType === 'answer') {
userToReasonTexts[relatedUserId] = {
reason: 'reply_to_users_answer',
const notifyFollowedUser = (
userToReasonTexts: user_to_reason_texts,
followedUserId: string
) => {
if (shouldGetNotification(followedUserId, userToReasonTexts))
userToReasonTexts[followedUserId] = {
reason: 'on_new_follow',
const notifyTaggedUsers = (
userToReasonTexts: user_to_reason_texts,
userIds: (string | undefined)[]
) => {
userIds.forEach((id) => {
if (id && shouldGetNotification(id, userToReasonTexts))
userToReasonTexts[id] = {
reason: 'tagged_user',
const notifyContractCreator = async (
userToReasonTexts: user_to_reason_texts,
sourceContract: Contract,
options?: { force: boolean }
) => {
if (
options?.force ||
shouldGetNotification(sourceContract.creatorId, userToReasonTexts)
userToReasonTexts[sourceContract.creatorId] = {
reason: 'on_users_contract',
const notifyOtherAnswerersOnContract = async (
userToReasonTexts: user_to_reason_texts,
sourceContract: Contract
) => {
const answers = await getValues<Answer>(
const recipientUserIds = uniq(answers.map((answer) => answer.userId))
recipientUserIds.forEach((userId) => {
if (shouldGetNotification(userId, userToReasonTexts))
userToReasonTexts[userId] = {
reason: 'on_contract_with_users_answer',
const notifyOtherCommentersOnContract = async (
userToReasonTexts: user_to_reason_texts,
sourceContract: Contract
) => {
const comments = await getValues<Comment>(
const recipientUserIds = uniq(comments.map((comment) => comment.userId))
recipientUserIds.forEach((userId) => {
if (shouldGetNotification(userId, userToReasonTexts))
userToReasonTexts[userId] = {
reason: 'on_contract_with_users_comment',
const notifyBettorsOnContract = async (
userToReasonTexts: user_to_reason_texts,
sourceContract: Contract
) => {
const betsSnap = await firestore
const bets = betsSnap.docs.map((doc) => doc.data() as Bet)
// filter bets for only users that have an amount invested still
const recipientUserIds = uniq(bets.map((bet) => bet.userId)).filter(
(userId) => {
return (
bets.filter((bet) => bet.userId === userId)
).invested > 0
recipientUserIds.forEach((userId) => {
if (shouldGetNotification(userId, userToReasonTexts))
userToReasonTexts[userId] = {
reason: 'on_contract_with_users_shares_in',
const notifyUserAddedToGroup = (
userToReasonTexts: user_to_reason_texts,
relatedUserId: string
) => {
if (shouldGetNotification(relatedUserId, userToReasonTexts))
userToReasonTexts[relatedUserId] = {
reason: 'added_you_to_group',
const notifyContractCreatorOfUniqueBettorsBonus = async (
userToReasonTexts: user_to_reason_texts,
userId: string
) => {
userToReasonTexts[userId] = {
reason: 'unique_bettors_on_your_contract',
const getUsersToNotify = async () => {
const userToReasonTexts: user_to_reason_texts = {}
// The following functions modify the userToReasonTexts object in place.
if (sourceType === 'follow' && recipients?.[0]) {
notifyFollowedUser(userToReasonTexts, recipients[0])
} else if (
sourceType === 'group' &&
sourceUpdateType === 'created' &&
) {
recipients.forEach((r) => notifyUserAddedToGroup(userToReasonTexts, r))
// The following functions need sourceContract to be defined.
if (!sourceContract) return userToReasonTexts
if (
sourceType === 'comment' ||
sourceType === 'answer' ||
(sourceType === 'contract' &&
(sourceUpdateType === 'updated' || sourceUpdateType === 'resolved'))
) {
if (sourceType === 'comment') {
if (recipients?.[0] && relatedSourceType)
notifyRepliedUser(userToReasonTexts, recipients[0], relatedSourceType)
if (sourceText) notifyTaggedUsers(userToReasonTexts, recipients ?? [])
await notifyContractCreator(userToReasonTexts, sourceContract)
await notifyOtherAnswerersOnContract(userToReasonTexts, sourceContract)
await notifyLiquidityProviders(userToReasonTexts, sourceContract)
await notifyBettorsOnContract(userToReasonTexts, sourceContract)
await notifyOtherCommentersOnContract(userToReasonTexts, sourceContract)
} else if (sourceType === 'contract' && sourceUpdateType === 'created') {
await notifyUsersFollowers(userToReasonTexts)
notifyTaggedUsers(userToReasonTexts, recipients ?? [])
} else if (sourceType === 'contract' && sourceUpdateType === 'closed') {
await notifyContractCreator(userToReasonTexts, sourceContract, {
force: true,
} else if (sourceType === 'liquidity' && sourceUpdateType === 'created') {
await notifyContractCreator(userToReasonTexts, sourceContract)
} else if (sourceType === 'bonus' && sourceUpdateType === 'created') {
// Note: the daily bonus won't have a contract attached to it
await notifyContractCreatorOfUniqueBettorsBonus(
return userToReasonTexts
const userToReasonTexts = await getUsersToNotify()
await createUsersNotifications(userToReasonTexts)
export const createTipNotification = async (
fromUser: User,
toUser: User,
tip: TipTxn,
idempotencyKey: string,
commentId: string,
contract?: Contract,
group?: Group
) => {
const slug = group ? group.slug + `#${commentId}` : commentId
const notificationRef = firestore
const notification: Notification = {
id: idempotencyKey,
userId: toUser.id,
reason: 'tip_received',
createdTime: Date.now(),
isSeen: false,
sourceId: tip.id,
sourceType: 'tip',
sourceUpdateType: 'created',
sourceUserName: fromUser.name,
sourceUserUsername: fromUser.username,
sourceUserAvatarUrl: fromUser.avatarUrl,
sourceText: tip.amount.toString(),
sourceContractCreatorUsername: contract?.creatorUsername,
sourceContractTitle: contract?.question,
sourceContractSlug: contract?.slug,
sourceSlug: slug,
sourceTitle: group?.name,
return await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification))
export const createBetFillNotification = async (
fromUser: User,
toUser: User,
bet: Bet,
userBet: LimitBet,
contract: Contract,
idempotencyKey: string
) => {
const fill = userBet.fills.find((fill) => fill.matchedBetId === bet.id)
const fillAmount = fill?.amount ?? 0
const notificationRef = firestore
const notification: Notification = {
id: idempotencyKey,
userId: toUser.id,
reason: 'bet_fill',
createdTime: Date.now(),
isSeen: false,
sourceId: userBet.id,
sourceType: 'bet',
sourceUpdateType: 'updated',
sourceUserName: fromUser.name,
sourceUserUsername: fromUser.username,
sourceUserAvatarUrl: fromUser.avatarUrl,
sourceText: fillAmount.toString(),
sourceContractCreatorUsername: contract.creatorUsername,
sourceContractTitle: contract.question,
sourceContractSlug: contract.slug,
sourceContractId: contract.id,
return await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification))
export const createGroupCommentNotification = async (
fromUser: User,
toUserId: string,
comment: Comment,
group: Group,
idempotencyKey: string
) => {
if (toUserId === fromUser.id) return
const notificationRef = firestore
const sourceSlug = `/group/${group.slug}/${GROUP_CHAT_SLUG}`
const notification: Notification = {
id: idempotencyKey,
userId: toUserId,
reason: 'on_group_you_are_member_of',
createdTime: Date.now(),
isSeen: false,
sourceId: comment.id,
sourceType: 'comment',
sourceUpdateType: 'created',
sourceUserName: fromUser.name,
sourceUserUsername: fromUser.username,
sourceUserAvatarUrl: fromUser.avatarUrl,
sourceText: richTextToString(comment.content),
sourceTitle: `${group.name}`,
isSeenOnHref: sourceSlug,
await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification))
export const createReferralNotification = async (
toUser: User,
referredUser: User,
idempotencyKey: string,
bonusAmount: string,
referredByContract?: Contract,
referredByGroup?: Group
) => {
const notificationRef = firestore
const notification: Notification = {
id: idempotencyKey,
userId: toUser.id,
reason: referredByGroup
? 'user_joined_from_your_group_invite'
: referredByContract?.creatorId === toUser.id
? 'user_joined_to_bet_on_your_market'
: 'you_referred_user',
createdTime: Date.now(),
isSeen: false,
sourceId: referredUser.id,
sourceType: 'user',
sourceUpdateType: 'updated',
sourceContractId: referredByContract?.id,
sourceUserName: referredUser.name,
sourceUserUsername: referredUser.username,
sourceUserAvatarUrl: referredUser.avatarUrl,
sourceText: bonusAmount,
// Only pass the contract referral details if they weren't referred to a group
sourceContractCreatorUsername: !referredByGroup
? referredByContract?.creatorUsername
: undefined,
sourceContractTitle: !referredByGroup
? referredByContract?.question
: undefined,
sourceContractSlug: !referredByGroup ? referredByContract?.slug : undefined,
sourceSlug: referredByGroup
? groupPath(referredByGroup.slug)
: referredByContract?.slug,
sourceTitle: referredByGroup
? referredByGroup.name
: referredByContract?.question,
await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification))
const groupPath = (groupSlug: string) => `/group/${groupSlug}`
export const createChallengeAcceptedNotification = async (
challenger: User,
challengeCreator: User,
challenge: Challenge,
acceptedAmount: number,
contract: Contract
) => {
const notificationRef = firestore
const notification: Notification = {
id: notificationRef.id,
userId: challengeCreator.id,
reason: 'challenge_accepted',
createdTime: Date.now(),
isSeen: false,
sourceId: challenge.slug,
sourceType: 'challenge',
sourceUpdateType: 'updated',
sourceUserName: challenger.name,
sourceUserUsername: challenger.username,
sourceUserAvatarUrl: challenger.avatarUrl,
sourceText: acceptedAmount.toString(),
sourceContractCreatorUsername: contract.creatorUsername,
sourceContractTitle: contract.question,
sourceContractSlug: contract.slug,
sourceContractId: contract.id,
sourceSlug: `/challenges/${challengeCreator.username}/${challenge.contractSlug}/${challenge.slug}`,
return await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification))