* [Portfolio Graph] Shows a graph of the portfolio value over time * [PortfolioGraph] Fix some nits. * [PortfolioGraph] Comment out portfolio-value-section Hides the component completely for now, so we can land today. My plan would be to land today, wait for the history to build up, and then revert this commit. As opposed to leaving the PR idle for a while, and then have to deal with conflicts. * [PortfolioGraph] Rm duplicate firestore rule
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import {
} from 'firebase/firestore'
import { getAuth } from 'firebase/auth'
import { ref, getStorage, uploadBytes, getDownloadURL } from 'firebase/storage'
import {
} from 'firebase/auth'
import { range, throttle, zip } from 'lodash'
import { app } from './init'
import { PortfolioMetrics, PrivateUser, User } from 'common/user'
import { createUser } from './fn-call'
import { getValue, getValues, listenForValue, listenForValues } from './utils'
import { DAY_MS } from 'common/util/time'
import { feed } from 'common/feed'
import { CATEGORY_LIST } from 'common/categories'
import { safeLocalStorage } from '../util/local'
import { filterDefined } from 'common/util/array'
export type { User }
export type Period = 'daily' | 'weekly' | 'monthly' | 'allTime'
const db = getFirestore(app)
export const auth = getAuth(app)
export const userDocRef = (userId: string) => doc(db, 'users', userId)
export async function getUser(userId: string) {
const docSnap = await getDoc(userDocRef(userId))
return docSnap.data() as User
export async function getUserByUsername(username: string) {
// Find a user whose username matches the given username, or null if no such user exists.
const userCollection = collection(db, 'users')
const q = query(userCollection, where('username', '==', username), limit(1))
const docs = await getDocs(q)
const users = docs.docs.map((doc) => doc.data() as User)
return users[0] || null
export async function setUser(userId: string, user: User) {
await setDoc(doc(db, 'users', userId), user)
export async function updateUser(userId: string, update: Partial<User>) {
await updateDoc(doc(db, 'users', userId), { ...update })
export async function updatePrivateUser(
userId: string,
update: Partial<PrivateUser>
) {
await updateDoc(doc(db, 'private-users', userId), { ...update })
export function listenForUser(
userId: string,
setUser: (user: User | null) => void
) {
const userRef = doc(db, 'users', userId)
return listenForValue<User>(userRef, setUser)
export function listenForPrivateUser(
userId: string,
setPrivateUser: (privateUser: PrivateUser | null) => void
) {
const userRef = doc(db, 'private-users', userId)
return listenForValue<PrivateUser>(userRef, setPrivateUser)
// used to avoid weird race condition
let createUserPromise: Promise<User | null> | undefined = undefined
const warmUpCreateUser = throttle(createUser, 5000 /* ms */)
export function listenForLogin(onUser: (user: User | null) => void) {
const local = safeLocalStorage()
const cachedUser = local?.getItem(CACHED_USER_KEY)
onUser(cachedUser && JSON.parse(cachedUser))
if (!cachedUser) warmUpCreateUser()
return onAuthStateChanged(auth, async (fbUser) => {
if (fbUser) {
let user: User | null = await getUser(fbUser.uid)
if (!user) {
if (!createUserPromise) {
createUserPromise = createUser()
user = (await createUserPromise) || null
// Persist to local storage, to reduce login blink next time.
// Note: Cap on localStorage size is ~5mb
local?.setItem(CACHED_USER_KEY, JSON.stringify(user))
} else {
// User logged out; reset to null
createUserPromise = undefined
export async function firebaseLogin() {
const provider = new GoogleAuthProvider()
return signInWithPopup(auth, provider)
export async function firebaseLogout() {
const storage = getStorage(app)
// Example: uploadData('avatars/ajfi8iejsf.png', data)
export async function uploadData(
path: string,
data: ArrayBuffer | Blob | Uint8Array
) {
const uploadRef = ref(storage, path)
// Uploaded files should be cached for 1 day, then revalidated
// See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control
const metadata = { cacheControl: 'public, max-age=86400, must-revalidate' }
await uploadBytes(uploadRef, data, metadata)
return await getDownloadURL(uploadRef)
export async function listUsers(userIds: string[]) {
if (userIds.length > 10) {
throw new Error('Too many users requested at once; Firestore limits to 10')
const userCollection = collection(db, 'users')
const q = query(userCollection, where('id', 'in', userIds))
const docs = await getDocs(q)
return docs.docs.map((doc) => doc.data() as User)
export async function listAllUsers() {
const userCollection = collection(db, 'users')
const q = query(userCollection)
const docs = await getDocs(q)
return docs.docs.map((doc) => doc.data() as User)
export function listenForAllUsers(setUsers: (users: User[]) => void) {
const userCollection = collection(db, 'users')
const q = query(userCollection)
listenForValues(q, setUsers)
export function listenForPrivateUsers(
setUsers: (users: PrivateUser[]) => void
) {
const userCollection = collection(db, 'private-users')
const q = query(userCollection)
listenForValues(q, setUsers)
export function getTopTraders(period: Period) {
const topTraders = query(
collection(db, 'users'),
orderBy('profitCached.' + period, 'desc'),
return getValues(topTraders)
export function getTopCreators(period: Period) {
const topCreators = query(
collection(db, 'users'),
orderBy('creatorVolumeCached.' + period, 'desc'),
return getValues(topCreators)
export async function getTopFollowed() {
const users = await getValues<User>(topFollowedQuery)
return users.slice(0, 20)
const topFollowedQuery = query(
collection(db, 'users'),
orderBy('followerCountCached', 'desc'),
export function getUsers() {
return getValues<User>(collection(db, 'users'))
const getUsersQuery = (startTime: number, endTime: number) =>
collection(db, 'users'),
where('createdTime', '>=', startTime),
where('createdTime', '<', endTime),
orderBy('createdTime', 'asc')
export async function getDailyNewUsers(
startTime: number,
numberOfDays: number
) {
const query = getUsersQuery(startTime, startTime + DAY_MS * numberOfDays)
const users = await getValues<User>(query)
const usersByDay = range(0, numberOfDays).map(() => [] as User[])
for (const user of users) {
const dayIndex = Math.floor((user.createdTime - startTime) / DAY_MS)
return usersByDay
export async function getUserFeed(userId: string) {
const feedDoc = doc(db, 'private-users', userId, 'cache', 'feed')
const userFeed = await getValue<{
feed: feed
return userFeed?.feed ?? []
export async function getCategoryFeeds(userId: string) {
const cacheCollection = collection(db, 'private-users', userId, 'cache')
const feedData = await Promise.all(
CATEGORY_LIST.map((category) =>
getValue<{ feed: feed }>(doc(cacheCollection, `feed-${category}`))
const feeds = feedData.map((data) => data?.feed ?? [])
return Object.fromEntries(zip(CATEGORY_LIST, feeds) as [string, feed][])
export async function follow(userId: string, followedUserId: string) {
const followDoc = doc(db, 'users', userId, 'follows', followedUserId)
await setDoc(followDoc, {
userId: followedUserId,
timestamp: Date.now(),
export async function unfollow(userId: string, unfollowedUserId: string) {
const followDoc = doc(db, 'users', userId, 'follows', unfollowedUserId)
await deleteDoc(followDoc)
export async function getPortfolioHistory(userId: string) {
return getValues<PortfolioMetrics>(
collectionGroup(db, 'portfolioHistory'),
where('userId', '==', userId),
orderBy('timestamp', 'asc')
export function listenForFollows(
userId: string,
setFollowIds: (followIds: string[]) => void
) {
const follows = collection(db, 'users', userId, 'follows')
return listenForValues<{ userId: string }>(follows, (docs) =>
setFollowIds(docs.map(({ userId }) => userId))
export function listenForFollowers(
userId: string,
setFollowerIds: (followerIds: string[]) => void
) {
const followersQuery = query(
collectionGroup(db, 'follows'),
where('userId', '==', userId)
return onSnapshot(
{ includeMetadataChanges: true },
(snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.metadata.fromCache) return
const values = snapshot.docs.map((doc) => doc.ref.parent.parent?.id)