* /dream api: Upload StableDiffusion image to Firestore * Minor tweaks * Set content type on uploaded image This makes it so the image doesn't auto-download when opened in a new tab * Allow users to dream directly from within Manifold * Remove unused import * Implement a /comment endpoint which supports html and markdown * Upgrade @tiptap/core to latest * Update all tiptap deps to beta.199 * Add @tiptap/suggestion * Import @tiptap/html in the right place * ... add deps everywhere So I have no idea how common deps work apparently * Add tiptap/suggestion too * Clean up dream * More cleanups * Rework /comment endpoint * Move API to /comment * Change imports in case that matters * Add a couple todos * Dynamically import micromark * Parallellize gsutil with -m option * Adding comments via api working, editor.tsx erroring out * Unused import * Remove disabled state from useTextEditor Co-authored-by: Ian Philips <iansphilips@gmail.com>
99 lines
3.3 KiB
99 lines
3.3 KiB
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