2022-05-06 17:15:09 -04:00

375 lines
9.7 KiB

import * as _ from 'lodash'
import { Bet } from './bet'
import {
} from './contract'
import { DPM_FEES } from './fees'
import { normpdf } from './normal'
import { addObjects } from './util/object'
export function getDpmProbability(totalShares: { [outcome: string]: number }) {
// For binary contracts only.
return getDpmOutcomeProbability(totalShares, 'YES')
export function getDpmOutcomeProbability(
totalShares: {
[outcome: string]: number
outcome: string
) {
const squareSum = _.sumBy(Object.values(totalShares), (shares) => shares ** 2)
const shares = totalShares[outcome] ?? 0
return shares ** 2 / squareSum
export function getDpmOutcomeProbabilities(totalShares: {
[outcome: string]: number
}) {
const squareSum = _.sumBy(Object.values(totalShares), (shares) => shares ** 2)
return _.mapValues(totalShares, (shares) => shares ** 2 / squareSum)
export function getNumericBets(
contract: NumericContract,
bucket: string,
betAmount: number,
std = 0.01
) {
const { bucketCount } = contract
const bucketNumber = parseInt(bucket)
const buckets = _.range(0, bucketCount)
const mean = bucketNumber / bucketCount
const allDensities = => normpdf(i / bucketCount, mean, std))
const densitySum = _.sum(allDensities)
const rawBetAmounts = allDensities
.map((d) => (d / densitySum) * betAmount)
.map((x) => (x >= 1 / bucketCount ? x : 0))
const rawSum = _.sum(rawBetAmounts)
const scaledBetAmounts = => (x / rawSum) * betAmount)
const bets = scaledBetAmounts
.map((x, i) => (x > 0 ? [i.toString(), x] : undefined))
.filter((x) => x != undefined) as [string, number][]
return bets
export function getDpmOutcomeProbabilityAfterBet(
totalShares: {
[outcome: string]: number
outcome: string,
bet: number
) {
const shares = calculateDpmShares(totalShares, bet, outcome)
const prevShares = totalShares[outcome] ?? 0
const newTotalShares = { ...totalShares, [outcome]: prevShares + shares }
return getDpmOutcomeProbability(newTotalShares, outcome)
export function getDpmProbabilityAfterSale(
totalShares: {
[outcome: string]: number
outcome: string,
shares: number
) {
const prevShares = totalShares[outcome] ?? 0
const newTotalShares = { ...totalShares, [outcome]: prevShares - shares }
const predictionOutcome = outcome === 'NO' ? 'YES' : outcome
return getDpmOutcomeProbability(newTotalShares, predictionOutcome)
export function calculateDpmShares(
totalShares: {
[outcome: string]: number
bet: number,
betChoice: string
) {
const squareSum = _.sumBy(Object.values(totalShares), (shares) => shares ** 2)
const shares = totalShares[betChoice] ?? 0
const c = 2 * bet * Math.sqrt(squareSum)
return Math.sqrt(bet ** 2 + shares ** 2 + c) - shares
const zigZagOrder = (length: number) => {
const mid = Math.floor(length / 2)
return _.range(0, mid)
.flatMap((i) => [i, length - i - 1])
.concat(length % 2 === 0 ? [] : [mid])
export function calculateNumericDpmShares(
totalShares: {
[outcome: string]: number
bets: [string, number][]
) {
const shares: number[] = []
totalShares = _.cloneDeep(totalShares)
for (let i of zigZagOrder(bets.length)) {
const [bucket, bet] = bets[i]
shares[i] = calculateDpmShares(totalShares, bet, bucket)
totalShares = addObjects(totalShares, { [bucket]: shares[i] })
return { shares, totalShares }
export function calculateDpmRawShareValue(
totalShares: {
[outcome: string]: number
shares: number,
betChoice: string
) {
const currentValue = Math.sqrt(
_.sumBy(Object.values(totalShares), (shares) => shares ** 2)
const postSaleValue = Math.sqrt(
_.sumBy(Object.keys(totalShares), (outcome) =>
outcome === betChoice
? Math.max(0, totalShares[outcome] - shares) ** 2
: totalShares[outcome] ** 2
return currentValue - postSaleValue
export function calculateDpmMoneyRatio(
contract: FullContract<DPM, any>,
bet: Bet,
shareValue: number
) {
const { totalShares, totalBets, pool } = contract
const { outcome, amount } = bet
const p = getDpmOutcomeProbability(totalShares, outcome)
const actual = _.sum(Object.values(pool)) - shareValue
const betAmount = p * amount
const expected =
(outcome) =>
getDpmOutcomeProbability(totalShares, outcome) *
(totalBets as { [outcome: string]: number })[outcome]
) - betAmount
if (actual <= 0 || expected <= 0) return 0
return actual / expected
export function calculateDpmShareValue(
contract: FullContract<DPM, any>,
bet: Bet
) {
const { pool, totalShares } = contract
const { shares, outcome } = bet
const shareValue = calculateDpmRawShareValue(totalShares, shares, outcome)
const f = calculateDpmMoneyRatio(contract, bet, shareValue)
const myPool = pool[outcome]
const adjShareValue = Math.min(Math.min(1, f) * shareValue, myPool)
return adjShareValue
export function calculateDpmSaleAmount(
contract: FullContract<DPM, any>,
bet: Bet
) {
const { amount } = bet
const winnings = calculateDpmShareValue(contract, bet)
return deductDpmFees(amount, winnings)
export function calculateDpmPayout(
contract: FullContract<DPM, any>,
bet: Bet,
outcome: string
) {
if (outcome === 'CANCEL') return calculateDpmCancelPayout(contract, bet)
if (outcome === 'MKT') return calculateMktDpmPayout(contract, bet)
return calculateStandardDpmPayout(contract, bet, outcome)
export function calculateDpmCancelPayout(
contract: FullContract<DPM, any>,
bet: Bet
) {
const { totalBets, pool } = contract
const betTotal = _.sum(Object.values(totalBets))
const poolTotal = _.sum(Object.values(pool))
return (bet.amount / betTotal) * poolTotal
export function calculateStandardDpmPayout(
contract: FullContract<DPM, any>,
bet: Bet,
outcome: string
) {
const { amount, outcome: betOutcome, shares } = bet
if (betOutcome !== outcome) return 0
const { totalShares, phantomShares, pool } = contract
if (!totalShares[outcome]) return 0
const poolTotal = _.sum(Object.values(pool))
const total =
totalShares[outcome] - (phantomShares ? phantomShares[outcome] : 0)
const winnings = (shares / total) * poolTotal
// profit can be negative if using phantom shares
return amount + (1 - DPM_FEES) * Math.max(0, winnings - amount)
export function calculateDpmPayoutAfterCorrectBet(
contract: FullContract<DPM, any>,
bet: Bet
) {
const { totalShares, pool, totalBets } = contract
const { shares, amount, outcome } = bet
const prevShares = totalShares[outcome] ?? 0
const prevPool = pool[outcome] ?? 0
const prevTotalBet = totalBets[outcome] ?? 0
const newContract = {
totalShares: {
[outcome]: prevShares + shares,
pool: {
[outcome]: prevPool + amount,
totalBets: {
[outcome]: prevTotalBet + amount,
return calculateStandardDpmPayout(newContract, bet, outcome)
function calculateMktDpmPayout(contract: FullContract<DPM, any>, bet: Bet) {
if (contract.outcomeType === 'BINARY')
return calculateBinaryMktDpmPayout(contract, bet)
const { totalShares, pool, resolutions } = contract as FullContract<
let probs: { [outcome: string]: number }
if (resolutions) {
const probTotal = _.sum(Object.values(resolutions))
probs = _.mapValues(
(_, outcome) => (resolutions[outcome] ?? 0) / probTotal
} else {
const squareSum = _.sum(
Object.values(totalShares).map((shares) => shares ** 2)
probs = _.mapValues(totalShares, (shares) => shares ** 2 / squareSum)
const weightedShareTotal = _.sumBy(Object.keys(totalShares), (outcome) => {
return probs[outcome] * totalShares[outcome]
const { outcome, amount, shares } = bet
const totalPool = _.sum(Object.values(pool))
const poolFrac = (probs[outcome] * shares) / weightedShareTotal
const winnings = poolFrac * totalPool
return deductDpmFees(amount, winnings)
function calculateBinaryMktDpmPayout(
contract: FullContract<DPM, Binary>,
bet: Bet
) {
const { resolutionProbability, totalShares, phantomShares } = contract
const p =
resolutionProbability !== undefined
? resolutionProbability
: getDpmProbability(totalShares)
const pool = contract.pool.YES + contract.pool.NO
const weightedShareTotal =
p * (totalShares.YES - (phantomShares?.YES ?? 0)) +
(1 - p) * (totalShares.NO - (phantomShares?.NO ?? 0))
const { outcome, amount, shares } = bet
const betP = outcome === 'YES' ? p : 1 - p
const winnings = ((betP * shares) / weightedShareTotal) * pool
return deductDpmFees(amount, winnings)
export function resolvedDpmPayout(contract: FullContract<DPM, any>, bet: Bet) {
if (contract.resolution)
return calculateDpmPayout(contract, bet, contract.resolution)
throw new Error('Contract was not resolved')
export const deductDpmFees = (betAmount: number, winnings: number) => {
return winnings > betAmount
? betAmount + (1 - DPM_FEES) * (winnings - betAmount)
: winnings
export const calcDpmInitialPool = (
initialProbInt: number,
ante: number,
phantomAnte: number
) => {
const p = initialProbInt / 100.0
const totalAnte = phantomAnte + ante
const sharesYes = Math.sqrt(p * totalAnte ** 2)
const sharesNo = Math.sqrt(totalAnte ** 2 - sharesYes ** 2)
const poolYes = p * ante
const poolNo = (1 - p) * ante
const phantomYes = Math.sqrt(p) * phantomAnte
const phantomNo = Math.sqrt(1 - p) * phantomAnte
return { sharesYes, sharesNo, poolYes, poolNo, phantomYes, phantomNo }