* Create following button that opens follow list in modal. * Move react query deps to web package.json * UseFollowers hook * Following and followers button, dialog with tabs. * Fix line endings * Remove carriage return from default vscode eol * Add placeholder message if no users followed / no followers * Tweak spacing
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112 lines
4.1 KiB
rules_version = '2';
// To pick the right project: `firebase projects:list`, then `firebase use <project-name>`
// To deploy: `firebase deploy --only firestore:rules`
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
function isAdmin() {
return request.auth.uid == 'igi2zGXsfxYPgB0DJTXVJVmwCOr2' // Austin
|| request.auth.uid == '5LZ4LgYuySdL1huCWe7bti02ghx2' // James
|| request.auth.uid == 'tlmGNz9kjXc2EteizMORes4qvWl2' // Stephen
|| request.auth.uid == 'IPTOzEqrpkWmEzh6hwvAyY9PqFb2' // Manifold
match /users/{userId} {
allow read;
allow update: if resource.data.id == request.auth.uid
&& request.resource.data.diff(resource.data).affectedKeys()
.hasOnly(['bio', 'bannerUrl', 'website', 'twitterHandle', 'discordHandle', 'followedCategories']);
match /users/{userId}/follows/{followUserId} {
allow read;
allow write: if request.auth.uid == userId;
match /{somePath=**}/follows/{followUserId} {
allow read;
match /private-users/{userId} {
allow read: if resource.data.id == request.auth.uid || isAdmin();
allow update: if (resource.data.id == request.auth.uid || isAdmin())
&& request.resource.data.diff(resource.data).affectedKeys()
.hasOnly(['apiKey', 'unsubscribedFromResolutionEmails', 'unsubscribedFromCommentEmails', 'unsubscribedFromAnswerEmails', 'notificationPreferences' ]);
match /private-users/{userId}/views/{viewId} {
allow create: if userId == request.auth.uid;
match /private-users/{userId}/events/{eventId} {
allow create: if userId == request.auth.uid;
match /private-users/{userId}/latency/{loadTimeId} {
allow create: if userId == request.auth.uid;
match /private-users/{userId}/cache/{docId} {
allow read: if userId == request.auth.uid || isAdmin();
match /contracts/{contractId} {
allow read;
allow update: if request.resource.data.diff(resource.data).affectedKeys()
.hasOnly(['tags', 'lowercaseTags']);
allow update: if request.resource.data.diff(resource.data).affectedKeys()
.hasOnly(['description', 'closeTime'])
&& resource.data.creatorId == request.auth.uid;
allow update: if isAdmin();
match /{somePath=**}/bets/{betId} {
allow read;
function commentMatchesUser(userId, comment) {
// it's a bad look if someone can impersonate other ids/names/avatars so check everything
let user = get(/databases/$(database)/documents/users/$(userId));
return comment.userId == userId
&& comment.userName == user.data.name
&& comment.userUsername == user.data.username
&& comment.userAvatarUrl == user.data.avatarUrl;
match /{somePath=**}/comments/{commentId} {
allow read;
allow create: if request.auth != null && commentMatchesUser(request.auth.uid, request.resource.data);
match /{somePath=**}/answers/{answerId} {
allow read;
match /folds/{foldId} {
allow read;
allow update: if request.auth.uid == resource.data.curatorId
&& request.resource.data.diff(resource.data).affectedKeys()
.hasOnly(['name', 'about', 'tags', 'lowercaseTags']);
allow delete: if request.auth.uid == resource.data.curatorId;
match /{somePath=**}/followers/{userId} {
allow read;
allow create, update: if request.auth.uid == userId && request.resource.data.userId == userId;
allow delete: if request.auth.uid == userId;
match /txns/{txnId} {
allow read;
match /users/{userId}/notifications/{notificationId} {
allow read;
allow update: if resource.data.userId == request.auth.uid
&& request.resource.data.diff(resource.data).affectedKeys()
.hasOnly(['isSeen', 'viewTime']);