* Move concurrently dep upwards * Add express as explicit dependency * Accept just one HTTP method per endpoint * Fix endpoint option coalescing * Expressification of cloud functions * Nicer logging of API requests * Refactor web package.json * Add ts-node and nodemon to dev dependencies, bring back cors * Add scaffolding to point dev server at local functions * Enable emulator in dev server scaffolding * Fix up a little stuff I broke
69 lines
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69 lines
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import * as cors from 'cors'
import * as express from 'express'
import { Express, Request, Response, NextFunction } from 'express'
import { EndpointDefinition } from './api'
const PORT = 8088
import { initAdmin } from './scripts/script-init'
import { health } from './health'
import { transact } from './transact'
import { changeuserinfo } from './change-user-info'
import { createuser } from './create-user'
import { createanswer } from './create-answer'
import { placebet } from './place-bet'
import { cancelbet } from './cancel-bet'
import { sellbet } from './sell-bet'
import { sellshares } from './sell-shares'
import { claimmanalink } from './claim-manalink'
import { createmarket } from './create-contract'
import { addliquidity } from './add-liquidity'
import { withdrawliquidity } from './withdraw-liquidity'
import { creategroup } from './create-group'
import { resolvemarket } from './resolve-market'
import { unsubscribe } from './unsubscribe'
import { stripewebhook, createcheckoutsession } from './stripe'
type Middleware = (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => void
const app = express()
const addEndpointRoute = (
path: string,
endpoint: EndpointDefinition,
...middlewares: Middleware[]
) => {
const method = endpoint.opts.method.toLowerCase() as keyof Express
const corsMiddleware = cors({ origin: endpoint.opts.cors })
const allMiddleware = [...middlewares, corsMiddleware]
app.options(path, corsMiddleware) // preflight requests
app[method](path, ...allMiddleware, endpoint.handler)
const addJsonEndpointRoute = (name: string, endpoint: EndpointDefinition) => {
addEndpointRoute(name, endpoint, express.json())
addEndpointRoute('/health', health)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/transact', transact)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/changeuserinfo', changeuserinfo)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/createuser', createuser)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/createanswer', createanswer)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/placebet', placebet)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/cancelbet', cancelbet)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/sellbet', sellbet)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/sellshares', sellshares)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/claimmanalink', claimmanalink)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/createmarket', createmarket)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/addliquidity', addliquidity)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/withdrawliquidity', withdrawliquidity)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/creategroup', creategroup)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/resolvemarket', resolvemarket)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/unsubscribe', unsubscribe)
addJsonEndpointRoute('/createcheckoutsession', createcheckoutsession)
addEndpointRoute('/stripewebhook', stripewebhook, express.raw())
console.log(`Serving functions on port ${PORT}.`)