Phil 833ec518b4
Twitch prerelease ()
* Bot linking button functional.

* Implemented initial prototype of new Twitch signup page.

* Removed old Twitch signup page.

* Moved new Twitch page to correct URL.

* Twitch account linking functional.

* Fixed charity link.

* Changed to point to live bot server.

* Slightly improve spacing and alignment on Twitch page

* Tidy up, handle some errors when talking to bot

* Seriously do the thing where Twitch link is hidden by default

Co-authored-by: Marshall Polaris <>
2022-09-16 00:22:13 -07:00

315 lines
11 KiB

import { PrivateUser, User } from 'common/user'
import Link from 'next/link'
import { useState } from 'react'
import toast from 'react-hot-toast'
import { Button } from 'web/components/button'
import { Col } from 'web/components/layout/col'
import { Row } from 'web/components/layout/row'
import { Spacer } from 'web/components/layout/spacer'
import { LoadingIndicator } from 'web/components/loading-indicator'
import { ManifoldLogo } from 'web/components/nav/manifold-logo'
import { Page } from 'web/components/page'
import { SEO } from 'web/components/SEO'
import { Title } from 'web/components/title'
import { useSaveReferral } from 'web/hooks/use-save-referral'
import { useTracking } from 'web/hooks/use-tracking'
import { usePrivateUser, useUser } from 'web/hooks/use-user'
import { firebaseLogin, getUserAndPrivateUser } from 'web/lib/firebase/users'
import { track } from 'web/lib/service/analytics'
import { linkTwitchAccountRedirect } from 'web/lib/twitch/link-twitch-account'
function TwitchPlaysManifoldMarkets(props: {
user?: User | null
privateUser?: PrivateUser | null
}) {
const { user, privateUser } = props
const twitchUser = privateUser?.twitchInfo?.twitchName
const [isLoading, setLoading] = useState(false)
const callback =
user && privateUser
? () => linkTwitchAccountRedirect(user, privateUser)
: async () => {
const result = await firebaseLogin()
const userId = result.user.uid
const { user, privateUser } = await getUserAndPrivateUser(userId)
if (!user || !privateUser) return
await linkTwitchAccountRedirect(user, privateUser)
const getStarted = async () => {
try {
const promise = callback()
track('twitch page button click')
await promise
} catch (e) {
toast.error('Failed to sign up. Please try again later.')
return (
<Row className="mb-4">
className="mb-[0.4rem] mr-4 inline h-10 w-10"
text={'Twitch plays Manifold Markets'}
className={'!-my-0 md:block'}
<Col className="gap-4">
Similar to Twitch channel point predictions, Manifold Markets allows
you to create and feature on stream any question you like with users
predicting to earn play money.
The key difference is that Manifold's questions function more like a
stock market and viewers can buy and sell shares over the course of
the event and not just at the start. The market will eventually
resolve to yes or no at which point the winning shareholders will
receive their profit.
Start playing now by logging in with Google and typing commands in chat!
{twitchUser ? (
<Button size="xl" color="green" className="btn-disabled self-center">
Account connected: {twitchUser}
) : isLoading ? (
<LoadingIndicator spinnerClassName="!w-11 !h-11" />
) : (
className="my-4 self-center !px-16"
Start playing
Instead of Twitch channel points we use our play money, mana (m$). All
viewers start with M$1000 and more can be earned for free and then{' '}
<Link href="/charity" className="underline">
donated to a charity
</Link>{' '}
of their choice at no cost!
function Subtitle(props: { text: string }) {
const { text } = props
return <div className="text-2xl">{text}</div>
function Command(props: { command: string; desc: string }) {
const { command, desc } = props
return (
<p className="inline font-bold">{'!' + command}</p>
{' - '}
<p className="inline">{desc}</p>
function TwitchChatCommands() {
return (
<Title text="Twitch Chat Commands" className="md:block" />
<Col className="gap-4">
<Subtitle text="For Chat" />
<Command command="bet yes#" desc="Bets a # of Mana on yes." />
<Command command="bet no#" desc="Bets a # of Mana on no." />
desc="Sells all shares you own. Using this command causes you to
cash out early before the market resolves. This could be profitable
(if the probability has moved towards the direction you bet) or cause
a loss, although at least you keep some Mana. For maximum profit (but
also risk) it is better to not sell and wait for a favourable
<Command command="balance" desc="Shows how much Mana you own." />
<Command command="allin yes" desc="Bets your entire balance on yes." />
<Command command="allin no" desc="Bets your entire balance on no." />
<Subtitle text="For Mods/Streamer" />
command="create <question>"
desc="Creates and features the question. Be careful... this will override any question that is currently featured."
<Command command="resolve yes" desc="Resolves the market as 'Yes'." />
<Command command="resolve no" desc="Resolves the market as 'No'." />
command="resolve n/a"
desc="Resolves the market as 'N/A' and refunds everyone their Mana."
function BotSetupStep(props: {
stepNum: number
buttonName?: string
text: string
}) {
const { stepNum, buttonName, text } = props
return (
<Col className="flex-1">
{buttonName && (
<Button color="green">{buttonName}</Button>
<Spacer h={4} />
<p className="inline font-bold">Step {stepNum}. </p>
function SetUpBot(props: { privateUser?: PrivateUser | null }) {
const { privateUser } = props
const twitchLinked = privateUser?.twitchInfo?.twitchName
return (
text={'Set up the bot for your own stream'}
className={'!mb-4 md:block'}
<Col className="gap-4">
To add the bot to your stream make sure you have logged in then follow
the steps below.
{!twitchLinked && (
className="my-4 self-center !px-16"
// onClick={getStarted}
Start playing
<div className="flex flex-col gap-6 sm:flex-row">
buttonName={twitchLinked && 'Add bot to channel'}
text="Use the button above to add the bot to your channel. Then mod it by typing in your Twitch chat: /mod ManifoldBot (or whatever you named the bot) If the bot is modded it will not work properly on the backend."
buttonName={twitchLinked && 'Overlay link'}
text="Create a new browser source in your streaming software such as OBS. Paste in the above link and resize it to your liking. We recommend setting the size to 400x400."
buttonName={twitchLinked && 'Control dock link'}
text="The bot can be controlled entirely through chat. But we made an easy to use control panel. Share the link with your mods or embed it into your OBS as a custom dock."
export default function TwitchLandingPage() {
useTracking('view twitch landing page')
const user = useUser()
const privateUser = usePrivateUser()
return (
title="Manifold Markets on Twitch"
description="Get more out of Twitch with play-money betting markets."
<div className="px-4 pt-2 md:mt-0 lg:hidden">
<ManifoldLogo />
{/* <Col className="items-center">
<Col className="max-w-3xl">
<Col className="mb-6 rounded-xl sm:m-12 sm:mt-0">
<Row className="self-center">
<img height={200} width={200} src="/twitch-logo.png" />
<img height={200} width={200} src="/flappy-logo.gif" />
<div className="m-4 max-w-[550px] self-center">
<h1 className="text-3xl sm:text-6xl xl:text-6xl">
<div className="font-semibold sm:mb-2">
<span className="bg-gradient-to-r from-indigo-500 to-blue-500 bg-clip-text font-bold text-transparent">
</span>{' '}
on your favorite streams
<Spacer h={6} />
<div className="mb-4 px-2 ">
Get more out of Twitch with play-money betting markets.{' '}
{!twitchUser &&
'Click the button below to link your Twitch account.'}
<br />
<Spacer h={6} />
{twitchUser ? (
<div className="mt-3 self-center rounded-lg bg-gradient-to-r from-pink-300 via-purple-300 to-indigo-400 p-4 ">
<div className="overflow-hidden rounded-lg bg-white px-4 py-5 shadow sm:p-6">
<div className="truncate text-sm font-medium text-gray-500">
Twitch account linked
<div className="mt-1 text-2xl font-semibold text-gray-900">
) : isLoading ? (
<LoadingIndicator spinnerClassName="!w-16 !h-16" />
) : (
Get started
</Col> */}
<Col className="max-w-3xl gap-8 rounded bg-white p-10 text-gray-600 shadow-md sm:mx-auto">
<TwitchPlaysManifoldMarkets user={user} privateUser={privateUser} />
<TwitchChatCommands />
<SetUpBot privateUser={privateUser} />