* Simple limit order UI * Update bet schema * Restrict bet panel / bet row to only CPMMBinaryContracts (all binary DPM are resolved) * Limit orders partway implemented * Update follow leaderboard copy * Change cpmm code to take some state instead of whole contract * Write more of matching algorithm * Fill in more of placebet * Use client side contract search for emulator * More correct matching * Merge branch 'main' into limit-orders * Some cleanup * Listen for unfilled bets in bet panel. Calculate how the probability moves based on open limit orders. * Simpler switching between bet & limit bet. * Render your open bets (unfilled limit orders) * Cancel bet endpoint. * Fix build error * Rename open bets to limit bets. Tweak payout calculation * Limit probability selector to 1-99 * Deduct user balance only on each fill. Store orderAmount of bet. Timestamp of fills. * Use floating equal to check if have shares * Add limit order switcher to mobile bet dialog * Support limit orders on numeric markets * Allow CORS exception for Vercel deployments * Remove console.logs * Update user balance by new bet amount * Tweak vercel cors * Try another regexp for vercel cors * Test another vercel regex * Slight notifications refactor * Fix docs edit link (#624) * Fix docs edit link * Update github links * Small groups UX changes * Groups UX on mobile * Leaderboards => Rankings on groups * Unused vars * create: remove automatic setting of log scale * Use react-query to cache notifications (#625) * Use react-query to cache notifications * Fix imports * Cleanup * Limit unseen notifs query * Catch the bounced query * Don't use interval * Unused var * Avoid flash of page nav * Give notification question priority & 2 lines * Right justify timestamps * Rewording * Margin * Simplify error msg * Be explicit about limit for unseen notifs * Pass limit > 0 * Remove category filters * Remove category selector references * Track notification clicks * Analyze tab usage * Bold more on new group chats * Add API route for listing a bets by user (#567) * Add API route for getting a user's bets * Refactor bets API to use /bets * Update /markets to use zod validation * Update docs * Clone missing indexes from firestore * Minor notif spacing adjustments * Enable tipping on group chats w/ notif (#629) * Tweak cors regex for vercel * Your limit bets * Implement selling shares * Merge branch 'main' into limit-orders * Fix lint * Move binary search to util file * Add note that there might be closed form * Add tooltip to explain limit probability * Tweak * Cancel your limit orders if you run out of money * Don't show amount error in probability input * Require limit prob to be >= .1% and <= 99.9% * Fix focus input bug * Simplify mobile betting dialog * Move mobile limit bets list into bet dialog. * Small fixes to existing sell shares client * Lint * Refactor useSaveShares to actually read from localStorage, use less bug-prone interface. * Fix NaN error * Remove TODO * Simple bet fill notification * Tweak wording * Sort limit bets by limit prob * Padding on limit bets * Match header size Co-authored-by: Ian Philips <iansphilips@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: ahalekelly <ahalekelly@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: mantikoros <sgrugett@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Ben Congdon <ben@congdon.dev> Co-authored-by: Austin Chen <akrolsmir@gmail.com>
208 lines
6.3 KiB
208 lines
6.3 KiB
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin'
import { z } from 'zod'
import {
} from 'firebase-admin/firestore'
import { groupBy, mapValues, sumBy } from 'lodash'
import { APIError, newEndpoint, validate } from './api'
import { Contract, CPMM_MIN_POOL_QTY } from '../../common/contract'
import { User } from '../../common/user'
import {
} from '../../common/new-bet'
import { addObjects, removeUndefinedProps } from '../../common/util/object'
import { LimitBet } from '../../common/bet'
import { floatingEqual } from '../../common/util/math'
import { redeemShares } from './redeem-shares'
import { log } from './utils'
const bodySchema = z.object({
contractId: z.string(),
amount: z.number().gte(1),
const binarySchema = z.object({
outcome: z.enum(['YES', 'NO']),
limitProb: z.number().gte(0.001).lte(0.999).optional(),
const freeResponseSchema = z.object({
outcome: z.string(),
const numericSchema = z.object({
outcome: z.string(),
value: z.number(),
export const placebet = newEndpoint({}, async (req, auth) => {
log('Inside endpoint handler.')
const { amount, contractId } = validate(bodySchema, req.body)
const result = await firestore.runTransaction(async (trans) => {
log('Inside main transaction.')
const contractDoc = firestore.doc(`contracts/${contractId}`)
const userDoc = firestore.doc(`users/${auth.uid}`)
const [contractSnap, userSnap] = await trans.getAll(contractDoc, userDoc)
if (!contractSnap.exists) throw new APIError(400, 'Contract not found.')
if (!userSnap.exists) throw new APIError(400, 'User not found.')
log('Loaded user and contract snapshots.')
const contract = contractSnap.data() as Contract
const user = userSnap.data() as User
if (user.balance < amount) throw new APIError(400, 'Insufficient balance.')
const loanAmount = 0
const { closeTime, outcomeType, mechanism, collectedFees, volume } =
if (closeTime && Date.now() > closeTime)
throw new APIError(400, 'Trading is closed.')
const {
} = await (async (): Promise<
BetInfo & {
makers?: maker[]
> => {
if (
(outcomeType == 'BINARY' || outcomeType === 'PSEUDO_NUMERIC') &&
mechanism == 'cpmm-1'
) {
const { outcome, limitProb } = validate(binarySchema, req.body)
const unfilledBetsSnap = await trans.get(
const unfilledBets = unfilledBetsSnap.docs.map((doc) => doc.data())
return getBinaryCpmmBetInfo(
} else if (outcomeType == 'FREE_RESPONSE' && mechanism == 'dpm-2') {
const { outcome } = validate(freeResponseSchema, req.body)
const answerDoc = contractDoc.collection('answers').doc(outcome)
const answerSnap = await trans.get(answerDoc)
if (!answerSnap.exists) throw new APIError(400, 'Invalid answer')
return getNewMultiBetInfo(outcome, amount, contract, loanAmount)
} else if (outcomeType == 'NUMERIC' && mechanism == 'dpm-2') {
const { outcome, value } = validate(numericSchema, req.body)
return getNumericBetsInfo(value, outcome, amount, contract)
} else {
throw new APIError(500, 'Contract has invalid type/mechanism.')
log('Calculated new bet information.')
if (
mechanism == 'cpmm-1' &&
(!newP ||
!isFinite(newP) ||
Math.min(...Object.values(newPool ?? {})) < CPMM_MIN_POOL_QTY)
) {
throw new APIError(400, 'Bet too large for current liquidity pool.')
const betDoc = contractDoc.collection('bets').doc()
trans.create(betDoc, { id: betDoc.id, userId: user.id, ...newBet })
log('Created new bet document.')
if (makers) {
updateMakers(makers, betDoc.id, contractDoc, trans)
trans.update(userDoc, { balance: FieldValue.increment(-newBet.amount) })
log('Updated user balance.')
pool: newPool,
p: newP,
totalShares: newTotalShares,
totalBets: newTotalBets,
totalLiquidity: newTotalLiquidity,
collectedFees: addObjects(newBet.fees, collectedFees),
volume: volume + newBet.amount,
log('Updated contract properties.')
return { betId: betDoc.id }
log('Main transaction finished.')
await redeemShares(auth.uid, contractId)
log('Share redemption transaction finished.')
return result
const firestore = admin.firestore()
export const getUnfilledBetsQuery = (contractDoc: DocumentReference) => {
return contractDoc
.where('isFilled', '==', false)
.where('isCancelled', '==', false) as Query<LimitBet>
type maker = {
bet: LimitBet
amount: number
shares: number
timestamp: number
export const updateMakers = (
makers: maker[],
takerBetId: string,
contractDoc: DocumentReference,
trans: Transaction
) => {
const makersByBet = groupBy(makers, (maker) => maker.bet.id)
for (const makers of Object.values(makersByBet)) {
const bet = makers[0].bet
const newFills = makers.map((maker) => {
const { amount, shares, timestamp } = maker
return { amount, shares, matchedBetId: takerBetId, timestamp }
const fills = [...bet.fills, ...newFills]
const totalShares = sumBy(fills, 'shares')
const totalAmount = sumBy(fills, 'amount')
const isFilled = floatingEqual(totalAmount, bet.orderAmount)
log('Updated a matched limit bet.')
trans.update(contractDoc.collection('bets').doc(bet.id), {
amount: totalAmount,
shares: totalShares,
// Deduct balance of makers.
const spentByUser = mapValues(
groupBy(makers, (maker) => maker.bet.userId),
(makers) => sumBy(makers, (maker) => maker.amount)
for (const [userId, spent] of Object.entries(spentByUser)) {
const userDoc = firestore.collection('users').doc(userId)
trans.update(userDoc, { balance: FieldValue.increment(-spent) })