* simpler payout mechanism; lower phantom ante to $1 * deductFees * reduce phantom ante to 0.01 * PHANTOM_ANTE = 0.001 * payouts: pay back winner losses with fees * simplify payouts
212 lines
5.9 KiB
212 lines
5.9 KiB
import { Bet } from './bet'
import { Contract } from './contract'
import { FEES } from './fees'
export function getProbability(totalShares: { YES: number; NO: number }) {
const { YES: y, NO: n } = totalShares
return y ** 2 / (y ** 2 + n ** 2)
export function getProbabilityAfterBet(
totalShares: { YES: number; NO: number },
outcome: 'YES' | 'NO',
bet: number
) {
const shares = calculateShares(totalShares, bet, outcome)
const [YES, NO] =
outcome === 'YES'
? [totalShares.YES + shares, totalShares.NO]
: [totalShares.YES, totalShares.NO + shares]
return getProbability({ YES, NO })
export function calculateShares(
totalShares: { YES: number; NO: number },
bet: number,
betChoice: 'YES' | 'NO'
) {
const [yesShares, noShares] = [totalShares.YES, totalShares.NO]
const c = 2 * bet * Math.sqrt(yesShares ** 2 + noShares ** 2)
return betChoice === 'YES'
? Math.sqrt(bet ** 2 + yesShares ** 2 + c) - yesShares
: Math.sqrt(bet ** 2 + noShares ** 2 + c) - noShares
export function calculateEstimatedWinnings(
totalShares: { YES: number; NO: number },
shares: number,
betChoice: 'YES' | 'NO'
) {
const ind = betChoice === 'YES' ? 1 : 0
const yesShares = totalShares.YES + ind * shares
const noShares = totalShares.NO + (1 - ind) * shares
const estPool = Math.sqrt(yesShares ** 2 + noShares ** 2)
const total = ind * yesShares + (1 - ind) * noShares
return ((1 - FEES) * (shares * estPool)) / total
export function calculateRawShareValue(
totalShares: { YES: number; NO: number },
shares: number,
betChoice: 'YES' | 'NO'
) {
const [yesShares, noShares] = [totalShares.YES, totalShares.NO]
const currentValue = Math.sqrt(yesShares ** 2 + noShares ** 2)
const postSaleValue =
betChoice === 'YES'
? Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, yesShares - shares) ** 2 + noShares ** 2)
: Math.sqrt(yesShares ** 2 + Math.max(0, noShares - shares) ** 2)
return currentValue - postSaleValue
export function calculateMoneyRatio(
contract: Contract,
bet: Bet,
shareValue: number
) {
const { totalShares, pool } = contract
const p = getProbability(totalShares)
const actual = pool.YES + pool.NO - shareValue
const betAmount =
bet.outcome === 'YES' ? p * bet.amount : (1 - p) * bet.amount
const expected =
p * contract.totalBets.YES + (1 - p) * contract.totalBets.NO - betAmount
if (actual <= 0 || expected <= 0) return 0
return actual / expected
export function calculateShareValue(contract: Contract, bet: Bet) {
const shareValue = calculateRawShareValue(
const f = calculateMoneyRatio(contract, bet, shareValue)
const myPool = contract.pool[bet.outcome]
const adjShareValue = Math.min(Math.min(1, f) * shareValue, myPool)
return adjShareValue
export function calculateSaleAmount(contract: Contract, bet: Bet) {
return (1 - FEES) * calculateShareValue(contract, bet)
export function calculatePayout(
contract: Contract,
bet: Bet,
outcome: 'YES' | 'NO' | 'CANCEL' | 'MKT'
) {
if (outcome === 'CANCEL') return calculateCancelPayout(contract, bet)
if (outcome === 'MKT') return calculateMktPayout(contract, bet)
return calculateStandardPayout(contract, bet, outcome)
export function calculateCancelPayout(contract: Contract, bet: Bet) {
const totalBets = contract.totalBets.YES + contract.totalBets.NO
const pool = contract.pool.YES + contract.pool.NO
return (bet.amount / totalBets) * pool
export function calculateStandardPayout(
contract: Contract,
bet: Bet,
outcome: 'YES' | 'NO'
) {
const { amount, outcome: betOutcome, shares } = bet
if (betOutcome !== outcome) return 0
const { totalShares, phantomShares } = contract
if (totalShares[outcome] === 0) return 0
const pool = contract.pool.YES + contract.pool.NO
const total = totalShares[outcome] - phantomShares[outcome]
const winnings = (shares / total) * pool
// profit can be negative if using phantom shares
return amount + (1 - FEES) * Math.max(0, winnings - amount)
export function calculatePayoutAfterCorrectBet(contract: Contract, bet: Bet) {
const { totalShares, pool, totalBets } = contract
const ind = bet.outcome === 'YES' ? 1 : 0
const { shares, amount } = bet
const newContract = {
totalShares: {
YES: totalShares.YES + ind * shares,
NO: totalShares.NO + (1 - ind) * shares,
pool: {
YES: pool.YES + ind * amount,
NO: pool.NO + (1 - ind) * amount,
totalBets: {
YES: totalBets.YES + ind * amount,
NO: totalBets.NO + (1 - ind) * amount,
return calculateStandardPayout(newContract, bet, bet.outcome)
function calculateMktPayout(contract: Contract, bet: Bet) {
const p =
contract.resolutionProbability !== undefined
? contract.resolutionProbability
: getProbability(contract.totalShares)
const pool = contract.pool.YES + contract.pool.NO
const weightedShareTotal =
p * (contract.totalShares.YES - contract.phantomShares.YES) +
(1 - p) * (contract.totalShares.NO - contract.phantomShares.NO)
const { outcome, amount, shares } = bet
const betP = outcome === 'YES' ? p : 1 - p
const winnings = ((betP * shares) / weightedShareTotal) * pool
return deductFees(amount, winnings)
export function resolvedPayout(contract: Contract, bet: Bet) {
if (contract.resolution)
return calculatePayout(contract, bet, contract.resolution)
throw new Error('Contract was not resolved')
// deprecated use MKT payout
export function currentValue(contract: Contract, bet: Bet) {
const prob = getProbability(contract.pool)
const yesPayout = calculatePayout(contract, bet, 'YES')
const noPayout = calculatePayout(contract, bet, 'NO')
return prob * yesPayout + (1 - prob) * noPayout
export const deductFees = (betAmount: number, winnings: number) => {
return winnings > betAmount
? betAmount + (1 - FEES) * (winnings - betAmount)
: winnings