* initial commit * antes * rename path, compute to contractPath, contractMetrics * merge * Include antes as bets; more calculations * fees on estimated winnings * mkt payout calculation * contract: remove startPool, add phantomShares * Merge branch 'main' into new-dpm * dpm migration script * my service account
537 lines
16 KiB
537 lines
16 KiB
// From https://tailwindui.com/components/application-ui/lists/feeds
import { useState } from 'react'
import {
} from '@heroicons/react/solid'
import { useBets } from '../hooks/use-bets'
import { Bet } from '../lib/firebase/bets'
import { Comment, mapCommentsByBetId } from '../lib/firebase/comments'
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import relativeTime from 'dayjs/plugin/relativeTime'
import { OutcomeLabel } from './outcome-label'
import {
} from '../lib/firebase/contracts'
import { useUser } from '../hooks/use-user'
import { Linkify } from './linkify'
import { Row } from './layout/row'
import { createComment } from '../lib/firebase/comments'
import { useComments } from '../hooks/use-comments'
import { formatMoney } from '../lib/util/format'
import { ResolutionOrChance } from './contract-card'
import { SiteLink } from './site-link'
import { Col } from './layout/col'
function FeedComment(props: { activityItem: any }) {
const { activityItem } = props
const { person, text, amount, outcome, createdTime } = activityItem
return (
<div className="relative">
className="h-10 w-10 rounded-full bg-gray-400 flex items-center justify-center ring-8 ring-gray-50"
<span className="absolute -bottom-3 -right-2 bg-gray-50 rounded-tl px-0.5 py-px">
<ChatAltIcon className="h-5 w-5 text-gray-400" aria-hidden="true" />
<div className="min-w-0 flex-1">
<p className="mt-0.5 text-sm text-gray-500">
<a href={person.href} className="font-medium text-gray-900">
</a>{' '}
placed {formatMoney(amount)} on <OutcomeLabel outcome={outcome} />{' '}
<Timestamp time={createdTime} />
<div className="mt-2 text-gray-700">
<p className="whitespace-pre-wrap">
<Linkify text={text} />
function Timestamp(props: { time: number }) {
const { time } = props
return (
className="whitespace-nowrap text-gray-400 ml-1"
title={dayjs(time).format('MMM D, h:mma')}
function FeedBet(props: { activityItem: any }) {
const { activityItem } = props
const { id, contractId, amount, outcome, createdTime } = activityItem
const user = useUser()
const isCreator = user?.id == activityItem.userId
// The creator can comment if the bet was posted in the last hour
const canComment = isCreator && Date.now() - createdTime < 60 * 60 * 1000
const [comment, setComment] = useState('')
async function submitComment() {
if (!user || !comment) return
await createComment(contractId, id, comment, user)
return (
<div className="relative px-1">
<div className="h-8 w-8 bg-gray-200 rounded-full ring-8 ring-gray-50 flex items-center justify-center">
<UserIcon className="h-5 w-5 text-gray-500" aria-hidden="true" />
<div className="min-w-0 flex-1 py-1.5">
<div className="text-sm text-gray-500">
<span>{isCreator ? 'You' : 'A trader'}</span> placed{' '}
{formatMoney(amount)} on <OutcomeLabel outcome={outcome} />{' '}
<Timestamp time={createdTime} />
{canComment && (
// Allow user to comment in an textarea if they are the creator
<div className="mt-2">
onChange={(e) => setComment(e.target.value)}
className="textarea textarea-bordered w-full"
placeholder="Add a comment..."
className="btn btn-outline btn-sm mt-1"
export function ContractDescription(props: {
contract: Contract
isCreator: boolean
}) {
const { contract, isCreator } = props
const [editing, setEditing] = useState(false)
const editStatement = () => `${dayjs().format('MMM D, h:mma')}: `
const [description, setDescription] = useState(editStatement())
// Append the new description (after a newline)
async function saveDescription(e: any) {
const newDescription = `${contract.description}\n\n${description}`.trim()
await updateContract(contract.id, { description: newDescription })
if (!isCreator && !contract.description.trim()) return null
return (
<div className="whitespace-pre-line break-words mt-2 text-gray-700">
<Linkify text={contract.description} />
<br />
{isCreator &&
!contract.resolution &&
(editing ? (
<form className="mt-4">
className="textarea h-24 textarea-bordered w-full mb-1"
onChange={(e) => setDescription(e.target.value || '')}
onFocus={(e) =>
// Focus starts at end of description.
<Row className="gap-2">
className="btn btn-neutral btn-outline btn-sm"
className="btn btn-error btn-outline btn-sm"
onClick={() => setEditing(false)}
) : (
className="btn btn-neutral btn-outline btn-sm mt-4"
onClick={() => setEditing(true)}
Add to description
function FeedQuestion(props: { contract: Contract }) {
const { contract } = props
const { probPercent } = contractMetrics(contract)
return (
<div className="relative px-1">
<div className="h-8 w-8 bg-gray-200 rounded-full ring-8 ring-gray-50 flex items-center justify-center">
<StarIcon className="h-5 w-5 text-gray-500" aria-hidden="true" />
<div className="min-w-0 flex-1 py-1.5">
<div className="text-sm text-gray-500 mb-2">
<span className="text-gray-900">{contract.creatorName}</span> asked{' '}
<Timestamp time={contract.createdTime} />
<Col className="items-start sm:flex-row justify-between gap-2 sm:gap-4 mb-4 mr-2">
className="text-lg sm:text-xl text-indigo-700"
<ContractDescription contract={contract} isCreator={false} />
function FeedDescription(props: { contract: Contract }) {
const { contract } = props
const user = useUser()
const isCreator = user?.id === contract.creatorId
return (
<div className="relative px-1">
<div className="h-8 w-8 bg-gray-200 rounded-full ring-8 ring-gray-50 flex items-center justify-center">
<StarIcon className="h-5 w-5 text-gray-500" aria-hidden="true" />
<div className="min-w-0 flex-1 py-1.5">
<div className="text-sm text-gray-500">
<span className="text-gray-900">{contract.creatorName}</span> created
this market <Timestamp time={contract.createdTime} />
<ContractDescription contract={contract} isCreator={isCreator} />
function OutcomeIcon(props: { outcome?: 'YES' | 'NO' | 'CANCEL' }) {
const { outcome } = props
switch (outcome) {
case 'YES':
return <CheckIcon className="h-5 w-5 text-gray-500" aria-hidden="true" />
case 'NO':
return <XIcon className="h-5 w-5 text-gray-500" aria-hidden="true" />
case 'CANCEL':
return <BanIcon className="h-5 w-5 text-gray-500" aria-hidden="true" />
function FeedResolve(props: { contract: Contract }) {
const { contract } = props
const resolution = contract.resolution || 'CANCEL'
return (
<div className="relative px-1">
<div className="h-8 w-8 bg-gray-200 rounded-full ring-8 ring-gray-50 flex items-center justify-center">
<OutcomeIcon outcome={resolution} />
<div className="min-w-0 flex-1 py-1.5">
<div className="text-sm text-gray-500">
<span className="text-gray-900">{contract.creatorName}</span> resolved
this market to <OutcomeLabel outcome={resolution} />{' '}
<Timestamp time={contract.resolutionTime || 0} />
function FeedClose(props: { contract: Contract }) {
const { contract } = props
return (
<div className="relative px-1">
<div className="h-8 w-8 bg-gray-200 rounded-full ring-8 ring-gray-50 flex items-center justify-center">
className="h-5 w-5 text-gray-500"
<div className="min-w-0 flex-1 py-1.5">
<div className="text-sm text-gray-500">
Trading closed in this market{' '}
<Timestamp time={contract.closeTime || 0} />
function toFeedBet(bet: Bet) {
return {
id: bet.id,
contractId: bet.contractId,
userId: bet.userId,
type: 'bet',
amount: bet.sale ? -bet.sale.amount : bet.amount,
outcome: bet.outcome,
createdTime: bet.createdTime,
date: dayjs(bet.createdTime).fromNow(),
function toFeedComment(bet: Bet, comment: Comment) {
return {
id: bet.id,
contractId: bet.contractId,
userId: bet.userId,
type: 'comment',
amount: bet.sale ? -bet.sale.amount : bet.amount,
outcome: bet.outcome,
createdTime: bet.createdTime,
date: dayjs(bet.createdTime).fromNow(),
// Invariant: bet.comment exists
text: comment.text,
person: {
href: `/${comment.userUsername}`,
name: comment.userName,
avatarUrl: comment.userAvatarUrl,
const DAY_IN_MS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
// Group together bets that are:
// - Within `windowMs` of the first in the group
// - Do not have a comment
// - Were not created by this user
// Return a list of ActivityItems
function groupBets(
bets: Bet[],
comments: Comment[],
windowMs: number,
userId?: string
) {
const commentsMap = mapCommentsByBetId(comments)
const items: any[] = []
let group: Bet[] = []
// Turn the current group into an ActivityItem
function pushGroup() {
if (group.length == 1) {
} else if (group.length > 1) {
items.push({ type: 'betgroup', bets: [...group], id: group[0].id })
group = []
function toActivityItem(bet: Bet) {
const comment = commentsMap[bet.id]
return comment ? toFeedComment(bet, comment) : toFeedBet(bet)
for (const bet of bets) {
const isCreator = userId === bet.userId
if (commentsMap[bet.id] || isCreator) {
// Create a single item for this
} else {
if (
group.length > 0 &&
bet.createdTime - group[0].createdTime > windowMs
) {
// More than `windowMs` has passed; start a new group
if (group.length > 0) {
return items as ActivityItem[]
// TODO: Make this expandable to show all grouped bets?
function FeedBetGroup(props: { activityItem: any }) {
const { activityItem } = props
const bets: Bet[] = activityItem.bets
const yesAmount = bets
.filter((b) => b.outcome == 'YES')
.reduce((acc, bet) => acc + bet.amount, 0)
const yesSpan = yesAmount ? (
{formatMoney(yesAmount)} on <OutcomeLabel outcome={'YES'} />
) : null
const noAmount = bets
.filter((b) => b.outcome == 'NO')
.reduce((acc, bet) => acc + bet.amount, 0)
const noSpan = noAmount ? (
{formatMoney(noAmount)} on <OutcomeLabel outcome={'NO'} />
) : null
const traderCount = bets.length
const createdTime = bets[0].createdTime
return (
<div className="relative px-1">
<div className="h-8 w-8 bg-gray-200 rounded-full ring-8 ring-gray-50 flex items-center justify-center">
<UsersIcon className="h-5 w-5 text-gray-500" aria-hidden="true" />
<div className="min-w-0 flex-1 py-1.5">
<div className="text-sm text-gray-500">
<span>{traderCount} traders</span> placed {yesSpan}
{yesAmount && noAmount ? ' and ' : ''}
{noSpan} <Timestamp time={createdTime} />
// Missing feed items:
// - Bet sold?
type ActivityItem = {
id: string
type: 'bet' | 'comment' | 'start' | 'betgroup' | 'close' | 'resolve'
export function ContractFeed(props: {
contract: Contract
// Feed types: 'activity' = Activity feed, 'market' = Comments feed on a market
feedType: 'activity' | 'market'
}) {
const { contract, feedType } = props
const { id } = contract
const user = useUser()
let bets = useBets(id)
if (bets === 'loading') bets = []
let comments = useComments(id)
if (comments === 'loading') comments = []
const groupWindow = feedType == 'activity' ? 10 * DAY_IN_MS : DAY_IN_MS
const allItems = [
{ type: 'start', id: 0 },
...groupBets(bets, comments, groupWindow, user?.id),
if (contract.closeTime && contract.closeTime <= Date.now()) {
allItems.push({ type: 'close', id: `${contract.closeTime}` })
if (contract.resolution) {
allItems.push({ type: 'resolve', id: `${contract.resolutionTime}` })
return (
<div className="flow-root">
<ul role="list" className="-mb-8">
{allItems.map((activityItem, activityItemIdx) => (
<li key={activityItem.id}>
<div className="relative pb-8">
{activityItemIdx !== allItems.length - 1 ? (
className="absolute top-5 left-5 -ml-px h-full w-0.5 bg-gray-200"
) : null}
<div className="relative flex items-start space-x-3">
{activityItem.type === 'start' ? (
feedType == 'activity' ? (
<FeedQuestion contract={contract} />
) : (
<FeedDescription contract={contract} />
) : activityItem.type === 'comment' ? (
<FeedComment activityItem={activityItem} />
) : activityItem.type === 'bet' ? (
<FeedBet activityItem={activityItem} />
) : activityItem.type === 'betgroup' ? (
<FeedBetGroup activityItem={activityItem} />
) : activityItem.type === 'close' ? (
<FeedClose contract={contract} />
) : activityItem.type === 'resolve' ? (
<FeedResolve contract={contract} />
) : null}