* Simple limit order UI * Update bet schema * Restrict bet panel / bet row to only CPMMBinaryContracts (all binary DPM are resolved) * Limit orders partway implemented * Update follow leaderboard copy * Change cpmm code to take some state instead of whole contract * Write more of matching algorithm * Fill in more of placebet * Use client side contract search for emulator * More correct matching * Merge branch 'main' into limit-orders * Some cleanup * Listen for unfilled bets in bet panel. Calculate how the probability moves based on open limit orders. * Simpler switching between bet & limit bet. * Render your open bets (unfilled limit orders) * Cancel bet endpoint. * Fix build error * Rename open bets to limit bets. Tweak payout calculation * Limit probability selector to 1-99 * Deduct user balance only on each fill. Store orderAmount of bet. Timestamp of fills. * Use floating equal to check if have shares * Add limit order switcher to mobile bet dialog * Support limit orders on numeric markets * Allow CORS exception for Vercel deployments * Remove console.logs * Update user balance by new bet amount * Tweak vercel cors * Try another regexp for vercel cors * Test another vercel regex * Slight notifications refactor * Fix docs edit link (#624) * Fix docs edit link * Update github links * Small groups UX changes * Groups UX on mobile * Leaderboards => Rankings on groups * Unused vars * create: remove automatic setting of log scale * Use react-query to cache notifications (#625) * Use react-query to cache notifications * Fix imports * Cleanup * Limit unseen notifs query * Catch the bounced query * Don't use interval * Unused var * Avoid flash of page nav * Give notification question priority & 2 lines * Right justify timestamps * Rewording * Margin * Simplify error msg * Be explicit about limit for unseen notifs * Pass limit > 0 * Remove category filters * Remove category selector references * Track notification clicks * Analyze tab usage * Bold more on new group chats * Add API route for listing a bets by user (#567) * Add API route for getting a user's bets * Refactor bets API to use /bets * Update /markets to use zod validation * Update docs * Clone missing indexes from firestore * Minor notif spacing adjustments * Enable tipping on group chats w/ notif (#629) * Tweak cors regex for vercel * Your limit bets * Implement selling shares * Merge branch 'main' into limit-orders * Fix lint * Move binary search to util file * Add note that there might be closed form * Add tooltip to explain limit probability * Tweak * Cancel your limit orders if you run out of money * Don't show amount error in probability input * Require limit prob to be >= .1% and <= 99.9% * Fix focus input bug * Simplify mobile betting dialog * Move mobile limit bets list into bet dialog. * Small fixes to existing sell shares client * Lint * Refactor useSaveShares to actually read from localStorage, use less bug-prone interface. * Fix NaN error * Remove TODO * Simple bet fill notification * Tweak wording * Sort limit bets by limit prob * Padding on limit bets * Match header size Co-authored-by: Ian Philips <iansphilips@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: ahalekelly <ahalekelly@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: mantikoros <sgrugett@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Ben Congdon <ben@congdon.dev> Co-authored-by: Austin Chen <akrolsmir@gmail.com>
357 lines
10 KiB
357 lines
10 KiB
import clsx from 'clsx'
import {
} from 'common/calculate'
import { getExpectedValue } from 'common/calculate-dpm'
import { User } from 'common/user'
import {
} from 'common/contract'
import {
} from 'common/util/format'
import { useState } from 'react'
import toast from 'react-hot-toast'
import { useUserContractBets } from 'web/hooks/use-user-bets'
import { placeBet } from 'web/lib/firebase/api-call'
import { getBinaryProb, getBinaryProbPercent } from 'web/lib/firebase/contracts'
import TriangleDownFillIcon from 'web/lib/icons/triangle-down-fill-icon'
import TriangleFillIcon from 'web/lib/icons/triangle-fill-icon'
import { Col } from '../layout/col'
import { OUTCOME_TO_COLOR } from '../outcome-label'
import { useSaveBinaryShares } from '../use-save-binary-shares'
import { sellShares } from 'web/lib/firebase/api-call'
import { calculateCpmmSale, getCpmmProbability } from 'common/calculate-cpmm'
import { track } from 'web/lib/service/analytics'
import { formatNumericProbability } from 'common/pseudo-numeric'
import { useUnfilledBets } from 'web/hooks/use-bets'
const BET_SIZE = 10
export function QuickBet(props: {
contract: BinaryContract | PseudoNumericContract
user: User
}) {
const { contract, user } = props
const { mechanism, outcomeType } = contract
const isCpmm = mechanism === 'cpmm-1'
const userBets = useUserContractBets(user.id, contract.id)
const unfilledBets = useUnfilledBets(contract.id) ?? []
const { hasYesShares, hasNoShares, yesShares, noShares } =
useSaveBinaryShares(contract, userBets)
const hasUpShares = hasYesShares
const hasDownShares = hasNoShares && !hasUpShares
const [upHover, setUpHover] = useState(false)
const [downHover, setDownHover] = useState(false)
let previewProb = undefined
try {
previewProb = upHover
? getOutcomeProbabilityAfterBet(
quickOutcome(contract, 'UP') || '',
: downHover
? 1 -
quickOutcome(contract, 'DOWN') || '',
: undefined
} catch (e) {
// Catch any errors from hovering on an invalid option
let sharesSold: number | undefined
let sellOutcome: 'YES' | 'NO' | undefined
let saleAmount: number | undefined
if (isCpmm && (upHover || downHover)) {
const oppositeShares = upHover ? noShares : yesShares
if (oppositeShares) {
sellOutcome = upHover ? 'NO' : 'YES'
const prob = getProb(contract)
const maxSharesSold = BET_SIZE / (sellOutcome === 'YES' ? prob : 1 - prob)
sharesSold = Math.min(oppositeShares, maxSharesSold)
const { cpmmState, saleValue } = calculateCpmmSale(
saleAmount = saleValue
previewProb = getCpmmProbability(cpmmState.pool, cpmmState.p)
async function placeQuickBet(direction: 'UP' | 'DOWN') {
const betPromise = async () => {
if (sharesSold && sellOutcome) {
return await sellShares({
shares: sharesSold,
outcome: sellOutcome,
contractId: contract.id,
const outcome = quickOutcome(contract, direction)
return await placeBet({
amount: BET_SIZE,
contractId: contract.id,
const shortQ = contract.question.slice(0, 20)
const message =
sellOutcome && saleAmount
? `${formatMoney(saleAmount)} sold of "${shortQ}"...`
: `${formatMoney(BET_SIZE)} on "${shortQ}"...`
toast.promise(betPromise(), {
loading: message,
success: message,
error: (err) => `${err.message}`,
track('quick bet', {
slug: contract.slug,
contractId: contract.id,
return (
'relative -my-4 -mr-5 min-w-[5.5rem] justify-center gap-2 pr-5 pl-1 align-middle'
// Use this for colored QuickBet panes
// `bg-opacity-10 bg-${color}`
{/* Up bet triangle */}
className="peer absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 h-[50%]"
onMouseEnter={() => setUpHover(true)}
onMouseLeave={() => setUpHover(false)}
onClick={() => placeQuickBet('UP')}
<div className="mt-2 text-center text-xs text-transparent peer-hover:text-gray-400">
{hasUpShares ? (
'mx-auto h-5 w-5',
upHover ? 'text-green-500' : 'text-gray-400'
) : (
'mx-auto h-5 w-5',
upHover ? 'text-green-500' : 'text-gray-200'
<QuickOutcomeView contract={contract} previewProb={previewProb} />
{/* Down bet triangle */}
{outcomeType !== 'BINARY' && outcomeType !== 'PSEUDO_NUMERIC' ? (
<div className="peer absolute bottom-0 left-0 right-0 h-[50%] cursor-default"></div>
className={clsx('mx-auto h-5 w-5 text-gray-200')}
) : (
className="peer absolute bottom-0 left-0 right-0 h-[50%]"
onMouseEnter={() => setDownHover(true)}
onMouseLeave={() => setDownHover(false)}
onClick={() => placeQuickBet('DOWN')}
{hasDownShares ? (
'mx-auto h-5 w-5',
downHover ? 'text-red-500' : 'text-gray-400'
) : (
'mx-auto h-5 w-5',
downHover ? 'text-red-500' : 'text-gray-200'
<div className="mb-2 text-center text-xs text-transparent peer-hover:text-gray-400">
export function ProbBar(props: { contract: Contract; previewProb?: number }) {
const { contract, previewProb } = props
const color = getColor(contract)
const prob = previewProb ?? getProb(contract)
return (
'absolute right-0 top-0 w-1.5 rounded-tr-md transition-all',
style={{ height: `${100 * (1 - prob)}%` }}
'absolute right-0 bottom-0 w-1.5 rounded-br-md transition-all',
// If we're showing the full bar, also round the top
prob === 1 ? 'rounded-tr-md' : ''
style={{ height: `${100 * prob}%` }}
function quickOutcome(contract: Contract, direction: 'UP' | 'DOWN') {
const { outcomeType } = contract
if (outcomeType === 'BINARY' || outcomeType === 'PSEUDO_NUMERIC') {
return direction === 'UP' ? 'YES' : 'NO'
if (outcomeType === 'FREE_RESPONSE') {
// TODO: Implement shorting of free response answers
if (direction === 'DOWN') {
throw new Error("Can't bet against free response answers")
return getTopAnswer(contract)?.id
if (outcomeType === 'NUMERIC') {
// TODO: Ideally an 'UP' bet would be a uniform bet between [current, max]
throw new Error("Can't quick bet on numeric markets")
function QuickOutcomeView(props: {
contract: Contract
previewProb?: number
caption?: 'chance' | 'expected'
}) {
const { contract, previewProb, caption } = props
const { outcomeType } = contract
const isPseudoNumeric = outcomeType === 'PSEUDO_NUMERIC'
// If there's a preview prob, display that instead of the current prob
const override =
previewProb === undefined
? undefined
: isPseudoNumeric
? formatNumericProbability(previewProb, contract)
: formatPercent(previewProb)
const textColor = `text-${getColor(contract)}`
let display: string | undefined
switch (outcomeType) {
case 'BINARY':
display = getBinaryProbPercent(contract)
display = formatNumericProbability(getProbability(contract), contract)
case 'NUMERIC':
display = formatLargeNumber(getExpectedValue(contract))
const topAnswer = getTopAnswer(contract)
display =
topAnswer &&
formatPercent(getOutcomeProbability(contract, topAnswer.id))
return (
<Col className={clsx('items-center text-3xl', textColor)}>
{override ?? display}
{caption && <div className="text-base">{caption}</div>}
<ProbBar contract={contract} previewProb={previewProb} />
// Return a number from 0 to 1 for this contract
// Resolved contracts are set to 1, for coloring purposes (even if NO)
function getProb(contract: Contract) {
const { outcomeType, resolution, resolutionProbability } = contract
return resolutionProbability
? resolutionProbability
: resolution
? 1
: outcomeType === 'BINARY'
? getBinaryProb(contract)
: outcomeType === 'PSEUDO_NUMERIC'
? getProbability(contract)
: outcomeType === 'FREE_RESPONSE'
? getOutcomeProbability(contract, getTopAnswer(contract)?.id || '')
: outcomeType === 'NUMERIC'
? getNumericScale(contract)
: 1 // Should not happen
function getNumericScale(contract: NumericContract) {
const { min, max } = contract
const ev = getExpectedValue(contract)
return (ev - min) / (max - min)
export function getColor(contract: Contract) {
// TODO: Try injecting a gradient here
// return 'primary'
const { resolution, outcomeType } = contract
if (resolution) {
return (
OUTCOME_TO_COLOR[resolution as resolution] ??
// If resolved to a FR answer, use 'primary'
if (outcomeType === 'PSEUDO_NUMERIC') return 'blue-400'
if ((contract.closeTime ?? Infinity) < Date.now()) {
return 'gray-400'
// TODO: Not sure why eg green-400 doesn't work here; try upgrading Tailwind
return 'primary'