* Set common package.json sideEffects: false * Configure SWC to modularize lodash imports * Import specific lodash functions instead of _ * Add an eslint rule to avoid full lodash import
314 lines
8.3 KiB
314 lines
8.3 KiB
import { sum, groupBy, mapValues, sumBy } from 'lodash'
import { Binary, CPMM, FullContract } from './contract'
import { CREATOR_FEE, Fees, LIQUIDITY_FEE, noFees, PLATFORM_FEE } from './fees'
import { LiquidityProvision } from './liquidity-provision'
import { addObjects } from './util/object'
export function getCpmmProbability(
pool: { [outcome: string]: number },
p: number
) {
const { YES, NO } = pool
return (p * NO) / ((1 - p) * YES + p * NO)
export function getCpmmProbabilityAfterBetBeforeFees(
contract: FullContract<CPMM, Binary>,
outcome: string,
bet: number
) {
const { pool, p } = contract
const shares = calculateCpmmShares(pool, p, bet, outcome)
const { YES: y, NO: n } = pool
const [newY, newN] =
outcome === 'YES'
? [y - shares + bet, n + bet]
: [y + bet, n - shares + bet]
return getCpmmProbability({ YES: newY, NO: newN }, p)
export function getCpmmOutcomeProbabilityAfterBet(
contract: FullContract<CPMM, Binary>,
outcome: string,
bet: number
) {
const { newPool } = calculateCpmmPurchase(contract, bet, outcome)
const p = getCpmmProbability(newPool, contract.p)
return outcome === 'NO' ? 1 - p : p
// before liquidity fee
function calculateCpmmShares(
pool: {
[outcome: string]: number
p: number,
bet: number,
betChoice: string
) {
const { YES: y, NO: n } = pool
const k = y ** p * n ** (1 - p)
return betChoice === 'YES'
? // https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=%28y%2Bb-s%29%5E%28p%29*%28n%2Bb%29%5E%281-p%29+%3D+k%2C+solve+s
y + bet - (k * (bet + n) ** (p - 1)) ** (1 / p)
: n + bet - (k * (bet + y) ** -p) ** (1 / (1 - p))
export function getCpmmLiquidityFee(
contract: FullContract<CPMM, Binary>,
bet: number,
outcome: string
) {
const probBefore = getCpmmProbability(contract.pool, contract.p)
const probAfter = getCpmmProbabilityAfterBetBeforeFees(contract, outcome, bet)
const probMid = Math.sqrt(probBefore * probAfter)
const betP = outcome === 'YES' ? 1 - probMid : probMid
const liquidityFee = LIQUIDITY_FEE * betP * bet
const platformFee = PLATFORM_FEE * betP * bet
const creatorFee = CREATOR_FEE * betP * bet
const fees: Fees = { liquidityFee, platformFee, creatorFee }
const totalFees = liquidityFee + platformFee + creatorFee
const remainingBet = bet - totalFees
return { remainingBet, totalFees, fees }
export function calculateCpmmSharesAfterFee(
contract: FullContract<CPMM, Binary>,
bet: number,
outcome: string
) {
const { pool, p } = contract
const { remainingBet } = getCpmmLiquidityFee(contract, bet, outcome)
return calculateCpmmShares(pool, p, remainingBet, outcome)
export function calculateCpmmPurchase(
contract: FullContract<CPMM, Binary>,
bet: number,
outcome: string
) {
const { pool, p } = contract
const { remainingBet, fees } = getCpmmLiquidityFee(contract, bet, outcome)
// const remainingBet = bet
// const fees = noFees
const shares = calculateCpmmShares(pool, p, remainingBet, outcome)
const { YES: y, NO: n } = pool
const { liquidityFee: fee } = fees
const [newY, newN] =
outcome === 'YES'
? [y - shares + remainingBet + fee, n + remainingBet + fee]
: [y + remainingBet + fee, n - shares + remainingBet + fee]
const postBetPool = { YES: newY, NO: newN }
const { newPool, newP } = addCpmmLiquidity(postBetPool, p, fee)
return { shares, newPool, newP, fees }
function computeK(y: number, n: number, p: number) {
return y ** p * n ** (1 - p)
function sellSharesK(
y: number,
n: number,
p: number,
s: number,
outcome: 'YES' | 'NO',
b: number
) {
return outcome === 'YES'
? computeK(y - b + s, n - b, p)
: computeK(y - b, n - b + s, p)
function calculateCpmmShareValue(
contract: FullContract<CPMM, Binary>,
shares: number,
outcome: 'YES' | 'NO'
) {
const { pool, p } = contract
// Find bet amount that preserves k after selling shares.
const k = computeK(pool.YES, pool.NO, p)
const otherPool = outcome === 'YES' ? pool.NO : pool.YES
// Constrain the max sale value to the lessor of 1. shares and 2. the other pool.
// This is because 1. the max value per share is M$ 1,
// and 2. The other pool cannot go negative and the sale value is subtracted from it.
// (Without this, there are multiple solutions for the same k.)
let highAmount = Math.min(shares, otherPool)
let lowAmount = 0
let mid = 0
let kGuess = 0
while (true) {
mid = lowAmount + (highAmount - lowAmount) / 2
// Break once we've reached max precision.
if (mid === lowAmount || mid === highAmount) break
kGuess = sellSharesK(pool.YES, pool.NO, p, shares, outcome, mid)
if (kGuess < k) {
highAmount = mid
} else {
lowAmount = mid
return mid
export function calculateCpmmSale(
contract: FullContract<CPMM, Binary>,
shares: number,
outcome: string
) {
if (Math.round(shares) < 0) {
throw new Error('Cannot sell non-positive shares')
const saleValue = calculateCpmmShareValue(
outcome as 'YES' | 'NO'
const fees = noFees
// const { fees, remainingBet: saleValue } = getCpmmLiquidityFee(
// contract,
// rawSaleValue,
// outcome === 'YES' ? 'NO' : 'YES'
// )
const { pool } = contract
const { YES: y, NO: n } = pool
const { liquidityFee: fee } = fees
const [newY, newN] =
outcome === 'YES'
? [y + shares - saleValue + fee, n - saleValue + fee]
: [y - saleValue + fee, n + shares - saleValue + fee]
if (newY < 0 || newN < 0) {
console.log('calculateCpmmSale', {
throw new Error('Cannot sell more than in pool')
const postBetPool = { YES: newY, NO: newN }
const { newPool, newP } = addCpmmLiquidity(postBetPool, contract.p, fee)
return { saleValue, newPool, newP, fees }
export function getCpmmProbabilityAfterSale(
contract: FullContract<CPMM, Binary>,
shares: number,
outcome: 'YES' | 'NO'
) {
const { newPool } = calculateCpmmSale(contract, shares, outcome)
return getCpmmProbability(newPool, contract.p)
export function getCpmmLiquidity(
pool: { [outcome: string]: number },
p: number
) {
const { YES, NO } = pool
return YES ** p * NO ** (1 - p)
export function addCpmmLiquidity(
pool: { [outcome: string]: number },
p: number,
amount: number
) {
const prob = getCpmmProbability(pool, p)
const { YES: y, NO: n } = pool
const numerator = prob * (amount + y)
const denominator = amount - n * (prob - 1) + prob * y
const newP = numerator / denominator
const newPool = { YES: y + amount, NO: n + amount }
const oldLiquidity = getCpmmLiquidity(pool, newP)
const newLiquidity = getCpmmLiquidity(newPool, newP)
const liquidity = newLiquidity - oldLiquidity
return { newPool, liquidity, newP }
export function getCpmmLiquidityPoolWeights(
contract: FullContract<CPMM, Binary>,
liquidities: LiquidityProvision[]
) {
const { p } = contract
const liquidityShares = liquidities.map((l) => {
const oldLiquidity = getCpmmLiquidity(l.pool, p)
const newPool = addObjects(l.pool, { YES: l.amount, NO: l.amount })
const newLiquidity = getCpmmLiquidity(newPool, p)
const liquidity = newLiquidity - oldLiquidity
return liquidity
const shareSum = sum(liquidityShares)
const weights = liquidityShares.map((s, i) => ({
weight: s / shareSum,
providerId: liquidities[i].userId,
const userWeights = groupBy(weights, (w) => w.providerId)
const totalUserWeights = mapValues(userWeights, (userWeight) =>
sumBy(userWeight, (w) => w.weight)
return totalUserWeights
// export function removeCpmmLiquidity(
// contract: FullContract<CPMM, Binary>,
// liquidity: number
// ) {
// const { YES, NO } = contract.pool
// const poolLiquidity = getCpmmLiquidity({ YES, NO })
// const p = getCpmmProbability({ YES, NO }, contract.p)
// const f = liquidity / poolLiquidity
// const [payoutYes, payoutNo] = [f * YES, f * NO]
// const betAmount = Math.abs(payoutYes - payoutNo)
// const betOutcome = p >= 0.5 ? 'NO' : 'YES' // opposite side as adding liquidity
// const payout = Math.min(payoutYes, payoutNo)
// const newPool = { YES: YES - payoutYes, NO: NO - payoutNo }
// return { newPool, payout, betAmount, betOutcome }
// }