* Factor out section header * Remove daily balance change * Remove dead code * Layout, add streak * Fix visibility observer to work on server * Tweak * Search perserved by url * Add pill query param * Add search page * Extract component for ProbChangeRow * Explore groups page * Add search row * Add trending groups section * Add unfollow option for group * Experimental home: accommodate old saved sections. * Tweaks to search layout * Rearrange layout * Daily movers page * Add streak grayed out indicator * Use firebase query instead of algolia search for groups * Replace trending group card with pills * Hide streak if you turned off that notification * Listen for group updates * Better UI for adding / removing groups * Toast feedback for join/leave group. Customize button moved to bottom. * Remove Home title * Refactor arrange home * Add new for you section * Add prefetch * Move home out of experimental! * Remove unused import * Show non-public markets from group
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266 lines
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import {
} from 'firebase/firestore'
import { uniq, uniqBy } from 'lodash'
import { Group, GROUP_CHAT_SLUG, GroupLink } from 'common/group'
import {
} from './utils'
import { Contract } from 'common/contract'
import { getContractFromId, updateContract } from 'web/lib/firebase/contracts'
import { db } from 'web/lib/firebase/init'
import { filterDefined } from 'common/util/array'
export const groups = coll<Group>('groups')
export const groupMembers = (groupId: string) =>
collection(groups, groupId, 'groupMembers')
export const groupContracts = (groupId: string) =>
collection(groups, groupId, 'groupContracts')
const openGroupsQuery = query(groups, where('anyoneCanJoin', '==', true))
export const memberGroupsQuery = (userId: string) =>
query(collectionGroup(db, 'groupMembers'), where('userId', '==', userId))
export function groupPath(
groupSlug: string,
| 'edit'
| 'markets'
| 'about'
| 'leaderboards'
) {
return `/group/${groupSlug}${subpath ? `/${subpath}` : ''}`
export type GroupContractDoc = { contractId: string; createdTime: number }
export type GroupMemberDoc = { userId: string; createdTime: number }
export function updateGroup(group: Group, updates: Partial<Group>) {
return updateDoc(doc(groups, group.id), updates)
export function deleteFieldFromGroup(group: Group, field: string) {
return updateDoc(doc(groups, group.id), { [field]: deleteField() })
export function deleteGroup(group: Group) {
return deleteDoc(doc(groups, group.id))
export async function listAllGroups() {
return getValues<Group>(groups)
export async function listGroups(groupSlugs: string[]) {
return Promise.all(groupSlugs.map(getGroupBySlug))
export function listenForGroups(setGroups: (groups: Group[]) => void) {
return listenForValues(groups, setGroups)
export function listenForGroupContractDocs(
groupId: string,
setContractDocs: (docs: GroupContractDoc[]) => void
) {
return listenForValues(groupContracts(groupId), setContractDocs)
export async function listGroupContracts(groupId: string) {
const contractDocs = await getValues<{
contractId: string
createdTime: number
const contracts = await Promise.all(
contractDocs.map((doc) => getContractFromId(doc.contractId))
return filterDefined(contracts)
export function listenForOpenGroups(setGroups: (groups: Group[]) => void) {
return listenForValues(openGroupsQuery, setGroups)
export function getGroup(groupId: string) {
return getValue<Group>(doc(groups, groupId))
export async function getGroupBySlug(slug: string) {
const q = query(groups, where('slug', '==', slug))
const docs = (await getDocs(q)).docs
return docs.length === 0 ? null : docs[0].data()
export function listenForGroup(
groupId: string,
setGroup: (group: Group | null) => void
) {
return listenForValue(doc(groups, groupId), setGroup)
export async function getMemberGroups(userId: string) {
const snapshot = await getDocs(memberGroupsQuery(userId))
const groupIds = filterDefined(
snapshot.docs.map((doc) => doc.ref.parent.parent?.id)
const groups = await Promise.all(groupIds.map(getGroup))
return filterDefined(groups)
export function listenForMemberGroupIds(
userId: string,
setGroupIds: (groupIds: string[]) => void
) {
const q = memberGroupsQuery(userId)
return onSnapshot(q, { includeMetadataChanges: true }, (snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.metadata.fromCache) return
const values = snapshot.docs.map((doc) => doc.ref.parent.parent?.id)
export function listenForMemberGroups(
userId: string,
setGroups: (groups: Group[]) => void
) {
return listenForMemberGroupIds(userId, (groupIds) => {
return Promise.all(groupIds.map(getGroup)).then((groups) => {
export async function listAvailableGroups(userId: string) {
const [openGroups, memberGroupSnapshot] = await Promise.all([
const memberGroups = filterDefined(
await Promise.all(
memberGroupSnapshot.docs.map((doc) => {
return doc.ref.parent.parent?.id
? getGroup(doc.ref.parent.parent?.id)
: null
return uniqBy([...openGroups, ...memberGroups], (g) => g.id)
export async function addUserToGroupViaId(groupId: string, userId: string) {
// get group to get the member ids
const group = await getGroup(groupId)
if (!group) {
console.error(`Group not found: ${groupId}`)
return await joinGroup(group, userId)
export async function joinGroup(group: Group, userId: string): Promise<void> {
// create a new member document in grouoMembers collection
const memberDoc = doc(groupMembers(group.id), userId)
return await setDoc(memberDoc, {
createdTime: Date.now(),
export async function leaveGroup(group: Group, userId: string): Promise<void> {
// delete the member document in groupMembers collection
const memberDoc = doc(groupMembers(group.id), userId)
return await deleteDoc(memberDoc)
export async function addContractToGroup(
group: Group,
contract: Contract,
userId: string
) {
const newGroupLinks = [
...(contract.groupLinks ?? []),
groupId: group.id,
createdTime: Date.now(),
slug: group.slug,
name: group.name,
} as GroupLink,
// It's good to update the contract first, so the on-update-group trigger doesn't re-add them
await updateContract(contract.id, {
groupSlugs: uniq([...(contract.groupSlugs ?? []), group.slug]),
groupLinks: newGroupLinks,
// create new contract document in groupContracts collection
const contractDoc = doc(groupContracts(group.id), contract.id)
await setDoc(contractDoc, {
contractId: contract.id,
createdTime: Date.now(),
export async function removeContractFromGroup(
group: Group,
contract: Contract
) {
if (contract.groupLinks?.map((l) => l.groupId).includes(group.id)) {
const newGroupLinks = contract.groupLinks?.filter(
(link) => link.slug !== group.slug
await updateContract(contract.id, {
contract.groupSlugs?.filter((slug) => slug !== group.slug) ?? [],
groupLinks: newGroupLinks ?? [],
// delete the contract document in groupContracts collection
const contractDoc = doc(groupContracts(group.id), contract.id)
await deleteDoc(contractDoc)
export function getGroupLinkToDisplay(contract: Contract) {
const { groupLinks } = contract
const sortedGroupLinks = groupLinks?.sort(
(a, b) => b.createdTime - a.createdTime
const groupCreatorAdded = sortedGroupLinks?.find(
(g) => g.userId === contract.creatorId
const groupToDisplay = groupCreatorAdded
? groupCreatorAdded
: sortedGroupLinks?.[0] ?? null
return groupToDisplay
export async function listMemberIds(group: Group) {
const members = await getValues<GroupMemberDoc>(groupMembers(group.id))
return members.map((m) => m.userId)
export const topFollowedGroupsQuery = query(
where('anyoneCanJoin', '==', true),
orderBy('totalMembers', 'desc')