* Show a popup for betting on the Activity feed
* Replace the popup with a YES/NO selector
* Autofocus the bet amount
* Hide BetRow when not appropriate
* Make bet modal larger on desktop
* Default to YES if no bet choice has been made yet
* Fold type, fold page, query for fold contracts
* Tsconfig: target esnext, nounused locals: false
* Store tags in field on contract. Script to update contract tags
* Show tags on fold page
* Load all fold comments server-side to serve better feed
* Fix the annoying firebase already initialized error!
* Add links to /edit and /leaderboards for fold
* Page with list of folds
* UI for creating a fold
* Create a fold
* Edit fold page
* Move hot & closing markets to All Markets
Soon to be named "Explore"
* Set up a question box on the homepage
* Show Leaderboards by default instead of Create
* Support full contract creation from homepage
* Force mt-0 on /markets
* Move description into info tooltip
* Add hint to ask a question
* Initialize close date to 1 week from today
* Add a promo section for logged-out users
* Add hashtags, remove mobile padding
* Rewrite promo copy
* Store hotContracts as static props
* Simple leaderboards
* Filter out SG from traders. Center leaderboard. Use Nextjs Image.
* Add leaderboards menu option
* Put leaderboards side-by-side on large screens
* Add medal emoji
* Admin page using gridjs
* Move hook into separate file
* Link to each user's Manifold and Firestore /user entry
* Gate admin access to Austin/James/Stephen
* Don't leak the existence of /admin
* Add a custom 404 page that directs to Discord.
* Fix broken window.location.href on NextJS server