* Copy in nav from TailwindUI
* Split up nav files
* Hook up sidebar options to the current page
* Tweak padding
* Insert a right sidebar on folds & contracts
* Keep column always centered
* Remove markets and folds from top navbar
* Extract out sidebaricon; link to /about
* Rename to "useFollowedFoldIds"
* Cache followed folds in localstorage
* Remove unused mobile sidebar (for now)
* Remove unused code
* Remove sidebar from landing page
* Tweak resolution panel styling
* Remove the top navbar entirely
* Completely remove the old navbar
* Add "more" and profile link
* Rearrange sidebar ordering
* Remove unused component
* Add Sign In button for logged-out users
* Remove extra options for signed-out users
* Split BuyAmountInput out of AmountInput
* Buy and sell tabs. Compute some sell info
* In progress
* BuyPanel & SellPanel with banner above that shows current shares and toggle button
* Remove "Remaining balance"
* Bring back 'Place a trade'. Tweaks
* Sell shares cloud function.
* Sell all shares by default. Switch back to buy if sell all your shares.
* Cache your shares in local storage so sell banner doesn't flicker.
* Compute sale value of shares with binary search to keep k constant.
* Update bets table to show BUY or SELL
* Fixes from Stephen's review
* Don't allow selling more than max shares in cloud function
* Use modal for sell shares on desktop.
* Handle floating point precision in max shares you can sell.
* Show a top5 leaderboard on resolved markets
* Only show profitable traders
* Include sales in profits
* Copy Leaderboard styling
* Also show the top comment and trade
* Fix padding for solo bets
* Only show both comment & bet if they differ