* Add TipTap editor and renderer components
* Change market description editor to rich text
* Type description as JSON, fix string-based logic
- Delete make-predictions.tsx
- Delete feed logic that showed descriptions
* wip Fix API validation
* fix type error
* fix extension import (backend)
In firebase, typescript compiles imports into common js imports
like `const StarterKit = require("@tiptap/starter-kit")`
Even though StarterKit is exported from the cjs file, it gets imported
as undefined. But it magically works if we import *
If you're reading this in the future, consider replacing StarterKit with
the entire list of extensions.
* Stop load on fail create market, improve warning
* Refactor editor as hook / fix infinite submit bug
Move state of editor back up to parent
We have to do this later anyways to allow parent to edit
* Add images - display, paste + uploading
* add uploading state of image
* Fix placeholder, misc styling
min height, quote
* Fix appending to description
* code review fixes: rename, refactor, chop carets
* Add hint & upload button on new lines
- bump to Tailwind 3.1 for arbitrary variants
* clean up, run prettier
* rename FileButton to FileUploadButton
* add image extension as functions dependency
* Fold type, fold page, query for fold contracts
* Tsconfig: target esnext, nounused locals: false
* Store tags in field on contract. Script to update contract tags
* Show tags on fold page
* Load all fold comments server-side to serve better feed
* Fix the annoying firebase already initialized error!
* Add links to /edit and /leaderboards for fold
* Page with list of folds
* UI for creating a fold
* Create a fold
* Edit fold page