Add 24 hour sort option. Rearrange options

This commit is contained in:
jahooma 2022-01-24 00:31:52 -06:00
parent 0e3e4b8192
commit d22a21caec
2 changed files with 12 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -227,11 +227,16 @@ export function SearchableGrid(props: {
(contract) => -1 * (contract.resolutionTime ?? 0)
} else if (sort === 'close-date') {
matches = _.sortBy(matches, ({ volume24Hours }) => -1 * volume24Hours)
matches = _.sortBy(matches, (contract) => contract.closeTime)
} else if (sort === 'most-traded') {
(a, b) => contractMetrics(b).truePool - contractMetrics(a).truePool
} else if (sort === '24-hour-vol') {
// Use lodash for stable sort, so previous sort breaks all ties.
matches = _.sortBy(matches, ({ volume7Days }) => -1 * volume7Days)
matches = _.sortBy(matches, ({ volume24Hours }) => -1 * volume24Hours)
} else if (sort === 'creator' || sort === 'tag') {
matches.sort((a, b) => b.volume7Days - a.volume7Days)
@ -259,16 +264,15 @@ export function SearchableGrid(props: {
onChange={(e) => setSort( as Sort)}
{byOneCreator ? (
<option value="all">All markets</option>
) : (
<option value="creator">By creator</option>
<option value="tag">By tag</option>
<option value="most-traded">Most traded</option>
<option value="24-hour-vol">24 hour volume</option>
<option value="close-date">Closing soon</option>
<option value="newest">Newest</option>
<option value="tag">By tag</option>
{!byOneCreator && <option value="creator">By creator</option>}
<option value="resolved">Resolved</option>
<option value="close-date">Close date</option>
{byOneCreator && <option value="all">All markets</option>}

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ export type Sort =
| 'tag'
| 'newest'
| 'most-traded'
| '24-hour-vol'
| 'close-date'
| 'resolved'
| 'all'