2022-09-29 04:43:04 +00:00
import {
} from 'react'
import { pointer, select } from 'd3-selection'
2022-09-28 08:00:39 +00:00
import { Axis } from 'd3-axis'
import { brushX, D3BrushEvent } from 'd3-brush'
import { area, line, curveStepAfter, CurveFactory } from 'd3-shape'
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import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'
2022-09-29 04:14:34 +00:00
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
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import clsx from 'clsx'
import { Contract } from 'common/contract'
2022-09-29 04:14:34 +00:00
import { Row } from 'web/components/layout/row'
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export const MARGIN = { top: 20, right: 10, bottom: 20, left: 40 }
export const MARGIN_X = MARGIN.right + MARGIN.left
export const MARGIN_Y = MARGIN.top + MARGIN.bottom
export const XAxis = <X,>(props: { w: number; h: number; axis: Axis<X> }) => {
const { h, axis } = props
const axisRef = useRef<SVGGElement>(null)
useEffect(() => {
if (axisRef.current != null) {
.attr('stroke-width', 0)
}, [h, axis])
return <g ref={axisRef} transform={`translate(0, ${h})`} />
export const YAxis = <Y,>(props: { w: number; h: number; axis: Axis<Y> }) => {
const { w, h, axis } = props
const axisRef = useRef<SVGGElement>(null)
useEffect(() => {
if (axisRef.current != null) {
.call((g) =>
g.selectAll('.tick line').attr('x2', w).attr('stroke-opacity', 0.1)
.attr('stroke-width', 0)
}, [w, h, axis])
return <g ref={axisRef} />
const LinePathInternal = <P,>(
props: {
data: P[]
px: number | ((p: P) => number)
py: number | ((p: P) => number)
curve?: CurveFactory
} & SVGProps<SVGPathElement>
) => {
const { data, px, py, curve, ...rest } = props
const d3Line = line<P>(px, py).curve(curve ?? curveStepAfter)
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
return <path {...rest} fill="none" d={d3Line(data)!} />
export const LinePath = memo(LinePathInternal) as typeof LinePathInternal
const AreaPathInternal = <P,>(
props: {
data: P[]
px: number | ((p: P) => number)
py0: number | ((p: P) => number)
py1: number | ((p: P) => number)
curve?: CurveFactory
} & SVGProps<SVGPathElement>
) => {
const { data, px, py0, py1, curve, ...rest } = props
const d3Area = area<P>(px, py0, py1).curve(curve ?? curveStepAfter)
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
return <path {...rest} d={d3Area(data)!} />
export const AreaPath = memo(AreaPathInternal) as typeof AreaPathInternal
export const AreaWithTopStroke = <P,>(props: {
color: string
data: P[]
px: number | ((p: P) => number)
py0: number | ((p: P) => number)
py1: number | ((p: P) => number)
curve?: CurveFactory
}) => {
const { color, data, px, py0, py1, curve } = props
return (
<LinePath data={data} px={px} py={py1} curve={curve} stroke={color} />
2022-09-29 04:43:04 +00:00
export const SVGChart = <X, Y, P, XS>(props: {
2022-09-28 03:24:42 +00:00
children: ReactNode
w: number
h: number
xAxis: Axis<X>
yAxis: Axis<Y>
onSelect?: (ev: D3BrushEvent<any>) => void
2022-09-29 04:43:04 +00:00
onMouseOver?: (mouseX: number, mouseY: number) => P | undefined
Tooltip?: TooltipContent<{ xScale: XS } & { p: P }>
2022-09-28 03:24:42 +00:00
}) => {
2022-09-29 04:43:04 +00:00
const { children, w, h, xAxis, yAxis, onMouseOver, onSelect, Tooltip } = props
const [mouseState, setMouseState] = useState<TooltipPosition & { p: P }>()
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const overlayRef = useRef<SVGGElement>(null)
const innerW = w - MARGIN_X
const innerH = h - MARGIN_Y
const clipPathId = useMemo(() => nanoid(), [])
const justSelected = useRef(false)
useEffect(() => {
if (onSelect != null && overlayRef.current) {
const brush = brushX().extent([
[0, 0],
[innerW, innerH],
brush.on('end', (ev) => {
// when we clear the brush after a selection, that would normally cause
// another 'end' event, so we have to suppress it with this flag
if (!justSelected.current) {
justSelected.current = true
2022-09-29 04:43:04 +00:00
2022-09-28 03:24:42 +00:00
if (overlayRef.current) {
} else {
justSelected.current = false
2022-09-28 07:58:51 +00:00
// mqp: shape-rendering null overrides the default d3-brush shape-rendering
// of `crisp-edges`, which seems to cause graphical glitches on Chrome
// (i.e. the bug where the area fill flickers white)
.attr('shape-rendering', 'null')
2022-09-28 03:24:42 +00:00
}, [innerW, innerH, onSelect])
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const onPointerMove = (ev: React.PointerEvent) => {
if (ev.pointerType === 'mouse' && onMouseOver) {
const [mouseX, mouseY] = pointer(ev)
const p = onMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY)
if (p != null) {
setMouseState({ top: mouseY - 10, left: mouseX + 60, p })
} else {
const onPointerLeave = () => {
2022-09-28 03:24:42 +00:00
return (
2022-09-29 04:43:04 +00:00
<div className="relative">
{mouseState && Tooltip && (
<TooltipContainer top={mouseState.top} left={mouseState.left}>
<Tooltip xScale={xAxis.scale() as XS} p={mouseState.p} />
<svg className="w-full" width={w} height={h} viewBox={`0 0 ${w} ${h}`}>
<clipPath id={clipPathId}>
<rect x={0} y={0} width={innerW} height={innerH} />
<g transform={`translate(${MARGIN.left}, ${MARGIN.top})`}>
<XAxis axis={xAxis} w={innerW} h={innerH} />
<YAxis axis={yAxis} w={innerW} h={innerH} />
<g clipPath={`url(#${clipPathId})`}>{children}</g>
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2022-09-29 04:14:34 +00:00
export type TooltipContent<P> = React.ComponentType<P>
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export type TooltipPosition = { top: number; left: number }
2022-09-29 04:14:34 +00:00
export const TooltipContainer = (
2022-09-28 03:24:42 +00:00
props: TooltipPosition & { className?: string; children: React.ReactNode }
) => {
const { top, left, className, children } = props
return (
'pointer-events-none absolute z-10 whitespace-pre rounded border-2 border-black bg-white/90 p-2'
style={{ top, left }}
2022-09-29 04:14:34 +00:00
export type LegendItem = { color: string; label: string; value?: string }
export const Legend = (props: { className?: string; items: LegendItem[] }) => {
const { items, className } = props
return (
<ol className={className}>
{items.map((item) => (
<li key={item.label} className="flex flex-row justify-between">
<Row className="mr-2 items-center overflow-hidden">
className="mr-2 h-4 w-4 shrink-0"
style={{ backgroundColor: item.color }}
<span className="overflow-hidden text-ellipsis">{item.label}</span>
2022-09-28 03:24:42 +00:00
export const getDateRange = (contract: Contract) => {
const { createdTime, closeTime, resolutionTime } = contract
const isClosed = !!closeTime && Date.now() > closeTime
const endDate = resolutionTime ?? (isClosed ? closeTime : null)
return [new Date(createdTime), endDate ? new Date(endDate) : null] as const
2022-09-28 04:18:22 +00:00
export const getRightmostVisibleDate = (
contractEnd: Date | null | undefined,
lastActivity: Date | null | undefined,
now: Date
) => {
if (contractEnd != null) {
return contractEnd
} else if (lastActivity != null) {
// client-DB clock divergence may cause last activity to be later than now
return new Date(Math.max(lastActivity.getTime(), now.getTime()))
} else {
return now
2022-09-29 04:14:34 +00:00
export const formatPct = (n: number, digits?: number) => {
return `${(n * 100).toFixed(digits ?? 0)}%`
export const formatDate = (
date: Date,
opts: { includeYear: boolean; includeHour: boolean; includeMinute: boolean }
) => {
const { includeYear, includeHour, includeMinute } = opts
const d = dayjs(date)
const now = Date.now()
if (
d.add(1, 'minute').isAfter(now) &&
d.subtract(1, 'minute').isBefore(now)
) {
return 'Now'
} else {
const dayName = d.isSame(now, 'day')
? 'Today'
: d.add(1, 'day').isSame(now, 'day')
? 'Yesterday'
: null
let format = dayName ? `[${dayName}]` : 'MMM D'
if (includeMinute) {
format += ', h:mma'
} else if (includeHour) {
format += ', ha'
} else if (includeYear) {
format += ', YYYY'
return d.format(format)
export const formatDateInRange = (d: Date, start: Date, end: Date) => {
const opts = {
includeYear: !dayjs(start).isSame(end, 'year'),
includeHour: dayjs(start).add(8, 'day').isAfter(end),
includeMinute: dayjs(end).diff(start, 'hours') < 2,
return formatDate(d, opts)