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type Bid = { yesBid: number; noBid: number }
// An entry has a yes/no for bid, weight, payout, return. Also a current probability
export type Entry = {
yesBid: number
noBid: number
yesWeight: number
noWeight: number
yesPayout: number
noPayout: number
yesReturn: number
noReturn: number
prob: number
function makeWeights(bids: Bid[]) {
const weights = []
let yesPot = 0
let noPot = 0
// First pass: calculate all the weights
for (const { yesBid, noBid } of bids) {
const yesWeight =
noPot * (Math.log(yesBid + yesPot) - Math.log(yesPot)) || 0
const noWeight = yesPot * (Math.log(noBid + noPot) - Math.log(noPot)) || 0
// Note: Need to calculate weights BEFORE updating pot
yesPot += yesBid
noPot += noBid
const prob = yesPot / (yesPot + noPot)
return weights
export function makeEntries(bids: Bid[]): Entry[] {
const YES_SEED = bids[0].yesBid
const NO_SEED = bids[0].noBid
const weights = makeWeights(bids)
const yesPot = weights.reduce((sum, { yesBid }) => sum + yesBid, 0)
const noPot = weights.reduce((sum, { noBid }) => sum + noBid, 0)
const yesWeightsSum = weights.reduce((sum, entry) => sum + entry.yesWeight, 0)
const noWeightsSum = weights.reduce((sum, entry) => sum + entry.noWeight, 0)
// Second pass: calculate all the payouts
const entries: Entry[] = []
for (const weight of weights) {
const { yesBid, noBid, yesWeight, noWeight } = weight
// Payout: You get your initial bid back, as well as your share of the
// (noPot - seed) according to your yesWeight
const yesPayout = yesBid + (yesWeight / yesWeightsSum) * (noPot - NO_SEED)
const noPayout = noBid + (noWeight / noWeightsSum) * (yesPot - YES_SEED)
const yesReturn = (yesPayout - yesBid) / yesBid
const noReturn = (noPayout - noBid) / noBid
entries.push({ ...weight, yesPayout, noPayout, yesReturn, noReturn })
return entries