270 lines
10 KiB
270 lines
10 KiB
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals
import re
import six
from zope.interface import implementer
from attr import attrs, attrib
from attr.validators import provides, instance_of
from twisted.python import log
from automat import MethodicalMachine
from . import _interfaces
from ._nameplate import Nameplate
from ._mailbox import Mailbox
from ._send import Send
from ._order import Order
from ._key import Key
from ._receive import Receive
from ._rendezvous import RendezvousConnector
from ._lister import Lister
from ._code import Code
from ._terminator import Terminator
from .errors import ServerError, LonelyError, WrongPasswordError
from .util import bytes_to_dict
class Boss(object):
_W = attrib()
_side = attrib(validator=instance_of(type(u"")))
_url = attrib(validator=instance_of(type(u"")))
_appid = attrib(validator=instance_of(type(u"")))
_reactor = attrib()
_journal = attrib(validator=provides(_interfaces.IJournal))
_timing = attrib(validator=provides(_interfaces.ITiming))
m = MethodicalMachine()
def set_trace(): pass # pragma: no cover
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
self._N = Nameplate()
self._M = Mailbox(self._side)
self._S = Send(self._side, self._timing)
self._O = Order(self._side, self._timing)
self._K = Key(self._appid, self._side, self._timing)
self._R = Receive(self._side, self._timing)
self._RC = RendezvousConnector(self._url, self._appid, self._side,
self._reactor, self._journal,
self._L = Lister()
self._C = Code(self._timing)
self._T = Terminator()
self._N.wire(self._M, self._RC, self._T)
self._M.wire(self._N, self._RC, self._O, self._T)
self._O.wire(self._K, self._R)
self._K.wire(self, self._M, self._R)
self._R.wire(self, self._S)
self._RC.wire(self, self._N, self._M, self._C, self._L, self._T)
self._L.wire(self._RC, self._C)
self._C.wire(self, self._RC, self._L)
self._T.wire(self, self._RC, self._N, self._M)
self._next_tx_phase = 0
self._next_rx_phase = 0
self._rx_phases = {} # phase -> plaintext
self._result = "empty"
# these methods are called from outside
def start(self):
def _set_trace(self, client_name, which, logger):
names = {"B": self, "N": self._N, "M": self._M, "S": self._S,
"O": self._O, "K": self._K, "R": self._R,
"RC": self._RC, "L": self._L, "C": self._C,
"T": self._T}
for machine in which.split():
def tracer(old_state, input, new_state, machine=machine):
print("%s.%s[%s].%s -> [%s]" % (client_name, machine,
old_state, input, new_state))
# and these are the state-machine transition functions, which don't take
# args
def S0_empty(self): pass # pragma: no cover
def S1_lonely(self): pass # pragma: no cover
def S2_happy(self): pass # pragma: no cover
def S3_closing(self): pass # pragma: no cover
def S4_closed(self): pass # pragma: no cover
# from the Wormhole
# input/allocate/set_code are regular methods, not state-transition
# inputs. We expect them to be called just after initialization, while
# we're in the S0_empty state. You must call exactly one of them, and the
# call must happen while we're in S0_empty, which makes them good
# candiates for being a proper @m.input, but set_code() will immediately
# (reentrantly) cause self.got_code() to be fired, which is messy. These
# are all passthroughs to the Code machine, so one alternative would be
# to have Wormhole call Code.{input,allocate,set_code} instead, but that
# would require the Wormhole to be aware of Code (whereas right now
# Wormhole only knows about this Boss instance, and everything else is
# hidden away).
def input_code(self, stdio):
def allocate_code(self, code_length):
def set_code(self, code):
def send(self, plaintext): pass
def close(self): pass
# from RendezvousConnector. rx_error an error message from the server
# (probably because of something we did, or due to CrowdedError). error
# is when an exception happened while it tried to deliver something else
def rx_welcome(self, welcome): pass
def rx_error(self, errmsg, orig): pass
def error(self, err): pass
# from Code (provoked by input/allocate/set_code)
def got_code(self, code): pass
# Key sends (got_verifier, scared)
# Receive sends (got_message, happy, scared)
def happy(self): pass
def scared(self): pass
def got_message(self, phase, plaintext):
assert isinstance(phase, type("")), type(phase)
assert isinstance(plaintext, type(b"")), type(plaintext)
if phase == "version":
elif re.search(r'^\d+$', phase):
self.got_phase(int(phase), plaintext)
# Ignore unrecognized phases, for forwards-compatibility. Use
# log.err so tests will catch surprises.
log.err("received unknown phase '%s'" % phase)
def got_version(self, plaintext): pass
def got_phase(self, phase, plaintext): pass
def got_verifier(self, verifier): pass
# Terminator sends closed
def closed(self): pass
def process_welcome(self, welcome):
pass # TODO: ignored for now
def do_got_code(self, code):
nameplate = code.split("-")[0]
def process_version(self, plaintext):
self._their_versions = bytes_to_dict(plaintext)
# ignored for now
def S_send(self, plaintext):
assert isinstance(plaintext, type(b"")), type(plaintext)
phase = self._next_tx_phase
self._next_tx_phase += 1
self._S.send("%d" % phase, plaintext)
def close_error(self, errmsg, orig):
self._result = ServerError(errmsg)
def close_scared(self):
self._result = WrongPasswordError()
def close_lonely(self):
self._result = LonelyError()
def close_happy(self):
self._result = "happy"
def W_got_verifier(self, verifier):
def W_received(self, phase, plaintext):
assert isinstance(phase, six.integer_types), type(phase)
# we call Wormhole.received() in strict phase order, with no gaps
self._rx_phases[phase] = plaintext
while self._next_rx_phase in self._rx_phases:
self._next_rx_phase += 1
def W_close_with_error(self, err):
self._result = err # exception
def W_closed(self):
# result is either "happy" or a WormholeError of some sort
S0_empty.upon(close, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_lonely])
S0_empty.upon(send, enter=S0_empty, outputs=[S_send])
S0_empty.upon(rx_welcome, enter=S0_empty, outputs=[process_welcome])
S0_empty.upon(got_code, enter=S1_lonely, outputs=[do_got_code])
S0_empty.upon(rx_error, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_error])
S0_empty.upon(error, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[W_close_with_error])
S1_lonely.upon(rx_welcome, enter=S1_lonely, outputs=[process_welcome])
S1_lonely.upon(happy, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[])
S1_lonely.upon(scared, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_scared])
S1_lonely.upon(close, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_lonely])
S1_lonely.upon(send, enter=S1_lonely, outputs=[S_send])
S1_lonely.upon(got_verifier, enter=S1_lonely, outputs=[W_got_verifier])
S1_lonely.upon(rx_error, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_error])
S1_lonely.upon(error, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[W_close_with_error])
S2_happy.upon(rx_welcome, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[process_welcome])
S2_happy.upon(got_phase, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[W_received])
S2_happy.upon(got_version, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[process_version])
S2_happy.upon(scared, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_scared])
S2_happy.upon(close, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_happy])
S2_happy.upon(send, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[S_send])
S2_happy.upon(rx_error, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_error])
S2_happy.upon(error, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[W_close_with_error])
S3_closing.upon(rx_welcome, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(rx_error, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(got_phase, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(got_version, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(happy, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(scared, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(close, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(send, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(closed, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[W_closed])
S3_closing.upon(error, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[W_close_with_error])
S4_closed.upon(rx_welcome, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(got_phase, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(got_version, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(happy, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(scared, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(close, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(send, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(error, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])