Brian Warner a8c2fb14b1 expire channels faster: 2 hours, not 3 days
With increased usage, I'm seeing a buildup of stale channels. Since the
channels aren't properly ephemeral yet (where they get closed as soon as
the last subscriber disconnects), clients which terminate without
calling close() tend to leave the channel lying around. We don't have
"persistent wormholes" yet, so channels should be much more ephemeral
than they currently are.
2016-06-03 16:23:28 -07:00

596 lines
24 KiB

from __future__ import print_function
import os, time, random, base64
from collections import namedtuple
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.application import service, internet
MB = 1000*1000
def generate_mailbox_id():
return base64.b32encode(os.urandom(8)).lower().strip(b"=").decode("ascii")
SideResult = namedtuple("SideResult", ["changed", "empty", "side1", "side2"])
Unchanged = SideResult(changed=False, empty=False, side1=None, side2=None)
class CrowdedError(Exception):
def add_side(row, new_side):
old_sides = [s for s in [row["side1"], row["side2"]] if s]
assert old_sides
if new_side in old_sides:
return Unchanged
if len(old_sides) == 2:
raise CrowdedError("too many sides for this thing")
return SideResult(changed=True, empty=False,
side1=old_sides[0], side2=new_side)
def remove_side(row, side):
old_sides = [s for s in [row["side1"], row["side2"]] if s]
if side not in old_sides:
return Unchanged
remaining_sides = old_sides[:]
if remaining_sides:
return SideResult(changed=True, empty=False, side1=remaining_sides[0],
return SideResult(changed=True, empty=True, side1=None, side2=None)
Usage = namedtuple("Usage", ["started", "waiting_time", "total_time", "result"])
TransitUsage = namedtuple("TransitUsage",
["started", "waiting_time", "total_time",
"total_bytes", "result"])
SidedMessage = namedtuple("SidedMessage", ["side", "phase", "body",
"server_rx", "msg_id"])
class Mailbox:
def __init__(self, app, db, app_id, mailbox_id):
self._app = app
self._db = db
self._app_id = app_id
self._mailbox_id = mailbox_id
self._listeners = {} # handle -> (send_f, stop_f)
# "handle" is a hashable object, for deregistration
# send_f() takes a JSONable object, stop_f() has no args
def open(self, side, when):
# requires caller to db.commit()
assert isinstance(side, type(u"")), type(side)
db = self._db
row = db.execute("SELECT * FROM `mailboxes`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `id`=?",
(self._app_id, self._mailbox_id)).fetchone()
sr = add_side(row, side)
except CrowdedError:
db.execute("UPDATE `mailboxes` SET `crowded`=?"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `id`=?",
(True, self._app_id, self._mailbox_id))
if sr.changed:
db.execute("UPDATE `mailboxes` SET"
" `side1`=?, `side2`=?, `second`=?"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `id`=?",
(sr.side1, sr.side2, when,
self._app_id, self._mailbox_id))
def get_messages(self):
messages = []
db = self._db
for row in db.execute("SELECT * FROM `messages`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `mailbox_id`=?"
" ORDER BY `server_rx` ASC",
(self._app_id, self._mailbox_id)).fetchall():
sm = SidedMessage(side=row["side"], phase=row["phase"],
body=row["body"], server_rx=row["server_rx"],
return messages
def add_listener(self, handle, send_f, stop_f):
# TODO: update 'updated'
self._listeners[handle] = (send_f, stop_f)
return self.get_messages()
def remove_listener(self, handle):
def has_listeners(self):
return bool(self._listeners)
def broadcast_message(self, sm):
for (send_f, stop_f) in self._listeners.values():
def _add_message(self, sm):
self._db.execute("INSERT INTO `messages`"
" (`app_id`, `mailbox_id`, `side`, `phase`, `body`,"
" `server_rx`, `msg_id`)"
" VALUES (?,?,?,?,?, ?,?)",
(self._app_id, self._mailbox_id, sm.side,
sm.phase, sm.body, sm.server_rx, sm.msg_id))
def add_message(self, sm):
assert isinstance(sm, SidedMessage)
def close(self, side, mood, when):
assert isinstance(side, type(u"")), type(side)
db = self._db
row = db.execute("SELECT * FROM `mailboxes`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `id`=?",
(self._app_id, self._mailbox_id)).fetchone()
if not row:
sr = remove_side(row, side)
if sr.empty:
self._app._summarize_mailbox_and_store(self._mailbox_id, row,
mood, when, pruned=False)
elif sr.changed:
db.execute("UPDATE `mailboxes`"
" SET `side1`=?, `side2`=?, `first_mood`=?"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `id`=?",
(sr.side1, sr.side2, mood,
self._app_id, self._mailbox_id))
def _delete(self):
# requires caller to db.commit()
self._db.execute("DELETE FROM `mailboxes`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `id`=?",
(self._app_id, self._mailbox_id))
self._db.execute("DELETE FROM `messages`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `mailbox_id`=?",
(self._app_id, self._mailbox_id))
# Shut down any listeners, just in case they're still lingering
# around.
for (send_f, stop_f) in self._listeners.values():
def is_active(self):
return bool(self._listeners)
def _shutdown(self):
# used at test shutdown to accelerate client disconnects
for (send_f, stop_f) in self._listeners.values():
class AppNamespace:
def __init__(self, db, blur_usage, log_requests, app_id):
self._db = db
self._blur_usage = blur_usage
self._log_requests = log_requests
self._app_id = app_id
self._mailboxes = {}
def is_active(self):
# An idle AppNamespace does not need to be kept in memory: it can be
# reconstructed from the DB if needed. And active one must be kept
# alive.
for mb in self._mailboxes.values():
if mb.is_active():
return True
return False
def get_nameplate_ids(self):
db = self._db
# TODO: filter this to numeric ids?
c = db.execute("SELECT DISTINCT `id` FROM `nameplates`"
" WHERE `app_id`=?", (self._app_id,))
return set([row["id"] for row in c.fetchall()])
def _find_available_nameplate_id(self):
claimed = self.get_nameplate_ids()
for size in range(1,4): # stick to 1-999 for now
available = set()
for id_int in range(10**(size-1), 10**size):
id = u"%d" % id_int
if id not in claimed:
if available:
return random.choice(list(available))
# ouch, 999 currently claimed. Try random ones for a while.
for tries in range(1000):
id_int = random.randrange(1000, 1000*1000)
id = u"%d" % id_int
if id not in claimed:
return id
raise ValueError("unable to find a free nameplate-id")
def allocate_nameplate(self, side, when):
nameplate_id = self._find_available_nameplate_id()
mailbox_id = self.claim_nameplate(nameplate_id, side, when)
del mailbox_id # ignored, they'll learn it from claim()
return nameplate_id
def claim_nameplate(self, nameplate_id, side, when, _test_mailbox_id=None):
# when we're done:
# * there will be one row for the nameplate
# * side1 or side2 will be populated
# * started or second will be populated
# * a mailbox id will be created, but not a mailbox row
# (ids are randomly unique, so we can defer creation until 'open')
assert isinstance(nameplate_id, type(u"")), type(nameplate_id)
assert isinstance(side, type(u"")), type(side)
db = self._db
row = db.execute("SELECT * FROM `nameplates`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `id`=?",
(self._app_id, nameplate_id)).fetchone()
if row:
mailbox_id = row["mailbox_id"]
sr = add_side(row, side)
except CrowdedError:
db.execute("UPDATE `nameplates` SET `crowded`=?"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `id`=?",
(True, self._app_id, nameplate_id))
if sr.changed:
db.execute("UPDATE `nameplates` SET"
" `side1`=?, `side2`=?, `updated`=?, `second`=?"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `id`=?",
(sr.side1, sr.side2, when, when,
self._app_id, nameplate_id))
if self._log_requests:
log.msg("creating nameplate#%s for app_id %s" %
(nameplate_id, self._app_id))
if _test_mailbox_id is not None: # for unit tests
mailbox_id = _test_mailbox_id
mailbox_id = generate_mailbox_id()
db.execute("INSERT INTO `nameplates`"
" (`app_id`, `id`, `mailbox_id`, `side1`, `crowded`,"
" `updated`, `started`)"
" VALUES(?,?,?,?,?, ?,?)",
(self._app_id, nameplate_id, mailbox_id, side, False,
when, when))
return mailbox_id
def release_nameplate(self, nameplate_id, side, when):
# when we're done:
# * in the nameplate row, side1 or side2 will be removed
# * if the nameplate is now unused:
# * mailbox.nameplate_closed will be populated
# * the nameplate row will be removed
assert isinstance(nameplate_id, type(u"")), type(nameplate_id)
assert isinstance(side, type(u"")), type(side)
db = self._db
row = db.execute("SELECT * FROM `nameplates`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `id`=?",
(self._app_id, nameplate_id)).fetchone()
if not row:
sr = remove_side(row, side)
if sr.empty:
db.execute("DELETE FROM `nameplates`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `id`=?",
(self._app_id, nameplate_id))
self._summarize_nameplate_and_store(row, when, pruned=False)
elif sr.changed:
db.execute("UPDATE `nameplates`"
" SET `side1`=?, `side2`=?, `updated`=?"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `id`=?",
(sr.side1, sr.side2, when,
self._app_id, nameplate_id))
def _summarize_nameplate_and_store(self, row, delete_time, pruned):
# requires caller to db.commit()
u = self._summarize_nameplate_usage(row, delete_time, pruned)
self._db.execute("INSERT INTO `nameplate_usage`"
" (`app_id`,"
" `started`, `total_time`, `waiting_time`, `result`)"
" VALUES (?, ?,?,?,?)",
u.started, u.total_time, u.waiting_time, u.result))
def _summarize_nameplate_usage(self, row, delete_time, pruned):
started = row["started"]
if self._blur_usage:
started = self._blur_usage * (started // self._blur_usage)
waiting_time = None
if row["second"]:
waiting_time = row["second"] - row["started"]
total_time = delete_time - row["started"]
result = u"lonely"
if row["second"]:
result = u"happy"
if pruned:
result = u"pruney"
if row["crowded"]:
result = u"crowded"
return Usage(started=started, waiting_time=waiting_time,
total_time=total_time, result=result)
def open_mailbox(self, mailbox_id, side, when):
assert isinstance(mailbox_id, type(u"")), type(mailbox_id)
db = self._db
if not mailbox_id in self._mailboxes:
if self._log_requests:
log.msg("spawning #%s for app_id %s" % (mailbox_id,
db.execute("INSERT INTO `mailboxes`"
" (`app_id`, `id`, `side1`, `crowded`, `started`)"
" VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",
(self._app_id, mailbox_id, side, False, when))
db.commit() # XXX
# does a SELECT to find the old sides
self._mailboxes[mailbox_id] = Mailbox(self, self._db,
self._app_id, mailbox_id)
mailbox = self._mailboxes[mailbox_id], when)
return mailbox
def free_mailbox(self, mailbox_id):
# called from Mailbox.delete_and_summarize(), which deletes any
# messages
if mailbox_id in self._mailboxes:
#if self._log_requests:
# log.msg("freed+killed #%s, now have %d DB mailboxes, %d live" %
# (mailbox_id, len(self.get_claimed()), len(self._mailboxes)))
def _summarize_mailbox_and_store(self, mailbox_id, row,
second_mood, delete_time, pruned):
db = self._db
rows = db.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(`side`) FROM `messages`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `mailbox_id`=?",
(self._app_id, mailbox_id)).fetchall()
num_sides = len(rows)
u = self._summarize_mailbox(row, num_sides, second_mood, delete_time,
db.execute("INSERT INTO `mailbox_usage`"
" (`app_id`,"
" `started`, `total_time`, `waiting_time`, `result`)"
" VALUES (?, ?,?,?,?)",
u.started, u.total_time, u.waiting_time, u.result))
def _summarize_mailbox(self, row, num_sides, second_mood, delete_time,
started = row["started"]
if self._blur_usage:
started = self._blur_usage * (started // self._blur_usage)
waiting_time = None
if row["second"]:
waiting_time = row["second"] - row["started"]
total_time = delete_time - row["started"]
if num_sides == 0:
result = u"quiet"
elif num_sides == 1:
result = u"lonely"
result = u"happy"
moods = set([row["first_mood"], second_mood])
if u"lonely" in moods:
result = u"lonely"
if u"errory" in moods:
result = u"errory"
if u"scary" in moods:
result = u"scary"
if pruned:
result = u"pruney"
if row["crowded"]:
result = u"crowded"
return Usage(started=started, waiting_time=waiting_time,
total_time=total_time, result=result)
def prune(self, now, old):
# For now, pruning is logged even if log_requests is False, to debug
# the pruning process, and since pruning is triggered by a timer
# instead of by user action. It does reveal which mailboxes were
# present when the pruning process began, though, so in the log run
# it should do less logging.
log.msg(" prune begins (%s)" % self._app_id)
db = self._db
modified = False
# for all `mailboxes`: classify as new or old
OLD = 0; NEW = 1
all_mailboxes = {}
all_mailbox_rows = {}
for row in db.execute("SELECT * FROM `mailboxes`"
" WHERE `app_id`=?",
mailbox_id = row["id"]
all_mailbox_rows[mailbox_id] = row
if row["started"] > old:
which = NEW
elif row["second"] and row["second"] > old:
which = NEW
which = OLD
all_mailboxes[mailbox_id] = which
#log.msg(" 2: all_mailboxes", all_mailboxes, all_mailbox_rows)
# for all mailbox ids used by `messages`:
# if there is no matching mailbox: delete the messages
# if there is at least one new message (select when>old limit 1):
# classify the mailbox as new
for row in db.execute("SELECT DISTINCT(`mailbox_id`)"
" FROM `messages`"
" WHERE `app_id`=?",
mailbox_id = row["mailbox_id"]
if mailbox_id not in all_mailboxes:
log.msg(" deleting orphan messages", mailbox_id)
db.execute("DELETE FROM `messages`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `mailbox_id`=?",
(self._app_id, mailbox_id))
modified = True
new_msgs = db.execute("SELECT * FROM `messages`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `mailbox_id`=?"
" AND `server_rx` > ?"
" LIMIT 1",
(self._app_id, mailbox_id, old)
if new_msgs:
#log.msg(" 3-: saved by new messages", new_msgs)
all_mailboxes[mailbox_id] = NEW
#log.msg(" 4: all_mailboxes", all_mailboxes)
# for all mailbox objects with active listeners:
# classify the mailbox as new
for mailbox_id in self._mailboxes:
#log.msg(" -5: checking", mailbox_id, self._mailboxes[mailbox_id])
if self._mailboxes[mailbox_id].has_listeners():
all_mailboxes[mailbox_id] = NEW
#log.msg(" 5: all_mailboxes", all_mailboxes)
# for all `nameplates`:
# classify as new or old
# if the linked mailbox exists:
# if it is new:
# classify nameplate as new
# if it is old:
# if the nameplate is new:
# classify mailbox as new
all_nameplates = {}
all_nameplate_rows = {}
for row in db.execute("SELECT * FROM `nameplates`"
" WHERE `app_id`=?",
nameplate_id = row["id"]
all_nameplate_rows[nameplate_id] = row
if row["updated"] > old:
which = NEW
which = OLD
mailbox_id = row["mailbox_id"]
if mailbox_id in all_mailboxes:
if all_mailboxes[mailbox_id] == NEW:
which = NEW
if which == NEW:
all_mailboxes[mailbox_id] = NEW
all_nameplates[nameplate_id] = which
#log.msg(" 6: all_nameplates", all_nameplates, all_nameplate_rows)
# delete all old nameplates
# invariant check: if there is a linked mailbox, it is old
for nameplate_id, which in all_nameplates.items():
if which == OLD:
log.msg(" deleting nameplate", nameplate_id)
row = all_nameplate_rows[nameplate_id]
self._summarize_nameplate_and_store(row, now, pruned=True)
db.execute("DELETE FROM `nameplates`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `id`=?",
(self._app_id, nameplate_id))
modified = True
# delete all messages for old mailboxes
# delete all old mailboxes
for mailbox_id, which in all_mailboxes.items():
if which == OLD:
log.msg(" deleting mailbox", mailbox_id)
u"pruney", now, pruned=True)
db.execute("DELETE FROM `messages`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `mailbox_id`=?",
(self._app_id, mailbox_id))
db.execute("DELETE FROM `mailboxes`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `id`=?",
(self._app_id, mailbox_id))
modified = True
if modified:
log.msg(" prune complete, modified:", modified)
def _shutdown(self):
for channel in self._mailboxes.values():
class Rendezvous(service.MultiService):
def __init__(self, db, welcome, blur_usage):
self._db = db
self._welcome = welcome
self._blur_usage = blur_usage
log_requests = blur_usage is None
self._log_requests = log_requests
self._apps = {}
t = internet.TimerService(EXPIRATION_CHECK_PERIOD, self.prune)
def get_welcome(self):
return self._welcome
def get_log_requests(self):
return self._log_requests
def get_app(self, app_id):
assert isinstance(app_id, type(u""))
if not app_id in self._apps:
if self._log_requests:
log.msg("spawning app_id %s" % (app_id,))
self._apps[app_id] = AppNamespace(self._db,
self._log_requests, app_id)
return self._apps[app_id]
def get_all_apps(self):
apps = set()
for row in self._db.execute("SELECT DISTINCT `app_id`"
" FROM `nameplates`").fetchall():
for row in self._db.execute("SELECT DISTINCT `app_id`"
" FROM `mailboxes`").fetchall():
for row in self._db.execute("SELECT DISTINCT `app_id`"
" FROM `messages`").fetchall():
return apps
def prune(self, now=None, old=None):
# As with AppNamespace.prune_old_mailboxes, we log for now.
log.msg("beginning app prune")
now = now or time.time()
old = old or (now - CHANNEL_EXPIRATION_TIME)
for app_id in sorted(self.get_all_apps()):
log.msg(" app prune checking %r" % (app_id,))
app = self.get_app(app_id)
app.prune(now, old)
if not app.is_active(): # meaning no websockets
log.msg(" pruning idle app", app_id)
log.msg("app prune ends, %d remaining apps" % len(self._apps))
def stopService(self):
# This forcibly boots any clients that are still connected, which
# helps with unit tests that use threads for both clients. One client
# hits an exception, which terminates the test (and .tearDown calls
# stopService on the relay), but the other client (in its thread) is
# still waiting for a message. By killing off all connections, that
# other client gets an error, and exits promptly.
for app in self._apps.values():
return service.MultiService.stopService(self)