Brian Warner 83e55f1f3e add w.when_key(), fix w.when_verified() to fire later
Previously, w.when_verified() was documented to fire only after a valid
encrypted message was received, but in fact it fired as soon as the shared
key was derived (before any encrypted messages are seen, so no actual
"verification" could occur yet).

This fixes that, and also adds a new w.when_key() API call which fires at the
earlier point. Having something which fires early is useful for the CLI
commands that want to print a pacifier message when the peer is responding
slowly. In particular it helps detect the case where 'wormhole send' has quit
early (after depositing the PAKE message on the server, but before the
receiver has started). In this case, the receiver will compute the shared
key, but then wait forever hoping for a VERSION that will never come. By
starting a timer when w.when_key() fires, and cancelling it when
w.when_verified() fires, we have a good place to tell the user that something
is taking longer than it should have.

This shifts responsibility for notifying Boss.got_verifier, out of Key and
into Receive, since Receive is what notices the first valid encrypted
message. It also shifts the Boss's ordering expectations: it now receives
B.happy() before B.got_verifier(), and consequently got_verifier ought to
arrive in the S2_happy state rather than S1_lonely.
2017-04-06 18:27:41 -07:00

344 lines
14 KiB

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals
import re
import six
from zope.interface import implementer
from attr import attrs, attrib
from attr.validators import provides, instance_of
from twisted.python import log
from automat import MethodicalMachine
from . import _interfaces
from ._nameplate import Nameplate
from ._mailbox import Mailbox
from ._send import Send
from ._order import Order
from ._key import Key
from ._receive import Receive
from ._rendezvous import RendezvousConnector
from ._lister import Lister
from ._allocator import Allocator
from ._input import Input
from ._code import Code
from ._terminator import Terminator
from ._wordlist import PGPWordList
from .errors import (ServerError, LonelyError, WrongPasswordError,
KeyFormatError, OnlyOneCodeError, _UnknownPhaseError,
from .util import bytes_to_dict
class Boss(object):
_W = attrib()
_side = attrib(validator=instance_of(type(u"")))
_url = attrib(validator=instance_of(type(u"")))
_appid = attrib(validator=instance_of(type(u"")))
_versions = attrib(validator=instance_of(dict))
_welcome_handler = attrib() # TODO: validator: callable
_reactor = attrib()
_journal = attrib(validator=provides(_interfaces.IJournal))
_tor_manager = attrib() # TODO: ITorManager or None
_timing = attrib(validator=provides(_interfaces.ITiming))
m = MethodicalMachine()
set_trace = getattr(m, "setTrace", lambda self, f: None)
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
def _build_workers(self):
self._N = Nameplate()
self._M = Mailbox(self._side)
self._S = Send(self._side, self._timing)
self._O = Order(self._side, self._timing)
self._K = Key(self._appid, self._versions, self._side, self._timing)
self._R = Receive(self._side, self._timing)
self._RC = RendezvousConnector(self._url, self._appid, self._side,
self._reactor, self._journal,
self._tor_manager, self._timing)
self._L = Lister(self._timing)
self._A = Allocator(self._timing)
self._I = Input(self._timing)
self._C = Code(self._timing)
self._T = Terminator()
self._N.wire(self._M, self._I, self._RC, self._T)
self._M.wire(self._N, self._RC, self._O, self._T)
self._O.wire(self._K, self._R)
self._K.wire(self, self._M, self._R)
self._R.wire(self, self._S)
self._RC.wire(self, self._N, self._M, self._A, self._L, self._T)
self._L.wire(self._RC, self._I)
self._A.wire(self._RC, self._C)
self._I.wire(self._C, self._L)
self._C.wire(self, self._A, self._N, self._K, self._I)
self._T.wire(self, self._RC, self._N, self._M)
def _init_other_state(self):
self._did_start_code = False
self._next_tx_phase = 0
self._next_rx_phase = 0
self._rx_phases = {} # phase -> plaintext
self._result = "empty"
# these methods are called from outside
def start(self):
def _set_trace(self, client_name, which, file):
names = {"B": self, "N": self._N, "M": self._M, "S": self._S,
"O": self._O, "K": self._K, "SK": self._K._SK, "R": self._R,
"RC": self._RC, "L": self._L, "C": self._C,
"T": self._T}
for machine in which.split():
def tracer(old_state, input, new_state, output, machine=machine):
if output is None:
if new_state:
print("%s.%s[%s].%s -> [%s]" %
(client_name, machine, old_state, input,
new_state), file=file)
# the RendezvousConnector emits message events as if
# they were state transitions, except that old_state
# and new_state are empty strings. "input" is one of
# R.connected, R.rx(type phase+side), R.tx(type
# phase), R.lost .
print("%s.%s.%s" % (client_name, machine, input),
if new_state:
print(" %s.%s.%s()" % (client_name, machine, output),
## def serialize(self):
## raise NotImplemented
# and these are the state-machine transition functions, which don't take
# args
def S0_empty(self): pass # pragma: no cover
def S1_lonely(self): pass # pragma: no cover
def S2_happy(self): pass # pragma: no cover
def S3_closing(self): pass # pragma: no cover
def S4_closed(self): pass # pragma: no cover
# from the Wormhole
# input/allocate/set_code are regular methods, not state-transition
# inputs. We expect them to be called just after initialization, while
# we're in the S0_empty state. You must call exactly one of them, and the
# call must happen while we're in S0_empty, which makes them good
# candiates for being a proper @m.input, but set_code() will immediately
# (reentrantly) cause self.got_code() to be fired, which is messy. These
# are all passthroughs to the Code machine, so one alternative would be
# to have Wormhole call Code.{input,allocate,set_code} instead, but that
# would require the Wormhole to be aware of Code (whereas right now
# Wormhole only knows about this Boss instance, and everything else is
# hidden away).
def input_code(self):
if self._did_start_code:
raise OnlyOneCodeError()
self._did_start_code = True
return self._C.input_code()
def allocate_code(self, code_length):
if self._did_start_code:
raise OnlyOneCodeError()
self._did_start_code = True
wl = PGPWordList()
self._C.allocate_code(code_length, wl)
def set_code(self, code):
if ' ' in code:
raise KeyFormatError("code (%s) contains spaces." % code)
if self._did_start_code:
raise OnlyOneCodeError()
self._did_start_code = True
def send(self, plaintext): pass
def close(self): pass
# from RendezvousConnector:
# * "rx_welcome" is the Welcome message, which might signal an error, or
# our welcome_handler might signal one
# * "rx_error" is error message from the server (probably because of
# something we said badly, or due to CrowdedError)
# * "error" is when an exception happened while it tried to deliver
# something else
def rx_welcome(self, welcome):
if "error" in welcome:
raise WelcomeError(welcome["error"])
# TODO: it'd be nice to not call the handler when we're in
# S3_closing or S4_closed states. I tried to implement this with
# rx_Welcome as an @input, but in the error case I'd be
# delivering a new input (rx_error or something) while in the
# middle of processing the rx_welcome input, and I wasn't sure
# Automat would handle that correctly.
self._welcome_handler(welcome) # can raise WelcomeError too
except WelcomeError as welcome_error:
def rx_unwelcome(self, welcome_error): pass
def rx_error(self, errmsg, orig): pass
def error(self, err): pass
# from Code (provoked by input/allocate/set_code)
def got_code(self, code): pass
# Key sends (got_key, scared)
# Receive sends (got_message, happy, got_verifier, scared)
def happy(self): pass
def scared(self): pass
def got_message(self, phase, plaintext):
assert isinstance(phase, type("")), type(phase)
assert isinstance(plaintext, type(b"")), type(plaintext)
if phase == "version":
elif'^\d+$', phase):
self._got_phase(int(phase), plaintext)
# Ignore unrecognized phases, for forwards-compatibility. Use
# log.err so tests will catch surprises.
log.err(_UnknownPhaseError("received unknown phase '%s'" % phase))
def _got_version(self, plaintext): pass
def _got_phase(self, phase, plaintext): pass
def got_key(self, key): pass
def got_verifier(self, verifier): pass
# Terminator sends closed
def closed(self): pass
def do_got_code(self, code):
def process_version(self, plaintext):
# most of this is wormhole-to-wormhole, ignored for now
# in the future, this is how Dilation is signalled
self._their_versions = bytes_to_dict(plaintext)
# but this part is app-to-app
app_versions = self._their_versions.get("app_versions", {})
def S_send(self, plaintext):
assert isinstance(plaintext, type(b"")), type(plaintext)
phase = self._next_tx_phase
self._next_tx_phase += 1
self._S.send("%d" % phase, plaintext)
def close_unwelcome(self, welcome_error):
#assert isinstance(err, WelcomeError)
self._result = welcome_error
def close_error(self, errmsg, orig):
self._result = ServerError(errmsg)
def close_scared(self):
self._result = WrongPasswordError()
def close_lonely(self):
self._result = LonelyError()
def close_happy(self):
self._result = "happy"
def W_got_key(self, key):
def W_got_verifier(self, verifier):
def W_received(self, phase, plaintext):
assert isinstance(phase, six.integer_types), type(phase)
# we call Wormhole.received() in strict phase order, with no gaps
self._rx_phases[phase] = plaintext
while self._next_rx_phase in self._rx_phases:
self._next_rx_phase += 1
def W_close_with_error(self, err):
self._result = err # exception
def W_closed(self):
# result is either "happy" or a WormholeError of some sort
S0_empty.upon(close, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_lonely])
S0_empty.upon(send, enter=S0_empty, outputs=[S_send])
S0_empty.upon(rx_unwelcome, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_unwelcome])
S0_empty.upon(got_code, enter=S1_lonely, outputs=[do_got_code])
S0_empty.upon(rx_error, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_error])
S0_empty.upon(error, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[W_close_with_error])
S1_lonely.upon(rx_unwelcome, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_unwelcome])
S1_lonely.upon(happy, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[])
S1_lonely.upon(scared, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_scared])
S1_lonely.upon(close, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_lonely])
S1_lonely.upon(send, enter=S1_lonely, outputs=[S_send])
S1_lonely.upon(got_key, enter=S1_lonely, outputs=[W_got_key])
S1_lonely.upon(rx_error, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_error])
S1_lonely.upon(error, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[W_close_with_error])
S2_happy.upon(rx_unwelcome, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_unwelcome])
S2_happy.upon(got_verifier, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[W_got_verifier])
S2_happy.upon(_got_phase, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[W_received])
S2_happy.upon(_got_version, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[process_version])
S2_happy.upon(scared, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_scared])
S2_happy.upon(close, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_happy])
S2_happy.upon(send, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[S_send])
S2_happy.upon(rx_error, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_error])
S2_happy.upon(error, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[W_close_with_error])
S3_closing.upon(rx_unwelcome, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(rx_error, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(got_verifier, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(_got_phase, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(_got_version, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(happy, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(scared, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(close, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(send, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(closed, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[W_closed])
S3_closing.upon(error, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[W_close_with_error])
S4_closed.upon(rx_unwelcome, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(got_verifier, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(_got_phase, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(_got_version, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(happy, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(scared, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(close, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(send, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(error, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])