still early: automat is happy (they're syntactically valid), but the Outputs are not implemented, and there are plenty of type mismatches
151 lines
4.8 KiB
151 lines
4.8 KiB
from zope.interface import implementer
from automat import MethodicalMachine
from . import _interfaces
from ._mailbox import Mailbox
from ._send import Send
from ._order import Order
from ._key import Key
from ._receive import Receive
from ._rendezvous import RendezvousConnector
from ._nameplate import NameplateListing
from ._code import Code
class Wormhole:
m = MethodicalMachine()
def __init__(self, side, reactor, timing):
self._reactor = reactor
self._M = Mailbox(side)
self._S = Send(side, timing)
self._O = Order(side, timing)
self._K = Key(timing)
self._R = Receive(side, timing)
self._RC = RendezvousConnector(side, timing, reactor)
self._NL = NameplateListing()
self._C = Code(timing)
self._M.wire(self, self._RC, self._O)
self._O.wire(self._K, self._R)
self._K.wire(self, self._M, self._R)
self._R.wire(self, self._K, self._S)
self._RC.wire(self._M, self._C, self._NL)
self._NL.wire(self._RC, self._C)
self._C.wire(self, self._RC, self._NL)
# these methods are called from outside
def start(self):
# and these are the state-machine transition functions, which don't take
# args
def S0_empty(self): pass
def S1_lonely(self): pass
def S2_happy(self): pass
def S3_closing(self): pass
def S4_closed(self): pass
# from the Application, or some sort of top-level shim
def send(self, phase, message): pass
def close(self): pass
# from Code (which may be provoked by the Application)
def set_code(self, code): pass
# Key sends (got_verifier, scared)
# Receive sends (got_message, happy, scared)
def happy(self): pass
def scared(self): pass
def got_message(self, phase, plaintext):
if phase == "version":
self.got_phase(phase, plaintext)
def got_version(self, version): pass
def got_phase(self, phase, plaintext): pass
def got_verifier(self, verifier): pass
# Mailbox sends closed
def closed(self): pass
def got_code(self, code):
nameplate = code.split("-")[0]
def process_version(self, version): # response["message"][phase=version]
def S_send(self, phase, message):
self._S.send(phase, message)
def close_scared(self):
def close_lonely(self):
def close_happy(self):
def A_received(self, phase, plaintext):
self._A.received(phase, plaintext)
def A_got_verifier(self, verifier):
def A_closed(self):
result = "???"
S0_empty.upon(send, enter=S0_empty, outputs=[S_send])
S0_empty.upon(set_code, enter=S1_lonely, outputs=[got_code])
S1_lonely.upon(happy, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[])
S1_lonely.upon(scared, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_scared])
S1_lonely.upon(close, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_lonely])
S1_lonely.upon(send, enter=S1_lonely, outputs=[S_send])
S1_lonely.upon(got_verifier, enter=S1_lonely, outputs=[A_got_verifier])
S2_happy.upon(got_phase, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[A_received])
S2_happy.upon(got_version, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[process_version])
S2_happy.upon(scared, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_scared])
S2_happy.upon(close, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[close_happy])
S2_happy.upon(send, enter=S2_happy, outputs=[S_send])
S3_closing.upon(got_phase, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(got_version, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(happy, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(scared, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(close, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(send, enter=S3_closing, outputs=[])
S3_closing.upon(closed, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[A_closed])
S4_closed.upon(got_phase, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(got_version, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(happy, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(scared, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(close, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])
S4_closed.upon(send, enter=S4_closed, outputs=[])