Brian Warner 5f9894ca63 API updates, make most tests pass, disable others
* finally wire up "application versions"
* remove when_verifier (which used to fire after key establishment, but
  before the VERSION message was received or verified)
* fire when_verified and when_version at the same time (after VERSION is
  verified), but with different args
2017-04-06 12:22:44 -07:00

126 lines
4.5 KiB

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals
from hashlib import sha256
import six
from zope.interface import implementer
from attr import attrs, attrib
from attr.validators import provides, instance_of
from spake2 import SPAKE2_Symmetric
from hkdf import Hkdf
from nacl.secret import SecretBox
from nacl.exceptions import CryptoError
from nacl import utils
from automat import MethodicalMachine
from .util import (to_bytes, bytes_to_hexstr, hexstr_to_bytes,
bytes_to_dict, dict_to_bytes)
from . import _interfaces
__all__ = ["derive_key", "derive_phase_key", "CryptoError",
def HKDF(skm, outlen, salt=None, CTXinfo=b""):
return Hkdf(salt, skm).expand(CTXinfo, outlen)
def derive_key(key, purpose, length=SecretBox.KEY_SIZE):
if not isinstance(key, type(b"")): raise TypeError(type(key))
if not isinstance(purpose, type(b"")): raise TypeError(type(purpose))
if not isinstance(length, six.integer_types): raise TypeError(type(length))
return HKDF(key, length, CTXinfo=purpose)
def derive_phase_key(key, side, phase):
assert isinstance(side, type("")), type(side)
assert isinstance(phase, type("")), type(phase)
side_bytes = side.encode("ascii")
phase_bytes = phase.encode("ascii")
purpose = (b"wormhole:phase:"
+ sha256(side_bytes).digest()
+ sha256(phase_bytes).digest())
return derive_key(key, purpose)
def decrypt_data(key, encrypted):
assert isinstance(key, type(b"")), type(key)
assert isinstance(encrypted, type(b"")), type(encrypted)
assert len(key) == SecretBox.KEY_SIZE, len(key)
box = SecretBox(key)
data = box.decrypt(encrypted)
return data
def encrypt_data(key, plaintext):
assert isinstance(key, type(b"")), type(key)
assert isinstance(plaintext, type(b"")), type(plaintext)
assert len(key) == SecretBox.KEY_SIZE, len(key)
box = SecretBox(key)
nonce = utils.random(SecretBox.NONCE_SIZE)
return box.encrypt(plaintext, nonce)
class Key(object):
_appid = attrib(validator=instance_of(type(u"")))
_versions = attrib(validator=instance_of(dict))
_side = attrib(validator=instance_of(type(u"")))
_timing = attrib(validator=provides(_interfaces.ITiming))
m = MethodicalMachine()
def set_trace(): pass # pragma: no cover
def wire(self, boss, mailbox, receive):
self._B = _interfaces.IBoss(boss)
self._M = _interfaces.IMailbox(mailbox)
self._R = _interfaces.IReceive(receive)
def S0_know_nothing(self): pass # pragma: no cover
def S1_know_code(self): pass # pragma: no cover
def S2_know_key(self): pass # pragma: no cover
def S3_scared(self): pass # pragma: no cover
# from Boss
def got_code(self, code): pass
# from Ordering
def got_pake(self, body):
assert isinstance(body, type(b"")), type(body)
payload = bytes_to_dict(body)
if "pake_v1" in payload:
def got_pake_good(self, msg2): pass
def got_pake_bad(self): pass
def build_pake(self, code):
with self._timing.add("pake1", waiting="crypto"):
self._sp = SPAKE2_Symmetric(to_bytes(code),
msg1 = self._sp.start()
body = dict_to_bytes({"pake_v1": bytes_to_hexstr(msg1)})
self._M.add_message("pake", body)
def scared(self):
def compute_key(self, msg2):
assert isinstance(msg2, type(b""))
with self._timing.add("pake2", waiting="crypto"):
key = self._sp.finish(msg2)
self._B.got_verifier(derive_key(key, b"wormhole:verifier"))
phase = "version"
data_key = derive_phase_key(key, self._side, phase)
plaintext = dict_to_bytes(self._versions)
encrypted = encrypt_data(data_key, plaintext)
self._M.add_message(phase, encrypted)
S0_know_nothing.upon(got_code, enter=S1_know_code, outputs=[build_pake])
S1_know_code.upon(got_pake_good, enter=S2_know_key, outputs=[compute_key])
S1_know_code.upon(got_pake_bad, enter=S3_scared, outputs=[scared])