2017-04-06 12:21:00 -07:00

201 lines
6.4 KiB

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals
from zope.interface import implementer
from attr import attrs, attrib
from attr.validators import instance_of
from automat import MethodicalMachine
from . import _interfaces
class Mailbox(object):
_side = attrib(validator=instance_of(type(u"")))
m = MethodicalMachine()
def set_trace(): pass
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
self._mailbox = None
self._pending_outbound = {}
self._processed = set()
def wire(self, nameplate, rendezvous_connector, ordering, terminator):
self._N = _interfaces.INameplate(nameplate)
self._RC = _interfaces.IRendezvousConnector(rendezvous_connector)
self._O = _interfaces.IOrder(ordering)
self._T = _interfaces.ITerminator(terminator)
# all -A states: not connected
# all -B states: yes connected
# B states serialize as A, so they deserialize as unconnected
# S0: know nothing
def S0A(self): pass
def S0B(self): pass
# S1: mailbox known, not opened
def S1A(self): pass
# S2: mailbox known, opened
# We've definitely tried to open the mailbox at least once, but it must
# be re-opened with each connection, because open() is also subscribe()
def S2A(self): pass
def S2B(self): pass
# S3: closing
def S3A(self): pass
def S3B(self): pass
# S4: closed. We no longer care whether we're connected or not
#def S4A(self): pass
#def S4B(self): pass
def S4(self): pass
S4A = S4
S4B = S4
# from Terminator
def close(self, mood): pass
# from Nameplate
def got_mailbox(self, mailbox): pass
# from RendezvousConnector
def connected(self): pass
def lost(self): pass
def rx_message(self, side, phase, body):
assert isinstance(side, type("")), type(side)
assert isinstance(phase, type("")), type(phase)
assert isinstance(body, type(b"")), type(body)
if side == self._side:
self.rx_message_ours(phase, body)
self.rx_message_theirs(side, phase, body)
def rx_message_ours(self, phase, body): pass
def rx_message_theirs(self, side, phase, body): pass
def rx_closed(self): pass
# from Send or Key
def add_message(self, phase, body):
assert isinstance(body, type(b"")), type(body)
#print("ADD_MESSAGE", phase, len(body))
def record_mailbox(self, mailbox):
self._mailbox = mailbox
def RC_tx_open(self):
assert self._mailbox
def queue(self, phase, body):
assert isinstance(phase, type("")), type(phase)
assert isinstance(body, type(b"")), (type(body), phase, body)
self._pending_outbound[phase] = body
def record_mailbox_and_RC_tx_open_and_drain(self, mailbox):
self._mailbox = mailbox
def drain(self):
def _drain(self):
for phase, body in self._pending_outbound.items():
self._RC.tx_add(phase, body)
def RC_tx_add(self, phase, body):
assert isinstance(phase, type("")), type(phase)
assert isinstance(body, type(b"")), type(body)
self._RC.tx_add(phase, body)
def N_release_and_accept(self, side, phase, body):
self._accept(side, phase, body)
def RC_tx_close(self):
assert self._mood
def _RC_tx_close(self):
self._RC.tx_close(self._mailbox, self._mood)
def accept(self, side, phase, body):
self._accept(side, phase, body)
def _accept(self, side, phase, body):
if phase not in self._processed:
self._O.got_message(side, phase, body)
def dequeue(self, phase, body):
self._pending_outbound.pop(phase, None)
def record_mood(self, mood):
self._mood = mood
def record_mood_and_RC_tx_close(self, mood):
self._mood = mood
def ignore_mood_and_T_mailbox_done(self, mood):
def T_mailbox_done(self):
S0A.upon(connected, enter=S0B, outputs=[])
S0A.upon(got_mailbox, enter=S1A, outputs=[record_mailbox])
S0A.upon(add_message, enter=S0A, outputs=[queue])
S0A.upon(close, enter=S4A, outputs=[ignore_mood_and_T_mailbox_done])
S0B.upon(lost, enter=S0A, outputs=[])
S0B.upon(add_message, enter=S0B, outputs=[queue])
S0B.upon(close, enter=S4B, outputs=[ignore_mood_and_T_mailbox_done])
S0B.upon(got_mailbox, enter=S2B,
S1A.upon(connected, enter=S2B, outputs=[RC_tx_open, drain])
S1A.upon(add_message, enter=S1A, outputs=[queue])
S1A.upon(close, enter=S4A, outputs=[ignore_mood_and_T_mailbox_done])
S2A.upon(connected, enter=S2B, outputs=[RC_tx_open, drain])
S2A.upon(add_message, enter=S2A, outputs=[queue])
S2A.upon(close, enter=S3A, outputs=[record_mood])
S2B.upon(lost, enter=S2A, outputs=[])
S2B.upon(add_message, enter=S2B, outputs=[queue, RC_tx_add])
S2B.upon(rx_message_theirs, enter=S2B, outputs=[N_release_and_accept])
S2B.upon(rx_message_ours, enter=S2B, outputs=[dequeue])
S2B.upon(close, enter=S3B, outputs=[record_mood_and_RC_tx_close])
S3A.upon(connected, enter=S3B, outputs=[RC_tx_close])
S3B.upon(lost, enter=S3A, outputs=[])
S3B.upon(rx_closed, enter=S4B, outputs=[T_mailbox_done])
S3B.upon(add_message, enter=S3B, outputs=[])
S3B.upon(rx_message_theirs, enter=S3B, outputs=[])
S3B.upon(rx_message_ours, enter=S3B, outputs=[])
S4A.upon(connected, enter=S4B, outputs=[])
S4B.upon(lost, enter=S4A, outputs=[])
S4.upon(add_message, enter=S4, outputs=[])
S4.upon(rx_message_theirs, enter=S4, outputs=[])
S4.upon(rx_message_ours, enter=S4, outputs=[])