517 lines
20 KiB
517 lines
20 KiB
from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys, json, re, unicodedata
from six.moves.urllib_parse import urlencode
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from zope.interface import implementer
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread, blockingCallFromThread
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from twisted.web import client as web_client
from twisted.web import error as web_error
from twisted.web.iweb import IBodyProducer
from nacl.secret import SecretBox
from nacl.exceptions import CryptoError
from nacl import utils
from spake2 import SPAKE2_Symmetric
from .eventsource import ReconnectingEventSource
from wormhole import __version__
from wormhole import codes
from wormhole.errors import ServerError, Timeout, WrongPasswordError, UsageError
from wormhole.timing import DebugTiming
from hkdf import Hkdf
from wormhole.channel_monitor import monitor
def HKDF(skm, outlen, salt=None, CTXinfo=b""):
return Hkdf(salt, skm).expand(CTXinfo, outlen)
def make_confmsg(confkey, nonce):
return nonce+HKDF(confkey, CONFMSG_MAC_LENGTH, nonce)
def to_bytes(u):
return unicodedata.normalize("NFC", u).encode("utf-8")
class DataProducer:
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
self.length = len(data)
def startProducing(self, consumer):
return defer.succeed(None)
def stopProducing(self):
def pauseProducing(self):
def resumeProducing(self):
def post_json(agent, url, request_body):
# POST a JSON body to a URL, parsing the response as JSON
data = json.dumps(request_body).encode("utf-8")
d = agent.request(b"POST", url.encode("utf-8"),
def _check_error(resp):
if resp.code != 200:
raise web_error.Error(resp.code, resp.phrase)
return resp
d.addCallback(lambda data: json.loads(data.decode("utf-8")))
return d
def get_json(agent, url):
# GET from a URL, parsing the response as JSON
d = agent.request(b"GET", url.encode("utf-8"))
def _check_error(resp):
if resp.code != 200:
raise web_error.Error(resp.code, resp.phrase)
return resp
d.addCallback(lambda data: json.loads(data.decode("utf-8")))
return d
class Channel:
def __init__(self, relay_url, appid, channelid, side, handle_welcome,
agent, timing):
self._relay_url = relay_url
self._appid = appid
self._channelid = channelid
self._side = side
self._handle_welcome = handle_welcome
self._agent = agent
self._timing = timing
self._messages = set() # (phase,body) , body is bytes
self._sent_messages = set() # (phase,body)
def _add_inbound_messages(self, messages):
for msg in messages:
phase = msg["phase"]
body = unhexlify(msg["body"].encode("ascii"))
self._messages.add( (phase, body) )
def _find_inbound_message(self, phases):
their_messages = self._messages - self._sent_messages
for phase in phases:
for (their_phase,body) in their_messages:
if their_phase == phase:
return (phase, body)
return None
def send(self, phase, msg):
# TODO: retry on failure, with exponential backoff. We're guarding
# against the rendezvous server being temporarily offline.
if not isinstance(phase, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(phase))
if not isinstance(msg, type(b"")): raise TypeError(type(msg))
self._sent_messages.add( (phase,msg) )
assert isinstance(self._side, type(u"")), type(self._side)
payload = {"appid": self._appid,
"channelid": self._channelid,
"side": self._side,
"phase": phase,
"body": hexlify(msg).decode("ascii")}
_sent = self._timing.add_event("send %s" % phase)
d = post_json(self._agent, self._relay_url+"add", payload)
def _maybe_handle_welcome(resp):
self._timing.finish_event(_sent, resp.get("sent"))
if "welcome" in resp:
return resp
d.addCallback(lambda resp: self._add_inbound_messages(resp["messages"]))
return d
def get_first_of(self, phases):
if not isinstance(phases, (list, set)): raise TypeError(type(phases))
for phase in phases:
if not isinstance(phase, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(phase))
# fire with a bytestring of the first message for any 'phase' that
# wasn't one of our own messages. It will either come from
# previously-received messages, or from an EventSource that we attach
# to the corresponding URL
_sent = self._timing.add_event("get %s" % "/".join(sorted(phases)))
phase_and_body = self._find_inbound_message(phases)
if phase_and_body is not None:
return defer.succeed(phase_and_body)
d = defer.Deferred()
msgs = []
def _handle(name, line):
if name == "welcome":
if name == "message":
data = json.loads(line)
phase_and_body = self._find_inbound_message(phases)
if phase_and_body is not None and not msgs:
self._timing.finish_event(_sent, data.get("sent"))
queryargs = urlencode([("appid", self._appid),
("channelid", self._channelid)])
es = ReconnectingEventSource(self._relay_url+"watch?%s" % queryargs,
_handle, self._agent)
es.startService() # TODO: .setServiceParent(self)
d.addCallback(lambda _: es.deactivate())
d.addCallback(lambda _: es.stopService())
d.addCallback(lambda _: msgs[0])
return d
def get(self, phase):
res = yield self.get_first_of([phase])
(got_phase, body) = res
assert got_phase == phase
def deallocate(self, mood=None):
# only try once, no retries
_sent = self._timing.add_event("close")
d = post_json(self._agent, self._relay_url+"deallocate",
{"appid": self._appid,
"channelid": self._channelid,
"side": self._side,
"mood": mood})
def _done(resp):
self._timing.finish_event(_sent, resp.get("sent"))
d.addBoth(lambda _: None) # ignore POST failure
return d
class ChannelManager:
def __init__(self, relay, appid, side, handle_welcome, tor_manager=None,
assert isinstance(relay, type(u""))
self._relay = relay
self._appid = appid
self._side = side
self._handle_welcome = handle_welcome
self._pool = web_client.HTTPConnectionPool(reactor, True) # persistent
if tor_manager:
print("ChannelManager using tor")
epf = tor_manager.get_web_agent_endpoint_factory()
agent = web_client.Agent.usingEndpointFactory(reactor, epf,
agent = web_client.Agent(reactor, pool=self._pool)
self._agent = agent
self._timing = timing or DebugTiming()
def allocate(self):
url = self._relay + "allocate"
_sent = self._timing.add_event("allocate")
data = yield post_json(self._agent, url, {"appid": self._appid,
"side": self._side})
if "welcome" in data:
self._timing.finish_event(_sent, data.get("sent"))
def list_channels(self):
queryargs = urlencode([("appid", self._appid)])
url = self._relay + u"list?%s" % queryargs
_sent = self._timing.add_event("list")
r = yield get_json(self._agent, url)
self._timing.finish_event(_sent, r.get("sent"))
def connect(self, channelid):
return Channel(self._relay, self._appid, channelid, self._side,
self._handle_welcome, self._agent, self._timing)
def shutdown(self):
_sent = self._timing.add_event("pool shutdown")
yield self._pool.closeCachedConnections()
def close_on_error(meth): # method decorator
# Clients report certain errors as "moods", so the server can make a
# rough count failed connections (due to mismatched passwords, attacks,
# or timeouts). We don't report precondition failures, as those are the
# responsibility/fault of the local application code. We count
# non-precondition errors in case they represent server-side problems.
def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
d = defer.maybeDeferred(meth, self, *args, **kwargs)
def _onerror(f):
if f.check(Timeout):
d2 = self.close(u"lonely")
elif f.check(WrongPasswordError):
d2 = self.close(u"scary")
elif f.check(TypeError, UsageError):
# preconditions don't warrant _close_with_error()
d2 = defer.succeed(None)
d2 = self.close(u"errory")
d2.addBoth(lambda _: f)
return d2
return d
return _wrapper
class Wormhole:
motd_displayed = False
version_warning_displayed = False
_send_confirm = True
def __init__(self, appid, relay_url, tor_manager=None, timing=None):
if not isinstance(appid, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(appid))
if not isinstance(relay_url, type(u"")):
raise TypeError(type(relay_url))
if not relay_url.endswith(u"/"): raise UsageError
self._appid = appid
self._relay_url = relay_url
self._tor_manager = tor_manager
self._timing = timing or DebugTiming()
self.code = None
self.key = None
self._started_get_code = False
self._sent_data = set() # phases
self._got_data = set()
self._got_confirmation = False
self._closed = False
self._timing_started = self._timing.add_event("wormhole")
def _set_side(self, side):
self._side = side
self._channel_manager = ChannelManager(self._relay_url, self._appid,
self._side, self.handle_welcome,
self._channel = None
def handle_welcome(self, welcome):
if ("motd" in welcome and
not self.motd_displayed):
motd_lines = welcome["motd"].splitlines()
motd_formatted = "\n ".join(motd_lines)
print("Server (at %s) says:\n %s" %
(self._relay_url, motd_formatted), file=sys.stderr)
self.motd_displayed = True
# Only warn if we're running a release version (e.g. 0.0.6, not
# 0.0.6-DISTANCE-gHASH). Only warn once.
if ("-" not in __version__ and
not self.version_warning_displayed and
welcome["current_version"] != __version__):
print("Warning: errors may occur unless both sides are running the same version", file=sys.stderr)
print("Server claims %s is current, but ours is %s"
% (welcome["current_version"], __version__), file=sys.stderr)
self.version_warning_displayed = True
if "error" in welcome:
raise ServerError(welcome["error"], self._relay_url)
def get_code(self, code_length=2):
if self.code is not None: raise UsageError
if self._started_get_code: raise UsageError
self._started_get_code = True
channelid = yield self._channel_manager.allocate()
code = codes.make_code(channelid, code_length)
assert isinstance(code, type(u"")), type(code)
def input_code(self, prompt="Enter wormhole code: ", code_length=2):
def _lister():
return blockingCallFromThread(reactor,
# fetch the list of channels ahead of time, to give us a chance to
# discover the welcome message (and warn the user about an obsolete
# client)
initial_channelids = yield self._channel_manager.list_channels()
_start = self._timing.add_event("input code", waiting="user")
code = yield deferToThread(codes.input_code_with_completion,
initial_channelids, _lister,
def set_code(self, code):
if not isinstance(code, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(code))
if self.code is not None: raise UsageError
def _set_code_and_channelid(self, code):
if self.code is not None: raise UsageError
self._timing.add_event("code established")
mo = re.search(r'^(\d+)-', code)
if not mo:
raise ValueError("code (%s) must start with NN-" % code)
self.code = code
channelid = int(mo.group(1))
self._channel = self._channel_manager.connect(channelid)
def _start(self):
# allocate the rest now too, so it can be serialized
self.sp = SPAKE2_Symmetric(to_bytes(self.code),
self.msg1 = self.sp.start()
def serialize(self):
# I can only be serialized after get_code/set_code and before
# get_verifier/get_data
if self.code is None: raise UsageError
if self.key is not None: raise UsageError
if self._sent_data: raise UsageError
if self._got_data: raise UsageError
data = {
"appid": self._appid,
"relay_url": self._relay_url,
"code": self.code,
"side": self._side,
"spake2": json.loads(self.sp.serialize().decode("ascii")),
"msg1": hexlify(self.msg1).decode("ascii"),
return json.dumps(data)
def from_serialized(klass, data):
d = json.loads(data)
self = klass(d["appid"], d["relay_url"])
sp_data = json.dumps(d["spake2"]).encode("ascii")
self.sp = SPAKE2_Symmetric.from_serialized(sp_data)
self.msg1 = unhexlify(d["msg1"].encode("ascii"))
return self
def derive_key(self, purpose, length=SecretBox.KEY_SIZE):
if not isinstance(purpose, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(purpose))
if self.key is None:
# call after get_verifier() or get_data()
raise UsageError
return HKDF(self.key, length, CTXinfo=to_bytes(purpose))
def _encrypt_data(self, key, data):
assert isinstance(key, type(b"")), type(key)
assert isinstance(data, type(b"")), type(data)
assert len(key) == SecretBox.KEY_SIZE, len(key)
box = SecretBox(key)
nonce = utils.random(SecretBox.NONCE_SIZE)
return box.encrypt(data, nonce)
def _decrypt_data(self, key, encrypted):
assert isinstance(key, type(b"")), type(key)
assert isinstance(encrypted, type(b"")), type(encrypted)
assert len(key) == SecretBox.KEY_SIZE, len(key)
box = SecretBox(key)
data = box.decrypt(encrypted)
return data
def _get_key(self):
# TODO: prevent multiple invocation
if self.key:
yield self._channel.send(u"pake", self.msg1)
pake_msg = yield self._channel.get(u"pake")
key = self.sp.finish(pake_msg)
self.key = key
self.verifier = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:verifier")
self._timing.add_event("key established")
if not self._send_confirm:
confkey = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:confirmation")
nonce = os.urandom(CONFMSG_NONCE_LENGTH)
confmsg = make_confmsg(confkey, nonce)
yield self._channel.send(u"_confirm", confmsg)
def get_verifier(self):
if self._closed: raise UsageError
if self.code is None: raise UsageError
yield self._get_key()
def send_data(self, outbound_data, phase=u"data"):
if not isinstance(outbound_data, type(b"")):
raise TypeError(type(outbound_data))
if not isinstance(phase, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(phase))
if self._closed: raise UsageError
if phase in self._sent_data: raise UsageError # only call this once
if phase.startswith(u"_"): raise UsageError # reserved for internals
if self.code is None: raise UsageError
if self._channel is None: raise UsageError
_sent = self._timing.add_event("API send data", phase=phase)
# Without predefined roles, we can't derive predictably unique keys
# for each side, so we use the same key for both. We use random
# nonces to keep the messages distinct, and the Channel automatically
# ignores reflections.
yield self._get_key()
data_key = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:phase:%s" % phase)
outbound_encrypted = self._encrypt_data(data_key, outbound_data)
yield self._channel.send(phase, outbound_encrypted)
def get_data(self, phase=u"data"):
if not isinstance(phase, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(phase))
if phase in self._got_data: raise UsageError # only call this once
if phase.startswith(u"_"): raise UsageError # reserved for internals
if self._closed: raise UsageError
if self.code is None: raise UsageError
if self._channel is None: raise UsageError
_sent = self._timing.add_event("API get data", phase=phase)
yield self._get_key()
phases = []
if not self._got_confirmation:
phase_and_body = yield self._channel.get_first_of(phases)
(got_phase, body) = phase_and_body
if got_phase == u"_confirm":
confkey = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:confirmation")
if body != make_confmsg(confkey, nonce):
raise WrongPasswordError
self._got_confirmation = True
phase_and_body = yield self._channel.get_first_of([phase])
(got_phase, body) = phase_and_body
assert got_phase == phase
data_key = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:phase:%s" % phase)
inbound_data = self._decrypt_data(data_key, body)
except CryptoError:
raise WrongPasswordError
def close(self, res=None, mood=u"happy"):
if not isinstance(mood, (type(None), type(u""))):
raise TypeError(type(mood))
self._closed = True
if not self._channel:
self._timing.finish_event(self._timing_started, mood=mood)
c, self._channel = self._channel, None
yield c.deallocate(mood)
yield self._channel_manager.shutdown()