
251 lines
9.6 KiB

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import os, time, json
from collections import defaultdict
import click
from .database import get_db
def abbrev(t):
if t is None:
return "-"
if t > 1.0:
return "%.3fs" % t
if t > 1e-3:
return "%.1fms" % (t*1e3)
return "%.1fus" % (t*1e6)
def abbreviate_space(s, SI=True):
if s is None:
return "-"
if SI:
U = 1000.0
isuffix = "B"
U = 1024.0
isuffix = "iB"
def r(count, suffix):
return "%.2f %s%s" % (count, suffix, isuffix)
if s < 1024: # 1000-1023 get emitted as bytes, even in SI mode
return "%d B" % s
if s < U*U:
return r(s/U, "k")
if s < U*U*U:
return r(s/(U*U), "M")
if s < U*U*U*U:
return r(s/(U*U*U), "G")
if s < U*U*U*U*U:
return r(s/(U*U*U*U), "T")
if s < U*U*U*U*U*U:
return r(s/(U*U*U*U*U), "P")
return r(s/(U*U*U*U*U*U), "E")
def print_event(event):
event_type, started, result, total_bytes, waiting_time, total_time = event
followthrough = None
if waiting_time and total_time:
followthrough = total_time - waiting_time
print("%17s: total=%7s wait=%7s ft=%7s size=%s (%s)" %
("%s-%s" % (event_type, result),
def show_usage(args):
print("closed for renovation")
return 0
if not os.path.exists("relay.sqlite"):
raise click.UsageError(
"cannot find relay.sqlite, please run from the server directory"
oldest = None
newest = None
rendezvous_counters = defaultdict(int)
transit_counters = defaultdict(int)
total_transit_bytes = 0
db = get_db("relay.sqlite")
c = db.execute("SELECT * FROM `usage`"
" ORDER BY `started` ASC LIMIT ?",
for row in c.fetchall():
if row["type"] == "rendezvous":
counters = rendezvous_counters
elif row["type"] == "transit":
counters = transit_counters
total_transit_bytes += row["total_bytes"]
counters["total"] += 1
counters[row["result"]] += 1
if oldest is None or row["started"] < oldest:
oldest = row["started"]
if newest is None or row["started"] > newest:
newest = row["started"]
event = (row["type"], row["started"], row["result"],
row["total_bytes"], row["waiting_time"], row["total_time"])
if rendezvous_counters["total"] or transit_counters["total"]:
print("(most recent started %s ago)" % abbrev(time.time() - newest))
if rendezvous_counters["total"]:
print("rendezvous events:")
counters = rendezvous_counters
elapsed = time.time() - oldest
total = counters["total"]
print(" %d events in %s (%.2f per hour)" % (total, abbrev(elapsed),
(3600 * total / elapsed)))
print("", ", ".join(["%s=%d (%d%%)" %
(k, counters[k], (100.0 * counters[k] / total))
for k in sorted(counters)
if k != "total"]))
if transit_counters["total"]:
print("transit events:")
counters = transit_counters
elapsed = time.time() - oldest
total = counters["total"]
print(" %d events in %s (%.2f per hour)" % (total, abbrev(elapsed),
(3600 * total / elapsed)))
rate = total_transit_bytes / elapsed
print(" %s total bytes, %sps" % (abbreviate_space(total_transit_bytes),
print("", ", ".join(["%s=%d (%d%%)" %
(k, counters[k], (100.0 * counters[k] / total))
for k in sorted(counters)
if k != "total"]))
return 0
def tail_usage(args):
if not os.path.exists("relay.sqlite"):
raise click.UsageError(
"cannot find relay.sqlite, please run from the server directory"
db = get_db("relay.sqlite")
# we don't seem to have unique row IDs, so this is an inaccurate and
# inefficient hack
seen = set()
while True:
old = time.time() - 2*60*60
c = db.execute("SELECT * FROM `usage`"
" WHERE `started` > ?"
" ORDER BY `started` ASC", (old,))
for row in c.fetchall():
event = (row["type"], row["started"], row["result"],
row["total_bytes"], row["waiting_time"],
if event not in seen:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return 0
return 0
def count_channels(args):
if not os.path.exists("relay.sqlite"):
raise click.UsageError(
"cannot find relay.sqlite, please run from the server directory"
db = get_db("relay.sqlite")
c_list = []
c_dict = {}
def add(key, value):
c_list.append((key, value))
c_dict[key] = value
OLD = time.time() - 10*60
def q(query, values=()):
return list(db.execute(query, values).fetchone().values())[0]
add("apps", q("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`app_id`)) FROM `nameplates`"))
add("total nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplates`"))
add("waiting nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplates`"
" WHERE `second` is null"))
add("connected nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplates`"
" WHERE `second` is not null"))
add("stale nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplates`"
" where `updated` < ?", (OLD,)))
add("total mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailboxes`"))
add("waiting mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailboxes`"
" WHERE `second` is null"))
add("connected mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailboxes`"
" WHERE `second` is not null"))
stale_mailboxes = 0
for mbox_row in db.execute("SELECT * FROM `mailboxes`").fetchall():
newest = db.execute("SELECT `server_rx` FROM `messages`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `mailbox_id`=?"
" ORDER BY `server_rx` DESC LIMIT 1",
(mbox_row["app_id"], mbox_row["id"])).fetchone()
if newest and newest[0] < OLD:
stale_mailboxes += 1
add("stale mailboxes", stale_mailboxes)
add("messages", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `messages`"))
if args.json:
for (key, value) in c_list:
print(key, value)
return 0
def count_events(args):
if not os.path.exists("relay.sqlite"):
raise click.UsageError(
"cannot find relay.sqlite, please run from the server directory"
db = get_db("relay.sqlite")
c_list = []
c_dict = {}
def add(key, value):
c_list.append((key, value))
c_dict[key] = value
def q(query, values=()):
return list(db.execute(query, values).fetchone().values())[0]
add("apps", q("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`app_id`)) FROM `nameplate_usage`"))
add("total nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplate_usage`"))
add("happy nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplate_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='happy'"))
add("lonely nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplate_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='lonely'"))
add("pruney nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplate_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='pruney'"))
add("crowded nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplate_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='crowded'"))
add("total mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailbox_usage`"))
add("happy mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailbox_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='happy'"))
add("scary mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailbox_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='scary'"))
add("lonely mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailbox_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='lonely'"))
add("errory mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailbox_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='errory'"))
add("pruney mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailbox_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='pruney'"))
add("crowded mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailbox_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='crowded'"))
add("total transit", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `transit_usage`"))
add("happy transit", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `transit_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='happy'"))
add("lonely transit", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `transit_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='lonely'"))
add("errory transit", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `transit_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='errory'"))
add("transit bytes", q("SELECT SUM(`total_bytes`) FROM `transit_usage`"))
if args.json:
for (key, value) in c_list:
print(key, value)
return 0