merge send_common into cmd_send_twisted

This commit is contained in:
Brian Warner 2016-04-15 18:00:42 -07:00
parent 9b53bb96c6
commit a1033b06a3
3 changed files with 90 additions and 94 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from __future__ import print_function
import io, json, binascii, six
import os, sys, io, json, binascii, six, tempfile, zipfile
from twisted.protocols import basic
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
@ -7,8 +7,94 @@ from ..errors import TransferError
from .progress import ProgressPrinter
from ..twisted.transcribe import Wormhole, WrongPasswordError
from ..twisted.transit import TransitSender
from .send_common import (APPID, handle_zero, build_other_command,
APPID = u""
def handle_zero(args):
if args.zeromode:
assert not args.code
args.code = u"0-"
def build_other_command(args):
other_cmd = "wormhole receive"
if args.verify:
other_cmd = "wormhole --verify receive"
if args.zeromode:
other_cmd += " -0"
return other_cmd
def build_phase1_data(args):
phase1 = {}
text = args.text
if text == "-":
print(u"Reading text message from stdin..", file=args.stdout)
text =
if not text and not args.what:
text = six.moves.input("Text to send: ")
if text is not None:
print(u"Sending text message (%d bytes)" % len(text), file=args.stdout)
phase1 = { "message": text }
fd_to_send = None
return phase1, fd_to_send
what = os.path.join(args.cwd, args.what)
what = what.rstrip(os.sep)
if not os.path.exists(what):
raise TransferError("Cannot send: no file/directory named '%s'" %
basename = os.path.basename(what)
if os.path.isfile(what):
# we're sending a file
filesize = os.stat(what).st_size
phase1["file"] = {
"filename": basename,
"filesize": filesize,
print(u"Sending %d byte file named '%s'" % (filesize, basename),
fd_to_send = open(what, "rb")
return phase1, fd_to_send
if os.path.isdir(what):
print(u"Building zipfile..", file=args.stdout)
# We're sending a directory. Create a zipfile in a tempdir and
# send that.
fd_to_send = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile()
# TODO: I think ZIP_DEFLATED means compressed.. check it
num_files = 0
num_bytes = 0
tostrip = len(what.split(os.sep))
with zipfile.ZipFile(fd_to_send, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf:
for path,dirs,files in os.walk(what):
# path always starts with args.what, then sometimes might
# have "/subdir" appended. We want the zipfile to contain
# "" or "subdir"
localpath = list(path.split(os.sep)[tostrip:])
for fn in files:
archivename = os.path.join(*tuple(localpath+[fn]))
localfilename = os.path.join(path, fn)
zf.write(localfilename, archivename)
num_bytes += os.stat(localfilename).st_size
num_files += 1,2)
filesize = fd_to_send.tell(),0)
phase1["directory"] = {
"mode": "zipfile/deflated",
"dirname": basename,
"zipsize": filesize,
"numbytes": num_bytes,
"numfiles": num_files,
print(u"Sending directory (%d bytes compressed) named '%s'"
% (filesize, basename), file=args.stdout)
return phase1, fd_to_send
raise TypeError("'%s' is neither file nor directory" % args.what)
def send_twisted_sync(args):
# try to use twisted.internet.task.react(f) here (but it calls sys.exit

View File

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys, six, tempfile, zipfile
from ..errors import TransferError
APPID = u""
def handle_zero(args):
if args.zeromode:
assert not args.code
args.code = u"0-"
def build_other_command(args):
other_cmd = "wormhole receive"
if args.verify:
other_cmd = "wormhole --verify receive"
if args.zeromode:
other_cmd += " -0"
return other_cmd
def build_phase1_data(args):
phase1 = {}
text = args.text
if text == "-":
print(u"Reading text message from stdin..", file=args.stdout)
text =
if not text and not args.what:
text = six.moves.input("Text to send: ")
if text is not None:
print(u"Sending text message (%d bytes)" % len(text), file=args.stdout)
phase1 = { "message": text }
fd_to_send = None
return phase1, fd_to_send
what = os.path.join(args.cwd, args.what)
what = what.rstrip(os.sep)
if not os.path.exists(what):
raise TransferError("Cannot send: no file/directory named '%s'" %
basename = os.path.basename(what)
if os.path.isfile(what):
# we're sending a file
filesize = os.stat(what).st_size
phase1["file"] = {
"filename": basename,
"filesize": filesize,
print(u"Sending %d byte file named '%s'" % (filesize, basename),
fd_to_send = open(what, "rb")
return phase1, fd_to_send
if os.path.isdir(what):
print(u"Building zipfile..", file=args.stdout)
# We're sending a directory. Create a zipfile in a tempdir and
# send that.
fd_to_send = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile()
# TODO: I think ZIP_DEFLATED means compressed.. check it
num_files = 0
num_bytes = 0
tostrip = len(what.split(os.sep))
with zipfile.ZipFile(fd_to_send, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf:
for path,dirs,files in os.walk(what):
# path always starts with args.what, then sometimes might
# have "/subdir" appended. We want the zipfile to contain
# "" or "subdir"
localpath = list(path.split(os.sep)[tostrip:])
for fn in files:
archivename = os.path.join(*tuple(localpath+[fn]))
localfilename = os.path.join(path, fn)
zf.write(localfilename, archivename)
num_bytes += os.stat(localfilename).st_size
num_files += 1,2)
filesize = fd_to_send.tell(),0)
phase1["directory"] = {
"mode": "zipfile/deflated",
"dirname": basename,
"zipsize": filesize,
"numbytes": num_bytes,
"numfiles": num_files,
print(u"Sending directory (%d bytes compressed) named '%s'"
% (filesize, basename), file=args.stdout)
return phase1, fd_to_send
raise TypeError("'%s' is neither file nor directory" % args.what)

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
from .. import __version__
from .common import ServerBase
from ..scripts import runner, cmd_send_twisted, cmd_receive_twisted
from ..scripts.send_common import build_phase1_data
from ..scripts.cmd_send_twisted import build_phase1_data
from ..errors import TransferError
from ..timing import DebugTiming