manager: clean up versions, merge state machines

This commit is contained in:
Brian Warner 2018-07-01 21:15:16 -07:00
parent d4a551c6b8
commit 7e168b819e
2 changed files with 109 additions and 109 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import os
from collections import deque
from attr import attrs, attrib
from attr.validators import provides, instance_of, optional
@ -7,7 +8,7 @@ from zope.interface import implementer
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from twisted.python import log
from .._interfaces import IDilator, IDilationManager, ISend
from ..util import dict_to_bytes, bytes_to_dict
from ..util import dict_to_bytes, bytes_to_dict, bytes_to_hexstr
from import OneShotObserver
from .._key import derive_key
from .encode import to_be4
@ -21,6 +22,10 @@ from .inbound import Inbound
from .outbound import Outbound
# exported to Wormhole() for inclusion in versions message
class OldPeerCannotDilateError(Exception):
@ -33,9 +38,45 @@ class ReceivedHintsTooEarly(Exception):
# new scheme:
# * both sides send PLEASE as soon as they have an unverified key and
# w.dilate has been called,
# * PLEASE includes a dilation-specific "side" (independent of the "side"
# used by mailbox messages)
# * higher "side" is Leader, lower is Follower
# * PLEASE includes can-dilate list of version integers, requires overlap
# "1" is current
# * we start dilation after both w.dilate() and receiving VERSION, putting us
# in WANTING, then we process all previously-queued inbound DILATE-n
# messages. When PLEASE arrives, we move to CONNECTING
# * HINTS sent after dilation starts
# * only Leader sends RECONNECT, only Follower sends RECONNECTING. This
# is the only difference between the two sides, and is not enforced
# by the protocol (i.e. if the Follower sends RECONNECT to the Leader,
# the Leader will obey, although TODO how confusing will this get?)
# * upon receiving RECONNECT: drop Connector, start new Connector, send
# RECONNECTING, start sending HINTS
# * upon sending RECONNECT: go into FLUSHING state and ignore all HINTS until
# RECONNECTING received. The new Connector can be spun up earlier, and it
# can send HINTS, but it must not be given any HINTS that arrive before
# RECONNECTING (since they're probably stale)
# * after VERSIONS(KCM) received, we might learn that they other side cannot
# dilate. w.dilate errbacks at this point
# * maybe signal warning if we stay in a "want" state for too long
# * nobody sends HINTS until they're ready to receive
# * nobody sends HINTS unless they've called w.dilate() and received PLEASE
# * nobody connects to inbound hints unless they've called w.dilate()
# * if leader calls w.dilate() but not follower, leader waits forever in
# "want" (doesn't send anything)
# * if follower calls w.dilate() but not leader, follower waits forever
# in "want", leader waits forever in "wanted"
class _ManagerBase(object):
class Manager(object):
_S = attrib(validator=provides(ISend))
_my_side = attrib(validator=instance_of(type(u"")))
_transit_key = attrib(validator=instance_of(bytes))
@ -46,6 +87,10 @@ class _ManagerBase(object):
_no_listen = False # TODO
_tor = None # TODO
_timing = None # TODO
_next_subchannel_id = None # initialized in choose_role
m = MethodicalMachine()
set_trace = getattr(m, "_setTrace", lambda self, f: None)
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
self._got_versions_d = Deferred()
@ -59,8 +104,6 @@ class _ManagerBase(object):
self._next_dilation_phase = 0
self._next_subchannel_id = 0 # increments by 2
# I kept getting confused about which methods were for inbound data
# (and thus flow-control methods go "out") and which were for
# outbound data (with flow-control going "in"), so I split them up
@ -127,18 +170,6 @@ class _ManagerBase(object):
self._inbound.subchannel_closed(scid, sc)
self._outbound.subchannel_closed(scid, sc)
def _start_connecting(self, role):
assert self._my_role is not None
self._connector = Connector(self._transit_key,
self._reactor, self._eventual_queue,
self._no_listen, self._tor,
self._side, # needed for relay handshake
# our Connector calls these
def connector_connection_made(self, c):
@ -209,59 +240,22 @@ class _ManagerBase(object):
# subchannel maintenance
def allocate_subchannel_id(self):
raise NotImplementedError # subclass knows if we're leader or follower
scid_num = self._next_subchannel_id
self._next_subchannel_id += 2
return to_be4(scid_num)
# new scheme:
# * both sides send PLEASE as soon as they have an unverified key and
# w.dilate has been called,
# * PLEASE includes a dilation-specific "side" (independent of the "side"
# used by mailbox messages)
# * higher "side" is Leader, lower is Follower
# * PLEASE includes can-dilate list of version integers, requires overlap
# "1" is current
# * dilation starts as soon as we've sent PLEASE and received PLEASE
# (four-state two-variable IDLE/WANTING/WANTED/STARTED diamond FSM)
# * HINTS sent after dilation starts
# * only Leader sends RECONNECT, only Follower sends RECONNECTING. This
# is the only difference between the two sides, and is not enforced
# by the protocol (i.e. if the Follower sends RECONNECT to the Leader,
# the Leader will obey, although TODO how confusing will this get?)
# * upon receiving RECONNECT: drop Connector, start new Connector, send
# RECONNECTING, start sending HINTS
# * upon sending CONNECT: go into FLUSHING state and ignore all HINTS until
# RECONNECTING received. The new Connector can be spun up earlier, and it
# can send HINTS, but it must not be given any HINTS that arrive before
# RECONNECTING (since they're probably stale)
# state machine
# * after VERSIONS(KCM) received, we might learn that they other side cannot
# dilate. w.dilate errbacks at this point
# We are born WANTING after the local app calls w.dilate(). We start
# CONNECTING when we receive PLEASE from the remote side
# * maybe signal warning if we stay in a "want" state for too long
# * nobody sends HINTS until they're ready to receive
# * nobody sends HINTS unless they've called w.dilate() and received PLEASE
# * nobody connects to inbound hints unless they've called w.dilate()
# * if leader calls w.dilate() but not follower, leader waits forever in
# "want" (doesn't send anything)
# * if follower calls w.dilate() but not leader, follower waits forever
# in "want", leader waits forever in "wanted"
class ManagerShared(_ManagerBase):
m = MethodicalMachine()
set_trace = getattr(m, "_setTrace", lambda self, f: None)
def start(self):
def IDLE(self):
pass # pragma: no cover
def WANTING(self):
pass # pragma: no cover
def WANTED(self):
pass # pragma: no cover
def CONNECTING(self):
pass # pragma: no cover
@ -290,10 +284,6 @@ class ManagerShared(_ManagerBase):
def STOPPED(self):
pass # pragma: no cover
def start(self):
pass # pragma: no cover
def rx_PLEASE(self, message):
pass # pragma: no cover
@ -332,9 +322,19 @@ class ManagerShared(_ManagerBase):
pass # pragma: no cover
def stash_side(self, message):
def choose_role(self, message):
their_side = message["side"]
self.my_role = LEADER if self._my_side > their_side else FOLLOWER
if self._my_side > their_side:
self._my_role = LEADER
# scid 0 is reserved for the control channel. the leader uses odd
# numbers starting with 1
self._next_subchannel_id = 1
elif their_side > self._my_side:
self._my_role = FOLLOWER
# the follower uses even numbers starting with 2
self._next_subchannel_id = 2
raise ValueError("their side shouldn't be equal: reflection?")
# these Outputs behave differently for the Leader vs the Follower
@ -342,12 +342,22 @@ class ManagerShared(_ManagerBase):
self.send_dilation_phase(type="please", side=self._my_side)
def start_connecting(self):
self._start_connecting() # TODO: merge
def start_connecting_ignore_message(self, message):
del message # ignored
return self.start_connecting()
def ignore_message_start_connecting(self, message):
def start_connecting(self):
assert self._my_role is not None
self._connector = Connector(self._transit_key,
self._reactor, self._eventual_queue,
self._no_listen, self._tor,
self._my_side, # needed for relay handshake
def send_reconnect(self):
@ -374,14 +384,9 @@ class ManagerShared(_ManagerBase):
# been told to shut down.
self._connection.disconnect() # let connection_lost do cleanup
# we don't start CONNECTING until a local start() plus rx_PLEASE
IDLE.upon(rx_PLEASE, enter=WANTED, outputs=[stash_side])
IDLE.upon(start, enter=WANTING, outputs=[send_please])
WANTED.upon(start, enter=CONNECTING, outputs=[
send_please, start_connecting])
# we start CONNECTING when we get rx_PLEASE
outputs=[choose_role, start_connecting_ignore_message])
CONNECTING.upon(connection_made, enter=CONNECTED, outputs=[])
@ -394,11 +399,11 @@ class ManagerShared(_ManagerBase):
# Follower
# if we notice a lost connection, just wait for the Leader to notice too
CONNECTED.upon(connection_lost_follower, enter=LONELY, outputs=[])
LONELY.upon(rx_RECONNECT, enter=CONNECTING, outputs=[start_connecting])
outputs=[send_reconnecting, start_connecting])
# but if they notice it first, abandon our (seemingly functional)
# connection, then tell them that we're ready to try again
CONNECTED.upon(rx_RECONNECT, enter=ABANDONING, # they noticed loss
CONNECTED.upon(rx_RECONNECT, enter=ABANDONING, outputs=[abandon_connection])
ABANDONING.upon(connection_lost_follower, enter=CONNECTING,
outputs=[send_reconnecting, start_connecting])
# and if they notice a problem while we're still connecting, abandon our
@ -410,8 +415,6 @@ class ManagerShared(_ManagerBase):
# rx_HINTS never changes state, they're just accepted or ignored
IDLE.upon(rx_HINTS, enter=IDLE, outputs=[]) # too early
WANTED.upon(rx_HINTS, enter=WANTED, outputs=[]) # too early
WANTING.upon(rx_HINTS, enter=WANTING, outputs=[]) # too early
CONNECTING.upon(rx_HINTS, enter=CONNECTING, outputs=[use_hints])
CONNECTED.upon(rx_HINTS, enter=CONNECTED, outputs=[]) # too late, ignore
@ -420,24 +423,15 @@ class ManagerShared(_ManagerBase):
ABANDONING.upon(rx_HINTS, enter=ABANDONING, outputs=[]) # shouldn't happen
STOPPING.upon(rx_HINTS, enter=STOPPING, outputs=[])
IDLE.upon(stop, enter=STOPPED, outputs=[])
WANTED.upon(stop, enter=STOPPED, outputs=[])
WANTING.upon(stop, enter=STOPPED, outputs=[])
CONNECTING.upon(stop, enter=STOPPED, outputs=[stop_connecting])
CONNECTED.upon(stop, enter=STOPPING, outputs=[abandon_connection])
ABANDONING.upon(stop, enter=STOPPING, outputs=[])
FLUSHING.upon(stop, enter=STOPPED, outputs=[stop_connecting])
FLUSHING.upon(stop, enter=STOPPED, outputs=[])
LONELY.upon(stop, enter=STOPPED, outputs=[])
STOPPING.upon(connection_lost_leader, enter=STOPPED, outputs=[])
STOPPING.upon(connection_lost_follower, enter=STOPPED, outputs=[])
def allocate_subchannel_id(self):
# scid 0 is reserved for the control channel. the leader uses odd
# numbers starting with 1
scid_num = self._next_outbound_seqnum + 1
self._next_outbound_seqnum += 2
return to_be4(scid_num)
@ -477,15 +471,23 @@ class Dilator(object):
def _start(self):
# first, we wait until we hear the VERSION message, which tells us 1:
# the PAKE key works, so we can talk securely, 2: their side, so we
# know who will lead, and 3: that they can do dilation at all
# the PAKE key works, so we can talk securely, 2: that they can do
# dilation at all (if they can't then w.dilate() errbacks)
dilation_version = yield self._got_versions_d
if not dilation_version: # 1 or None
# TODO: we could probably return the endpoints earlier, if we flunk
# any connection/listen attempts upon OldPeerCannotDilateError, or
# if/when we give up on the initial connection
if not dilation_version: # "1" or None
# TODO: be more specific about the error. dilation_version==None
# means we had no version in common with them, which could either
# be because they're so old they don't dilate at all, or because
# they're so new that they no longer accomodate our old version
raise OldPeerCannotDilateError()
my_dilation_side = TODO # random
my_dilation_side = bytes_to_hexstr(os.urandom(6))
self._manager = Manager(self._S, my_dilation_side,
@ -497,8 +499,8 @@ class Dilator(object):
plaintext = self._pending_inbound_dilate_messages.popleft()
# we could probably return the endpoints earlier
yield self._manager.when_first_connected()
# we can open subchannels as soon as we get our first connection
scid0 = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00"
self._host_addr = _WormholeAddress() # TODO: share with Manager
@ -508,8 +510,7 @@ class Dilator(object):
self._manager.set_subchannel_zero(scid0, sc0)
connect_ep = SubchannelConnectorEndpoint(
self._manager, self._host_addr)
connect_ep = SubchannelConnectorEndpoint(self._manager, self._host_addr)
listen_ep = SubchannelListenerEndpoint(self._manager, self._host_addr)
@ -526,16 +527,14 @@ class Dilator(object):
LENGTH = 32 # TODO: whatever Noise wants, I guess
self._transit_key = derive_key(key, purpose, LENGTH)
def got_wormhole_versions(self, our_side, their_side,
# TODO: remove our_side, their_side
assert isinstance(our_side, str), str
assert isinstance(their_side, str), str
def got_wormhole_versions(self, their_wormhole_versions):
# this always happens before received_dilate
dilation_version = None
their_dilation_versions = their_wormhole_versions.get("can-dilate", [])
if 1 in their_dilation_versions:
dilation_version = 1
their_dilation_versions = set(their_wormhole_versions.get("can-dilate", []))
my_versions = set(DILATION_VERSIONS)
shared_versions = my_versions.intersection(their_dilation_versions)
if "1" in shared_versions:
dilation_version = "1"
def received_dilate(self, plaintext):

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from twisted.internet.task import Cooperator
from zope.interface import implementer
from ._boss import Boss
from ._dilation.manager import DILATION_VERSIONS
from ._dilation.connector import Connector
from ._interfaces import IDeferredWormhole, IWormhole
from ._key import derive_key
@ -271,7 +272,7 @@ def create(
w = _DeferredWormhole(reactor, eq)
# this indicates Wormhole capabilities
wormhole_versions = {
"can-dilate": [1],
"can-dilate": DILATION_VERSIONS,
"dilation-abilities": Connector.get_connection_abilities(),
wormhole_versions["app_versions"] = versions # app-specific capabilities