This commit is contained in:
@ -1,25 +1,34 @@
digraph {
App [shape="box" color="blue" fontcolor="blue"]
Wormhole [shape="box" label="Wormhole\n(manager)"
color="blue" fontcolor="blue"]
Mailbox [shape="box" color="blue" fontcolor="blue"]
Connection [shape="oval" color="blue" fontcolor="blue"]
Connection [label="Rendezvous\nConnector"
shape="oval" color="blue" fontcolor="blue"]
websocket [shape="oval" color="blue" fontcolor="blue"]
Nameplates [shape="box" label="Nameplate\nLister"
color="blue" fontcolor="blue"]
color="blue" fontcolor="blue"
Connection -> websocket [color="blue"]
App -> Wormhole [style="dashed" label="set_code\nsend\nclose\n(once)"]
App -> Wormhole [color="blue"]
Wormhole -> App [style="dashed" label="got_verifier\nreceived\nclosed\n(once)"]
Wormhole -> Connection [color="blue"]
Wormhole -> Mailbox [style="dashed"
Wormhole -> Mailbox [color="blue"]
Mailbox -> Wormhole [style="dashed"
Mailbox -> Connection [style="dashed"
Mailbox -> Connection [color="blue"]
Connection -> Mailbox [style="dashed"
@ -8,75 +8,82 @@ digraph {
compute the key, send VERSION. Starting from the Return, this saves
two round trips. OTOH it adds consequences to hitting Tab. */
WM_start [label="Wormhole\nMachine" style="dotted"]
WM_start -> WM_S_nothing [style="invis"]
start [label="Wormhole\nMachine" style="dotted"]
WM_S_nothing [label="know\nnothing"]
WM_S_nothing -> WM_P_queue1 [label="API_send" style="dotted"]
WM_P_queue1 [shape="box" style="dotted" label="queue\noutbound msg"]
WM_P_queue1 -> WM_S_nothing [style="dotted"]
WM_S_nothing -> WM_P_build_pake [label="WM_set_code()"]
S0 [label="S0: know\nnothing"]
S0 -> P0_queue [label="send" style="dotted"]
P0_queue [shape="box" style="dotted" label="queue"]
P0_queue -> S0 [style="dotted"]
S0 -> P0_build [label="set_code"]
WM_P_build_pake [shape="box" label="build_pake()"]
WM_P_build_pake -> WM_S_save_pake
WM_S_save_pake [label="checkpoint"]
WM_S_save_pake -> WM_P_post_pake [label="saved"]
P0_build [shape="box" label="build_pake\nM.set_nameplate\nM.add_message(pake)"]
P0_build -> S1
S1 [label="S1: know\ncode"]
S1 -> P1_queue [label="send" style="dotted"]
P1_queue [shape="box" style="dotted" label="queue"]
P1_queue -> S1 [style="dotted"]
WM_P_post_pake [label="M_set_nameplate()\nM_send(pake)" shape="box"]
WM_P_post_pake -> WM_S_know_code
/* the Mailbox will deliver each message exactly once, but doesn't
guarantee ordering: if Alice starts the process, then disconnects,
then Bob starts (reading PAKE, sending both his PAKE and his VERSION
phase), then Alice will see both PAKE and VERSION on her next
connect, and might get the VERSION first.
WM_S_know_code [label="know code\n"]
WM_S_know_code -> WM_P_queue2 [label="API_send" style="dotted"]
WM_P_queue2 [shape="box" style="dotted" label="queue\noutbound msg"]
WM_P_queue2 -> WM_S_know_code [style="dotted"]
WM_S_know_code -> WM_P_compute_key [label="WM_rx_pake"]
WM_S_know_code -> WM_P_mood_lonely [label="close"]
The Wormhole will queue inbound messages that it isn't ready for. The
wormhole shim that lets applications do w.get(phase=) must do
something similar, queueing inbound messages until it sees one for
the phase it currently cares about.*/
WM_P_compute_key [label="compute_key()" shape="box"]
WM_P_compute_key -> WM_P_save_key [label="pake ok"]
WM_P_save_key [label="checkpoint"]
WM_P_save_key -> WM_P_post_version [label="saved"]
WM_P_compute_key -> WM_P_mood_scary [label="pake bad"]
S1 -> P_mood_scary [label="got_message(pake)\npake bad"]
S1 -> P1_compute [label="got_message(pake)\npake good"]
S1 -> P1_queue_inbound [label="got_message(other)"]
P1_queue_inbound [shape="box" style="dotted" label="queue\ninbound"]
P1_queue_inbound -> S1
S1 -> P_mood_lonely [label="close"]
WM_P_mood_scary [shape="box" label="M_close()\nmood=scary"]
WM_P_mood_scary -> WM_P_notify_failure
P1_compute [label="compute_key\nM.add_message(version)\nA.got_verifier\nschedule process inbound queue?" shape="box"]
P1_compute -> S2
WM_P_notify_failure [shape="box" label="notify_failure()" color="red"]
WM_P_notify_failure -> WM_S_closed
P_mood_scary [shape="box" label="M.close\nmood=scary"]
P_mood_scary -> P_notify_failure
WM_P_post_version [label="M_send(version)\nnotify_verifier()" shape="box"]
WM_P_post_version -> WM_S_know_key
P_notify_failure [shape="box" label="(record failure)" color="red"]
P_notify_failure -> S_closing
WM_S_know_key [label="know_key\nunverified" color="orange"]
WM_S_know_key -> WM_P_queue3 [label="API_send" style="dotted"]
WM_P_queue3 [shape="box" style="dotted" label="queue\noutbound msg"]
WM_P_queue3 -> WM_S_know_key [style="dotted"]
WM_S_know_key -> WM_P_verify [label="WM_rx_msg()"] /* version or phase */
WM_S_know_key -> WM_P_mood_lonely [label="close"] /* more like impatient */
S2 [label="S2: know_key\n(unverified)" color="orange"]
S2 -> P_queue3 [label="send" style="dotted"]
P_queue3 [shape="box" style="dotted" label="queue"]
P_queue3 -> S2 [style="dotted"]
S2 -> P_verify [label="got_message"] /* version or phase */
S2 -> P_mood_lonely [label="close"] /* more like impatient */
WM_P_verify [label="verify(msg)" shape="box"]
WM_P_verify -> WM_P_accept_msg [label="verify good"]
WM_P_verify -> WM_P_mood_scary [label="verify bad"]
P_verify [label="verify(msg)" shape="box"]
P_verify -> P_accept_msg [label="(good)"]
P_verify -> P_mood_scary [label="(bad)"]
WM_P_accept_msg [label="deliver\ninbound\nmsg()" shape="box"]
WM_P_accept_msg -> WM_P_send_queued
P_accept_msg [label="A.received(msg)\nencrypt queued\nM.add_message(queued)"
P_accept_msg -> S3
WM_P_send_queued [shape="box" label="M_send()\nqueued"]
WM_P_send_queued -> WM_S_verified_key
S3 [label="S3: know_key\n(verified)" color="green"]
S3 -> P_verify [label="got_message"] /* probably phase */
S3 -> P_mood_happy [label="close"]
S3 -> P_send [label="send"]
WM_S_verified_key [color="green"]
WM_S_verified_key -> WM_P_verify [label="WM_rx_msg()"] /* probably phase */
WM_S_verified_key -> WM_P_mood_happy [label="close"]
WM_S_verified_key -> WM_P_send [label="API_send"]
P_mood_happy [shape="box" label="M.close\nmood=happy"]
P_mood_happy -> S_closing
WM_P_mood_happy [shape="box" label="M_close()\nmood=happy"]
WM_P_mood_happy -> WM_S_closed
P_mood_lonely [shape="box" label="M.close\nmood=lonely"]
P_mood_lonely -> S_closing
WM_P_mood_lonely [shape="box" label="M_close()\nmood=lonely"]
WM_P_mood_lonely -> WM_S_closed
P_send [shape="box" label="encrypt\nM.add_message(msg)"]
P_send -> S3
WM_P_send [shape="box" label="M_send(msg)"]
WM_P_send -> WM_S_verified_key
S_closing [label="closing"]
S_closing -> P_closed [label="closed"]
S_closing -> S_closing [label="got_message"]
WM_S_closed [label="closed"]
P_closed [shape="box" label="A.closed"]
P_closed -> S_closed
S_closed [label="closed"]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user