Merge branch 'new-timing'
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,78 +1,122 @@
# To use the web() option, you should do:
# * cd misc
# * npm install vis zepto
# * npm install d3 zepto
from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys, time, json
import os, sys, time, json, random
streams = sys.argv[1:]
if not streams:
print("run like: python tx.json rx.json")
num_streams = len(streams)
labels = dict([(num, " "*num + "[%d]" % (num+1) + " "*(num_streams-1-num))
for num in range(num_streams)])
timeline = []
groups_out = []
for which,fn in enumerate(streams):
abs_timeline = []
sides = []
for side,fn in enumerate(streams):
with open(fn, "rb") as f:
for (start, sent, finish, what, start_d, finish_d) in json.load(f):
timeline.append( (start, sent, finish, which, what,
start_d, finish_d) )
print("%s is %s" % (labels[which], fn))
groups_out.append({"id": which, "content": fn,
"className": "group-%d" % which})
for (start, sent, finish, what, details) in json.load(f):
abs_timeline.append( (start, sent, finish, side, what, details) )
print("%s is %s" % (labels[side], fn))
# relativize all timestamps
all_times = [e[0] for e in abs_timeline] + [e[2] for e in abs_timeline if e[2]]
earliest = all_times[0]
def rel(t):
if t is None: return None
return t - earliest
timeline = [ (rel(start), rel(sent), rel(finish), side, what, details)
for (start, sent, finish, side, what, details)
in abs_timeline ]
data = {}
timeline.sort(key=lambda row: row[0])
first = timeline[0][0]
print("started at %s" % time.ctime(start))
viz_out = []
for num, (start, sent, finish, which, what,
start_d, finish_d) in enumerate(timeline):
delta = start - first
delta_s = "%.6f" % delta
start_d_str = ", ".join(["%s=%s" % (name, start_d[name])
for name in sorted(start_d)])
finish_d_str = ", ".join(["%s=%s" % (name, finish_d[name])
for name in sorted(finish_d)])
details_str = start_d_str
if finish_d_str:
details_str += "/" + finish_d_str
finish_str = ""
if finish is not None:
finish_str = " +%.6f" % (finish - start)
print("%9s: %s %s %s%s" % (delta_s, labels[which], what, details_str,
viz_start = start*1000
viz_end = None if finish is None else finish*1000
viz_type = "range" if finish else "point"
if what == "wormhole started" or what == "wormhole":
viz_type = "background"
viz_content = '<span title="%s">%s</span>' % (details_str or "(No details)",
what) # sigh
viz_className = "item-group-%d" % which
if "waiting" in start_d:
viz_className += " wait-%s" % start_d["waiting"]
viz_out.append({"id": num, "start": viz_start, "end": viz_end,
"group": which, #"subgroup": num,
"content": viz_content,
"className": viz_className, # or style:
"type": viz_type,
# we pre-calculate the "lane" that each item uses, here in python, rather
# than leaving that up to the javascript.
data["lanes"] = ["proc", # 0 gets high-level events and spans: process start,
# imports, command dispatch, code established, key
# established, transit connected, process exit
"API", # 1 gets API call spans (apps usually only wait for
# one at a time, so they won't overlap): get_code,
# input_code, get_verifier, get_data, send_data,
# close
"wait", # 2 shows waiting-for-human: input code, get
# permission
"app", # 3: file-xfer events
"skt", # 4: websocket message send/receives
"misc", # 5: anything else
data["bounds"] = {"min": rel(all_times[0]), "max": rel(all_times[-1]),
data["sides"] = sides
print("started at %s" % time.ctime(earliest))
print("duration %s seconds" % data["bounds"]["max"])
items = data["items"] = []
for num, (start, sent, finish, side, what, details) in enumerate(timeline):
background = False
if what in ["wormhole",]:
# background region for wormhole lifetime
lane = 0
background = True
elif what in ["process start", "import", "command dispatch",
"code established", "key established", "transit connected",
lane = 0
elif what in ["API get_code", "API input_code", "API set_code",
"API get_verifier", "API get_data", "API send_data",
#"API get data", "API send data",
"API close"]:
lane = 1
elif details.get("waiting") in ["user", "crypto"]: # permission or math
lane = 2
elif what in ["tx file", "get ack", "rx file", "unpack zip", "send ack"]:
lane = 3
elif what in ["websocket"]:
# connection establishment
lane = 4
background = True
elif (what in ["welcome", "error"] # rendezvous message receives
or what in ["allocate", "list", "get", "add", "deallocate"]
# rendezvous message sends
lane = 4
lane = 5 # unknown
if background:
continue # disable until I figure out how to draw these better
details_str = ", ".join(["%s=%s" % (name, details[name])
for name in sorted(details)])
items.append({"side": side,
"lane": lane,
"start_time": start,
"server_sent": sent,
"finish_time": finish, # maybe None
"what": what,
"details": details,
"details_str": details_str,
"wiggle": random.randint(0,4),
if sent is not None:
viz_out.append({"id": "%d.sent" % num, "start": sent*1000,
"group": which, #"subgroup": num,
"content": "sent",
"className": viz_className,
"type": "point"})
#if "waiting" in details:
# viz_className += " wait-%s" % details["waiting"]
from pprint import pprint
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
web_root = os.path.join(here, "web")
vis_root = os.path.join(here, "node_modules", "vis", "dist")
zepto_root = os.path.join(here, "node_modules", "zepto")
if not os.path.isdir(vis_root) or not os.path.isdir(zepto_root):
print("Cannot find 'vis' and 'zepto' in misc/node_modules/")
print("Please run 'npm install vis zepto' from the misc/ directory.")
lib_root = os.path.join(here, "node_modules")
if not os.path.isdir(lib_root):
print("Cannot find 'd3' and 'd3-tip' in misc/node_modules/")
print("Please run 'npm install d3 d3-tip zepto' from the misc/ directory.")
def web():
@ -82,13 +126,12 @@ def web():
from twisted.internet import reactor, endpoints
ep = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, "tcp:8066:interface=")
root = static.File(web_root)
data_json = {"items": viz_out, "groups": groups_out}
data = json.dumps(data_json).encode("utf-8")
root.putChild("data.json", static.Data(data, "application/json"))
root.putChild("vis", static.File(vis_root))
root.putChild("zepto", static.File(zepto_root))
root.putChild("data.json", static.Data(json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8"),
root.putChild("lib", static.File(lib_root))
class Shutdown(resource.Resource):
def render_GET(self, request):
if 0:
print("timeline ready, server shutting down")
return "shutting down"
@ -1,20 +1,51 @@
div.item-group-0 {
background-color: #fcc;
|||| {
stroke: black;
div.item-group-1 {
background-color: #cfc;
.lane-0 {
fill: #fcc;
div.item-group-2 {
background-color: #ccf;
.lane-1 {
fill: #cfc;
div.wait-user {
background-color: #ccc;
.lane-2 {
fill: #ccf;
.lane-3 {
fill: #ccf;
.lane-4 {
fill: #ccf;
.lane-5 {
fill: #ccf;
.lane-6 {
fill: #ccf;
rect.wait-user {
fill: #ccc;
rect.wait-crypto {
fill: #bbe;
.vis-item .vis-item-overflow {
overflow: visible;
.d3-tip {
margin: 4px;
padding: 2px;
background: #111;
color: #fff;
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Timeline Visualizer</title>
<script src="vis/vis.min.js"></script>
<script src="zepto/zepto.min.js"></script>
<link href="vis/vis.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="lib/d3/d3.min.js"></script>
<script src="lib/d3-tip/index.js"></script>
<script src="lib/zepto/zepto.min.js"></script>
<link href="timeline.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
@ -1,59 +1,356 @@
var vis, $; // hush
var d3, $; // hush
var container = document.getElementById("viz");
var options = {editable: false,
showCurrentTime: false,
snap: null,
order: function(a,b) { return -; }
var timeline = new vis.Timeline(container, options);
var container ="#viz");
var data;
var items;
var globals = {};
$.getJSON("data.json", function(data) {
items = new vis.DataSet(data.items);
timeline.setData({groups: new vis.DataSet(data.groups),
items: items});
var start = data.items[0].start;
var end = data.items[data.items.length-1].start;
var span = end - start;
timeline.setWindow(start - (span/10), end + (span/10));
//; // doesn't leave space on the ends
timeline.setOptions({min: start - (span/10),
max: end + (span/10),
zoomMin: 50,
zoomMax: 1.2*span});
var bar = timeline.addCustomTime(start, "cursor");
timeline.on("timechange", update_cursor);
update_cursor({time: new Date(start)});
timeline.on("doubleClick", zoom);
timeline.on("select", select_item);
$.get("done", function(_) {});
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([1, Infinity]);
function zoomin() {
//var w = Number("width").slice(0,-2));
//console.log("zoomin", w);
//[w/2, 20]); // doesn't work yet
zoom.scale(zoom.scale() * 2);
function zoomout() {
zoom.scale(zoom.scale() * 0.5);
$.getJSON("data.json", function(d) {
data = d;
const LANE_HEIGHT = 30;
const RECT_HEIGHT = 20;
// the Y axis is as follows:
// * each lane is LANE_HEIGHT tall (e.g. 30px)
// * the actual rects are RECT_HEIGHT tall (e.g. 20px)
// * there is a one-lane-tall gap at the top of the chart
// * there are data.sides.length sides (e.g. one tx, one rx)
// * there are data.lanes.length lanes (e.g. 6), each with a name
// * there is a one-lane-tall gap between each side
// * there is a one-lane-tall gap after the last lane
// * the horizontal scale markers begin after that gap
// * the tick marks extend another 6 pixels down
var w = Number("width").slice(0,-2));
function y_off(d) {
return (LANE_HEIGHT * (d.side*(data.lanes.length+1) + d.lane)
+ d.wiggle);
var bottom_rule_y = LANE_HEIGHT * data.sides.length * (data.lanes.length+1);
var bottom_y = bottom_rule_y + 45;
var tip = d3.tip()
.attr("class", "d3-tip")
.html(function(d) { return "<span>" + d.details_str + "</span>"; })
var chart = container.append("svg:svg")
.attr("id", "outer_chart")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("pointer-events", "all")
//var chart_g = chart.append("svg:g");
// this "backboard" rect lets us catch mouse events anywhere in the
// chart, even between the bars. Without it, we only see events on solid
// objects like bars and text, but not in the gaps between.
.attr("id", "outer_rect")
.attr("width", w).attr("height", bottom_y).attr("fill", "none");
// but the stuff we put inside it should have some room
w = w-50;
.attr("class", "sides-label")
.attr("x", "0px")
.attr("y", function(d,idx) {
return y_off({side: idx, lane: data.lanes.length/2,
wiggle: 0}) ;})
.attr("text-anchor", "start") // anchor at top-left
.attr("dy", ".71em")
.attr("fill", "black")
.text(function(d) { return d; })
var lanes_by_sides = [];
data.sides.forEach(function(side, side_index) {
data.lanes.forEach(function(lane, lane_index) {
lanes_by_sides.push({side: side, side_index: side_index,
lane: lane, lane_index: lane_index});
function zoom(properties) {
var target = properties.time.valueOf();
var w = timeline.getWindow();
var span = w.end - w.start;
var new_span = span / 2;
var new_start = target - new_span/2;
var new_end = target + new_span/2;
timeline.setWindow(new_start, new_end, {animation: true});
.attr("class", "lanes-label")
.attr("x", "50px")
.attr("y", function(d) {
return y_off({side: d.side_index, lane: d.lane_index,
wiggle: 0}) ;})
.attr("text-anchor", "start") // anchor at top-left
.attr("dy", ".91em")
.attr("fill", "#f88")
.text(function(d) { return d.lane; })
.attr("class", "seconds-label")
//.attr("x", w/2).attr("y", y + 35)
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("fill", "black")
||||"#outer_chart").attr("height", bottom_y);
||||"#outer_rect").attr("height", bottom_y);
||||"#zoom").attr("transform", "translate("+(w-10)+","+10+")");
function reltime(t) {return t-data.bounds.min;}
var last = data.bounds.max - data.bounds.min;
//last = reltime(d3.max(data.dyhb, function(d){return d.finish_time;}));
last = last * 1.05;
// long downloads are likely to have too much info, start small
if (last > 10.0)
last = 10.0;
// d3.time.scale() has no support for ms or us.
var xOFF = d3.time.scale().domain([data.bounds.min, data.bounds.max])
var x = d3.scale.linear().domain([-last*0.05, last])
function tx(d) { return "translate(" +x(d) + ",0)"; }
function left(d) { return x(reltime(d.start_time)); }
function left_server(d) { return x(reltime(d.server_sent)); }
function right(d) {
return d.finish_time ? x(reltime(d.finish_time)) : "1px";
function width(d) {
return d.finish_time ? x(reltime(d.finish_time))-x(reltime(d.start_time)) : "1px";
function halfwidth(d) {
if (d.finish_time)
return (x(reltime(d.finish_time))-x(reltime(d.start_time)))/2;
return "1px";
function middle(d) {
if (d.finish_time)
return (x(reltime(d.start_time))+x(reltime(d.finish_time)))/2;
return x(reltime(d.start_time)) + 1;
function color(d) { return data.server_info[d.serverid].color; }
function servername(d) { return data.server_info[d.serverid].short; }
function timeformat(duration) {
// TODO: trim to microseconds, maybe humanize
return duration;
function update_cursor(properties) {
var t = properties.time;
document.getElementById("cursor_date").innerText = t;
var m = vis.moment(t);
document.getElementById("cursor_time").innerText = m.format("ss.SSSSSS");
function redraw() {
// at this point zoom/pan must be fixed
var min = data.bounds.min + x.domain()[0];
var max = data.bounds.min + x.domain()[1];
function inside(d) {
var finish_time = d.finish_time || d.start_time;
if (Math.max(d.start_time, min) <= Math.min(finish_time, max))
return true;
return false;
function select_item(properties) {
var item_id = properties.items[0];
var i = items.get(item_id);
if (i.end) {
var elapsed = (i.end - i.start) / 1000;
$("div#elapsed").text("elapsed: " + elapsed + " s");
// from the data, build a list of bars, dots, and lines
var clipped = {bars: [], dots: [], lines: []};
data.items.filter(inside).forEach(function(d) {
if (!d.finish_time) {
} else {
if (!!d.server_sent) {
globals.clipped = clipped;
// .attr("x", x(0))//"20px")
// .attr("y", y);
// Panning and zooming will re-run this function multiple times, and
// bars will come and go, so we must process all three selections
// (including enter() and exit()).
// TODO: add dots for events that have only start, not finish. Add
// the server-sent bar (a vertical line, half height, centered
// vertically) for events that have server-sent as well as finish.
// This probably requires creating a dot for everything, but making
// it invisible if finished is non-null, likewise for the server-sent
// bar.
// each item gets an SVG group (g.bars), translated left and down
// to match the start time and side/lane of the event
var bars = chart.selectAll("g.bars")
.data(clipped.bars, function(d) { return d.start_time; })
.attr("transform", function(d) {
return "translate("+left(d)+","+y_off(d)+")"; })
// update the variable parts of each bar, which depends upon the
// current pan/zoom values
.attr("width", width);
.attr("x", halfwidth);
var new_bars = bars.enter()
.attr("class", "bars")
.attr("transform", function(d) {
return "translate("+left(d)+","+y_off(d)+")"; })
// inside the group, we have a rect with a width for the duration of
// the event, and a fixed height. The fill and stroke color depend
// upon the event, and the title has the details. We append the rects
// first, so the text is drawn on top (higher z-order)
//y += 30*(1+d3.max(data.bars, function(d){return d.row;}));
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", RECT_HEIGHT)
.attr("class", function(d) {
var c = ["bar", "lane-" + d.lane];
if (d.details.waiting)
c.push("wait-" + d.details.waiting);
return c.join(" ");
.on("mouseover", function(d) {if (d.details_str);})
.on("mouseout", tip.hide)
//.attr("title", function(d) {return d.details_str;})
// each group also has a text, with 'x' set to place it in the middle
// of the rect, and text contents that are drawn in the rect
.attr("x", halfwidth)
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("dy", "0.9em")
//.attr("fill", "black")
.text((d) => d.what)
.on("mouseover", function(d) {if (d.details_str);})
.on("mouseout", tip.hide)
// dots: events that have a single timestamp, rather than a range.
// These get an SVG group, and a circle and some text.
var dots = chart.selectAll("g.dots")
.data(clipped.dots, (d) => d.start_time)
(d) => "translate("+left(d)+","+(y_off(d)+LANE_HEIGHT/3)+")")
var new_dots = dots.enter()
.attr("class", "dots")
(d) => "translate("+left(d)+","+(y_off(d)+LANE_HEIGHT/3)+")")
.attr("r", "5")
.attr("class", (d) => "dot lane-"+d.lane)
.attr("fill", "#888")
.attr("stroke", "black")
.on("mouseover", function(d) {if (d.details_str);})
.on("mouseout", tip.hide)
.attr("x", "5px")
.attr("text-anchor", "start")
.attr("dy", "0.2em")
.text((d) => d.what)
.on("mouseover", function(d) {if (d.details_str);})
.on("mouseout", tip.hide)
// lines: these represent the time at which the server sent a message
// which finished a bar. These get an SVG group, and a line
var lines = chart.selectAll("g.lines")
.data(clipped.lines, (d) => d.start_time)
(d) => "translate("+left_server(d)+","+y_off(d)+")")
var new_lines = lines.enter()
.attr("class", "lines")
(d) => "translate("+left_server(d)+","+(y_off(d))+")")
.attr("x1", 0).attr("y1", -5).attr("x2", "0").attr("y2", LANE_HEIGHT)
.attr("class", (d) => "line lane-"+d.lane)
.attr("stroke", "red")
// horizontal scale markers: vertical lines at rational timestamps
var rules = chart.selectAll("g.rule")
.attr("transform", tx);
var newrules = rules.enter().insert("svg:g")
.attr("class", "rule")
.attr("transform", tx)
.attr("class", "rule-tick")
.attr("stroke", "black");
.attr("y1", bottom_rule_y)
.attr("y2", bottom_rule_y + 6);
.attr("class", "rule-red")
.attr("stroke", "red")
.attr("stroke-opacity", .3);
.attr("y1", 0)
.attr("y2", bottom_rule_y);
.attr("class", "rule-text")
.attr("dy", ".71em")
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("fill", "black")
.attr("y", bottom_rule_y + 9);
.attr("x", w/2)
.attr("y", bottom_rule_y + 35);
globals.x = x;
globals.redraw = redraw;
zoom.on("zoom", redraw);
||||"#zoom_in_button").on("click", zoomin);
||||"#zoom_out_button").on("click", zoomout);
function() {
x.domain([-last*0.05, last]).range([0,w]);
$.get("done", function(_) {});
@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ class Channel:
"phase": phase,
"body": hexlify(msg).decode("ascii")}
data = json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8")
_sent = self._timing.add_event("send %s" % phase)
with self._timing.add("send %s" % phase) as t:
r ="add", data=data,
resp = r.json()
self._timing.finish_event(_sent, resp.get("sent"))
if "welcome" in resp:
@ -92,9 +92,7 @@ class Channel:
# wasn't one of our own messages. It will either come from
# previously-received messages, or from an EventSource that we attach
# to the corresponding URL
_sent = self._timing.add_event("get %s" % "/".join(sorted(phases)))
_server_sent = None
with self._timing.add("get %s" % "/".join(sorted(phases))) as t:
phase_and_body = self._find_inbound_message(phases)
while phase_and_body is None:
remaining = self._started + self._timeout - time.time()
@ -115,11 +113,10 @@ class Channel:
phase_and_body = self._find_inbound_message(phases)
if phase_and_body:
_server_sent = data.get("sent")
if not phase_and_body:
self._timing.finish_event(_sent, _server_sent)
return phase_and_body
def get(self, phase):
@ -136,11 +133,11 @@ class Channel:
# ignore POST failure, don't call r.raise_for_status(), set a
# short timeout and ignore failures
_sent = self._timing.add_event("close")
with self._timing.add("close") as t:
r ="deallocate", data=data,
resp = r.json()
self._timing.finish_event(_sent, resp.get("sent"))
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
@ -157,28 +154,28 @@ class ChannelManager:
def list_channels(self):
queryargs = urlencode([("appid", self._appid)])
_sent = self._timing.add_event("list")
with self._timing.add("list") as t:
r = requests.get(self._relay_url+"list?%s" % queryargs,
data = r.json()
if "welcome" in data:
self._timing.finish_event(_sent, data.get("sent"))
channelids = data["channelids"]
return channelids
def allocate(self):
data = json.dumps({"appid": self._appid,
"side": self._side}).encode("utf-8")
_sent = self._timing.add_event("allocate")
with self._timing.add("allocate") as t:
r ="allocate", data=data,
data = r.json()
if "welcome" in data:
self._timing.finish_event(_sent, data.get("sent"))
channelid = data["channelid"]
return channelid
@ -239,7 +236,7 @@ class Wormhole:
self._got_data = set()
self._got_confirmation = False
self._closed = False
self._timing_started = self._timing.add_event("wormhole")
self._timing_started = self._timing.add("wormhole")
def __enter__(self):
return self
@ -284,11 +281,10 @@ class Wormhole:
# discover the welcome message (and warn the user about an obsolete
# client)
initial_channelids = lister()
_start = self._timing.add_event("input code", waiting="user")
with self._timing.add("input code", waiting="user"):
code = codes.input_code_with_completion(prompt,
initial_channelids, lister,
return code
def set_code(self, code): # used for human-made pre-generated codes
@ -299,7 +295,7 @@ class Wormhole:
def _set_code_and_channelid(self, code):
if self.code is not None: raise UsageError
self._timing.add_event("code established")
self._timing.add("code established")
mo ='^(\d+)-', code)
if not mo:
raise ValueError("code (%s) must start with NN-" % code)
@ -342,7 +338,7 @@ class Wormhole:
self.key = self.sp.finish(pake_msg)
self.verifier = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:verifier")
self._timing.add_event("key established")
self._timing.add("key established")
if not self._send_confirm:
@ -369,17 +365,16 @@ class Wormhole:
if phase.startswith(u"_"): raise UsageError # reserved for internals
if self.code is None: raise UsageError
if self._channel is None: raise UsageError
_sent = self._timing.add_event("API send data", phase=phase)
# Without predefined roles, we can't derive predictably unique keys
# for each side, so we use the same key for both. We use random
# nonces to keep the messages distinct, and the Channel automatically
# ignores reflections.
with self._timing.add("API send data", phase=phase):
# Without predefined roles, we can't derive predictably unique
# keys for each side, so we use the same key for both. We use
# random nonces to keep the messages distinct, and the Channel
# automatically ignores reflections.
data_key = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:phase:%s" % phase)
outbound_encrypted = self._encrypt_data(data_key, outbound_data)
self._channel.send(phase, outbound_encrypted)
def get_data(self, phase=u"data"):
@ -389,7 +384,7 @@ class Wormhole:
if self._closed: raise UsageError
if self.code is None: raise UsageError
if self._channel is None: raise UsageError
_sent = self._timing.add_event("API get data", phase=phase)
with self._timing.add("API get data", phase=phase):
phases = []
@ -405,7 +400,6 @@ class Wormhole:
self._got_confirmation = True
(got_phase, body) = self._channel.get_first_of([phase])
assert got_phase == phase
data_key = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:phase:%s" % phase)
inbound_data = self._decrypt_data(data_key, body)
@ -418,7 +412,7 @@ class Wormhole:
raise TypeError(type(mood))
self._closed = True
if self._channel:
self._timing.finish_event(self._timing_started, mood=mood)
c, self._channel = self._channel, None
@ -37,9 +37,8 @@ class TwistedReceiver:
def go(self):
tor_manager = None
if self.args.tor:
_start = self.args.timing.add_event("import TorManager")
with self.args.timing.add("import", which="tor_manager"):
from ..twisted.tor_manager import TorManager
tor_manager = TorManager(self._reactor, timing=self.args.timing)
# For now, block everything until Tor has started. Soon: launch
# tor in parallel with everything else, make sure the TorManager
@ -172,15 +171,15 @@ class TwistedReceiver:
return abs_destname
def ask_permission(self):
_start = self.args.timing.add_event("permission", waiting="user")
with self.args.timing.add("permission", waiting="user") as t:
while True and not self.args.accept_file:
ok = six.moves.input("ok? (y/n): ")
if ok.lower().startswith("y"):
print(u"transfer rejected", file=sys.stderr)
self.args.timing.finish_event(_start, answer="no")
raise RespondError("transfer rejected")
self.args.timing.finish_event(_start, answer="yes")
def establish_transit(self, w, them_d, tor_manager):
@ -207,20 +206,20 @@ class TwistedReceiver:
record_pipe = yield transit_receiver.connect()
self.args.timing.add("transit connected")
def transfer_data(self, record_pipe, f):
self.msg(u"Receiving (%s).." % record_pipe.describe())
_start = self.args.timing.add_event("rx file")
with self.args.timing.add("rx file"):
progress = tqdm(file=self.args.stdout,
unit="B", unit_scale=True, total=self.xfersize)
with progress:
received = yield record_pipe.writeToFile(f, self.xfersize,
# except TransitError
if received < self.xfersize:
@ -239,7 +238,7 @@ class TwistedReceiver:
def write_directory(self, f):
self.msg(u"Unpacking zipfile..")
_start = self.args.timing.add_event("unpack zip")
with self.args.timing.add("unpack zip"):
with zipfile.ZipFile(f, "r", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf:
# extractall() appears to offer some protection against
@ -249,11 +248,9 @@ class TwistedReceiver:
self.msg(u"Received files written to %s/" %
def close_transit(self, record_pipe):
_start = self.args.timing.add_event("ack")
with self.args.timing.add("send ack"):
yield record_pipe.send_record(b"ok\n")
yield record_pipe.close()
@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ def _send_file_twisted(tdata, transit_sender, fd_to_send,
record_pipe = yield transit_sender.connect()
timing.add("transit connected")
# record_pipe should implement IConsumer, chunks are just records
print(u"Sending (%s).." % record_pipe.describe(), file=stdout)
@ -221,17 +222,17 @@ def _send_file_twisted(tdata, transit_sender, fd_to_send,
return data
fs = basic.FileSender()
_start = timing.add_event("tx file")
with timing.add("tx file"):
with progress:
yield fs.beginFileTransfer(fd_to_send, record_pipe, transform=_count)
yield fs.beginFileTransfer(fd_to_send, record_pipe,
print(u"File sent.. waiting for confirmation", file=stdout)
_start = timing.add_event("get ack")
with timing.add("get ack") as t:
ack = yield record_pipe.receive_record()
if ack != b"ok\n":
timing.finish_event(_start, ack="failed")
raise TransferError("Transfer failed (remote says: %r)" % ack)
print(u"Confirmation received. Transfer complete.", file=stdout)
timing.finish_event(_start, ack="ok")
@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
from __future__ import print_function
import time
start = time.time()
import os, sys
from twisted.internet.defer import maybeDeferred
from twisted.internet.task import react
from ..errors import TransferError, WrongPasswordError, Timeout
from ..timing import DebugTiming
from .cli_args import parser
top_import_finish = time.time()
def dispatch(args): # returns Deferred
if args.func == "send/send":
with args.timing.add("import", which="cmd_send"):
from . import cmd_send
return cmd_send.send(args)
if args.func == "receive/receive":
_start = args.timing.add_event("import c_r_t")
with args.timing.add("import", which="cmd_receive"):
from . import cmd_receive
return cmd_receive.receive(args)
raise ValueError("unknown args.func %s" % args.func)
@ -34,11 +37,12 @@ def run(reactor, argv, cwd, stdout, stderr, executable=None):
args.stderr = stderr
args.timing = timing = DebugTiming()
timing.add_event("command dispatch")
timing.add("command dispatch")
timing.add("import", when=start, which="top").finish(when=top_import_finish)
# fires with None, or raises an error
d = maybeDeferred(dispatch, args)
def _maybe_dump_timing(res):
if args.dump_timing:
timing.write(args.dump_timing, stderr)
return res
@ -1,23 +1,57 @@
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import json, time
class Event:
def __init__(self, name, when, **details):
# data fields that will be dumped to JSON later
self._start = time.time() if when is None else float(when)
self._server_sent = None
self._stop = None
self._name = name
self._details = details
def server_sent(self, when):
self._server_sent = when
def detail(self, **details):
def finish(self, server_sent=None, **details):
self._stop = time.time()
if server_sent:
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):
if exc_type:
# inlineCallbacks uses a special exception (defer._DefGen_Return)
# to deliver returnValue(), so if returnValue is used inside our
# with: block, we'll mistakenly think it means something broke.
# I've moved all returnValue() calls outside the 'with
# timing.add()' blocks to avoid this, but if a new one
# accidentally pops up, it'll get marked as an error. I used to
# catch-and-release _DefGen_Return to avoid this, but removed it
# because it requires referencing's private class
class DebugTiming:
def __init__(self):
|||| = []
def add_event(self, name, when=None, **details):
# [ start, [server_sent], [stop], name, start_details{}, stop_details{} ]
if when is None:
when = time.time()
when = float(when)
|||| [when, None, None, name, details, {}] )
return len(
def finish_event(self, index, server_sent=None, **details):
if server_sent is not None:
||||[index][1] = float(server_sent)
||||[index][2] = time.time()
||||[index][5] = details
self._events = []
def add(self, name, when=None, **details):
ev = Event(name, when, **details)
return ev
def write(self, fn, stderr):
with open(fn, "wb") as f:
json.dump(, f)
data = [ [e._start, e._server_sent, e._stop, e._name, e._details]
for e in self._events ]
json.dump(data, f)
print("Timing data written to %s" % fn, file=stderr)
@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ class TorManager:
self._can_run_service = False
_start_find = self._timing.add_event("find tor")
_start_find = self._timing.add("find tor")
# try port 9051, then try /var/run/tor/control . Throws on failure.
state = None
_start_tcp = self._timing.add_event("tor localhost")
with self._timing.add("tor localhost"):
connection = (self._reactor, "", self._tor_control_port)
state = yield txtorcon.build_tor_connection(connection)
@ -55,20 +55,18 @@ class TorManager:
except ConnectError:
print("unable to reach Tor on %d" % self._tor_control_port)
if not state:
_start_unix = self._timing.add_event("tor unix")
with self._timing.add("tor unix"):
connection = (self._reactor, "/var/run/tor/control")
# add build_state=False to get back a Protocol object instead
# of a State object
# add build_state=False to get back a Protocol object
# instead of a State object
state = yield txtorcon.build_tor_connection(connection)
self._tor_protocol = state.protocol
except (ValueError, ConnectError):
print("unable to reach Tor on /var/run/tor/control")
if state:
print("connected to pre-existing Tor process")
@ -78,19 +76,19 @@ class TorManager:
yield self._create_my_own_tor()
# that sets self._tor_socks_port and self._tor_protocol
self._can_run_service = True
def _create_my_own_tor(self):
_start_launch = self._timing.add_event("launch tor")
with self._timing.add("launch tor"):
start = time.time()
config = self.config = txtorcon.TorConfig()
if 0:
# The default is for launch_tor to create a tempdir itself, and
# delete it when done. We only need to set a DataDirectory if we
# want it to be persistent.
# The default is for launch_tor to create a tempdir itself,
# and delete it when done. We only need to set a
# DataDirectory if we want it to be persistent.
import tempfile
datadir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
config.DataDirectory = datadir
@ -108,7 +106,6 @@ class TorManager:
self._tor_protocol = tpp.tor_protocol
print("tp:", self._tor_protocol)
print("elapsed:", time.time() - start)
def is_non_public_numeric_address(self, host):
@ -77,14 +77,16 @@ class Wormhole:
self._sent_messages = set() # (phase, body_bytes)
self._delivered_messages = set() # (phase, body_bytes)
self._received_messages = {} # phase -> body_bytes
self._received_messages_sent = {} # phase -> server timestamp
self._sent_phases = set() # phases, to prohibit double-send
self._got_phases = set() # phases, to prohibit double-read
self._sleepers = []
self._confirmation_failed = False
self._closed = False
self._deallocated_status = None
self._timing_started = self._timing.add_event("wormhole")
self._timing_started = self._timing.add("wormhole")
self._ws = None
self._ws_t = None # timing Event
self._ws_channel_claimed = False
self._error = None
@ -112,6 +114,7 @@ class Wormhole:
ep = self._make_endpoint(p.hostname, p.port or 80)
# .connect errbacks if the TCP connection fails
self._ws = yield ep.connect(f)
self._ws_t = self._timing.add("websocket")
# f.d is errbacked if WebSocket negotiation fails
yield f.d # WebSocket drops data sent before onOpen() fires
self._ws_send(u"bind", appid=self._appid, side=self._side)
@ -134,6 +137,7 @@ class Wormhole:
return meth(msg)
def _ws_handle_welcome(self, msg):
welcome = msg["welcome"]
if ("motd" in welcome and
not self.motd_displayed):
@ -184,6 +188,7 @@ class Wormhole:
def _ws_handle_error(self, msg):
err = ServerError("%s: %s" % (msg["error"], msg["orig"]),
return self._signal_error(err)
@ -203,11 +208,12 @@ class Wormhole:
if self._code is not None: raise UsageError
if self._started_get_code: raise UsageError
self._started_get_code = True
_sent = self._timing.add_event("allocate")
with self._timing.add("API get_code"):
with self._timing.add("allocate") as t:
self._allocate_t = t
yield self._ws_send(u"allocate")
while self._channelid is None:
yield self._sleep()
code = codes.make_code(self._channelid, code_length)
assert isinstance(code, type(u"")), type(code)
@ -215,6 +221,7 @@ class Wormhole:
def _ws_handle_allocated(self, msg):
if self._channelid is not None:
return self._signal_error("got duplicate channelid")
self._channelid = msg["channelid"]
@ -222,6 +229,7 @@ class Wormhole:
def _start(self):
# allocate the rest now too, so it can be serialized
with self._timing.add("pake1", waiting="crypto"):
self._sp = SPAKE2_Symmetric(to_bytes(self._code),
self._msg1 = self._sp.start()
@ -238,8 +246,9 @@ class Wormhole:
# TODO: send the request early, show the prompt right away, hide the
# latency in the user's indecision and slow typing. If we're lucky
# the answer will come back before they hit TAB.
with self._timing.add("API input_code"):
initial_channelids = yield self._list_channels()
_start = self._timing.add_event("input code", waiting="user")
with self._timing.add("input code", waiting="user"):
t = self._reactor.addSystemEventTrigger("before", "shutdown",
code = yield deferToThread(codes.input_code_with_completion,
@ -247,7 +256,6 @@ class Wormhole:
initial_channelids, _lister,
returnValue(code) # application will give this to set_code()
def _warn_readline(self):
@ -286,12 +294,11 @@ class Wormhole:
def _list_channels(self):
_sent = self._timing.add_event("list")
with self._timing.add("list"):
self._latest_channelids = None
yield self._ws_send(u"list")
while self._latest_channelids is None:
yield self._sleep()
def _ws_handle_channelids(self, msg):
@ -305,13 +312,14 @@ class Wormhole:
mo ='^(\d+)-', code)
if not mo:
raise ValueError("code (%s) must start with NN-" % code)
with self._timing.add("API set_code"):
self._channelid = int(
def _set_code(self, code):
if self._code is not None: raise UsageError
self._timing.add_event("code established")
self._timing.add("code established")
self._code = code
def serialize(self):
@ -349,15 +357,16 @@ class Wormhole:
def get_verifier(self):
if self._closed: raise UsageError
if self._code is None: raise UsageError
with self._timing.add("API get_verifier"):
yield self._get_master_key()
# If the caller cares about the verifier, then they'll probably also
# willing to wait a moment to see the _confirm message. Each side
# sends this as soon as it sees the other's PAKE message. So the
# sender should see this hot on the heels of the inbound PAKE message
# (a moment after _get_master_key() returns). The receiver will see
# this a round-trip after they send their PAKE (because the sender is
# using wait=True inside _get_master_key, below: otherwise the sender
# might go do some blocking call).
# If the caller cares about the verifier, then they'll probably
# also willing to wait a moment to see the _confirm message. Each
# side sends this as soon as it sees the other's PAKE message. So
# the sender should see this hot on the heels of the inbound PAKE
# message (a moment after _get_master_key() returns). The
# receiver will see this a round-trip after they send their PAKE
# (because the sender is using wait=True inside _get_master_key,
# below: otherwise the sender might go do some blocking call).
yield self._msg_get(u"_confirm")
@ -369,9 +378,10 @@ class Wormhole:
yield self._msg_send(u"pake", self._msg1)
pake_msg = yield self._msg_get(u"pake")
with self._timing.add("pake2", waiting="crypto"):
self._key = self._sp.finish(pake_msg)
self._verifier = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:verifier")
self._timing.add_event("key established")
self._timing.add("key established")
if self._send_confirm:
# both sides send different (random) confirmation messages
@ -385,11 +395,13 @@ class Wormhole:
self._sent_messages.add( (phase, body) )
# TODO: retry on failure, with exponential backoff. We're guarding
# against the rendezvous server being temporarily offline.
t = self._timing.add("add", phase=phase, wait=wait)
yield self._ws_send(u"add", phase=phase,
if wait:
while (phase, body) not in self._delivered_messages:
yield self._sleep()
def _ws_handle_message(self, msg):
m = msg["message"]
@ -404,6 +416,7 @@ class Wormhole:
err = ServerError("got duplicate phase %s" % phase, self._ws_url)
return self._signal_error(err)
self._received_messages[phase] = body
self._received_messages_sent[phase] = msg.get(u"sent")
if phase == u"_confirm":
# TODO: we might not have a master key yet, if the caller wasn't
# waiting in _get_master_key() when a back-to-back pake+_confirm
@ -418,12 +431,15 @@ class Wormhole:
def _msg_get(self, phase):
_start = self._timing.add_event("get(%s)" % phase)
with self._timing.add("get", phase=phase) as t:
while phase not in self._received_messages:
yield self._sleep() # we can wait a long time here
# that will throw an error if something goes wrong
msg = self._received_messages[phase]
sent = self._received_messages_sent[phase]
if sent:
def derive_key(self, purpose, length=SecretBox.KEY_SIZE):
if not isinstance(purpose, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(purpose))
@ -459,16 +475,15 @@ class Wormhole:
if phase.startswith(u"_"): raise UsageError # reserved for internals
if phase in self._sent_phases: raise UsageError # only call this once
_sent = self._timing.add_event("API send data", phase=phase, wait=wait)
# Without predefined roles, we can't derive predictably unique keys
# for each side, so we use the same key for both. We use random
# nonces to keep the messages distinct, and we automatically ignore
# reflections.
with self._timing.add("API send_data", phase=phase, wait=wait):
# Without predefined roles, we can't derive predictably unique
# keys for each side, so we use the same key for both. We use
# random nonces to keep the messages distinct, and we
# automatically ignore reflections.
yield self._get_master_key()
data_key = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:phase:%s" % phase)
outbound_encrypted = self._encrypt_data(data_key, outbound_data)
yield self._msg_send(phase, outbound_encrypted, wait)
def get_data(self, phase=u"data"):
@ -478,10 +493,9 @@ class Wormhole:
if phase.startswith(u"_"): raise UsageError # reserved for internals
if phase in self._got_phases: raise UsageError # only call this once
_sent = self._timing.add_event("API get data", phase=phase)
with self._timing.add("API get_data", phase=phase):
yield self._get_master_key()
body = yield self._msg_get(phase) # we can wait a long time here
data_key = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:phase:%s" % phase)
inbound_data = self._decrypt_data(data_key, body)
@ -491,6 +505,7 @@ class Wormhole:
def _ws_closed(self, wasClean, code, reason):
self._ws = None
# TODO: schedule reconnect, unless we're done
@ -517,20 +532,21 @@ class Wormhole:
if not isinstance(mood, (type(None), type(u""))):
raise TypeError(type(mood))
self._timing.finish_event(self._timing_started, mood=mood)
with self._timing.add("API close"):
yield self._deallocate(mood)
# TODO: mark WebSocket as don't-reconnect
self._ws.transport.loseConnection() # probably flushes
del self._ws
def _deallocate(self, mood):
_sent = self._timing.add_event("close")
with self._timing.add("deallocate"):
yield self._ws_send(u"deallocate", mood=mood)
while self._deallocated_status is None:
yield self._sleep(wake_on_error=False)
# TODO: set a timeout, don't wait forever for an ack
# TODO: if the connection is lost, let it go
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ class Common:
self._winner = None
self._reactor = reactor
self._timing = timing or DebugTiming()
self._timing_started = self._timing.add_event("transit")
def _build_listener(self):
if self._no_listen or self._tor_manager:
@ -690,13 +690,12 @@ class Common:
def connect(self):
_start = self._timing.add_event("transit connect")
with self._timing.add("transit connect"):
yield self._get_transit_key()
# we want to have the transit key before starting any outbound
# connections, so those connections will know what to say when they
# connect
# connections, so those connections will know what to say when
# they connect
winner = yield self._connect()
def _connect(self):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user