remove old twisted/, now just
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,624 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys, json, re, unicodedata
from six.moves.urllib_parse import urlparse
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from twisted.internet import defer, endpoints, error
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread, blockingCallFromThread
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from twisted.python import log
from autobahn.twisted import websocket
from nacl.secret import SecretBox
from nacl.exceptions import CryptoError
from nacl import utils
from spake2 import SPAKE2_Symmetric
from .. import __version__
from .. import codes
from ..errors import ServerError, Timeout, WrongPasswordError, UsageError
from ..timing import DebugTiming
from hkdf import Hkdf
def HKDF(skm, outlen, salt=None, CTXinfo=b""):
return Hkdf(salt, skm).expand(CTXinfo, outlen)
def make_confmsg(confkey, nonce):
return nonce+HKDF(confkey, CONFMSG_MAC_LENGTH, nonce)
def to_bytes(u):
return unicodedata.normalize("NFC", u).encode("utf-8")
# We send the following messages through the relay server to the far side (by
# sending "add" commands to the server, and getting "message" responses):
# phase=setup:
# * unauthenticated version strings (but why?)
# * early warmup for connection hints ("I can do tor, spin up HS")
# * wordlist l10n identifier
# phase=pake: just the SPAKE2 'start' message (binary)
# phase=confirm: key verification (HKDF(key, nonce)+nonce)
# phase=1,2,3,..: application messages
class WSClient(websocket.WebSocketClientProtocol):
def onOpen(self):
self.wormhole_open = True
def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary):
assert not isBinary
def onClose(self, wasClean, code, reason):
if self.wormhole_open:
self.wormhole._ws_closed(wasClean, code, reason)
# we closed before establishing a connection (onConnect) or
# finishing WebSocket negotiation (onOpen): errback
class WSFactory(websocket.WebSocketClientFactory):
protocol = WSClient
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
proto = websocket.WebSocketClientFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr)
proto.wormhole = self.wormhole
proto.wormhole_open = False
return proto
class _Wormhole:
motd_displayed = False
version_warning_displayed = False
_send_confirm = True
def __init__(self, appid, relay_url, reactor,
tor_manager=None, timing=None):
if not isinstance(appid, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(appid))
if not isinstance(relay_url, type(u"")):
raise TypeError(type(relay_url))
if not relay_url.endswith(u"/"): raise UsageError
self._appid = appid
self._relay_url = relay_url
self._ws_url = relay_url.replace("http:", "ws:") + "ws"
self._tor_manager = tor_manager
self._timing = timing or DebugTiming()
self._reactor = reactor
self._ws_connected = defer.Deferred() # XXX
self._side = hexlify(os.urandom(5)).decode("ascii")
self._code = None
self._nameplate_id = None
self._nameplate_claimed = False
self._nameplate_released = False
self._mailbox_id = None
self._mailbox_opened = False
self._mailbox_closed = False
self._key = None
self._started_get_code = False
self._next_outbound_phase = 0
self._sent_messages = {} # phase -> body_bytes
self._delivered_messages = set() # phase
self._next_inbound_phase = 0
self._received_messages = {} # phase -> body_bytes
self._got_phases = set() # phases, to prohibit double-read
self._sleepers = []
self._confirmation_failed = False
self._closed = False
self._released_status = None
self._timing_started = self._timing.add("wormhole")
self._ws = None
self._ws_t = None # timing Event
self._error = None
def _make_endpoint(self, hostname, port):
if self._tor_manager:
return self._tor_manager.get_endpoint_for(hostname, port)
# note: HostnameEndpoints have a default 30s timeout
return endpoints.HostnameEndpoint(self._reactor, hostname, port)
def _get_websocket(self):
if not self._ws:
# TODO: if we lose the connection, make a new one, re-establish
# the state
assert self._side
p = urlparse(self._ws_url)
f = WSFactory(self._ws_url)
f.wormhole = self
f.d = defer.Deferred()
# TODO: if hostname="localhost", I get three factories starting
# and stopping (maybe, ::1, and something else?), and
# an error in the factory is masked.
ep = self._make_endpoint(p.hostname, p.port or 80)
# .connect errbacks if the TCP connection fails
self._ws = yield ep.connect(f)
self._ws_t = self._timing.add("websocket")
# f.d is errbacked if WebSocket negotiation fails
yield f.d # WebSocket drops data sent before onOpen() fires
self._ws_send_command(u"bind", appid=self._appid, side=self._side)
# the socket is connected, and bound, but no nameplate has been claimed
def _ws_send_command(self, mtype, **kwargs):
ws = yield self._get_websocket()
# msgid is used by misc/ to correlate our sends with
# their receives, and vice versa. They are also correlated with the
# ACKs we get back from the server (which we otherwise ignore). There
# are so few messages, 16 bits is enough to be mostly-unique.
kwargs["id"] = hexlify(os.urandom(2)).decode("ascii")
kwargs["type"] = mtype
payload = json.dumps(kwargs).encode("utf-8")
self._timing.add("ws_send", _side=self._side, **kwargs)
ws.sendMessage(payload, False)
def _ws_dispatch_response(self, payload):
msg = json.loads(payload.decode("utf-8"))
self._timing.add("ws_receive", _side=self._side, message=msg)
mtype = msg["type"]
meth = getattr(self, "_ws_handle_"+mtype, None)
if not meth:
# make tests fail, but real application will ignore it
log.err(ValueError("Unknown inbound message type %r" % (msg,)))
return meth(msg)
def _ws_handle_ack(self, msg):
def _ws_handle_welcome(self, msg):
welcome = msg["welcome"]
if ("motd" in welcome and
not self.motd_displayed):
motd_lines = welcome["motd"].splitlines()
motd_formatted = "\n ".join(motd_lines)
print("Server (at %s) says:\n %s" %
(self._ws_url, motd_formatted), file=sys.stderr)
self.motd_displayed = True
# Only warn if we're running a release version (e.g. 0.0.6, not
# 0.0.6-DISTANCE-gHASH). Only warn once.
if ("-" not in __version__ and
not self.version_warning_displayed and
welcome["current_version"] != __version__):
print("Warning: errors may occur unless both sides are running the same version", file=sys.stderr)
print("Server claims %s is current, but ours is %s"
% (welcome["current_version"], __version__), file=sys.stderr)
self.version_warning_displayed = True
if "error" in welcome:
return self._signal_error(welcome["error"])
def _sleep(self, wake_on_error=True):
if wake_on_error and self._error:
# don't sleep if the bed's already on fire, unless we're waiting
# for the fire department to respond, in which case sure, keep on
# sleeping
raise self._error
d = defer.Deferred()
yield d
if wake_on_error and self._error:
raise self._error
def _wakeup(self):
sleepers = self._sleepers
self._sleepers = []
for d in sleepers:
# NOTE: callers should avoid reentrancy themselves. An
# eventual-send would be safer here, but it makes synchronizing
# unit tests annoying.
def _signal_error(self, error):
assert isinstance(error, Exception)
self._error = error
def _ws_handle_error(self, msg):
err = ServerError("%s: %s" % (msg["error"], msg["orig"]),
return self._signal_error(err)
def _claim_nameplate(self):
if not self._nameplate_id: raise UsageError
if self._nameplate_claimed: raise UsageError
yield self._ws_send_command(u"claim", nameplate=self._nameplate_id)
# provokes "claimed" response
def _ws_handle_claimed(self, msg):
mailbox_id = msg["mailbox"]
assert isinstance(mailbox_id, type(u"")), type(mailbox_id)
self._mailbox_id = mailbox_id
def _release_nameplate(self):
if not self._nameplate_claimed: raise UsageError
if self._nameplate_released: raise UsageError
yield self._ws_send_command(u"release")
self._nameplate_released = True
def _open_mailbox(self):
if not self._mailbox_id: raise UsageError
if self._mailbox_opened: raise UsageError
yield self._ws_send_command(u"open", mailbox=self._mailbox_id)
self._mailbox_opened = True
# causes old messages to be sent now, and subscribes to new messages
def _close_mailbox(self):
if not self._mailbox_id: raise UsageError
if not self._mailbox_opened: raise UsageError
if self._mailbox_closed: raise UsageError
yield self._ws_send_command(u"close")
self._mailbox_closed = True
def _msg_send(self, phase, body, wait=False):
if phase in self._sent_messages: raise UsageError
if not self._mailbox_opened: raise UsageError
if self._mailbox_closed: raise UsageError
self._sent_messages[phase] = body
# TODO: retry on failure, with exponential backoff. We're guarding
# against the rendezvous server being temporarily offline.
t = self._timing.add("add", phase=phase, wait=wait)
yield self._ws_send_command(u"add", phase=phase,
if wait:
while phase not in self._delivered_messages:
yield self._sleep()
def _ws_handle_message(self, msg):
# any message in the mailbox means we no longer need the nameplate
if not self._nameplate_released:
self._release_nameplate() # XXX returns Deferred
m = msg["message"]
phase = m["phase"]
body = unhexlify(m["body"].encode("ascii"))
if phase in self._sent_messages and self._sent_messages[phase] == body:
self._delivered_messages.add(phase) # ack by server
return # ignore echoes of our outbound messages
if phase in self._received_messages:
# a nameplate collision would cause this
err = ServerError("got duplicate phase %s" % phase, self._ws_url)
return self._signal_error(err)
self._received_messages[phase] = body
if phase == u"confirm":
# TODO: we might not have a master key yet, if the caller wasn't
# waiting in _get_master_key() when a back-to-back pake+_confirm
# message pair arrived.
confkey = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:confirmation")
if body != make_confmsg(confkey, nonce):
# this makes all API calls fail
return self._signal_error(WrongPasswordError())
# now notify anyone waiting on it
def _msg_get(self, phase):
with self._timing.add("get", phase=phase):
while phase not in self._received_messages:
yield self._sleep() # we can wait a long time here
# that will throw an error if something goes wrong
msg = self._received_messages[phase]
# entry point 1: generate a new code
def get_code(self, code_length=2): # XX rename to allocate_code()? create_?
if self._code is not None: raise UsageError
if self._started_get_code: raise UsageError
self._started_get_code = True
with self._timing.add("API get_code"):
with self._timing.add("allocate"):
yield self._ws_send_command(u"allocate")
while self._nameplate_id is None:
yield self._sleep()
code = codes.make_code(self._nameplate_id, code_length)
assert isinstance(code, type(u"")), type(code)
def _ws_handle_allocated(self, msg):
if self._nameplate_id is not None:
return self._signal_error("got duplicate 'allocated' response")
nid = msg["nameplate"]
assert isinstance(nid, type(u"")), type(nid)
self._nameplate_id = nid
def _start(self):
# allocate the rest now too, so it can be serialized
with self._timing.add("pake1", waiting="crypto"):
self._sp = SPAKE2_Symmetric(to_bytes(self._code),
self._msg1 = self._sp.start()
# entry point 2a: interactively type in a code, with completion
def input_code(self, prompt="Enter wormhole code: ", code_length=2):
def _lister():
return blockingCallFromThread(self._reactor, self._list_nameplates)
# fetch the list of nameplates ahead of time, to give us a chance to
# discover the welcome message (and warn the user about an obsolete
# client)
# TODO: send the request early, show the prompt right away, hide the
# latency in the user's indecision and slow typing. If we're lucky
# the answer will come back before they hit TAB.
with self._timing.add("API input_code"):
initial_nameplate_ids = yield self._list_nameplates()
with self._timing.add("input code", waiting="user"):
t = self._reactor.addSystemEventTrigger("before", "shutdown",
code = yield deferToThread(codes.input_code_with_completion,
initial_nameplate_ids, _lister,
returnValue(code) # application will give this to set_code()
def _warn_readline(self):
# When our process receives a SIGINT, Twisted's SIGINT handler will
# stop the reactor and wait for all threads to terminate before the
# process exits. However, if we were waiting for
# input_code_with_completion() when SIGINT happened, the readline
# thread will be blocked waiting for something on stdin. Trick the
# user into satisfying the blocking read so we can exit.
print("\nCommand interrupted: please press Return to quit",
# Other potential approaches to this problem:
# * hard-terminate our process with os._exit(1), but make sure the
# tty gets reset to a normal mode ("cooked"?) first, so that the
# next shell command the user types is echoed correctly
# * track down the thread (t.p.threadable.getThreadID from inside the
# thread), get a cffi binding to pthread_kill, deliver SIGINT to it
# * allocate a pty pair (pty.openpty), replace sys.stdin with the
# slave, build a pty bridge that copies bytes (and other PTY
# things) from the real stdin to the master, then close the slave
# at shutdown, so readline sees EOF
# * write tab-completion and basic editing (TTY raw mode,
# backspace-is-erase) without readline, probably with curses or
# twisted.conch.insults
# * write a separate program to get codes (maybe just "wormhole
# --internal-get-code"), run it as a subprocess, let it inherit
# stdin/stdout, send it SIGINT when we receive SIGINT ourselves. It
# needs an RPC mechanism (over some extra file descriptors) to ask
# us to fetch the current nameplate_id list.
# Note that hard-terminating our process with os.kill(os.getpid(),
# signal.SIGKILL), or SIGTERM, doesn't seem to work: the thread
# doesn't see the signal, and we must still wait for stdin to make
# readline finish.
def _list_nameplates(self):
with self._timing.add("list"):
self._latest_nameplate_ids = None
yield self._ws_send_command(u"list")
while self._latest_nameplate_ids is None:
yield self._sleep()
def _ws_handle_nameplates(self, msg):
self._latest_nameplate_ids = msg["nameplates"]
# entry point 2b: paste in a fully-formed code
def set_code(self, code):
if not isinstance(code, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(code))
if self._code is not None: raise UsageError
mo ='^(\d+)-', code)
if not mo:
raise ValueError("code (%s) must start with NN-" % code)
with self._timing.add("API set_code"):
self._nameplate_id =
assert isinstance(self._nameplate_id, type(u"")), type(self._nameplate_id)
def _set_code(self, code):
if self._code is not None: raise UsageError
self._timing.add("code established")
self._code = code
def serialize(self):
# I can only be serialized after get_code/set_code and before
# get_verifier/get
if self._code is None: raise UsageError
if self._key is not None: raise UsageError
if self._sent_messages: raise UsageError
if self._got_phases: raise UsageError
data = {
"appid": self._appid,
"relay_url": self._relay_url,
"code": self._code,
"nameplate_id": self._nameplate_id,
"side": self._side,
"spake2": json.loads(self._sp.serialize().decode("ascii")),
"msg1": hexlify(self._msg1).decode("ascii"),
return json.dumps(data)
# entry point 3: resume a previously-serialized session
def from_serialized(klass, data, reactor):
d = json.loads(data)
self = klass(d["appid"], d["relay_url"], reactor)
self._side = d["side"]
self._nameplate_id = d["nameplate_id"]
sp_data = json.dumps(d["spake2"]).encode("ascii")
self._sp = SPAKE2_Symmetric.from_serialized(sp_data)
self._msg1 = unhexlify(d["msg1"].encode("ascii"))
return self
def get_verifier(self):
if self._closed: raise UsageError
if self._code is None: raise UsageError
with self._timing.add("API get_verifier"):
yield self._get_master_key()
# If the caller cares about the verifier, then they'll probably
# also willing to wait a moment to see the _confirm message. Each
# side sends this as soon as it sees the other's PAKE message. So
# the sender should see this hot on the heels of the inbound PAKE
# message (a moment after _get_master_key() returns). The
# receiver will see this a round-trip after they send their PAKE
# (because the sender is using wait=True inside _get_master_key,
# below: otherwise the sender might go do some blocking call).
yield self._msg_get(u"confirm")
def _get_master_key(self):
# TODO: prevent multiple invocation
if not self._key:
yield self._claim_nameplate_and_watch()
yield self._msg_send(u"pake", self._msg1)
pake_msg = yield self._msg_get(u"pake")
with self._timing.add("pake2", waiting="crypto"):
self._key = self._sp.finish(pake_msg)
self._verifier = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:verifier")
self._timing.add("key established")
if self._send_confirm:
# both sides send different (random) confirmation messages
confkey = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:confirmation")
nonce = os.urandom(CONFMSG_NONCE_LENGTH)
confmsg = make_confmsg(confkey, nonce)
yield self._msg_send(u"confirm", confmsg, wait=True)
def derive_key(self, purpose, length=SecretBox.KEY_SIZE):
if not isinstance(purpose, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(purpose))
if self._key is None:
# call after get_verifier() or get()
raise UsageError
return HKDF(self._key, length, CTXinfo=to_bytes(purpose))
def _encrypt_data(self, key, data):
assert isinstance(key, type(b"")), type(key)
assert isinstance(data, type(b"")), type(data)
assert len(key) == SecretBox.KEY_SIZE, len(key)
box = SecretBox(key)
nonce = utils.random(SecretBox.NONCE_SIZE)
return box.encrypt(data, nonce)
def _decrypt_data(self, key, encrypted):
assert isinstance(key, type(b"")), type(key)
assert isinstance(encrypted, type(b"")), type(encrypted)
assert len(key) == SecretBox.KEY_SIZE, len(key)
box = SecretBox(key)
data = box.decrypt(encrypted)
return data
def send(self, outbound_data, wait=False):
if not isinstance(outbound_data, type(b"")):
raise TypeError(type(outbound_data))
if self._closed: raise UsageError
if self._code is None:
raise UsageError("You must set_code() before send()")
phase = self._next_outbound_phase
self._next_outbound_phase += 1
with self._timing.add("API send", phase=phase, wait=wait):
# Without predefined roles, we can't derive predictably unique
# keys for each side, so we use the same key for both. We use
# random nonces to keep the messages distinct, and we
# automatically ignore reflections.
yield self._get_master_key()
data_key = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:phase:%d" % phase)
outbound_encrypted = self._encrypt_data(data_key, outbound_data)
yield self._msg_send(phase, outbound_encrypted, wait)
def get(self):
if self._closed: raise UsageError
if self._code is None: raise UsageError
phase = self._next_inbound_phase
self._next_inbound_phase += 1
with self._timing.add("API get", phase=phase):
yield self._get_master_key()
body = yield self._msg_get(phase) # we can wait a long time here
data_key = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:phase:%d" % phase)
inbound_data = self._decrypt_data(data_key, body)
except CryptoError:
raise WrongPasswordError
def _ws_closed(self, wasClean, code, reason):
self._ws = None
# TODO: schedule reconnect, unless we're done
def close(self, f=None, mood=None):
"""Do d.addBoth(w.close) at the end of your chain."""
if self._closed:
self._closed = True
if not self._ws:
if mood is None:
mood = u"happy"
if f:
if f.check(Timeout):
mood = u"lonely"
elif f.check(WrongPasswordError):
mood = u"scary"
elif f.check(TypeError, UsageError):
# preconditions don't warrant reporting mood
mood = u"errory" # other errors do
if not isinstance(mood, (type(None), type(u""))):
raise TypeError(type(mood))
with self._timing.add("API close"):
yield self._release(mood)
# TODO: mark WebSocket as don't-reconnect
self._ws.transport.loseConnection() # probably flushes
del self._ws
def _release(self, mood):
with self._timing.add("release"):
yield self._ws_send_command(u"release", mood=mood)
while self._released_status is None:
yield self._sleep(wake_on_error=False)
# TODO: set a timeout, don't wait forever for an ack
# TODO: if the connection is lost, let it go
def _ws_handle_released(self, msg):
self._released_status = msg["status"]
def wormhole(appid, relay_url, reactor, tor_manager=None, timing=None):
w = _Wormhole(appid, relay_url, reactor, tor_manager, timing)
return w
def wormhole_from_serialized(data, reactor):
w = _Wormhole.from_serialized(data, reactor)
return w
Reference in New Issue
Block a user