
240 lines
9.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys, json, binascii, six, tempfile, zipfile
from tqdm import tqdm
from twisted.protocols import basic
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
2016-04-21 01:42:28 +00:00
from ..errors import TransferError
from ..twisted.transcribe import Wormhole
2016-04-21 02:11:29 +00:00
from ..twisted.transit import TransitSender
APPID = u""
def send(args, reactor=reactor):
"""I implement 'wormhole send'. I return a Deferred that fires with None
(for success), or signals one of the following errors:
* WrongPasswordError: the two sides didn't use matching passwords
* Timeout: something didn't happen fast enough for our tastes
* TransferError: the receiver rejected the transfer: verifier mismatch,
permission not granted, ack not successful.
* any other error: something unexpected happened
assert isinstance(args.relay_url, type(u""))
if args.zeromode:
assert not args.code
args.code = u"0-"
# TODO: parallelize the roundtrip that allocates the channel with the
# (blocking) local IO (file os.stat, zipfile generation)
phase1, fd_to_send = build_phase1_data(args)
other_cmd = "wormhole receive"
if args.verify:
other_cmd = "wormhole --verify receive"
if args.zeromode:
other_cmd += " -0"
print(u"On the other computer, please run: %s" % other_cmd,
2016-01-29 21:40:41 +00:00
tor_manager = None
if args.tor:
with args.timing.add("import", which="tor_manager"):
from ..twisted.tor_manager import TorManager
2016-03-03 22:31:13 +00:00
tor_manager = TorManager(reactor, timing=args.timing)
2016-01-29 21:40:41 +00:00
# For now, block everything until Tor has started. Soon: launch tor
# in parallel with everything else, make sure the TorManager can
# lazy-provide an endpoint, and overlap the startup process with the
# user handing off the wormhole code
yield tor_manager.start()
w = Wormhole(APPID, args.relay_url, tor_manager, timing=args.timing,
d = _send(reactor, w, args, phase1, fd_to_send, tor_manager)
yield d
def _send(reactor, w, args, phase1, fd_to_send, tor_manager):
transit_sender = None
if fd_to_send:
2016-03-03 21:02:17 +00:00
transit_sender = TransitSender(args.transit_helper,
2016-01-29 21:40:41 +00:00
2016-03-03 21:02:17 +00:00
phase1["transit"] = transit_data = {}
transit_data["relay_connection_hints"] = transit_sender.get_relay_hints()
direct_hints = yield transit_sender.get_direct_hints()
transit_data["direct_connection_hints"] = direct_hints
if args.code:
code = args.code
code = yield w.get_code(args.code_length)
if not args.zeromode:
print(u"Wormhole code is: %s" % code, file=args.stdout)
print(u"", file=args.stdout)
# get the verifier, because that also lets us derive the transit key,
# which we want to set before revealing the connection hints to the far
# side, so we'll be ready for them when they connect
verifier_bytes = yield w.get_verifier()
verifier = binascii.hexlify(verifier_bytes).decode("ascii")
if args.verify:
while True:
ok = six.moves.input("Verifier %s. ok? (yes/no): " % verifier)
if ok.lower() == "yes":
if ok.lower() == "no":
2016-04-26 01:24:39 +00:00
err = "sender rejected verification check, abandoned transfer"
reject_data = json.dumps({"error": err}).encode("utf-8")
yield w.send_data(reject_data)
2016-04-26 01:24:39 +00:00
raise TransferError(err)
if fd_to_send is not None:
transit_key = w.derive_key(APPID+"/transit-key")
my_phase1_bytes = json.dumps(phase1).encode("utf-8")
yield w.send_data(my_phase1_bytes)
# this may raise WrongPasswordError
them_phase1_bytes = yield w.get_data()
them_phase1 = json.loads(them_phase1_bytes.decode("utf-8"))
if fd_to_send is None:
if them_phase1["message_ack"] == "ok":
print(u"text message sent", file=args.stdout)
returnValue(None) # terminates this function
raise TransferError("error sending text: %r" % (them_phase1,))
if "error" in them_phase1:
raise TransferError("remote error, transfer abandoned: %s"
% them_phase1["error"])
if them_phase1.get("file_ack") != "ok":
raise TransferError("ambiguous response from remote, "
"transfer abandoned: %s" % (them_phase1,))
tdata = them_phase1["transit"]
# XXX the downside of closing above, rather than here, is that it leaves
# the channel claimed for a longer time
#yield w.close()
yield _send_file_twisted(tdata, transit_sender, fd_to_send,
args.stdout, args.hide_progress, args.timing)
def build_phase1_data(args):
phase1 = {}
text = args.text
if text == "-":
print(u"Reading text message from stdin..", file=args.stdout)
text =
if not text and not args.what:
text = six.moves.input("Text to send: ")
if text is not None:
print(u"Sending text message (%d bytes)" % len(text), file=args.stdout)
phase1 = { "message": text }
fd_to_send = None
return phase1, fd_to_send
what = os.path.join(args.cwd, args.what)
what = what.rstrip(os.sep)
if not os.path.exists(what):
raise TransferError("Cannot send: no file/directory named '%s'" %
basename = os.path.basename(what)
if os.path.isfile(what):
# we're sending a file
filesize = os.stat(what).st_size
phase1["file"] = {
"filename": basename,
"filesize": filesize,
print(u"Sending %d byte file named '%s'" % (filesize, basename),
fd_to_send = open(what, "rb")
return phase1, fd_to_send
if os.path.isdir(what):
print(u"Building zipfile..", file=args.stdout)
# We're sending a directory. Create a zipfile in a tempdir and
# send that.
fd_to_send = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile()
# TODO: I think ZIP_DEFLATED means compressed.. check it
num_files = 0
num_bytes = 0
tostrip = len(what.split(os.sep))
with zipfile.ZipFile(fd_to_send, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf:
for path,dirs,files in os.walk(what):
# path always starts with args.what, then sometimes might
# have "/subdir" appended. We want the zipfile to contain
# "" or "subdir"
localpath = list(path.split(os.sep)[tostrip:])
for fn in files:
archivename = os.path.join(*tuple(localpath+[fn]))
localfilename = os.path.join(path, fn)
zf.write(localfilename, archivename)
num_bytes += os.stat(localfilename).st_size
num_files += 1,2)
filesize = fd_to_send.tell(),0)
phase1["directory"] = {
"mode": "zipfile/deflated",
"dirname": basename,
"zipsize": filesize,
"numbytes": num_bytes,
"numfiles": num_files,
print(u"Sending directory (%d bytes compressed) named '%s'"
% (filesize, basename), file=args.stdout)
return phase1, fd_to_send
raise TypeError("'%s' is neither file nor directory" % args.what)
def _send_file_twisted(tdata, transit_sender, fd_to_send,
stdout, hide_progress, timing):
filesize = fd_to_send.tell(),0)
record_pipe = yield transit_sender.connect()
timing.add("transit connected")
# record_pipe should implement IConsumer, chunks are just records
print(u"Sending (%s).." % record_pipe.describe(), file=stdout)
progress = tqdm(file=stdout, disable=hide_progress,
unit="B", unit_scale=True,
def _count(data):
return data
fs = basic.FileSender()
with timing.add("tx file"):
with progress:
yield fs.beginFileTransfer(fd_to_send, record_pipe,
print(u"File sent.. waiting for confirmation", file=stdout)
with timing.add("get ack") as t:
ack = yield record_pipe.receive_record()
if ack != b"ok\n":
raise TransferError("Transfer failed (remote says: %r)" % ack)
print(u"Confirmation received. Transfer complete.", file=stdout)