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import json, time
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.python import log
from autobahn.twisted import websocket
2016-05-17 05:04:25 +00:00
# The WebSocket allows the client to send "commands" to the server, and the
# server to send "responses" to the client. Note that commands and responses
# are not necessarily one-to-one. All commands provoke an "ack" response
# (with a copy of the original message) for timing, testing, and
# synchronization purposes. All commands and responses are JSON-encoded.
2016-05-17 05:04:25 +00:00
# Each WebSocket connection is bound to one "appid" and one "side", which are
# set by the "bind" command (which must be the first command on the
# connection), and must be set before any other command will be accepted.
2016-05-17 05:04:25 +00:00
# Each connection can be bound to a single "mailbox" (a two-sided
# store-and-forward queue, identified by the "mailbox id": a long, randomly
# unique string identifier) by using the "open" command. This protects the
# mailbox from idle closure, enables the "add" command (to put new messages
# in the queue), and triggers delivery of past and future messages via the
# "message" response. The "close" command removes the binding (but note that
# it does not enable the subsequent binding of a second mailbox). When the
# last side closes a mailbox, its contents are deleted.
# Additionally, the connection can be bound a single "nameplate", which is
# short identifier that makes up the first component of a wormhole code. Each
# nameplate points to a single long-id "mailbox". The "allocate" message
# determines the shortest available numeric nameplate, reserves it, and
# returns the nameplate id. "list" returns a list of all numeric nameplates
# which currently have only one side active (i.e. they are waiting for a
# partner). The "claim" message reserves an arbitrary nameplate id (perhaps
# the receiver of a wormhole connection typed in a code they got from the
# sender, or perhaps the two sides agreed upon a code offline and are both
# typing it in), and the "release" message releases it. When every side that
# has claimed the nameplate has also released it, the nameplate is
# deallocated (but they will probably keep the underlying mailbox open).
# Inbound (client to server) commands are marked as "->" below. Unrecognized
# inbound keys will be ignored. Outbound (server to client) responses use
# "<-". There is no guaranteed correlation between requests and responses. In
# this list, "A -> B" means that some time after A is received, at least one
# message of type B will be sent out (probably).
# All responses include a "server_tx" key, which is a float (seconds since
# epoch) with the server clock just before the outbound response was written
# to the socket.
# connection -> welcome
# <- {type: "welcome", welcome: {}} # .welcome keys are all optional:
# current_version: out-of-date clients display a warning
# motd: all clients display message, then continue normally
# error: all clients display mesage, then terminate with error
# -> {type: "bind", appid:, side:}
2016-05-17 05:04:25 +00:00
# -> {type: "list"} -> nameplates
# <- {type: "nameplates", nameplates: [str..]}
# -> {type: "allocate"} -> nameplate, mailbox
# <- {type: "nameplate", nameplate: str}
# -> {type: "claim", nameplate: str} -> mailbox
# <- {type: "mailbox", mailbox: str}
# -> {type: "release"}
2016-05-13 00:48:26 +00:00
2016-05-17 05:04:25 +00:00
# -> {type: "open", mailbox: str} -> message
# sends old messages now, and subscribes to deliver future messages
# <- {type: "message", message: {phase:, body:}} # body is hex
# -> {type: "add", phase: str, body: hex} # will send echo in a "message"
2016-05-17 05:04:25 +00:00
# -> {type: "close", mood: str} -> closed
# <- {type: "closed", status: waiting|deleted}
2016-05-13 00:48:26 +00:00
# <- {type: "error", error: str, orig: {}} # in response to malformed msgs
# for tests that need to know when a message has been processed:
# -> {type: "ping", ping: int} -> pong (does not require bind/claim)
# <- {type: "pong", pong: int}
class Error(Exception):
2016-04-20 06:57:38 +00:00
def __init__(self, explain):
self._explain = explain
class WebSocketRendezvous(websocket.WebSocketServerProtocol):
def __init__(self):
self._app = None
self._side = None
self._did_allocate = False # only one allocate() per websocket
self._channels = {} # channel-id -> Channel (claimed)
def onConnect(self, request):
rv = self.factory.rendezvous
if rv.get_log_requests():
log.msg("ws client connecting: %s" % (request.peer,))
self._reactor = self.factory.reactor
def onOpen(self):
rv = self.factory.rendezvous
self.send("welcome", welcome=rv.get_welcome())
def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary):
server_rx = time.time()
msg = json.loads(payload.decode("utf-8"))
if "type" not in msg:
raise Error("missing 'type'")
2016-05-18 07:16:46 +00:00
self.send("ack", id=msg.get("id"))
mtype = msg["type"]
if mtype == "ping":
return self.handle_ping(msg)
if mtype == "bind":
return self.handle_bind(msg)
if not self._app:
raise Error("Must bind first")
if mtype == "list":
return self.handle_list()
if mtype == "allocate":
2016-05-18 07:16:46 +00:00
return self.handle_allocate(server_rx)
if mtype == "claim":
2016-05-18 07:16:46 +00:00
return self.handle_claim(msg, server_rx)
if mtype == "release":
return self.handle_release(msg, server_rx)
if mtype == "open":
return self.handle_open(msg)
if mtype == "add":
return self.handle_add(msg, server_rx)
2016-05-18 07:16:46 +00:00
if mtype == "close":
return self.handle_close(msg)
raise Error("Unknown type")
except Error as e:
self.send("error", error=e._explain, orig=msg)
def handle_ping(self, msg):
if "ping" not in msg:
raise Error("ping requires 'ping'")
self.send("pong", pong=msg["ping"])
def handle_bind(self, msg):
if self._app or self._side:
raise Error("already bound")
if "appid" not in msg:
raise Error("bind requires 'appid'")
if "side" not in msg:
raise Error("bind requires 'side'")
self._app = self.factory.rendezvous.get_app(msg["appid"])
self._side = msg["side"]
2016-05-18 07:16:46 +00:00
def handle_list(self):
2016-05-18 07:16:46 +00:00
nameplate_ids = sorted(self._app.get_nameplate_ids())
self.send("nameplates", nameplates=nameplate_ids)
2016-05-18 07:16:46 +00:00
def handle_allocate(self, server_rx):
if self._did_allocate:
raise Error("You already allocated one channel, don't be greedy")
2016-05-19 21:18:49 +00:00
nameplate_id = self._app.allocate_nameplate(self._side, server_rx)
2016-05-18 07:16:46 +00:00
assert isinstance(nameplate_id, type(u""))
self._did_allocate = True
2016-05-18 07:16:46 +00:00
self.send("nameplate", nameplate=nameplate_id)
def handle_claim(self, msg, server_rx):
if "nameplate" not in msg:
raise Error("claim requires 'nameplate'")
nameplate_id = msg["nameplate"]
2016-05-19 21:18:49 +00:00
self._nameplate_id = nameplate_id
2016-05-18 07:16:46 +00:00
assert isinstance(nameplate_id, type(u"")), type(nameplate)
2016-05-19 21:18:49 +00:00
mailbox_id = self._app.claim_nameplate(nameplate_id, self._side,
2016-05-18 07:16:46 +00:00
self.send("mailbox", mailbox=mailbox_id)
def handle_release(self, server_rx):
2016-05-19 21:18:49 +00:00
if not self._nameplate_id:
2016-05-18 07:16:46 +00:00
raise Error("must claim a nameplate before releasing it")
2016-05-19 21:18:49 +00:00
deleted = self._app.release_nameplate(self._nameplate_id,
self._side, server_rx)
self._nameplate_id = None
2016-05-18 07:16:46 +00:00
def handle_open(self, msg):
channelid = msg["channelid"]
if channelid not in self._channels:
raise Error("must claim channel before watching")
assert isinstance(channelid, type(u""))
channel = self._channels[channelid]
def _send(event):
self.send("message", channelid=channelid, message=event)
def _stop():
self._reactor.callLater(0, self.transport.loseConnection)
for old_message in channel.add_listener(self, _send, _stop):
def handle_add(self, msg, server_rx):
channelid = msg["channelid"]
if channelid not in self._channels:
raise Error("must claim channel before adding")
assert isinstance(channelid, type(u""))
channel = self._channels[channelid]
if "phase" not in msg:
raise Error("missing 'phase'")
if "body" not in msg:
raise Error("missing 'body'")
msgid = msg.get("id") # optional
channel.add_message(self._side, msg["phase"], msg["body"],
server_rx, msgid)
2016-05-18 07:16:46 +00:00
def handle_close(self, msg):
channelid = msg["channelid"]
if channelid not in self._channels:
raise Error("must claim channel before releasing")
assert isinstance(channelid, type(u""))
channel = self._channels[channelid]
deleted = channel.release(self._side, msg.get("mood"))
del self._channels[channelid]
self.send("released", status="deleted" if deleted else "waiting")
def send(self, mtype, **kwargs):
kwargs["type"] = mtype
kwargs["server_tx"] = time.time()
payload = json.dumps(kwargs).encode("utf-8")
self.sendMessage(payload, False)
def onClose(self, wasClean, code, reason):
class WebSocketRendezvousFactory(websocket.WebSocketServerFactory):
protocol = WebSocketRendezvous
def __init__(self, url, rendezvous):
websocket.WebSocketServerFactory.__init__(self, url)
self.rendezvous = rendezvous
self.reactor = reactor # for tests to control