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2015-06-21 01:36:22 +00:00
from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys, json, re, unicodedata
from six.moves.urllib_parse import urlparse
2015-06-21 01:36:22 +00:00
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, endpoints, error
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread, blockingCallFromThread
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from autobahn.twisted import websocket
2015-06-21 01:36:22 +00:00
from nacl.secret import SecretBox
from nacl.exceptions import CryptoError
from nacl import utils
2015-06-21 01:36:22 +00:00
from spake2 import SPAKE2_Symmetric
2016-04-16 00:48:44 +00:00
from wormhole import __version__
from wormhole import codes
from wormhole.errors import ServerError, Timeout, WrongPasswordError, UsageError
from wormhole.timing import DebugTiming
from hkdf import Hkdf
def HKDF(skm, outlen, salt=None, CTXinfo=b""):
return Hkdf(salt, skm).expand(CTXinfo, outlen)
def make_confmsg(confkey, nonce):
return nonce+HKDF(confkey, CONFMSG_MAC_LENGTH, nonce)
def to_bytes(u):
return unicodedata.normalize("NFC", u).encode("utf-8")
def close_on_error(meth): # method decorator
# Clients report certain errors as "moods", so the server can make a
# rough count failed connections (due to mismatched passwords, attacks,
# or timeouts). We don't report precondition failures, as those are the
# responsibility/fault of the local application code. We count
# non-precondition errors in case they represent server-side problems.
def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
d = defer.maybeDeferred(meth, self, *args, **kwargs)
def _onerror(f):
if f.check(Timeout):
d2 = self.close(u"lonely")
elif f.check(WrongPasswordError):
d2 = self.close(u"scary")
elif f.check(TypeError, UsageError):
# preconditions don't warrant _close_with_error()
d2 = defer.succeed(None)
d2 = self.close(u"errory")
d2.addBoth(lambda _: f)
return d2
return d
return _wrapper
class WSClient(websocket.WebSocketClientProtocol):
def onOpen(self):
self.wormhole_open = True
def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary):
assert not isBinary
def onClose(self, wasClean, code, reason):
if self.wormhole_open:
self.wormhole._ws_closed(wasClean, code, reason)
# we closed before establishing a connection (onConnect) or
# finishing WebSocket negotiation (onOpen): errback
class WSFactory(websocket.WebSocketClientFactory):
protocol = WSClient
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
proto = websocket.WebSocketClientFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr)
proto.wormhole = self.wormhole
proto.wormhole_open = False
return proto
class Wormhole:
motd_displayed = False
version_warning_displayed = False
_send_confirm = True
def __init__(self, appid, relay_url, tor_manager=None, timing=None,
if not isinstance(appid, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(appid))
if not isinstance(relay_url, type(u"")):
raise TypeError(type(relay_url))
2015-10-06 23:52:33 +00:00
if not relay_url.endswith(u"/"): raise UsageError
2015-10-07 00:05:05 +00:00
self._appid = appid
2015-10-06 23:36:16 +00:00
self._relay_url = relay_url
self._ws_url = relay_url.replace("http:", "ws:") + "ws"
2016-01-29 21:40:41 +00:00
self._tor_manager = tor_manager
self._timing = timing or DebugTiming()
self._reactor = reactor
self._side = hexlify(os.urandom(5)).decode("ascii")
self._code = None
self._channelid = None
self._key = None
self._started_get_code = False
self._sent_messages = set() # (phase, body_bytes)
self._delivered_messages = set() # (phase, body_bytes)
self._received_messages = {} # phase -> body_bytes
self._sent_phases = set() # phases, to prohibit double-send
self._got_phases = set() # phases, to prohibit double-read
self._sleepers = []
self._confirmation_failed = False
self._closed = False
self._deallocated_status = None
self._timing_started = self._timing.add_event("wormhole")
self._ws = None
self._ws_channel_claimed = False
self._error = None
def _make_endpoint(self, hostname, port):
if self._tor_manager:
return self._tor_manager.endpointForURI()
return endpoints.HostnameEndpoint(self._reactor, hostname, port) # 30s
def _get_websocket(self):
if not self._ws:
# TODO: if we lose the connection, make a new one
#from twisted.python import log
assert self._side
assert not self._ws_channel_claimed
p = urlparse(self._ws_url)
f = WSFactory(self._ws_url)
f.wormhole = self
f.d = defer.Deferred()
# TODO: if hostname="localhost", I get three factories starting
# and stopping (maybe, ::1, and something else?), and
# an error in the factory is masked.
ep = self._make_endpoint(p.hostname, p.port or 80)
# .connect errbacks if the TCP connection fails
self._ws = yield ep.connect(f)
# f.d is errbacked if WebSocket negotiation fails
yield f.d # WebSocket drops data sent before onOpen() fires
self._ws_send(u"bind", appid=self._appid, side=self._side)
# the socket is connected, and bound, but no channel has been claimed
def _ws_send(self, mtype, **kwargs):
ws = yield self._get_websocket()
kwargs["type"] = mtype
payload = json.dumps(kwargs).encode("utf-8")
ws.sendMessage(payload, False)
def _ws_dispatch_msg(self, payload):
msg = json.loads(payload.decode("utf-8"))
mtype = msg["type"]
meth = getattr(self, "_ws_handle_"+mtype, None)
if not meth:
raise ValueError("Unknown inbound message type %r" % (msg,))
return meth(msg)
def _ws_handle_welcome(self, msg):
welcome = msg["welcome"]
if ("motd" in welcome and
not self.motd_displayed):
motd_lines = welcome["motd"].splitlines()
motd_formatted = "\n ".join(motd_lines)
print("Server (at %s) says:\n %s" %
(self._ws_url, motd_formatted), file=sys.stderr)
self.motd_displayed = True
# Only warn if we're running a release version (e.g. 0.0.6, not
# 0.0.6-DISTANCE-gHASH). Only warn once.
if ("-" not in __version__ and
not self.version_warning_displayed and
welcome["current_version"] != __version__):
print("Warning: errors may occur unless both sides are running the same version", file=sys.stderr)
print("Server claims %s is current, but ours is %s"
% (welcome["current_version"], __version__), file=sys.stderr)
self.version_warning_displayed = True
if "error" in welcome:
return self._signal_error(welcome["error"])
def _sleep(self):
if self._error: # don't sleep if the bed's already on fire
raise self._error
d = defer.Deferred()
yield d
if self._error:
raise self._error
def _wakeup(self):
sleepers = self._sleepers
self._sleepers = []
for d in sleepers:
# NOTE: callers should avoid reentrancy themselves. An
# eventual-send would be safer here, but it makes synchronizing
# unit tests annoying.
def _signal_error(self, error):
assert isinstance(error, Exception)
self._error = error
def _ws_handle_error(self, msg):
err = ServerError("%s: %s" % (msg["error"], msg["orig"]),
return self._signal_error(err)
def _claim_channel_and_watch(self):
assert self._channelid is not None
yield self._get_websocket()
if not self._ws_channel_claimed:
yield self._ws_send(u"claim", channelid=self._channelid)
self._ws_channel_claimed = True
yield self._ws_send(u"watch")
# entry point 1: generate a new code
def get_code(self, code_length=2): # rename to allocate_code()? create_?
if self._code is not None: raise UsageError
if self._started_get_code: raise UsageError
self._started_get_code = True
_sent = self._timing.add_event("allocate")
yield self._ws_send(u"allocate")
while self._channelid is None:
yield self._sleep()
code = codes.make_code(self._channelid, code_length)
assert isinstance(code, type(u"")), type(code)
def _ws_handle_allocated(self, msg):
if self._channelid is not None:
return self._signal_error("got duplicate channelid")
self._channelid = msg["channelid"]
def _start(self):
# allocate the rest now too, so it can be serialized
self._sp = SPAKE2_Symmetric(to_bytes(self._code),
self._msg1 = self._sp.start()
# entry point 2a: interactively type in a code, with completion
def input_code(self, prompt="Enter wormhole code: ", code_length=2):
def _lister():
return blockingCallFromThread(self._reactor, self._list_channels)
# fetch the list of channels ahead of time, to give us a chance to
# discover the welcome message (and warn the user about an obsolete
# client)
# TODO: send the request early, show the prompt right away, hide the
# latency in the user's indecision and slow typing. If we're lucky
# the answer will come back before they hit TAB.
initial_channelids = yield self._list_channels()
_start = self._timing.add_event("input code", waiting="user")
code = yield deferToThread(codes.input_code_with_completion,
initial_channelids, _lister,
returnValue(code) # application will give this to set_code()
def _list_channels(self):
_sent = self._timing.add_event("list")
self._latest_channelids = None
yield self._ws_send(u"list")
while self._latest_channelids is None:
yield self._sleep()
def _ws_handle_channelids(self, msg):
self._latest_channelids = msg["channelids"]
# entry point 2b: paste in a fully-formed code
def set_code(self, code):
if not isinstance(code, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(code))
if self._code is not None: raise UsageError
mo ='^(\d+)-', code)
if not mo:
raise ValueError("code (%s) must start with NN-" % code)
self._channelid = int(
2015-06-21 01:36:22 +00:00
def _set_code(self, code):
if self._code is not None: raise UsageError
self._timing.add_event("code established")
self._code = code
def serialize(self):
# I can only be serialized after get_code/set_code and before
# get_verifier/get_data
if self._code is None: raise UsageError
if self._key is not None: raise UsageError
if self._sent_phases: raise UsageError
if self._got_phases: raise UsageError
data = {
2015-10-07 00:05:05 +00:00
"appid": self._appid,
2015-10-06 23:36:16 +00:00
"relay_url": self._relay_url,
"code": self._code,
"channelid": self._channelid,
"side": self._side,
"spake2": json.loads(self._sp.serialize().decode("ascii")),
"msg1": hexlify(self._msg1).decode("ascii"),
return json.dumps(data)
# entry point 3: resume a previously-serialized session
def from_serialized(klass, data):
d = json.loads(data)
self = klass(d["appid"], d["relay_url"])
self._side = d["side"]
self._channelid = d["channelid"]
sp_data = json.dumps(d["spake2"]).encode("ascii")
self._sp = SPAKE2_Symmetric.from_serialized(sp_data)
self._msg1 = unhexlify(d["msg1"].encode("ascii"))
return self
2015-06-21 01:36:22 +00:00
def get_verifier(self):
if self._closed: raise UsageError
if self._code is None: raise UsageError
yield self._get_master_key()
def _get_master_key(self):
# TODO: prevent multiple invocation
if not self._key:
yield self._claim_channel_and_watch()
yield self._msg_send(u"pake", self._msg1)
pake_msg = yield self._msg_get(u"pake")
self._key = self._sp.finish(pake_msg)
self._verifier = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:verifier")
self._timing.add_event("key established")
if self._send_confirm:
# both sides send different (random) confirmation messages
confkey = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:confirmation")
nonce = os.urandom(CONFMSG_NONCE_LENGTH)
confmsg = make_confmsg(confkey, nonce)
yield self._msg_send(u"_confirm", confmsg)
def _msg_send(self, phase, body, wait=False):
self._sent_messages.add( (phase, body) )
# TODO: retry on failure, with exponential backoff. We're guarding
# against the rendezvous server being temporarily offline.
yield self._ws_send(u"add", phase=phase,
if wait:
while (phase, body) not in self._delivered_messages:
yield self._sleep()
def _ws_handle_message(self, msg):
m = msg["message"]
phase = m["phase"]
body = unhexlify(m["body"].encode("ascii"))
if (phase, body) in self._sent_messages:
self._delivered_messages.add( (phase, body) ) # ack by server
return # ignore echoes of our outbound messages
if phase in self._received_messages:
# a channel collision would cause this
err = ServerError("got duplicate phase %s" % phase, self._ws_url)
return self._signal_error(err)
self._received_messages[phase] = body
if phase == u"_confirm":
confkey = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:confirmation")
if body != make_confmsg(confkey, nonce):
# this makes all API calls fail
return self._signal_error(WrongPasswordError())
# now notify anyone waiting on it
def _msg_get(self, phase):
_start = self._timing.add_event("get(%s)" % phase)
while phase not in self._received_messages:
yield self._sleep() # we can wait a long time here
# that will throw an error if something goes wrong
2015-06-21 01:36:22 +00:00
def derive_key(self, purpose, length=SecretBox.KEY_SIZE):
if not isinstance(purpose, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(purpose))
if self._key is None:
2015-07-24 22:55:42 +00:00
# call after get_verifier() or get_data()
raise UsageError
return HKDF(self._key, length, CTXinfo=to_bytes(purpose))
2015-06-21 01:36:22 +00:00
def _encrypt_data(self, key, data):
assert isinstance(key, type(b"")), type(key)
assert isinstance(data, type(b"")), type(data)
assert len(key) == SecretBox.KEY_SIZE, len(key)
box = SecretBox(key)
nonce = utils.random(SecretBox.NONCE_SIZE)
return box.encrypt(data, nonce)
def _decrypt_data(self, key, encrypted):
assert isinstance(key, type(b"")), type(key)
assert isinstance(encrypted, type(b"")), type(encrypted)
assert len(key) == SecretBox.KEY_SIZE, len(key)
box = SecretBox(key)
data = box.decrypt(encrypted)
return data
def send_data(self, outbound_data, phase=u"data", wait=False):
if not isinstance(outbound_data, type(b"")):
raise TypeError(type(outbound_data))
if not isinstance(phase, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(phase))
if self._closed: raise UsageError
if self._code is None:
raise UsageError("You must set_code() before send_data()")
if phase.startswith(u"_"): raise UsageError # reserved for internals
if phase in self._sent_phases: raise UsageError # only call this once
_sent = self._timing.add_event("API send data", phase=phase, wait=wait)
# Without predefined roles, we can't derive predictably unique keys
# for each side, so we use the same key for both. We use random
# nonces to keep the messages distinct, and we automatically ignore
# reflections.
yield self._get_master_key()
data_key = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:phase:%s" % phase)
outbound_encrypted = self._encrypt_data(data_key, outbound_data)
yield self._msg_send(phase, outbound_encrypted, wait)
def get_data(self, phase=u"data"):
if not isinstance(phase, type(u"")): raise TypeError(type(phase))
if self._closed: raise UsageError
if self._code is None: raise UsageError
if phase.startswith(u"_"): raise UsageError # reserved for internals
if phase in self._got_phases: raise UsageError # only call this once
_sent = self._timing.add_event("API get data", phase=phase)
yield self._get_master_key()
body = yield self._msg_get(phase) # we can wait a long time here
data_key = self.derive_key(u"wormhole:phase:%s" % phase)
inbound_data = self._decrypt_data(data_key, body)
except CryptoError:
raise WrongPasswordError
def _ws_closed(self, wasClean, code, reason):
self._ws = None
# TODO: schedule reconnect, unless we're done
def close(self, res=None, mood=u"happy"):
if not isinstance(mood, (type(None), type(u""))):
raise TypeError(type(mood))
if self._closed:
self._closed = True
if not self._ws:
self._timing.finish_event(self._timing_started, mood=mood)
yield self._deallocate(mood)
# TODO: mark WebSocket as don't-reconnect
self._ws.transport.loseConnection() # probably flushes
del self._ws
def _deallocate(self, mood=None):
_sent = self._timing.add_event("close")
yield self._ws_send(u"deallocate", mood=mood)
while self._deallocated_status is None:
yield self._sleep()
# TODO: set a timeout, don't wait forever for an ack
# TODO: if the connection is lost, let it go
def _ws_handle_deallocated(self, msg):
self._deallocated_status = msg["status"]