
305 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys, six, tempfile, zipfile, hashlib
from tqdm import tqdm
from humanize import naturalsize
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.protocols import basic
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from ..errors import TransferError, WormholeClosedError
from ..wormhole import wormhole
from ..transit import TransitSender
from ..util import dict_to_bytes, bytes_to_dict, bytes_to_hexstr
APPID = u""
def send(args, reactor=reactor):
"""I implement 'wormhole send'. I return a Deferred that fires with None
(for success), or signals one of the following errors:
* WrongPasswordError: the two sides didn't use matching passwords
* Timeout: something didn't happen fast enough for our tastes
* TransferError: the receiver rejected the transfer: verifier mismatch,
permission not granted, ack not successful.
* any other error: something unexpected happened
return Sender(args, reactor).go()
class Sender:
def __init__(self, args, reactor):
self._args = args
self._reactor = reactor
self._tor_manager = None
self._timing = args.timing
self._fd_to_send = None
self._transit_sender = None
def go(self):
assert isinstance(self._args.relay_url, type(u""))
if self._args.tor:
with self._timing.add("import", which="tor_manager"):
from ..tor_manager import TorManager
self._tor_manager = TorManager(reactor, timing=self._timing)
# For now, block everything until Tor has started. Soon: launch
# tor in parallel with everything else, make sure the TorManager
# can lazy-provide an endpoint, and overlap the startup process
# with the user handing off the wormhole code
yield self._tor_manager.start()
w = wormhole(APPID, self._args.relay_url,
self._reactor, self._tor_manager,
d = self._go(w)
d.addBoth(w.close) # must wait for ack from close()
yield d
def _send_data(self, data, w):
data_bytes = dict_to_bytes(data)
def _go(self, w):
# TODO: run the blocking zip-the-directory IO in a thread, let the
# wormhole exchange happen in parallel
offer, self._fd_to_send = self._build_offer()
args = self._args
other_cmd = "wormhole receive"
if args.verify:
other_cmd = "wormhole receive --verify"
if args.zeromode:
assert not args.code
args.code = u"0-"
other_cmd += " -0"
print(u"On the other computer, please run: %s" % other_cmd,
if args.code:
code = args.code
code = yield w.get_code(args.code_length)
if not args.zeromode:
print(u"Wormhole code is: %s" % code, file=args.stdout)
print(u"", file=args.stdout)
yield w.establish_key()
def on_slow_connection():
print(u"Key established, waiting for confirmation...",
notify = self._reactor.callLater(1, on_slow_connection)
# TODO: don't stall on w.verify() unless they want it
verifier_bytes = yield w.verify() # this may raise WrongPasswordError
if not notify.called:
if args.verify:
verifier = bytes_to_hexstr(verifier_bytes)
while True:
ok = six.moves.input("Verifier %s. ok? (yes/no): " % verifier)
if ok.lower() == "yes":
if ok.lower() == "no":
err = "sender rejected verification check, abandoned transfer"
reject_data = dict_to_bytes({"error": err})
raise TransferError(err)
if self._fd_to_send:
ts = TransitSender(args.transit_helper,
2016-06-03 22:17:47 +00:00
no_listen=(not args.listen),
self._transit_sender = ts
# for now, send this before the main offer
sender_abilities = ts.get_connection_abilities()
sender_hints = yield ts.get_connection_hints()
sender_transit = {"abilities-v1": sender_abilities,
"hints-v1": sender_hints,
self._send_data({u"transit": sender_transit}, w)
# TODO: move this down below w.get()
transit_key = w.derive_key(APPID+"/transit-key",
self._send_data({"offer": offer}, w)
want_answer = True
done = False
while True:
them_d_bytes = yield w.get()
except WormholeClosedError:
if done:
raise TransferError("unexpected close")
# TODO: get() fired, so now it's safe to use w.derive_key()
them_d = bytes_to_dict(them_d_bytes)
#print("GOT", them_d)
recognized = False
if u"error" in them_d:
raise TransferError("remote error, transfer abandoned: %s"
% them_d["error"])
if u"transit" in them_d:
recognized = True
yield self._handle_transit(them_d[u"transit"])
if u"answer" in them_d:
recognized = True
if not want_answer:
raise TransferError("duplicate answer")
yield self._handle_answer(them_d[u"answer"])
done = True
if not recognized:
log.msg("unrecognized message %r" % (them_d,))
def _handle_transit(self, receiver_transit):
ts = self._transit_sender
ts.add_connection_hints(receiver_transit.get("hints-v1", []))
def _build_offer(self):
offer = {}
args = self._args
text = args.text
if text == "-":
print(u"Reading text message from stdin..", file=args.stdout)
text =
if not text and not args.what:
text = six.moves.input("Text to send: ")
if text is not None:
print(u"Sending text message (%s)" % naturalsize(len(text)),
offer = { "message": text }
fd_to_send = None
return offer, fd_to_send
what = os.path.join(args.cwd, args.what)
what = what.rstrip(os.sep)
if not os.path.exists(what):
raise TransferError("Cannot send: no file/directory named '%s'" %
basename = os.path.basename(what)
if os.path.isfile(what):
# we're sending a file
filesize = os.stat(what).st_size
offer["file"] = {
"filename": basename,
"filesize": filesize,
print(u"Sending %s file named '%s'"
% (naturalsize(filesize), basename),
fd_to_send = open(what, "rb")
return offer, fd_to_send
if os.path.isdir(what):
print(u"Building zipfile..", file=args.stdout)
# We're sending a directory. Create a zipfile in a tempdir and
# send that.
fd_to_send = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile()
num_files = 0
num_bytes = 0
tostrip = len(what.split(os.sep))
with zipfile.ZipFile(fd_to_send, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf:
for path,dirs,files in os.walk(what):
# path always starts with args.what, then sometimes might
# have "/subdir" appended. We want the zipfile to contain
# "" or "subdir"
localpath = list(path.split(os.sep)[tostrip:])
for fn in files:
archivename = os.path.join(*tuple(localpath+[fn]))
localfilename = os.path.join(path, fn)
zf.write(localfilename, archivename)
num_bytes += os.stat(localfilename).st_size
num_files += 1,2)
filesize = fd_to_send.tell(),0)
offer["directory"] = {
"mode": "zipfile/deflated",
"dirname": basename,
"zipsize": filesize,
"numbytes": num_bytes,
"numfiles": num_files,
print(u"Sending directory (%s compressed) named '%s'"
% (naturalsize(filesize), basename), file=args.stdout)
return offer, fd_to_send
raise TypeError("'%s' is neither file nor directory" % args.what)
def _handle_answer(self, them_answer):
if self._fd_to_send is None:
if them_answer["message_ack"] == "ok":
print(u"text message sent", file=self._args.stdout)
returnValue(None) # terminates this function
raise TransferError("error sending text: %r" % (them_answer,))
if them_answer.get("file_ack") != "ok":
raise TransferError("ambiguous response from remote, "
"transfer abandoned: %s" % (them_answer,))
yield self._send_file()
def _send_file(self):
ts = self._transit_sender,2)
filesize = self._fd_to_send.tell(),0)
record_pipe = yield ts.connect()
self._timing.add("transit connected")
# record_pipe should implement IConsumer, chunks are just records
stdout = self._args.stdout
print(u"Sending (%s).." % record_pipe.describe(), file=stdout)
hasher = hashlib.sha256()
progress = tqdm(file=stdout, disable=self._args.hide_progress,
unit="B", unit_scale=True,
def _count_and_hash(data):
return data
fs = basic.FileSender()
with self._timing.add("tx file"):
with progress:
yield fs.beginFileTransfer(self._fd_to_send, record_pipe,
expected_hash = hasher.digest()
expected_hex = bytes_to_hexstr(expected_hash)
print(u"File sent.. waiting for confirmation", file=stdout)
with self._timing.add("get ack") as t:
ack_bytes = yield record_pipe.receive_record()
ack = bytes_to_dict(ack_bytes)
ok = ack.get(u"ack", u"")
if ok != u"ok":
raise TransferError("Transfer failed (remote says: %r)" % ack)
if u"sha256" in ack:
if ack[u"sha256"] != expected_hex:
raise TransferError("Transfer failed (bad remote hash)")
print(u"Confirmation received. Transfer complete.", file=stdout)