remove unused files
This server won't use a database, just a logfile and statsfile. And it doesn't have a CLI command, just a twist/twistd plugin.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import click
from ..cli.cli import Config, _compose
# can put this back in to get this command as "wormhole server"
# instead
#from ..cli.cli import wormhole
def server(ctx): # this is the setuptools entrypoint for bin/wormhole-server
Control a relay server (most users shouldn't need to worry
about this and can use the default server).
# just leaving this pointing to wormhole.cli.cli.Config for now,
# but if we want to keep wormhole-server as a separate command
# should probably have our own Config without all the options the
# server commands don't use
ctx.obj = Config()
def _validate_websocket_protocol_options(ctx, param, value):
return list(_validate_websocket_protocol_option(option) for option in value)
def _validate_websocket_protocol_option(option):
key, value = option.split("=", 1)
except ValueError:
raise click.BadParameter("format options as OPTION=VALUE")
value = json.loads(value)
raise click.BadParameter("could not parse JSON value for {}".format(key))
return (key, value)
LaunchArgs = _compose(
"--rendezvous", default="tcp:4000", metavar="tcp:PORT",
help="endpoint specification for the rendezvous port",
"--transit", default="tcp:4001", metavar="tcp:PORT",
help="endpoint specification for the transit-relay port",
"--advertise-version", metavar="VERSION",
help="version to recommend to clients",
"--blur-usage", default=None, type=int,
help="round logged access times to improve privacy",
"--no-daemon", "-n", is_flag=True,
help="Run in the foreground",
"--signal-error", is_flag=True,
help="force all clients to fail with a message",
"--allow-list/--disallow-list", default=True,
help="always/never send list of allocated nameplates",
"--relay-database-path", default="relay.sqlite", metavar="PATH",
help="location for the relay server state database",
"--stats-json-path", default="stats.json", metavar="PATH",
help="location to write the relay stats file",
"--websocket-protocol-option", multiple=True, metavar="OPTION=VALUE",
help="a websocket server protocol option to configure",
def start(cfg, **kwargs):
Start a relay server
for name, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(cfg, name, value)
from wormhole.server.cmd_server import start_server
def restart(cfg, **kwargs):
Re-start a relay server
for name, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(cfg, name, value)
from wormhole.server.cmd_server import restart_server
def stop(cfg):
Stop a relay server
from wormhole.server.cmd_server import stop_server
def tail_usage(cfg):
Follow the latest usage
from wormhole.server.cmd_usage import tail_usage
"--json", is_flag=True,
def count_channels(cfg, json):
Count active channels
from wormhole.server.cmd_usage import count_channels
cfg.json = json
"--json", is_flag=True,
def count_events(cfg, json):
Count events
from wormhole.server.cmd_usage import count_events
cfg.json = json
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import os, time
from twisted.python import usage
from twisted.scripts import twistd
class MyPlugin(object):
tapname = "xyznode"
def __init__(self, args):
self.args = args
def makeService(self, so):
# delay this import as late as possible, to allow twistd's code to
# accept --reactor= selection
from .server import RelayServer
return RelayServer(
class MyTwistdConfig(twistd.ServerOptions):
subCommands = [("XYZ", None, usage.Options, "node")]
def start_server(args):
c = MyTwistdConfig()
#twistd_args = tuple(args.twistd_args) + ("XYZ",)
base_args = []
if args.no_daemon:
twistd_args = base_args + ["XYZ"]
c.loadedPlugins = {"XYZ": MyPlugin(args)}
print("starting wormhole relay server")
# this forks and never comes back. The parent calls os._exit(0)
def kill_server():
f = open("", "r")
except EnvironmentError:
print("Unable to find is this really a server directory?")
print("oh well, ignoring 'stop'")
pid = int(
os.kill(pid, 15)
print("server process %d sent SIGTERM" % pid)
def stop_server(args):
def restart_server(args):
timeout = 0
while os.path.exists("") and timeout < 10:
if timeout == 0:
print(" waiting for shutdown..")
timeout += 1
if os.path.exists(""):
print("error: unable to shut down old server")
return 1
print(" old server shut down")
@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import os, time, json
from collections import defaultdict
import click
from humanize import naturalsize
from .database import get_db
def abbrev(t):
if t is None:
return "-"
if t > 1.0:
return "%.3fs" % t
if t > 1e-3:
return "%.1fms" % (t*1e3)
return "%.1fus" % (t*1e6)
def print_event(event):
event_type, started, result, total_bytes, waiting_time, total_time = event
followthrough = None
if waiting_time and total_time:
followthrough = total_time - waiting_time
print("%17s: total=%7s wait=%7s ft=%7s size=%s (%s)" %
("%s-%s" % (event_type, result),
def show_usage(args):
print("closed for renovation")
return 0
if not os.path.exists("relay.sqlite"):
raise click.UsageError(
"cannot find relay.sqlite, please run from the server directory"
oldest = None
newest = None
rendezvous_counters = defaultdict(int)
transit_counters = defaultdict(int)
total_transit_bytes = 0
db = get_db("relay.sqlite")
c = db.execute("SELECT * FROM `usage`"
" ORDER BY `started` ASC LIMIT ?",
for row in c.fetchall():
if row["type"] == "rendezvous":
counters = rendezvous_counters
elif row["type"] == "transit":
counters = transit_counters
total_transit_bytes += row["total_bytes"]
counters["total"] += 1
counters[row["result"]] += 1
if oldest is None or row["started"] < oldest:
oldest = row["started"]
if newest is None or row["started"] > newest:
newest = row["started"]
event = (row["type"], row["started"], row["result"],
row["total_bytes"], row["waiting_time"], row["total_time"])
if rendezvous_counters["total"] or transit_counters["total"]:
print("(most recent started %s ago)" % abbrev(time.time() - newest))
if rendezvous_counters["total"]:
print("rendezvous events:")
counters = rendezvous_counters
elapsed = time.time() - oldest
total = counters["total"]
print(" %d events in %s (%.2f per hour)" % (total, abbrev(elapsed),
(3600 * total / elapsed)))
print("", ", ".join(["%s=%d (%d%%)" %
(k, counters[k], (100.0 * counters[k] / total))
for k in sorted(counters)
if k != "total"]))
if transit_counters["total"]:
print("transit events:")
counters = transit_counters
elapsed = time.time() - oldest
total = counters["total"]
print(" %d events in %s (%.2f per hour)" % (total, abbrev(elapsed),
(3600 * total / elapsed)))
rate = total_transit_bytes / elapsed
print(" %s total bytes, %sps" % (naturalsize(total_transit_bytes),
print("", ", ".join(["%s=%d (%d%%)" %
(k, counters[k], (100.0 * counters[k] / total))
for k in sorted(counters)
if k != "total"]))
return 0
def tail_usage(args):
if not os.path.exists("relay.sqlite"):
raise click.UsageError(
"cannot find relay.sqlite, please run from the server directory"
db = get_db("relay.sqlite")
# we don't seem to have unique row IDs, so this is an inaccurate and
# inefficient hack
seen = set()
while True:
old = time.time() - 2*60*60
c = db.execute("SELECT * FROM `usage`"
" WHERE `started` > ?"
" ORDER BY `started` ASC", (old,))
for row in c.fetchall():
event = (row["type"], row["started"], row["result"],
row["total_bytes"], row["waiting_time"],
if event not in seen:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return 0
return 0
def count_channels(args):
if not os.path.exists("relay.sqlite"):
raise click.UsageError(
"cannot find relay.sqlite, please run from the server directory"
db = get_db("relay.sqlite")
c_list = []
c_dict = {}
def add(key, value):
c_list.append((key, value))
c_dict[key] = value
OLD = time.time() - 10*60
def q(query, values=()):
return list(db.execute(query, values).fetchone().values())[0]
add("apps", q("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`app_id`)) FROM `nameplates`"))
add("total nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplates`"))
add("waiting nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplates`"
" WHERE `second` is null"))
add("connected nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplates`"
" WHERE `second` is not null"))
add("stale nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplates`"
" where `updated` < ?", (OLD,)))
add("total mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailboxes`"))
add("waiting mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailboxes`"
" WHERE `second` is null"))
add("connected mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailboxes`"
" WHERE `second` is not null"))
stale_mailboxes = 0
for mbox_row in db.execute("SELECT * FROM `mailboxes`").fetchall():
newest = db.execute("SELECT `server_rx` FROM `messages`"
" WHERE `app_id`=? AND `mailbox_id`=?"
" ORDER BY `server_rx` DESC LIMIT 1",
(mbox_row["app_id"], mbox_row["id"])).fetchone()
if newest and newest[0] < OLD:
stale_mailboxes += 1
add("stale mailboxes", stale_mailboxes)
add("messages", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `messages`"))
if args.json:
for (key, value) in c_list:
print(key, value)
return 0
def count_events(args):
if not os.path.exists("relay.sqlite"):
raise click.UsageError(
"cannot find relay.sqlite, please run from the server directory"
db = get_db("relay.sqlite")
c_list = []
c_dict = {}
def add(key, value):
c_list.append((key, value))
c_dict[key] = value
def q(query, values=()):
return list(db.execute(query, values).fetchone().values())[0]
add("apps", q("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(`app_id`)) FROM `nameplate_usage`"))
add("total nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplate_usage`"))
add("happy nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplate_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='happy'"))
add("lonely nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplate_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='lonely'"))
add("pruney nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplate_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='pruney'"))
add("crowded nameplates", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `nameplate_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='crowded'"))
add("total mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailbox_usage`"))
add("happy mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailbox_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='happy'"))
add("scary mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailbox_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='scary'"))
add("lonely mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailbox_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='lonely'"))
add("errory mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailbox_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='errory'"))
add("pruney mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailbox_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='pruney'"))
add("crowded mailboxes", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `mailbox_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='crowded'"))
add("total transit", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `transit_usage`"))
add("happy transit", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `transit_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='happy'"))
add("lonely transit", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `transit_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='lonely'"))
add("errory transit", q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `transit_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='errory'"))
add("transit bytes", q("SELECT SUM(`total_bytes`) FROM `transit_usage`"))
if args.json:
for (key, value) in c_list:
print(key, value)
return 0
@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import sqlite3
import tempfile
from pkg_resources import resource_string
from twisted.python import log
class DBError(Exception):
def get_schema(version):
schema_bytes = resource_string("wormhole.server",
"db-schemas/v%d.sql" % version)
return schema_bytes.decode("utf-8")
def get_upgrader(new_version):
schema_bytes = resource_string("wormhole.server",
"db-schemas/upgrade-to-v%d.sql" % new_version)
return schema_bytes.decode("utf-8")
def dict_factory(cursor, row):
d = {}
for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description):
d[col[0]] = row[idx]
return d
def _initialize_db_schema(db, target_version):
"""Creates the application schema in the given database.
log.msg("populating new database with schema v%s" % target_version)
schema = get_schema(target_version)
db.execute("INSERT INTO version (version) VALUES (?)",
def _initialize_db_connection(db):
"""Sets up the db connection object with a row factory and with necessary
foreign key settings.
db.row_factory = dict_factory
db.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")
problems = db.execute("PRAGMA foreign_key_check").fetchall()
if problems:
raise DBError("failed foreign key check: %s" % (problems,))
def _open_db_connection(dbfile):
"""Open a new connection to the SQLite3 database at the given path.
db = sqlite3.connect(dbfile)
except (EnvironmentError, sqlite3.OperationalError) as e:
raise DBError("Unable to create/open db file %s: %s" % (dbfile, e))
return db
def _get_temporary_dbfile(dbfile):
"""Get a temporary filename near the given path.
fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(
prefix=os.path.basename(dbfile) + ".",
return name
def _atomic_create_and_initialize_db(dbfile, target_version):
"""Create and return a new database, initialized with the application
If anything goes wrong, nothing is left at the ``dbfile`` path.
temp_dbfile = _get_temporary_dbfile(dbfile)
db = _open_db_connection(temp_dbfile)
_initialize_db_schema(db, target_version)
os.rename(temp_dbfile, dbfile)
return _open_db_connection(dbfile)
def get_db(dbfile, target_version=TARGET_VERSION):
"""Open or create the given db file. The parent directory must exist.
Returns the db connection object, or raises DBError.
if dbfile == ":memory:":
db = _open_db_connection(dbfile)
_initialize_db_schema(db, target_version)
elif os.path.exists(dbfile):
db = _open_db_connection(dbfile)
db = _atomic_create_and_initialize_db(dbfile, target_version)
version = db.execute("SELECT version FROM version").fetchone()["version"]
except sqlite3.DatabaseError as e:
# this indicates that the file is not a compatible database format.
# Perhaps it was created with an old version, or it might be junk.
raise DBError("db file is unusable: %s" % e)
while version < target_version:
log.msg(" need to upgrade from %s to %s" % (version, target_version))
upgrader = get_upgrader(version+1)
except ValueError: # ResourceError??
log.msg(" unable to upgrade %s to %s" % (version, version+1))
raise DBError("Unable to upgrade %s to version %s, left at %s"
% (dbfile, version+1, version))
log.msg(" executing upgrader v%s->v%s" % (version, version+1))
version = version+1
if version != target_version:
raise DBError("Unable to handle db version %s" % version)
return db
def dump_db(db):
# to let _iterdump work, we need to restore the original row factory
orig = db.row_factory
db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
return "".join(db.iterdump())
db.row_factory = orig
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
DROP TABLE `nameplates`;
DROP TABLE `messages`;
DROP TABLE `mailboxes`;
-- Wormhole codes use a "nameplate": a short name which is only used to
-- reference a specific (long-named) mailbox. The codes only use numeric
-- nameplates, but the protocol and server allow can use arbitrary strings.
CREATE TABLE `nameplates`
`app_id` VARCHAR,
`name` VARCHAR,
`mailbox_id` VARCHAR REFERENCES `mailboxes`(`id`),
`request_id` VARCHAR -- from 'allocate' message, for future deduplication
CREATE INDEX `nameplates_idx` ON `nameplates` (`app_id`, `name`);
CREATE INDEX `nameplates_mailbox_idx` ON `nameplates` (`app_id`, `mailbox_id`);
CREATE INDEX `nameplates_request_idx` ON `nameplates` (`app_id`, `request_id`);
CREATE TABLE `nameplate_sides`
`nameplates_id` REFERENCES `nameplates`(`id`),
`claimed` BOOLEAN, -- True after claim(), False after release()
`side` VARCHAR,
`added` INTEGER -- time when this side first claimed the nameplate
-- Clients exchange messages through a "mailbox", which has a long (randomly
-- unique) identifier and a queue of messages.
-- `id` is randomly-generated and unique across all apps.
CREATE TABLE `mailboxes`
`app_id` VARCHAR,
`updated` INTEGER, -- time of last activity, used for pruning
`for_nameplate` BOOLEAN -- allocated for a nameplate, not standalone
CREATE INDEX `mailboxes_idx` ON `mailboxes` (`app_id`, `id`);
CREATE TABLE `mailbox_sides`
`mailbox_id` REFERENCES `mailboxes`(`id`),
`opened` BOOLEAN, -- True after open(), False after close()
`side` VARCHAR,
`added` INTEGER, -- time when this side first opened the mailbox
`mood` VARCHAR
CREATE TABLE `messages`
`app_id` VARCHAR,
`mailbox_id` VARCHAR,
`side` VARCHAR,
`phase` VARCHAR, -- numeric or string
`body` VARCHAR,
`server_rx` INTEGER,
`msg_id` VARCHAR
CREATE INDEX `messages_idx` ON `messages` (`app_id`, `mailbox_id`);
ALTER TABLE `mailbox_usage` ADD COLUMN `for_nameplate` BOOLEAN;
CREATE INDEX `mailbox_usage_result_idx` ON `mailbox_usage` (`result`);
CREATE INDEX `transit_usage_result_idx` ON `transit_usage` (`result`);
DELETE FROM `version`;
INSERT INTO `version` (`version`) VALUES (3);
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-- note: anything which isn't an boolean, integer, or human-readable unicode
-- string, (i.e. binary strings) will be stored as hex
CREATE TABLE `version`
`version` INTEGER -- contains one row, set to 2
-- Wormhole codes use a "nameplate": a short identifier which is only used to
-- reference a specific (long-named) mailbox. The codes only use numeric
-- nameplates, but the protocol and server allow can use arbitrary strings.
CREATE TABLE `nameplates`
`app_id` VARCHAR,
`mailbox_id` VARCHAR, -- really a foreign key
`side1` VARCHAR, -- side name, or NULL
`side2` VARCHAR, -- side name, or NULL
`request_id` VARCHAR, -- from 'allocate' message, for future deduplication
`crowded` BOOLEAN, -- at some point, three or more sides were involved
`updated` INTEGER, -- time of last activity, used for pruning
-- timing data
`started` INTEGER, -- time when nameplace was opened
`second` INTEGER -- time when second side opened
CREATE INDEX `nameplates_idx` ON `nameplates` (`app_id`, `id`);
CREATE INDEX `nameplates_updated_idx` ON `nameplates` (`app_id`, `updated`);
CREATE INDEX `nameplates_mailbox_idx` ON `nameplates` (`app_id`, `mailbox_id`);
CREATE INDEX `nameplates_request_idx` ON `nameplates` (`app_id`, `request_id`);
-- Clients exchange messages through a "mailbox", which has a long (randomly
-- unique) identifier and a queue of messages.
CREATE TABLE `mailboxes`
`app_id` VARCHAR,
`side1` VARCHAR, -- side name, or NULL
`side2` VARCHAR, -- side name, or NULL
`crowded` BOOLEAN, -- at some point, three or more sides were involved
`first_mood` VARCHAR,
-- timing data for the mailbox itself
`started` INTEGER, -- time when opened
`second` INTEGER -- time when second side opened
CREATE INDEX `mailboxes_idx` ON `mailboxes` (`app_id`, `id`);
CREATE TABLE `messages`
`app_id` VARCHAR,
`mailbox_id` VARCHAR,
`side` VARCHAR,
`phase` VARCHAR, -- numeric or string
`body` VARCHAR,
`server_rx` INTEGER,
`msg_id` VARCHAR
CREATE INDEX `messages_idx` ON `messages` (`app_id`, `mailbox_id`);
CREATE TABLE `nameplate_usage`
`app_id` VARCHAR,
`started` INTEGER, -- seconds since epoch, rounded to "blur time"
`waiting_time` INTEGER, -- seconds from start to 2nd side appearing, or None
`total_time` INTEGER, -- seconds from open to last close/prune
`result` VARCHAR -- happy, lonely, pruney, crowded
-- nameplate moods:
-- "happy": two sides open and close
-- "lonely": one side opens and closes (no response from 2nd side)
-- "pruney": channels which get pruned for inactivity
-- "crowded": three or more sides were involved
CREATE INDEX `nameplate_usage_idx` ON `nameplate_usage` (`app_id`, `started`);
CREATE TABLE `mailbox_usage`
`app_id` VARCHAR,
`started` INTEGER, -- seconds since epoch, rounded to "blur time"
`total_time` INTEGER, -- seconds from open to last close
`waiting_time` INTEGER, -- seconds from start to 2nd side appearing, or None
`result` VARCHAR -- happy, scary, lonely, errory, pruney
-- rendezvous moods:
-- "happy": both sides close with mood=happy
-- "scary": any side closes with mood=scary (bad MAC, probably wrong pw)
-- "lonely": any side closes with mood=lonely (no response from 2nd side)
-- "errory": any side closes with mood=errory (other errors)
-- "pruney": channels which get pruned for inactivity
-- "crowded": three or more sides were involved
CREATE INDEX `mailbox_usage_idx` ON `mailbox_usage` (`app_id`, `started`);
CREATE TABLE `transit_usage`
`started` INTEGER, -- seconds since epoch, rounded to "blur time"
`total_time` INTEGER, -- seconds from open to last close
`waiting_time` INTEGER, -- seconds from start to 2nd side appearing, or None
`total_bytes` INTEGER, -- total bytes relayed (both directions)
`result` VARCHAR -- happy, scary, lonely, errory, pruney
-- transit moods:
-- "errory": one side gave the wrong handshake
-- "lonely": good handshake, but the other side never showed up
-- "happy": both sides gave correct handshake
CREATE INDEX `transit_usage_idx` ON `transit_usage` (`started`);
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-- note: anything which isn't an boolean, integer, or human-readable unicode
-- string, (i.e. binary strings) will be stored as hex
CREATE TABLE `version`
`version` INTEGER -- contains one row, set to 3
-- Wormhole codes use a "nameplate": a short name which is only used to
-- reference a specific (long-named) mailbox. The codes only use numeric
-- nameplates, but the protocol and server allow can use arbitrary strings.
CREATE TABLE `nameplates`
`app_id` VARCHAR,
`name` VARCHAR,
`mailbox_id` VARCHAR REFERENCES `mailboxes`(`id`),
`request_id` VARCHAR -- from 'allocate' message, for future deduplication
CREATE INDEX `nameplates_idx` ON `nameplates` (`app_id`, `name`);
CREATE INDEX `nameplates_mailbox_idx` ON `nameplates` (`app_id`, `mailbox_id`);
CREATE INDEX `nameplates_request_idx` ON `nameplates` (`app_id`, `request_id`);
CREATE TABLE `nameplate_sides`
`nameplates_id` REFERENCES `nameplates`(`id`),
`claimed` BOOLEAN, -- True after claim(), False after release()
`side` VARCHAR,
`added` INTEGER -- time when this side first claimed the nameplate
-- Clients exchange messages through a "mailbox", which has a long (randomly
-- unique) identifier and a queue of messages.
-- `id` is randomly-generated and unique across all apps.
CREATE TABLE `mailboxes`
`app_id` VARCHAR,
`updated` INTEGER, -- time of last activity, used for pruning
`for_nameplate` BOOLEAN -- allocated for a nameplate, not standalone
CREATE INDEX `mailboxes_idx` ON `mailboxes` (`app_id`, `id`);
CREATE TABLE `mailbox_sides`
`mailbox_id` REFERENCES `mailboxes`(`id`),
`opened` BOOLEAN, -- True after open(), False after close()
`side` VARCHAR,
`added` INTEGER, -- time when this side first opened the mailbox
`mood` VARCHAR
CREATE TABLE `messages`
`app_id` VARCHAR,
`mailbox_id` VARCHAR,
`side` VARCHAR,
`phase` VARCHAR, -- numeric or string
`body` VARCHAR,
`server_rx` INTEGER,
`msg_id` VARCHAR
CREATE INDEX `messages_idx` ON `messages` (`app_id`, `mailbox_id`);
CREATE TABLE `nameplate_usage`
`app_id` VARCHAR,
`started` INTEGER, -- seconds since epoch, rounded to "blur time"
`waiting_time` INTEGER, -- seconds from start to 2nd side appearing, or None
`total_time` INTEGER, -- seconds from open to last close/prune
`result` VARCHAR -- happy, lonely, pruney, crowded
-- nameplate moods:
-- "happy": two sides open and close
-- "lonely": one side opens and closes (no response from 2nd side)
-- "pruney": channels which get pruned for inactivity
-- "crowded": three or more sides were involved
CREATE INDEX `nameplate_usage_idx` ON `nameplate_usage` (`app_id`, `started`);
CREATE TABLE `mailbox_usage`
`app_id` VARCHAR,
`for_nameplate` BOOLEAN, -- allocated for a nameplate, not standalone
`started` INTEGER, -- seconds since epoch, rounded to "blur time"
`total_time` INTEGER, -- seconds from open to last close
`waiting_time` INTEGER, -- seconds from start to 2nd side appearing, or None
`result` VARCHAR -- happy, scary, lonely, errory, pruney
-- rendezvous moods:
-- "happy": both sides close with mood=happy
-- "scary": any side closes with mood=scary (bad MAC, probably wrong pw)
-- "lonely": any side closes with mood=lonely (no response from 2nd side)
-- "errory": any side closes with mood=errory (other errors)
-- "pruney": channels which get pruned for inactivity
-- "crowded": three or more sides were involved
CREATE INDEX `mailbox_usage_idx` ON `mailbox_usage` (`app_id`, `started`);
CREATE INDEX `mailbox_usage_result_idx` ON `mailbox_usage` (`result`);
CREATE TABLE `transit_usage`
`started` INTEGER, -- seconds since epoch, rounded to "blur time"
`total_time` INTEGER, -- seconds from open to last close
`waiting_time` INTEGER, -- seconds from start to 2nd side appearing, or None
`total_bytes` INTEGER, -- total bytes relayed (both directions)
`result` VARCHAR -- happy, scary, lonely, errory, pruney
-- transit moods:
-- "errory": one side gave the wrong handshake
-- "lonely": good handshake, but the other side never showed up
-- "happy": both sides gave correct handshake
CREATE INDEX `transit_usage_idx` ON `transit_usage` (`started`);
CREATE INDEX `transit_usage_result_idx` ON `transit_usage` (`result`);
@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
# NO unicode_literals or static.Data() will break, because it demands
# a str on Python 2
from __future__ import print_function
import os, time, json
# 'resource' is unix-only
from resource import getrlimit, setrlimit, RLIMIT_NOFILE
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
getrlimit, setrlimit, RLIMIT_NOFILE = None, None, None # pragma: nocover
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.internet import reactor, endpoints
from twisted.application import service, internet
from twisted.web import server, static
from twisted.web.resource import Resource
from autobahn.twisted.resource import WebSocketResource
from .database import get_db
from .rendezvous import Rendezvous
from .rendezvous_websocket import WebSocketRendezvousFactory
from .transit_server import Transit
class Root(Resource):
# child_FOO is a nevow thing, not a twisted.web.resource thing
def __init__(self):
self.putChild(b"", static.Data(b"Wormhole Relay\n", "text/plain"))
class PrivacyEnhancedSite(server.Site):
logRequests = True
def log(self, request):
if self.logRequests:
return server.Site.log(self, request)
class RelayServer(service.MultiService):
def __init__(self, rendezvous_web_port, transit_port,
advertise_version, db_url=":memory:", blur_usage=None,
signal_error=None, stats_file=None, allow_list=True,
self._blur_usage = blur_usage
self._allow_list = allow_list
self._db_url = db_url
db = get_db(db_url)
welcome = {
# adding .motd will cause all clients to display the message,
# then keep running normally
#"motd": "Welcome to the public relay.\nPlease enjoy this service.",
# adding .error will cause all clients to fail, with this message
#"error": "This server has been disabled, see URL for details.",
if advertise_version:
# The primary (python CLI) implementation will emit a message if
# its version does not match this key. If/when we have
# distributions which include older version, but we still expect
# them to be compatible, stop sending this key.
welcome["current_cli_version"] = advertise_version
if signal_error:
welcome["error"] = signal_error
self._rendezvous = Rendezvous(db, welcome, blur_usage, self._allow_list)
self._rendezvous.setServiceParent(self) # for the pruning timer
root = Root()
wsrf = WebSocketRendezvousFactory(None, self._rendezvous)
_set_options(websocket_protocol_options, wsrf)
root.putChild(b"v1", WebSocketResource(wsrf))
site = PrivacyEnhancedSite(root)
if blur_usage:
site.logRequests = False
r = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, rendezvous_web_port)
rendezvous_web_service = internet.StreamServerEndpointService(r, site)
if transit_port:
transit = Transit(db, blur_usage)
transit.setServiceParent(self) # for the timer
t = endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, transit_port)
transit_service = internet.StreamServerEndpointService(t, transit)
self._stats_file = stats_file
if self._stats_file and os.path.exists(self._stats_file):
# this will be regenerated immediately, but if something goes
# wrong in dump_stats(), it's better to have a missing file than
# a stale one
t = internet.TimerService(EXPIRATION_CHECK_PERIOD, self.timer)
# make some things accessible for tests
self._db = db
self._root = root
self._rendezvous_web_service = rendezvous_web_service
self._rendezvous_websocket = wsrf
self._transit = None
if transit_port:
self._transit = transit
self._transit_service = transit_service
def increase_rlimits(self):
if getrlimit is None:
log.msg("unable to import 'resource', leaving rlimit alone")
soft, hard = getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE)
if soft >= 10000:
log.msg("RLIMIT_NOFILE.soft was %d, leaving it alone" % soft)
# OS-X defaults to soft=7168, and reports a huge number for 'hard',
# but won't accept anything more than soft=10240, so we can't just
# set soft=hard. Linux returns (1024, 1048576) and is fine with
# soft=hard. Cygwin is reported to return (256,-1) and accepts up to
# soft=3200. So we try multiple values until something works.
for newlimit in [hard, 10000, 3200, 1024]:
log.msg("changing RLIMIT_NOFILE from (%s,%s) to (%s,%s)" %
(soft, hard, newlimit, hard))
setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, (newlimit, hard))
log.msg("setrlimit successful")
except ValueError as e:
log.msg("error during setrlimit: %s" % e)
log.msg("other error during setrlimit, leaving it alone")
log.msg("unable to change rlimit, leaving it alone")
def startService(self):
log.msg("websocket listening on /wormhole-relay/ws")
log.msg("Wormhole relay server (Rendezvous and Transit) running")
if self._blur_usage:
log.msg("blurring access times to %d seconds" % self._blur_usage)
log.msg("not logging HTTP requests or Transit connections")
log.msg("not blurring access times")
if not self._allow_list:
log.msg("listing of allocated nameplates disallowed")
def timer(self):
now = time.time()
self._rendezvous.prune_all_apps(now, old)
self.dump_stats(now, validity=EXPIRATION_CHECK_PERIOD+60)
def dump_stats(self, now, validity):
if not self._stats_file:
tmpfn = self._stats_file + ".tmp"
data = {}
data["created"] = now
data["valid_until"] = now + validity
start = time.time()
data["rendezvous"] = self._rendezvous.get_stats()
data["transit"] = self._transit.get_stats()
log.msg("get_stats took:", time.time() - start)
with open(tmpfn, "wb") as f:
# json.dump(f) has str-vs-unicode issues on py2-vs-py3
f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=1).encode("utf-8"))
os.rename(tmpfn, self._stats_file)
def _set_options(options, factory):
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import os
from twisted.python import filepath
from twisted.trial import unittest
from ..server import database
from ..server.database import get_db, TARGET_VERSION, dump_db
class DB(unittest.TestCase):
def test_create_default(self):
db_url = ":memory:"
db = get_db(db_url)
rows = db.execute("SELECT * FROM version").fetchall()
self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1)
self.assertEqual(rows[0]["version"], TARGET_VERSION)
def test_failed_create_allows_subsequent_create(self):
patch = self.patch(database, "get_schema", lambda version: b"this is a broken schema")
dbfile = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: get_db(dbfile.path))
def test_upgrade(self):
basedir = self.mktemp()
fn = os.path.join(basedir, "upgrade.db")
self.assertNotEqual(TARGET_VERSION, 2)
# create an old-version DB in a file
db = get_db(fn, 2)
rows = db.execute("SELECT * FROM version").fetchall()
self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1)
self.assertEqual(rows[0]["version"], 2)
del db
# then upgrade the file to the latest version
dbA = get_db(fn, TARGET_VERSION)
rows = dbA.execute("SELECT * FROM version").fetchall()
self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1)
self.assertEqual(rows[0]["version"], TARGET_VERSION)
dbA_text = dump_db(dbA)
del dbA
# make sure the upgrades got committed to disk
dbB = get_db(fn, TARGET_VERSION)
dbB_text = dump_db(dbB)
del dbB
self.assertEqual(dbA_text, dbB_text)
# The upgraded schema should be equivalent to that of a new DB.
# However a text dump will differ because ALTER TABLE always appends
# the new column to the end of a table, whereas our schema puts it
# somewhere in the middle (wherever it fits naturally). Also ALTER
# TABLE doesn't include comments.
if False:
latest_db = get_db(":memory:", TARGET_VERSION)
latest_text = dump_db(latest_db)
with open("up.sql","w") as f: f.write(dbA_text)
with open("new.sql","w") as f: f.write(latest_text)
# check with "diff -u _trial_temp/up.sql _trial_temp/new.sql"
self.assertEqual(dbA_text, latest_text)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user