rewrite stats

This commit is contained in:
Brian Warner 2017-09-13 17:24:37 -07:00
parent ea9e24913c
commit 26efac7da9

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import re, time, collections
import os, re, time, json
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.internet import protocol
from twisted.application import service
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ class Transit(protocol.ServerFactory):
self._stats_file = stats_file
self._pending_requests = {} # token -> set((side, TransitConnection))
self._active_connections = set() # TransitConnection
self._counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
self._counts = {"lonely": 0, "happy": 0, "errory": 0}
self._count_bytes = 0
def connection_got_token(self, token, new_side, new_tc):
@ -265,21 +265,25 @@ class Transit(protocol.ServerFactory):
def recordUsage(self, started, result, total_bytes,
total_time, waiting_time):
self._counts[result] += 1
self._count_bytes += total_bytes
if self._log_requests:
log.msg(format="Transit.recordUsage {bytes}B", bytes=total_bytes)
if self._blur_usage:
started = self._blur_usage * (started // self._blur_usage)
total_bytes = blur_size(total_bytes)
if self._usage_logfile
self._db.execute("INSERT INTO `transit_usage`"
" (`started`, `total_time`, `waiting_time`,"
" `total_bytes`, `result`)"
" VALUES (?,?,?, ?,?)",
(started, total_time, waiting_time,
total_bytes, result))
self._counts[result] += 1
self._count_bytes += total_bytes
if self._usage_logfile:
data = {"started": started,
"total_time": total_time,
"waiting_time": waiting_time,
"total_bytes": total_bytes,
"mood": result,
if self._stats_file:
self._update_stats(total_bytes, result)
def transitFinished(self, tc, token, side, description):
if token in self._pending_requests:
@ -297,16 +301,17 @@ class Transit(protocol.ServerFactory):
log.msg("transitFailed %r" % p)
def get_stats(self):
def _update_stats(self, total_bytes, mood):
with open(self._stats_file, "rb") as f:
stats = json.load(f)
except (EnvironmentError, ValueError):
stats = {}
def q(query, values=()):
row = self._db.execute(query, values).fetchone()
return list(row.values())[0]
# current status: expected to be zero most of the time
c = stats["active"] = {}
c["connected"] = len(self._active_connections) / 2
c["waiting"] = len(self._pending_requests)
stats["active"] = {"connected": len(self._active_connections) / 2,
"waiting": len(self._pending_requests),
# usage since last reboot
rb = stats["since_reboot"] = {}
@ -317,15 +322,20 @@ class Transit(protocol.ServerFactory):
rbm[result] = count
# historical usage (all-time)
u = stats["all_time"] = {}
u["total"] = q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `transit_usage`")
u["bytes"] = q("SELECT SUM(`total_bytes`) FROM `transit_usage`") or 0
um = u["moods"] = {}
um["happy"] = q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `transit_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='happy'")
um["lonely"] = q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `transit_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='lonely'")
um["errory"] = q("SELECT COUNT() FROM `transit_usage`"
" WHERE `result`='errory'")
return stats
if "all_time" not in stats:
stats["all_time"] = {}
u = stats["all_time"]
u["total"] = u.get("total", 0) + 1
u["bytes"] = u.get("bytes", 0) + total_bytes
if "moods" not in u:
u["moods"] = {}
um = u["moods"]
for m in "happy", "lonely", "errory":
if m not in um:
um[m] = 0
um[mood] += 1
tmpfile = self._stats_file + ".tmp"
with open(tmpfile, "wb") as f:
os.rename(tmpfile, self._stats_file)